THE ICi IGAN DAILY Ynnedndorses reatens Action( Revolt, n Cuba 1 WrsReds 0: ns Act In Response To Invasion By The Associated Press Repercussions of the invasion of Cuba spread around the world. Soviet Delegate Valerian Zorin read Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's message of support for Cuba and the government statement to the United Nations General Assembly's Political Com- mittee in New York. Anti-American demonstrations were staged in most Communist capitals. Asian and African stu- dents battled Soviet policemen who held them back'from storm- ing the locked gates of the Unit- ed States Embassy in Moscow. Red China and the Soviet Un- ion's satellites in Eastern Europe issued statements of support for Cuban Premier Fidel Castro. Most governments in Latin. America reacted cautiously to the situation. The Mexican govern- ment declared itself neutral in the conflict. Rioting in Bogota prompted the Colombian government to alert the army for a time. Troops were stationed at the airport, on key roads and in front of shops and public buildings Monday night. The United States Mexican- American Cultural Center direetor at Morelia in Mexico fled for his, life when a mob wrecked the cen- ter. Pickets paraded in front of the United States Embassy in Lon- don, and police drove' a crdwd of about 300 pro-Castro demonstra- tors from the United States Em- bassy in.,Paris. President Gamal Abdul Nasser's United Arab Republic issued a' statement' calling for all nations not to intervene in Cuba's inernal affairs. Later, the .Cuban .ambassador in Cairo reported that{ many UAP. citizens and f nationals "of' other 'African countries" had volunteered. to fight for Cuba. He gave no figures and did not say whether they were being accepted. Some members of the non-Com- munist Left in Europe were arous- ed. Labor members of the British Parliament accused the United States of intervening in Cuba in violation of the UN charter. The Leftwing Unified Socialist party in France, which includes former Premier Pierre Mendes- France, denounced what it called ! open aggression. -AP Wirephoto MOSCOW DEMONSTRATION--Police push back demonstrators who protested in front of the United States embassy in Moscow yesterday. The iron fence, in front of the embassy, was plastered with signs reading "Viva Cuba" by the crowd, which also smashed windows and threw ink at the building. This is one of several recent protests against America's Cuban policy. KHRUSHCHEV PLAN:. C ommunists Ask UN Action UNITED NATIONS (P)--Com- munist countries pressed for quick United Nations action yesterday on Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's demand that President John F. Kennedy call a halt to the fight- ing in Cuba. Valerian A. Zorin, Soviet Dep- uty Foreign Minister, read the UN Political Committee a note from Khrushchev to Kennedy warning that, the Soviet Union would provide all necessary aid to keep Prime Minister Fidel Castro in power.. .. ti The, 99-nation committee also had a proposal from Mexico that the UN appeal to all. countries to bar use of their territories or re- sources "to promote civil war." Reflect Concern Reflecting Latin American con- cern over intervention in Cuba's internal affairs, the resolution would urge all-nations to "put an immediate end to any activity that might result in further blood- shed." The resolution took note of State Senator Reveals Plan. To Extend Nuisance Taxes w __, ., LANSING 1P)-A new tax plan designed to provide relief for Michigan. business by extending the so-called nuisance taxes-and promoted by Lt. Gov. John Lesin- ski-was disclosed yesterday by a Republican state senator. The disclosure was made by Sen; John H. Stahlin (R-Belding) in a letter to the Lieutenant Gov- ernor in which he posed a series of questions about the tax plan. Lesinski's proposals included several ideas that differ from the program advanced by Gov. John World News Roundup By The Associated Press LISBON - An opposition leader has appealed to the Portugese government to arm -the white inhabitants of strife-torn Angola and take Portugal out of the United Nations if its action in Africa is opposed. Dr. Ramada Curto, a former Socialist Party leader, said in a radio broadcast Monday the white population of Angola "should 'hav been rmed lna sn " xH House To Vote On Loan Bill WASHINGTON (JP) - President John F. Kennedy's $2.4 billion program of loans, grants 'and scholarships for the nation's col-, leges won the approval of a House Education Subcommittee yester- day. The vote was 4-3. The bill would provide $180 mil- lion a year for five years for grants and $120 million a year for low interest loans to colleges to be used for construction of aca-. demic facilities. No funds could be used for gyms, stadiums or fa- cilities for religious instruction. The grants would present one- third of a project's cost, the rest coming from non-federal sources. It would also provide for a to- tal of 212,500 scholarships over the five-year life of the program, carrying up to $1,000 a year and awarded by the states on the basis of merit and need.. An additional 1,000 scholarships for $1,000 would be awarded on a national basis solely on merit.' The scholarship would go to the student, who would then be free to attend the college he wishes. The college would get a grant of $350 a year to help with the ex- pense ,of educating the scholarship d&lYe rcnaa iui g ago.- te expressed solidarity with the gov- ernment of Premier Antonia Sal- azar in the present crisis in the West' African colony although ""I was and am a republican." * * * CLEVELAND - Negotiators for the United Rubber Workers Union and the -Firestone Tire & Rubber ,Co. agreed yesterday. on a new master contract to replace one that expired at midnight Satur- day. Details of the settlement, which affects some 17,000 workers in eight cities, were not announced immediately. However, it was re- ported to be similar to one reached with the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Saturday night. * s " JERUSALEM-Spectators broke down yesterday as the prosecution, detailed a history of horror in the days when Adolf Eichmann served Hilter as the chief executioner of the Jews. Then the first prosecution wit- nesses told the court the former Gestapo Colonel discussed his own role readily with Israeli authorities after he was seized in Argentina and brought here last year. The object was to strike- down the defense contention that Eichmann talked under duress. B. Swainson. Stahlin said the new proposals would include avoid- ance of a.state income tax and continuation of the so-called nui- sance taxes beyond their June 30 expiration date. Flat. Income Tax Swainson's plan, which died in a House committee, called for a flat three per cent income tax. The governor also has declared that he favors dropping all nui- sance taxes, which produce about' $50 million yearly. When advised by newsmen of Stahlin's letter to the lieutenant governors Swainson said he thought it was an attempt to em- barrass Les;nski and possibly the governor himself. He said it was a disclosure of something that had been sent to Stahlin in confi- dence. Swainson stated that he had discussed the plan with Lesinski some time ago and had sought to discourage its promotion. Considered by Merits "But I've said before that I think any proposal should be con- sidered on its merits," Swainson added. In the letter to Lesinski, Stah- lin asked whether the Democrats would be willing to sponsor his program and whether the gover- nor would be willing to sign the bills putting the program into ef- fect if they were adopted by the Legislature. According to Stahlin, Lesinski's proposals-which never have been introduced in actual bill form - would retain the nuisance taxes rather than enact an income tax, to provide relief from business taxes for Michigan industry. ADULT DANCE GRAND OPENING (Frank Sacks) 20-Up-Club ORCHESTRA 6 GUESTS EVERY SUNDAY EVENING Starting April 23, 8:30-12:00 35603 Plymouth Rd. Livonia, Mich. U.A.W. Local 182 Hall Adm. $1.00 free parking & door prizes Daily Classifieds Bring Results. statements by representatives of the United States and Guatemala but it did. not repeat their vigor- ous denials of Communist and Cuban charges that those two countries provided bases and weap- ons for Cubans invading their homeland to seek Castro's down- fall. The resolution called for efforts to seek a peaceful solution of the Cuban problem "in keeping with the spirit of the UN Charter." Soviet Statement Zorin put before the commit- tee also an official Soviet govern- ment statement demanding that the UN General Assembly "con- sider at once the question of ag- gressive, actions of the United States which prepared and started the armed intervention against Cuba.". The statement contained a threat of Soviet retaliation direct- ly against the United States, United States, Ambassador Ad- la'E. Stevenson replied that he hoped to give the committee some- time during the day Kennedy's answer to Khrushchev. He said he agreed personally with Khrushchev's view that Cuba was no danger to the United States, but added that the' Soviet leader disregarded the feeling of many Cubans who believe tastro's regime endangers Cuba's future. Stevenson also said he was glad to learn. that the Soviet Union had no desire to impose its regime on other countries. Communist delegates who fol- lowed Zorin urged the UN to ef- feet a cease-fire in Cuba and halt all outside aid from reaching the anti-Castro forces. JOIN US ma discussion on WHAT MAN IS! 910 Packard Wed.-7:30 P.M. Not To Give MilitaryAid Pledges Neutrality Unless Aggression WASHINGTON (M - President John F. Kennedy last night en- dorsed the effort to overthrow Fidel Castro and told Soviet Pre- mier Nikita Khrushchev this country will take action if the Russians interfere militarily in Cuba. "In the event of any military intervention by outside force we will immediately honor our ob- ligations under the inter-Ameri- can system to protect this hem- isphere against external aggres- sion," Kennedy told Khrushchev. Kennedy pledged anew that the United States will not intervene with force in the battle between Prime Minister Castro's forces and those seeking .to overthrow him, but he said. Americans do not conceal their' admiration for those who wish to see democracy re-established. Not Stifle Liberty "The United States govern- ment can take no action to stifle the spirit of liberty," he said. Kennedy, replying- to a note from the Soviet Premier, at the same time appealed to Khrush- chev not to use the situation in Cuba as a pretext "to inflame other areas of the world." "What your government believes is its own business," the President said. "What it does in the world is the world's business. The great revolution in the history of man, past, present and future, is the revolution of those determined to be free." Misapprehension Kennedy said Khrushchev labors under ".'a serious misapprehension" in connection with events in Cuba. More than 100,000 refugees have fled Castro's Red-tinged regime, the President said, and many of them had fought with Castro to oust the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista. Castro toppled Batista on New Year's Day 1959. The President said the urgent hope of refugees is to help fellow Cubans in the struggle for free- dom. Not Accept Claim Kennedy told Khrushchev to recognize that free people "do not accept .the claim of historical in- evitability for Communist revolu- tion." Secretary of State Dean Rusk handed the message to Menshikov in a State Department meeting which lasted less than fivemin- utes. Menshikov was grim faced as he left Rusk's office. Rebels -Take Laos Tow'n In Key Area WASHINGTON (M-The State Department confirmed yesterday the capture by rebel forces of a point in South Central Laos only 20 miles from the border of Thai- land. Press officer Lincoln White said Communist-led Pathet Lao troops have taken the village of Muong Nhonimarath (pronounced non-ee-mar-ath), only 20 miles East and five miles North from the important twn of Thakhek on the Mekong River boundary with Thailand. United States officials are tak- ing a most serious view of this development because it threatens to cut Laos in half at one of its narrowest points. Thus far, White said, there has been no indication that the Pathet Lao are following up their ad- vantage with a further drive to the Mekong. Maddelion Prince Souvanna Phouma of Laos notified the State Department yesterday that he is cancelling his trip to the United States. Due to arrive here today, he had been scheduled to confer with President John. F. Kennedy and Secretary of State Dean Rusk. United States officials said that one factor in the Laotian neu- tralist leader's decision apparent- ly was that he would be unable to see Rusk on Thursday as Rusk has previous commitments to make a speech in Atlanta, Ga. Drops Plan On Bias Ban WASHINGTON ()-The House refused yesterday to write a segre- gation ban into a .$753,319,000 In- terior Department appropriation bill sent to the Senate by voice vote. - 'By standing vote of 67-8 it de- feated an amendment by . Rep. William Fitts Ryan (D-NY) that would have prevented use of a $75,000 allotment to the Civil War Centennial Commission for any programs or activities not racially integrated. The House defeatedthe pro- posal after Rep. Michael J. Kir- wan, (D-Ohio) commented that an appropriation bill was not the proper-place for anti-segregatin - legislation. The only amendment approved, by 'voice vote, was proposed by Democratic Leade John W. Mc- Cormack of Massachusetts. It added $1 million which the ap.: propriations committee had cut froi funds for Minuteman Na- tional Park near Boston. The bill as sent to the Senate appropriates $29,068,000 less than President John F. Kennedy re- quested for the Interior Depart- ment for the fiscal year starting July 1. WASHINGTON (A) - President John F. Kennedy formally asked Congress yesterday to create a cabinet rank Department of Ur- ban Affairs and Housing to help cities deal with their growing prob- lems. The new department would simply take over the functions now assigned to the Federal Hous- ing and Home Finance Agency and its satellite offices. 'Sen. Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa), Senate Acts On Wage Bill WASHINGTON (M - Adminis- tration leaders won a series of preliminary votes on President John F. Kennedy's $1.25 mini- mum wage bill, yesterday and pre- pared for a final showdown today. The big test is expected on an. amendment by Sen. A. S. Mike Monroney (D-Okla) to cut the bill's expanded coverage from 4 million .additional workers to about 2.4 million. The initial victory for Kenne- dy supporters cameeasily when a Republican substitute bill limiting the, added coverage to 1.2 million. was rejected by a 63-34 roll call vote. Then the Senate defeated a se- ries of amendments designed to reduce the Kennedy measure's scope of varying degrees. Also voted down, 58-39, was a proposal by Sen. Winston L. Prouty (R-Vt) under which the higher wage minimums might be suspended if the Secretary of La- bor found they would cause un- employment or inflation. Generally, however, the pro- posed lifting of the wage floor, from the present $1 an hour to $1.25 by 1963 stirred little oppo- sition. The big argument was over ex- tending it to more workers, in- cluding those in construction and in retail stores and service estab- lishments. F i -- B'nai B'rith Hillel foundation Sabbath Services April 21, 7:15 P.M Sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority 17 who introduced Kennedy's l tion in the Senate, said it add no new programs or c tions to the housing agency' sent role. He added that may be tacked on in the futy legislation or reorganization Kennedy thus left open th troversial questions of which eral agency should take ove problems of helping cities mass transportation and pre tion ofopen spaces for park; Large numbers of mayors urged creation of a cabinet federal agency to deal with problems on the same stat that given business, labor, fa and other major segmen American life. They want he only with housing, but with clearance, transit problems recreation. But there has been some pute 'as to which agency s] handle the problems outside ing. Many say transit prc should be assigned to the 'nerce Department and the ri tional area question to th tenor Department. Pierre Salinger, White : news secretary, said Kenned send 'a message to Congress which will touch ongmass'tr But he did not indicate wher President would ask that the leq be assigned. 'U.' Bandsme Play i Cai CAIRO P)-Egyptians fre walks of life applauded the versity of Michigan Symp Band last night at its first performance at the America vilion on the grounds of the International Agriculture Ex tion. -The 94-piece band, cond by Prof. William D. Revelli sented a program of America European composers in an air performance. PLAN CITY AI1D. Kennedy Asks Congrei For New Cabinet Unit Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel 1429 HillSt. I It No MiSS r «. IT i University of Michigan Dance Organization PPresents "DANCE CONCERT" Thurs. & Fri., April 20 & 21, at 8:00 o'clock, LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATER r COEDS: The price of this classic "Poin is for real! Only $5.88. Really --and so are you. We were ab special purchase of these famoL -I Trampeze Moccasins at a very price. And we're passing the sa on to you. We have your size, t So hurry. At these prices they w last long-and you'll probably want at least two pair, I this is not a misprint the 1961 flattering, new hair-dos are in our window See them at your convenience!! - No appointments needed -- The DMscol Barbers near Michigan Theatre I ter" moccasin '!-We'reluckye le to make a ws Penobscot special:.;:. vings oo. on't U ''"""""""" All Seats Reserved Tickets $1.25 I I m The Classic "Pointers moccasin. Toper toe last, hand-stitched saddle, neolite soles. Light, soft, flexible and so comfortable. -f ric Ill f !E At BLACK " BROWN $5881 Where will A Pair Regularly $7.99 the. girls be ? /~4C~A~ w/ez I 1 131 !41 AAAA LLL AAI I I I AA(I I lxI A I II --I 51 x Ix x 7 61 [71 '8 91 110 1 lxlxlxltxxlxxlxlxx fx xlx x x I x I x x ,j 'U 110.11111 T EA "eN O m . '111111 1I 11 I i" i