SUNDAY APRIL 16, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY b DOWN ' Berksh're TOWN Bonus Event Now, through Saturday, Apri 29th '' ''$$v ' ,r , . r .{n .^b !.{ .:,:..J r ^"' : '.^. 'S {x''' ,,:pF > .: M1... . ti ,r. r I v };i ,".i' .. +"r1. liYl Ml'!^f. r 4.«. /.AL. a r.11.L.,h.u.'w"rf : .v.... 1r f rvrA ir Get 4 pairs of stockings for the price of 3 I Conference Considers. Quadrangles (Continued from Page 1) FRATERNITIES -- Board of Governors member Prof. Donald Eschman of the geology depart- ment contended that friction be- tween fraternities and residence had no loyalty to the quad might. be solved if first semester pledges { be allowedt leave the residence Such an action would require a revamping of the rooming contract policies now in effect which allows makes no similar provision for the STUDENT GOVERNMENT - The purpose and Jurisdiction of such government went under dis- cussion by this group headed by Dennis Moore, '63. Moore said stu- dent government should serve as a forum for student opinion by which the administration would know student thought and should be involved in "direct activity." Jurisdiction of the governmental units could be extended only if the groups involved showed com- petency in handling present is- sues and if the administration is willing to accept such maturity, he said. EngineeringGroup To Sponser Talk Visiting Prof. David M. MacAl- pine will speak on "Engineering Education in the Middle East" at the Engineering Mechanics Sem- inar to be held at 4 p.m. Monday in 305 West Engineering Bldg. FOR RENT TWO EDROMFurnished Apt. Thr--e or four persons. Very reasonable. NO 3-4402. C73 CERTIFIED 5 RM. apartment, summer and/or fall. Clean and pleasant. 815 Packard, NO 2-8361. C75 SOUTH STATE and Hill. Newly deco- rated and furnished 2- and 3-room apartments, $80-$100. NO 3-2800. C69 SUMMER apartment near campus. 3 furnished rooms and bath. $90 per month. Call 3-0618 after 6 P.M. C68 SUMMER modern two bedroom fur- nished apartmet near campus and both hospitals; disposal, parking, other features. NO 3-6249. C76 SUMME : Moern d2bedroom furn. disposa, parking. 2 blocksrom cam- FURNISHED 4 bedroom home, 11% baths, porch, secluded yard. Available frentire time. Cr incuded. 38494. C72 WANTED, working girl or part-time student to share apartment close to campus and hospital. Call NO 2-9731 evenings. C159 FOR RENT: 3 room apartment on canm- pus. Will accommodate 3 men. Pri- washer and dryer, privatearking, and one-room apartment. Call NO 5- 4767, or call N. Basement door, 1021 E. Huron St. between 9 and 5 daily. C65 RENT a frozen food locker, $2 monthly, $15 yearly, assistance on wholesale meat and frozen food buying. Central locationN 2-3476. C50 CA R SE RVICE, ACCESSOR IES BUMPING, PAINTING, all kinds of auto J.eB.AutoRepair 318 N istSre ' 82 FOREIGN CAR SERVICE We service all makes and models of Foreign and Sports Cars. Lubrication $1.50 NyeMotor Sales LINES 4 For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone No 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'tit 11:30 A.M. Figure S average words to a line. CalCassified between 1 :00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. and 9:00 and 1 1:30 Saturday - Phone NO 2-4786 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ONE-DAY 1.12 PERSONAL SPRING WEEKEND SKIT NIGHT and DANCE TICKETS are on sale now at the Diag, Eng. Arch, and the Union. SAA VUGHAN dande the Stt-n Baldwin orchestra are $3.50 per couple. P184 SPR ING W EEK EN D SKIT N IGH T& DANCE TICKETS on sale now at DIAG - ENG. ARCH'UN IMN P"178 WANTED: 2 Tickets for the Amsterdam Orchestra Concert Sunday evening,. April 23. Call NO 2-2646. P186 PLAYGIRLS.. . PLAYGIRLS. PLAYGIRLS atJ B Towne Clothing ORIGINALITY, cleanness of design, aesthetic feeling; Lake has incorpor- ated all of these features into artistic jewelry--State St. P185 PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC. Ad- vice of physician on birth control. Professional counsel on mnarriage problems. Clinic 'hours Tues., and Thurs. 