4S Spring Fashion Supplement 1961 sat Photographs by David Giltrow THE ALL-AMERICAN LOOK this year has only one common denominator. Clothes are casual. Perhaps this is part of the new trend in modern living which is reflected by a new emphasis on lightness, color and comfort combined with a return to "old-fashioned" gracious living. The look is equally observable in men and women of all ages. The bareheaded, tousle-haired appearance of President Kennedy is not at all at odds with the air of intelligence and dignity he projects, nor does the sleeveless, short-skirted dresses his wife Jacqueline has made famous detract from the aura of quiet grace and femininity which surrounds her. Needless to say the look has caught on, on campus too. The dark white tennis shoes and yellowy wooly socks, which are as institutional an aspect of the student uniform as the dog-eared text-book, have achieved a new sanction. 4- IW V - I A i e I -1e . LaiI 1 :r: