Seventy-First Year _ EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN e Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS uth Will Preva"il " STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. O ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. The'U'and International Education 'Ballad' ARY 16. 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: HARVEY MOLOTCH Quad Conference Fails To Raise Basic Questions |STERDAY'S INTER-QUADRANGLE Coun- cil's Conference on the problems of the is residence halls missed the point. Al- igh the meeting could prove to be the basis improved student-administration corn- zication, the conference unfortunately led to dwell on matters that will make difficult, if not impossible, to formulate' tions applicable to the most pressing ques- s facing the quadrangles. he discussion groups often failed to dis- iinate cause from effect and dwelt on erficialities for long periods. The most. aral problems facing the quadrangles arose- occasionally and momentarily. The data iered by participants will prove difficult to ,hesize into a coherent whole. here was an overwhelming concern of the- ous discussion groups for parts rather than le. Complaints over food, drinking, and ciaries figured prominently; but no group cerned itself with the questions dealing 1 the system as a whole. Is there basically a le problem facing the residence halls? Do particular complaints stem from the wide- ad feelings of helplessness? DURING THE forthcoming meeting of iscussion leaders, the participants do not i their preconceived definitions of the prob-' the project's total accomplishment will e been a general discussion without any ibility of applicable solutions. There will an outcry for better food, tightening or ening of dress regulations, staff men who friendlier or more aloof-but at the end he year, the'usual crop of, one-year resi- s will leave the quadrangles, still remem- ng thelu as uninspiring and cold places in' ch to live. he only way to avoid such an outcome is valuate all the data collected in its proper. pective. Problems of food, dress regulations staff men can only be understood as a .of a whole rather than as isolated con- S. - hen viewed separately, only the effect and' the cause is seen Out of context, the ef- becomes so removed from the cause that relationship is completely obscured. each of them is far broader than any. of those considered at the conference.'', To make superficial changes cannot give fundamental help to the system. When there are basic faults, as indicated by the widespread dissatisfaction expressed in the Scheub report, it seems that the goals of having residence halls have been lost or- perverted. Why have residence halls at all if they are going to be an unpleasant experience? Obviously, the men who formulated the original plans for quad living and, who eventually required freshmen to live in dormitories had certain educational purposes in mind. ARE THE QUADRANGLES fulfilling these? Do students actually, come to know and appreciate the views of others who have dif- ferent backgrounds and experiences? Or do they quickly retreat into cliques, joining those with similar views? What impact does the fraternity system and the possibility of inde- pendent living have on residents? Do the quadrangles allow enough personal freedom and privacy to avoid having students feel as though they are living in the midst of bedlam? The answers to these questions depend largely on a constant,, honest flow of informa- tion from administration to students. This took place at the conference. However, there is still the question of whether or not the areas covered were the proper ones to reach a solution of the problems involved; there was no discussion of overall student attitudes toward the residence halls; nor was the prob- lem 'of administrative attitudes or of student administration communication considered. Each of these areas was abstracted and discussed in part; but such a division misses the point and makes it more difficult to reach broad solu- tions later. ARBITRARILY LIMITED AREAS tend to to'obscure the concepts by which the ad- ministrators and students are operating. The' two groups have different attitudes as to what the quads ought to be; if they operated on the same' desirable assumptions there would be no distaste for residence hall living. To what degree is the administrator respon- sible for enforcing middle class morality on the quadrangles? This could not be answered from a discussion of specific sources or irrita- tion but only from an incisive study into the. philosophy behind the rules The reason for having women's hours at all is a far more revealing inquiry than their extension by ten extra minutes twice a month. Such localization of inquiry will hinder IQC in formulating any but the most minor revisions. and it will by no means furnish anything resembling a solt- tion to the troublesome sore spots. In spite of its limitations, the conference is potentially very useful. Though IQC will.,.prob- ably find itself unable to formulate a workable plan for changes from the narrow scope of the exchange of informatoi that took place, this effort could serve as the rudiment for future communication, and perhaps future con- ferences will plan more pointedly toward their ultimate objectives. -DAVID MARCUS (EDITOR'S NOTE: Following Is the final article in a two-part analysis of the University's interna- tional education programs and the Peace Corps.) By FAITH WEINSTEIN Daily Staff Writer Yr E UNIVERSITY has a stake in the future of the world. The quality and extent of our generation's awareness of the world may destroy the earth or keep it whole. It is; therefore, the obligation of the University to give its students the knowledge they will need to make the right choices for the future, and the knowledge to understand the com- plex world they will inherit Currently, the University's re- sponsibility lies in the field of international study, and in train- ing for foreign public service. The recent furor over the Peace Corps has focused attention on the world as no other single issue has in many years. In short, students have finally become interested in the cultures and the problems of the world. The demand for support of new kinds of foreign culture study is rising, and the established centers are begging, and getting, funds to strengthen and expand their pro- grams. Columbia University re- cently appointed a Co-ordinator of Intjernational Studies. Michigan State University has had a dean in a similar position for a couple of years. Other institutions are following suit. * * * THE MORRILt REPORT, re- cently issued by the Ford Foun- dation, and treated as gospel by many experts in the field of for- eign study, has its own concept of the role of the universities: "At the center of these new educa- tional demands, all the more 'pressing because they often coin- cide with the policy goals of our government, stands the American university., "It is challenged to meet the1 needs of our own people for a far better knowledge and understand- ing of others. It is challenged at1 the same time to help meet the needs of emerging nations for the7 creation and rapid improvement of whole educational systems." In another document, R. Sar- gent Shriver, head of the Peace7 Corps, says: "The Peace Corps is in fact a great venture in the education of Amercans and of people in newly. developing na-1 tions. As a high educational ven-] ture, 'its proper carriers are our traditional institutions of higher education."1 These two quotes bring up the essential challenges in the area of international education: the chal- lenge to improve our scholarship and the challenge to improve our service. . * * * THE UNIVERSITY must accept these challenges and meet them with courage and conviction, or; give up its place as a nationalI leader in education. And the timet to act is now, while the subject is still controversial.1 University administrators are aware of the educational ferment -"There is a bursting awarenessj of international studies and af- fairs on the part of the universi- ties," Marvin Niehuss, vice-presi- dent and dean of faculties, says. But the University has taken only the most conservative, tentative steps, building and strengthening the programs it has, rather than_ plunging into anything new. There is something commend- able in this-almost all depart- ments and all area programs can. be strengthened, and Washington has unofficially commended thel University for its cautious stand on the Peace Corps projects. But a time for caution has its limits, and is soon replaced by a need for action. The first action will be in the academic rather than in the serv- ice realm. The University already has several excellent area pro- grams and disciplines dealing with the non-Western world. These can be supplemented in several ways. * * * FIRST, THE UNIVERSITY is obliged to press its students hard- er towards learning about the world. Faced by hide-bound coun- selors who will ask the student if he ,wants to take more French lit- erature, but rarely encourage him to try a course in "The Mind of" Modern China," the area programs and the intercultural courses have had an uphill fight. The battle to institute the fresh- man-sophomore Asia .course was a hard one, but it has proven very successful and must be followed by other inter-disciplinary courses. Once solid, well taught, inter- disciplinary courses are created, a course in a foreign culture can be made a distribution require- ment for all undergraduates. The growing awareness of the world and its cultures makes this kind of course necessary for any undergraduate. "Study of the world has become as important today as study of Europe was 30 or 40 years ago," Niehuss said. * * * THIS CERTAINLY implies that a series of courses be developed and offered to today's undergrad- uates, just as required courses in European history traditionally have been. If the world is expand- ing, the University and its course structure must expand with it. Next, the University needs cen- ters for each of its area programs -a place for research and inde- pendent study, devoted primarily to teaching, which can be separ- ate from the area departments. If we are to build our strength in the Far East, a Chinese Center must be instituted close on the heels of the established Japanese Center, and others must follow it. "We have been moving strong- ly forward in this direction," Nie- huss reports. He spoke wistfully and hopefully of a future Latin American studies program, com- menting, "I'm distressed to find there are no solid programs on Latin America anywhere in the country. A few started out sev- eral years ago, but they all seem to have petered out." * * * THE UNIVERSITY has follow- ed a policy of hiring area special- ists for several years, Niehuss said, which should strengthen both teaching and research in for- eign studies. "When we see an opportunity to get a man in a certain field who specializes in an area, we take it," Niehuss said. Dean Roger Heyns of the literary college added, "In economics, for example, we haven't hired a man without a special area in mind for a couple of years." Niehuss points with pride" to a recently hired economist who specializes in Chinese economy. There are two basic modern education trends in cultural areas: the disciplinary and the area pro- gram. Near Eastern studies is a discipline, offering a doctorate in, the humanistic studies of an area -language, literature or history. This is the kind of program, Prof. John Hall, director of the center for Japanese studies, says, which developed during the war, in the course of the first great surge of public interest in world affairs. When the allies realized, in 1945, that their liberating forces knew nothing of the countries they were to occupy, crash pro- grams began on the peoples and cultures of Europe and the Far East. . * * * FOUNDATIONS, government and private sources poured money into new centers and started unique programs. An idea for a foreign policy research study and conference center to be named after the late Sen. Arthur J. Van- denberg was suggested and ap- proved by the Regents in 1951, but nothing ever came of it-pri- marily due to lack of funds. "The Vandenberg Center would be a major undertaking-we would need money and buildings-it is never -easy to start from a seed, and hard to raise money on a name alone," Niehuss said. "We cannot build strength in all areas," he adds quite accur- ately, "and it has been our gen- eral policy to identify those areas in which we have the opportunity to excel, and to build exceptional strength in them." The University is building its academic staff in the area pro- grams particularly-since this seems to be the coming mode of the day. An area program is "mili- tantly interdisciplinary"-drawing on men from various disciplines who specialize in specific areas of the world who combine in a program to train people in the various problems of an area. These programs rarely give the Ph.D., and are generally background for students who plan to go into a single discipline with an area bias for the doctorate, * * A DISCIPLINE, like, the Near Eastern Studies department, con- siders itself a single unit of study and merges its interdisciplinary lines, and grants its own doctor- ates. The area studies programs tend to be harder to keep well-staffed, as the individual department has to look after its general and more parochial needs, and are therefore getting more attention as money comes in. But with severely limited funds and a fast-moving field of com- petitors, the University is sorely taxed to keep up its position-like the Red Queen, it mustkeep mov- ing in order to stay in the same place. Niehuss sees the University of the future strengthening and adding to the area programs and to the centers, improving them as much as possible, .and, above all, maintaining the University's fine reputation in the international field. Dean Heyns has quite a differ- ent dream. He sees a day when area programs involving Chinese economics will no longer be nec- essary because regular courses will involve the economics of the world-"giving a broader view of the .disciplines," he says. "Sociol- ogy, for example, should not be limited to the Western world, nor should any of the social sciences." * * *t THE SECOND major project is to meet the new need for educa- tion in world service. The Peace Corps will need a staff of highly trained administrators to supple- ment the willing, but sketchily trained corpsmen, Ambassadors and diplomats who know nothing about the language or country in which they serve are rapidly, and thankfully, going out of style. The whole country is caught up in international aware- ness, and the insufficiencies of the American diplomatic s e r v i c e abroad have been exposed again and again in glaring detail. The nation desperately needs trained men and women to serve abroad, and with the advent of the Peace Corps, this want final- ly seems close to being fulfilled, Yet, at present, none of our area programs are specifically service-oriented. The young M.A. in Far Eastern studies is fully prepared-to go out and earn a doctorate in a specific field with a Far Eastern bias. It gives one "a minimum language capacity, a broad understanding of the area, and training in means of finding out more about the area," Prof. John Hall, director of the Cen- ter for Japanese Studies, says. * * * "IT'S THE BEST briefing for going abroad that we have," he added, noting that the State De- partment used to send foreign service candidates through a'Jap- anese studies program which in- volved very little modification in the regular academic schedule. Since the area programs can be relatively easily re-oriented to- wards training people to go into overseas service, the University has within its present structure the seeds of a major project. The University could set up a two-year program in "Area Serv- ices" which would lead to a mas- ter's degree, and, hopefully, to a fruitful career overseas. "If you're going to train peo- ple for public service on a major scale, modifications will be need- ed," Prof. Hall said. He suggest- ed a two year program, the first year devoted to the regular area studies projects-a primarily aca- demic orientation-and the sec- ond involving certain specific pub- lic service courses, designed to train people in the specific prac- tical problems they are likely to meet abroad. * * * DURING THE FIRST year, the student would study within the confines of the area program - learn the essentials of language and culture. In the second year he would leave his specific area program and take a general course, In a special center with students from all other areas. The course would deal with general problems-agri- culture, sanitation, public health, English teaching, public adminis- tration, and a basic course in American culture, designed to meet embarrassing questions. Stu- dents who will specialize in all areas of the world. could .meet here and exchange ideas, problems and solutions. The center could be a coopera- tive venture, pooling the knowl- edge of -the University's experts and experts from Michigan State and Wayne Universities in order to create a broader and deeper study of the problems involved. This center could be tied in with the proposed Vandenberg foreign policy' institute, or it could be created under other auspices. The government might even help. But at any rate, it could and should be done. * * * . THE GRADUATE would be ready to earn a doctorate in a single discipline, or could ,go straight into service in the area he has studied. "If he goes on for his doctorate, he has an area on which to build a specialty," Prof, Hall says. And special area teach- ers are in high demand today, since centers and area programs across the country are crying for new and expanded staffs. No doubt the. University is the best place to set up this kind of program. We have the public re- sponsibility, and possibly the pri- vate funds; we have the faculty and the specialties to offer and people interested in teaching them. The typical service program has been developed by the school which has-Just entered the field of in- ternational education, Prof, Hall says. "They just don't have the per- sonnel for a full-scale academic program," he says., * 0 * THERE ARE many problems in- volved in an idea of this scope.. There is difficulty in raising funds for building and staffing a ma- jor center; there is',uncertainty in the amount of monetary reward to be; expected for the graduates. "Many young people I speak to seem interested in serving abroad," Niehuss says. "But the channels for employment are not sufficient- ly clear yet-they have no secur- ity for reasonable financial suc- cess in foreign service. "The State Department is in- terested more in 'good solid Amer- icans' who know their own coun- try, on the theory that they'll learn what they need to know when they get there," Prof. Hall concurs. But the combination of ex- panding interest in foreign affairs, the rise in interest in foreign ed- ucation, and the final impetus of the Peace Corps, have made us aware, and ready for experiments' in finer international education. P hi, -at'm. Triumphs. "BAI AD op A Soldier," at the Campus theatre, is an over- whelmingly beautiful film. It pits two worlds against each other- the innocence and beauty of youth, and the pitiless desolation of life and war. The entire movie, the latest of the Russian film exchange pro- gram, is devoted to the inter- twining of these two themes. The plot line is simple-a young sol- dier becomes somewhat incredibly a hero, and is allowed to go home to see his mother on a two-day leave. He sets out on a train, through the war-desolated country of World War II Russia, a beautiful and singularly pure Odysseus com. ing home apparently to glory. His travels are interrupted by ,all the snares of life-he helps a crippled soldier get home to his wife, he takes a package of rationed soap to the wife of another soldier, only to find that she is unfaith- lul. Best of all, he finds love-in a grimy railroad car-love for a girl as innocent as himself The two wander through the world in a cloud of their own purity--losing each other in the mazes of the world - symbolized by the slow and crowded trains -- and then finding each other again, only to be permenantly lost. The film is dominated by a sense of doom-one is told at the be- ginning that the story will be of a soldier who was a hero, "who lies in a far part of the country, where strangers put flowers on his grave." The mood of doom combines with the facts of war to control, and eventually to destroy the love briefly shared. All of this could be very maud- lin, and very corny, but it is directed with such skill and tim- ing, acted with such depth, and simplicity that a theme which could have led to disaster is trans- formed into the background of a triumph. -Faith Weinstein °I RELATED TO one blems will take on a f them will disappear' clear. another, these new meaning; as their basis C shduld ask: are regulations bad in them- s or does the student feel hamstrung in lter of rules? Coildthe problem underly- nany of the superficialities be that stu- s are told they are men and then treated boys? Could it be that the student feels the administrationdoes not care about onsiderations or what he thinks? Could it iat administrators have listened to super- , complaints so long that they, too, have sight of the broader motivations involved em? y one or a combination of these possi- es could be the answer to many of the totis 'facing the residence hall system, but Splinter Parties Hinder Democracy IS HAS BEEN a week of political splinters. scope for the party would be just as frighte In New York City, labor leaders represent- ing as an organized voice for Birch-ism. one million unionists have set up a com- Projectiles ;en- DAILY OFFICIAL BLLETIN. (Continued from Page 2) Clawson, Mich.-Elementary; Jr. HS Couns. Greenville, Mich.-Elemn; Jr. HS Girls PE, Arith, 'ng/Lit; ES Math, -Eng, Biol, SS. Latin;' Elem. Music. Inkster, Mich. (Dearborn Dist. No. 8) -Elem., vocal; Jr. HS Library, Eng, Math, Se, Couns; S Girls PE/Aquat- ice, Pi ys Set. Math, Eng, Journ,.Ind Arts; Ment Ret, Sp Corr, Visiting Tchr. Rochester, N.Y.-Elem; Spec Educ; Girls PE, Math, Sat Voc Mus, (Will talk to any field). Royal Oak, Mich.-Elem, Vocal, Art, Mont Ret, Sp Corr; ES Eng, Hlst, 56, Math, Set. WED., APRIL 19- Bakersfield, Calif.-Elementary (K8). Berkley, Mich.-Elem; Jr. HS Bug, Math, Sei, Mach Draw/Graphic Arts. ~ Clo, Mich.-Elem; Math/Sci, Typing/ Eng, Math, Home Ec/Gen Sci, Chem/ Gen Sel, Eng/Speech. Grand Rapids, Mich. (Kentwood Sch) --lem; Set, Comm, Pre, Math, Shop, Home Ec, Art, Phys Sei; Music, Type A. GrassLake, Mich. - varsity Bskt/ Span/Eng or Span/Eng/Sth Gr., 5th .Or/Var Bskt.' Mt..Clemens, Mich. (L'Anse Cruse)- Kleim; Spec Ed; Jr. HS Math/Scl; Read., Home Ec, Math, Ind Arts, Eng/Journ & Latin. Math/Pract or Phys Sc. THURS., APRIL 20- Algonae, Mich.-Elem, El Vocal/Hs Chorus; Jr. HES SS; S Eng, Comm. Almont, Mich.-Elein; Basketball, sOci/ Math, Math/Phys, Comm,, Eng/Latin, Agri. Campbell, Calif.-All Pields. Inlay City, Mch.-SS/Coach Footba1l, Voc Mus; Kdg, 8th Or. Walled =Lake, Mich.-Elem; Spec. Ed Visiting Tchr, $p Corr, Ment dcp.; Jr. HS SS, Eng/SS, Ind Arts, Math/Scl, Span/Pre, Home Ec; HS Math, Zug. Willoughby, O.-Elem; Jr. HS Eng, SS, Girls PE, Math, Ind Arts, Home Be, Sci; HS Eng, S, Si, Math, Id Arts. Latin, Germ, Pro, Russ, Span, Art, 'Home Ec, Guld, $p Therapist, Library, Sight Saving, Deaf, Slow Learners. FRI., APRIL 21- Fowlerville, Mich.-Jr. S Eng; HS Library, Latin/Span; Elem. Mt. Clemens, Mich. (Clintondale Sch) --lem; S, Math, Eng, Couns, Sd, Shop. St. Clair Shores, Mich. (Lake Shore Schools)-Elem.; Jr. HS Math; ES Math, Eng, Se, S, Girls PE, Span, Vocal; lem Library, SpCorr, Art, Music, PE; Typo A, Visiting Tchr. Three Oaks, Mich. - Elem: Jr. HS Math, SS, Bng, Home Ba, For. Lang, Instr Mug, Math/S$, Head Bskt, eci/SS/ Head Ftb/Track; HS Biol/Chew, For Lang, Eng/SS. Trenton, Mich.-Eng, Couns/Math or Eng or Comm; Comm/Gen .Sc, HS Math. For any additional information and appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Auto Mfgrg. Concern in Southeastern Mich.-Employment Interviewer-Person- nel Dept. 1 or 2 openings. To inter- view men on all levels, administer benefit programs, public relations, trng., recreation programming, etc.BA or MA in Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. No exper. necessary., Eaton Chemical & Dyestuff Co., De- troit-Sales & Mgmt. Trainees-2'or 2 openings for Det. area including south- eastern Mich. to Toledo, Ohio. To call on all' kinds of mfgers. -- distribute chemicals for all big chem. infgrs. & users. BA-LS&A or Bus. Ad. All trng. done thru Sales Div.-trng. may lead into Purchasing, Mgmt., etc. Wisconsin Civil Service-Public In- struction Supervisor-Business Mgmt. & Stastistics. (State Dept. of Public In- struction, Madison). MA in School Ad- mn. or Business Educ. & 5 yrs. exper. ee to study formation of a third party to ctive not only in city but state and national ions. id in the nation's number two metropolis, ago, brethren of the right met to form her party of dissent on a national basis, : by a founder of the now-famous John hi Society. Dances are that these two latest efforts fade into nothingness like their many ecessors. However, though conservatives been grumbling for years and even man- I to run rightist T. Coleman Andrews for ident in 1956, the labor move represents a dissatisfaction which could have large ications even if it meets only a very erate response. DENT RIGHT-WINGER Sen. Barry Gold- vater and dedicated unionist Walter Reu- have preferred to work through estab- d parties rather than form schisms. Work- n the manner of the Puritan, rather than Separatist, both men have achieved cer- political -ains. is a little disturbing to hear the labor' ers say ,"we are sick and tired of being n for granted, of being handed candidates ave to take without consultation and of i ignored once the balloting is over. t we are against is the notion that we are nch of idiots, with no worth-while ideas, n the politicians can push around without yang about the consequences." rhaps labor in New York City has reason eel it is being ignored, but a national P AGMENTATION OF OUR party sti ucture will not enable such groups to achieve their goals, and at the same time the effects of such groups will hurt the established parties. The Republicans and Democrats can use the stimulating disagreements of such groups in formulating their programs. With these broad- based parties which include so many varied groups in the population, labor or conservative factions can have as much say as they would have on their own, and at the same time they emulate the sort of compromise which makes the gears move in a huge and heterogenous democracy., As John C. Calhoun wrote over a century ago, "when splinter groups use independent action, each faction, in the struggle to obtain the control of the government, elevates to power the designing, the artful, and unscrup- ulous who in their devotion to party-instead of aiming at the good of the whole-aim ex- clusively at securing the ascendency of party." PERHAPS THIS IS overstating the present case, but the fact remains that there is much room for action in our two parties with- out creating such "special interest" parties which weakened the French Fourth Republic and eventually caused its destruction. If the new conservative party espouses Birch- ism, it can be condemned on the basis of its ideas. The labor party's program could be any number of things, but we can ask, as the New York Times asked this week, "Does organized labor really have a political mission differing from that of the public at large, whose ob- 3ective is or should be +he imnrnmAmmf of i' 1 . . ' iil '' _ "'mss ... !! 1 _ 1 _'