7:30 to 9. I22 N. 4th Ave. Call FUR SALE GOLF CLUBS-$30. Phone NO 2-5685 after 5. p.m. Tim Janeway. B34 1957 SCHULT Mobile Home, I bedroom. Call HU 2-3532. B93 FOR BALE-Used cocktail dresses, sizes 9-11, only been worn once. $8-10 each. Call NO 3-3810. B38 WANT TO TRADE: 12 gauge Savage 3- shot for a motor scooter in excellent condition. Phone Univ. Ext. 2760. B36 INCOME HOUSE: by a student owner. Gross income $300 per conth. Campus location. Call NO 2-6094 evenings. B7 35 MM. single lens reflex F2 lens, tele- photo lens, ultrablity strobe, slide projector. Like new. Sacrifice. Call ON E HI FI Record Playerand8ex-a recorder for $100, both in good cond. Call after 6 P.M. NO 3-7050. B31 FOR SALE-Smiall business. Ideal for one, two college students. Can be operated from space the size of - a work bench. Requires a few hours a week. For further information-HU 3-3493. Cash, $250. B35' USED CA RS SPECIAL TEN-DAY RATE 54 r I Here's your Berkshire Bongs. an extra paif Ostockings inevery bonus box of 3 pairs you buy NOW, for a limited time only! There's an extra pair of Berkshire Nylons for you in every Bonus Box of 3 pairs you buy at regular price . .. Four fashionable styles to choose from... Full fashioned in walking sheer and dress sheer - or seamless in service sheer and lace. Regular 1.35 and 1.50 quality -- get 4 pairs for 4.05 or 4 pairs for 4.50. BERKSHIRE HOSIERY -- MAIN FLOOR P.S. A nice g ift idea for Mother's Day, Sunday, May 14 + f: r.wr".ryvr . .rti'" rC S.'v , '. .S t ^-r ~ r."... v 1 n> v.r I Notices - To GypsyBLUE Rose from the piano 1952 FORD, good running condition, player. I'm BLUE over you. F183 full tread tires, $80. NO 2-4816. N20 1 11 t' I Any student organization wishing to calendar an event(s) for the school year 1961-62 may send or bring their requests (indicate the nature of the event and your choices for dates for the event) to the Calendaring Com- mittee of Student Government Council in the Student Activities Building. The deadline for requests for calendaring is April 24, 1961. ' Congregational-Disciples E & R Stu- dent Guild, Film: "Operation Aboli- gtal C"hur:Pilgrim MNailWi- liams St. entrance. , Gammna Delt aLuthanStu dent Cu, Supper oa ahlcv.Po. etnt dogue n mvi" of* ev.Mar 1511 Washtenaw. Newman Club, Communion Break- fast, April 16, After 9:30 Mass, 331 Thompson. Speaker: Fr. Kern, Bish- op's Commission on Human Relations, "Catholics & Prejudice." Wesley Fdn., Christian Marriage Class: "Marriage as a Sex Relationship," April 17, 7:30-8:30 p.m., 1st Meth. Church, Green Rm. « s s Full - Gospel Student Fellowship, Meeting, April 14, 6:30 p.m., 409 S. Division. 514 E. Washington Phone NO 3-4858 S2 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. Atlas tires, batteries and accessories. Comlete Automotive Service-All products and services guaranteed. Road Service "You xpectmore from Standard 1220 South Universit S2 BIKES and SCOOTERS FIES UEDSCOOE ntw.Per- pairs. 1960 Cushman. Cal Marsh at NO 3-4211. Z34 1960 MOPED; Excellent condition, ex- tras, $125 complete. NO 3-1022 before 8 P.. Z35 Beautiful spring days are just right for a bicycle ride to Ann Arbor's favorite sites (sights). Is your bike in condition for such an excursion? Have it checked; repaired, buy it new accessories JIT loves SPRING WEEKEND JIT loves SPRING WEEKEND JIT loves SPRING WEEKEND JIT loves SPRING WEEKEND JIT loves SPRING WEEKEND JIT loves SPRING WEEKEND P176 IT'S A BIADt No It's a planet No It's . no~t Supn'erman eite!It's a Spring phenomena on the diag--Monday at one. F717 IT'S TIME to think of Europe. ADVEN- "irs rip-" forsat travelerslok- summerJt. CaliNO20592.C P181 MONDAY=ONE O'CLOCK-DIAG JE STERAMA 7182 LECTURE NOTES, individual lectures or semester subscription; Office 304% S. State. F158 SENIORS: Order your graduation an- nouncements now. On sale at the Student Activities Building, March 22-31 and April I1-13, Sales from 1-5 each day except March 25 from 9-12. Price is 12c each. P127 Join the DAILY and see the world -- through an Associated Press Teletype Machine. F1l LOST AND .FOUND FOUND: I5 weeks (a full semester) of interesting, newsy reading. This was found on the Diag., Jan. 28, 1981 and the owner is wanted desperately. Please call NO 2-3241 for Information and fin, da semester's DAILY sub- scription as a reward (only $4.00 too). BUSINESS PERSONAL BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat- terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni- versity, NO 8-8887. FM2 MISCELLANEOUS THESIS TYPING in my home., Phone NO 8-7718. M3 1960 CORVETTE--Color: Frost green. Hard and, convertible tops, radio, heater, white walls, etc. Call NO 5-6675. N17 AUSTIN-HEALY, 1957, 100-6 Roadster 4 seater. Overdrive, metallic blue lac- quer, silver wire wheels; black leather ,interior, black top, tonneau, radio, heatr. Lucas foglamps, sliding alum- er's mainual. Like new. Owner school teacher. $1,775. Lincoln 5-8614 Oak Park (Detroit suburb). N18 WANTED TO BUY THE BOOK CORNER, above Treasure. Mart, 509 Detroit. Bt. Open Fri. 6-9, backs. N O 25941. K3 H ELP WANTED DO YOU qualify? Neat, intelligent, am- bitious. 3 college students needed to work part timpe for top paying sales promotions positions. Call NO 5-8958 for interview. H9 WANTED: 'Baby Bitter to live in year round. Weekends and some evenings free. References required. NO 2-9994 after 5:30 p.m. H33 also-get 6nylon brefs La Sociedad Hispanica, April 17, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB. s , TertuliaI Lutheran Student Assoc., April 16, 7 p.m., Hill & Forest Ave. Speaker: Mrs. P. McNeil, Pres. Mich. Council of Church Women, "Our Responsibilities in Racial Integration." BEAVER'S BIKE AND SChurch NO 5-66 506 1 -1- 3647 Z36 ' . .... . ...,.,a .. . provides valuable experience in I open Monday evenings until 8:34 1 ' "T i } ...... ..,,,,,, MAIN ®t LIBERTY you know Here s yourBerkshire Bonus. Get one extra nylon brief in every Bonus Box you, buy. H ERE, TOO, for a limited time only; you get an extra Berkshire 'nylon tricot brief in every Berkshire Bonus Box of 5 pairs you buy. These are the popular Hollywood elas- tic-legstyle; of soft nylon tricot - in white. The regular $1.00 quality- now 6 for $5.00. LINGERIE SHOP - SECOND FLOOR Mother's Day, May 14th, is only 4 weeks from today Don't panic, we have a store-ful of loving suggestions to help you make a happy choice... and we'll gift-wrap and mail your selection, if you like. A point worth noting: if the git comes from 9t Ric-rac and Rosebuds ..go round and round on wee little checks for a 'gingham" background. t's Arnel and Cotton, ust drip-dry and wear te dess that enhances Lavender, gold or pink, sizes 5 to 15. 98 L OI CAkoom a ¢yp K r dtr" ? Qk S ti 4 % { .3'y " ' ..: o"Fk:.:;"a: i "'{.n. is . ".y. i.:. .}.y . h / a q , Y J " g hl' 1ey1 r " ..v ."Ji r One 21, The, are Cott( and e Dress looks Jacket ress in ton, Silk IRayon Contrasting stripe top and jacket lining adds top interest. Shockn pik rne,adhe'ge. Sies 10-16. 79 The roomy satchel bag can be of straw or wicker from 3.50 I I ii