TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 16. 1961 TWO THE MICHIGAN I1AIIV ~IlN~flAV. APRIL l~ 1~1 k7 %J IN "ZA JL , A-A& &UXAJ AV, 4 7 V L 4RTS AND LETTERS: 'U' Players Set Drama Goals By JUDITH BLEIER and MICHAEL HARRAH "The goal of the University layers' choice of productions is > help provide a fairly balanced / ill of fare for the Ann Arborr :mmunity in the area of drama," '{f' rof. William P. Halstead of the. ;eech department said. He pointed out that Broadway lays were often presented byX rama Season, Civic Theatre and he movies. The Players strive to' resent other forms of theatre to ound out the selection.: He said the group is inclined to o the classicd but that it is mov- ag in the direction of experimen- Weak Response . "So far the audiences haven't responded very well to this type of theatrical presentation, and so we have to move very slowly." The University Players, formerly known as Playbill, have given many productions of Shakespeare, Moliere and Shaw. They have presented the, anonymous Chinese "Chalk Circle," Sophocles' "Elec- tra," Carlo Goldone's "Comedia del Arte" scripts, Marlowe's "doc- tor Faustus," and 19th century French farces such as "Horse Eats Hat." They have also done most of the Mozart operas and have, presented Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. In addition the speech depart- ment sponsors a laboratory play- bill featuring productions directed and staged by students. "In the lab playbill even more unusual things can be done," Prof. Halstead said. This group has done foreign language plays, five- act tragedies, and even student- written dramas. Easier Plays In general the modern, realistic play is easier for the students to comprehend than the classical or the avant garde material, he said. They require fewer rehearsals DRAMA--The University Players presented "Annie Get Your Gun" last spring under their former name, Playbill. since they depict familiar situa- tions. Other types entail special in- structions in style, culture, and costuming which place an extra burden on the director and the actors. "This is a realistic period as far as drama is concerned," Prof. Hal- stead said. "Radio, TV and motion pictures are almost exclusively adapted to realism, the stage is more flexible." "Many times the classics are acted in modern style, but it is commonly believed that it is more appropriate to portray them in the style in which they were written. "We compromise," he said, "and we strike a medium between the PROGRAM NOTES: Contemporary Music Series To Feature Latin Influence original style and a style accept- able to the modern audience." The first student curricular pro- duction, Sheridan's "The Rivals," was presented in 1909, under the auspices of the University's Ora- torical Association. In 1915 the first course in play production was offered and early in 1916 the speech department presented its first play, "The Ser- vant in the House," by Charles Rann Kennedy. By 1922, the speech department had six play production courses in its curriculum, and it used make- shift theatres until 1928 when Prof. Valentine B. Windt joined the faculty as director of play production.. The department was then given the Mimes Theatre, a building formerly used as a dance hall by the Michigan Union. The depart- ment renamed it the Laboratory Theatre and used it for classes and workshops until 1946. Mendelssohn Opens The Lydia Mendelsohn Theatre was opened in 1929, and major speech productions were soon moved there, the Laboratory Theatre being used only for work- shops. It was later condemned as a firetrap. Since 1957 speech department activities have been carried on in the Frieze Bldg., where laboratory productions are staged in True- blood Aud and the Arena Theatre. Mosse To Lecture On Nazi Socialism "Germany Prepares for Nation- al Socialism: The New Romanti- cism" will be the subject of a lecture to be delivered by Prof. George Mosse, of the University of Wisconsin at 4:15 p.m. Mon- day in Aud. A. U' Students See, Debate HUAC Film Nearly 600 students packed an overflowing Multipurpos Rm. in the Undergraduate Library yes- terday to view the controversial film "Operation Abolition." The film will also be shown at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Archi- tecture Aud. The program, spon- sored by the Student Government Council Cinema Guild, will include tapes of the hearings and a pro- con student debate. Jointly sponsored by the Political Issues Club and Voice political party, the program featured the film which was produced by the House Un - American Activities Committee to portray the student anti-HUAC riots last May in San Francisco. The film attempts to show that the demonstrations were Communist initiated and led. Mandell Absent William Mandell, San Francisco newsman and witness before the committee in the film, was un- able to be on the program because of illness. Replacing Mandell, Kenneth McEldowney, '62, Voice operations chairman, said that the slanted programs, including the film, of- ten blind audiences to what op- posing speakers say. Liberals Suspect "With such an atmosphere, any opinions which are of a liberal cast are suspect. The danger in- herent in this curtailment of free- dom of speech is obvious," he added. While the views expressed by members of the audience were, in general, sharply critical of the film, a minority believed that "Operation Abolition" was of de- finite value in exposing the Com- munist threat that exists in the United States. Others believed that the com- mitee had stooped to the Com- munist tactics of propaganda and distortion in order to prove its point. League Plans Ceremonies Newly elected officers, com- mittee chairmen and committees of women's organizations will be announced at the 38th annual League Installation Night at 7 p.m tomorrow in Rackham Aud. Among announcements will be names of all Women's League committee members and chair- men, League executive officers, Panhellenic Association, ' Junior Panhellenic Association and As- sembly Association officers and scholarships and Women's Ath- letic Association officers. Y V V :::A .;...rr.A -WP.'O. . .rte. . . ..i ":": ' 8.".-::'1 'K ". . .A.,.1 ... & r . a ' ' M :t .. .. . r -.. .:. .. :: .. n. , . .. . . . .. 0 _. . ...A . .. - . ... . . -: v DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN 1':";At'A~A~.?t.A~ A W:WS .V A.V.X.A~A'A VV.'~' . .. ~ .. .# The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SUNDAY, APRIL 16 General Notices Any student organization wishing to calendar an event(s) for the school year 1961-62 may send or bring their requests (indicate the nature of the event and your choices for dates for the event) to the Calendaring Com- mittee of Student Government Council in the Student Activities Building. The deadline for requests for calendaring is April 24, 1961. School of Music Honors Program: Ap- plications now are being received for the first semester, 1961-1962. Forms are available in the School of Music of- fice. Deadline for receipt of applica- tions, and supporting recommenda- tions, by the Honors Council, Mon., May 1. The Gilbert and Sullivan Society an- nounces interviews for the position of musical director of the society. Inter- ested persons may contact the presi- dent, Julius Myers, at the Student Ac- tivities Bldg. Fulbright Awards for University Lec- turing and Advanced Research have been announced for 1962-63 in Aus- tralia, New Zealand, the countries of South and Southeast Asia, and Latin America. Those applying must be U.S. citizens; for lecturing, must have at least one year of college or university teaching experience; and for research, a doctoral degree at the time of appli- cation, or recognized professional standing. Application forms may be obtained from the CONFERENCE BOARD OF ASSOCIATED RESEARCH COUNCILS, Committee of Internation- al lExchange of Persons, 2101 Constitu- tion Avenue, Washington 25, D.C. Deadline for filing an application for these countries is May 1, 1961. Further information may be obtained at the Fellowship Office, Room 110, Graduate School., seniors: College of L.S. & A., and Schools of Business Administration, Education, Music, and Public Health- Tentative lists of seniors for June graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Admin. Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg. Women Students: The Women's Ath- letic Building will be open on Sun- days from 2:30-4:00 for women students. There will be tennis and golf oppor- tunities for women students. Space and equipment will be available for co- educational softball. The annual spring meeting of the University Senate will be held on Tues., April 18, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. seniors: Order caps and gowns for graduation from Moe's Sport Shop, 711 North University, Monday through Sat- urday, 8:30-5:30. Events Sunday Faculty Concert: A concert of Con- temporary Latin American Music will be presented Sun., April 16, 8:30 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall, Faculty mem- bers of the School of Music perform- ing will be Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Florian Mueller, oboe, Albert Luconi, clarinet, Frances Greer, soprano, Eu- gene Bossart, piano, Marian Owen, piano, and Robert Courte, conductor. Open to the public without charge. Events Monday Contemporary Festival: Works by University of Michigan Student Com- posers will be presented at the First Festival of Contemporary Music for Mon., April 17, 8:30 p.m., in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Student composers Peter Clements, Roger Reynolds, Arthur Hunkins,'Robert James, Carl Alexius, and Gregory Kosteck will have their work performed by student musicians of the School of Music. Open to the general public without charge. Lecture: "Germany Prepares for Na- tional Socialism: The New Romanti- cism." George Mosse, Prof. of History, University of Wisconsin, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Mon., April 17. Lecture: "The Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes" will be discuss- ed by Dr. Joseph Meixner, Director, Institute for Theoretische Physik, Aachen Technical University, Germany on Mon., April 17 at 4 p.m. in 2038 Randall Lab. Public Lecture: S. D. Goitein, Prof. of Arabic, University of Pennsylvania, will discuss "Social Classes in Medieval Islam" on Mon., April 17, at 4.15 p.m. in Aud. B. Automatic Programming and Numer- ical Analysis Seminar: "Trends in Exec- utive Systems" by Prof. B. A. Galler, Mon., April 17, 4:00 p.m., Computing Center Seminar Room. Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Mon, April 17, at 4:00 p.m. in 305 West Engineering Bldg. David M. MacAlpine, Visiting Prof., will speak on "Engineer- ing Education in the Middle East." Coffee in 201 West Engineering at 3:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Robert Treat t Paine III, Zoology; thesis: "The Life History and Population Dynamics of Giottidia pyramidata (Brachiopoda)," Mon., April 17, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, P. E. Smith. Events Tuesday Lecture: Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini, Department of Zoology, Washington University, Missouri, will discuss "Growth and Differentiation in the Nervous System" on Tues., April 18 at 4 p.m. In the Natural Science Aud. Interdisciplinary Seminar on Atmos- pheric Sciences: Tues., April 18. 4 p.m., 5500 East Engineering Bldg. Dr. Glenn E. Stout, Head, Meteorology Section, Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana, will speak on "Artificial Cloud Electri- fication." Doctoral Examination for Michael Chaykovsky, Chemistry; thesis: "An Ap- proach to the Total Synthesis of Ster- oids," Tues., April 18, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 10:30 a.m., Chairman, R. E. Ireland. Placement Notices PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & grad. stu- dents, please call Ext. 3371 for inter- view appointment with the following: MON., APRIL 17-- Consumers Power Co., Jackson, Mich. -Summer Employment-Men, Juniors, or Seniors who plan to go on to Grad. School and who are working towards a degree in Gen. Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. for Mktg. If interested, be sure to come in to 4021 Admin. & fill out an application form prior to interview. TUES., APRIL 18- Wurzburg Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.- Men & WOMEN with degrees in Lib. Arts, or Bus. Ad. for Advertising (Fash- ion Artist); Merchandising & Retail- ing. Foote, Cone & Belding, Chicago-Men & WOMEN with degrees in Lib. Arts, Econ., English, Fine Arts (Design), Journ., or Bus. Ad. for Copywriting; Mktg. & Mktg. Res.; General Advertis- ing Trng.; Advertising Layout (Ap- prentice Art Director). Hahne & Co., Newark, N.J. - Men & WOMEN for trng. position as assistant to a Merchandise Manager. (Prepara- tion for Buyership). June '62 grads. for summer assignments as Jr. Exec. Trainee (Merchandising). BA in Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad. WED., APRIL 19- Zurich-American Insurance Co., Chli- U U DI, NO 8 SAL Contin 3°6416 Tock From 1 o "One of the Year's Best!" .. New York Times.- Herald Tribune - N. Y. Post - Cue . Saturday Reiew 'The best Russian movie since World War U. Brilliant, vehemently original,. ll!. beautiful, humorous sentimental journey. I Surefire sense of comedy... the theatre booms with * - n immense amen to life "One of the great ones.. fine entertainment." --A'r W.,r.ste. N Ton Soldier A M o s F mS t u d i o P r o d u c ti o n . D ir e c te d b y G ogo n C h u k h ra t A .J Jay Franke Presentation e A Kingsley - -rnat-onal Relose luous 'clock cago-Location: Countrywide. Men in Lib. Arts, Econ., Pol. Sci., English, Soc., Psych., History, Speech for Insurance-- Home Office; Claims; Sales & Sales- Territory. American Hospital Supply Corp., Evanston, I11.-Location: Evanston & ultimate relocation to other areas of country. Industrial Mktg. Programs - Men with degrees in Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad. or Biol. or Physical Sciences. Mgmt. Trng. Programs-Men with degree Ia Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. Beginning Mon., April 17, the fol- lowing schools will have representa- tives at the Bureau to interview for the 1961-1962 school year. MON., APRIL 17- Birmingham, Mch,--All Fields. Erie, Mich.--Elem., Art, Sp. Corr; Jr. HS Boys & Glirls PE, Eng/SS; HS5 Agri., Set, Home Ec, Ind Arts, Voc Mus, Comm. Math, Speech. Marlette, Mich.-HS Math, Phys Set, Guid, Library; Elem. Voc Mus. Milford, Mich.-Elem; Girls PE/Eng, Sci/SS; Sp. Therapist, visiting Tchr. Port Huron, Mich.-Elem; Eng, Set, Core, Couns, Dr. Training, Ind Arts, Home Bc, Span, Spec. Educ. Saginaw, Mich. - Elem; Oral Deaf, Blind, Sp. Corr, Visiting Tchr, Read. Cons; Jr. HS Girls PE, Art, Math, Eng, Fre/Speech; HS Library, Germ, Math, Eng, Girls PE. TUES., APRIL 18-. Allen Park, Mich.-Elem.; Eng, Math, Latin/Eng, Ment. Hdcp. Battle Creek, Mich.-Elem.; Jr. HS Eng/SS, Gen St; HS Math, Eng, Set, Home Ec, Ind Arts, Bus Ed, Girls PE, Library; Sp Corr, Ment Ret, Deaf, Blind, Diag. (Continued on Page 4) The First Festival of Contem- porary Music will continue its concert series at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall with a program featuring Latin American music. The University Woodwind Trio, composed of Prof. Nelson Hauen- steit, Florian Mueller and Albert Lucani of the music school, will open the concert with Aurelio do la Vega's "Woodwind Trio." Juan Orrego-Sales' "The Fra- grant Dawn" song cycle, Alberto Ginastera's "Sonata for Piano" and Bas Galindo's "Short Sym- phony for String Orchestra" will also be performed. * * * Composers Works by University student composers will be featured at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Aud. A. At 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in, Rackham Lecture Hall, performances of Elliot Car- ter's "Sonata for Cello aptd Piano," Stravinsky's "Serenade in A," and Ingolf Dahl's "Piano Quartet'' will conclude the Festival. * * * Dance . The 11th annual Dance Con- cert, presented by the student dance organization of the Univer- sity, will be given at 8 p.m. Thurs- day and Friday in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. In addition to dances using the music of Bach, Iartok and Bern- stein, several original scores have been written. An experiment em- ploying the psychological device of word association will be,fea- tured. Radio-TV ... An Italian composer and four musicians from Paris will chal- lenge American musical taste in "The New Music," at 9 a.m. to- day over WXYZ-TV. Lucian Berio will discuss new trends in music Goitein To Speak On Islam Society Prof. S. D. Goitein, who teaches Arabic at the University of Penn- sylvania, will give a lecture on "Social Classes in Medieval Is- lam" at 4:15 p.m. Monday in Aud. B. with Prof. William Malm of the music school. Prof. Arthur Eastman of the English department will analyze Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" on a program in the series "Plays of Shakespeare" over WWJ- TV. He will take the view that the playwrite shows us that mercy is man's only hope for salvation. * * * Musicale .. . Mu Phi Epsilon professional musical sorority, will hold a musi- cale in honor of freshmen women in the music school at 2:30 p.m. today at the home of Mrs. Douglas Crary, 1842 Cambridge, Ann Arbor. The sorority will also install two new patronesses, Mrs. Lyle M. Nelson and Mrs. Floyd A. Bond. U I IS THE CONGO CRISIS I co T G OUS? Poce It ALL AFRICAN PANEL SPEAKS ON THE CONGO I I MODERATED BY GIL BURSLEY DIAL NO 5-6290 Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P.M. 4 hit-parade s.ay UDDY DENNIS BARBARA ACKTOEF EDEN i. TONIGHT at 7 and 9 SEVEN BRIDES for SEVEN BROTHERS (Color) with Jane Powell, Howard Keel, Jeff Richards, Russ Tamblyn (Academy Award), Plus Cartoon ARCH ITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 Cents APRIL 18. - 7:30 P.M. ROOM 3S OF THE MICHIGAN UNION Presented by the International Committee of Union Student Offices r I , ! ) NI AIRFLIGH T I MUNION announces .. . SKIT NITE-DANCE TICKETS ON SALE NOW to EUROPE 11 I A second plane has been obtained. Leaving June 20 from N.Y. to London Returning September 4 from Amsterdam to N.Y. f 2 ( /7^ / f M . 11