Conference Asks
Chan ges
Yesterday's Inter-Quadrangle Council Conference prompted dis-
cussion on the recurrent and often discussed residence halls problems
and offered a few unofficial recommendations.
The suggestions put forward included:
-Revising and rewriting the Michigan House plan.
-Eliminating the job of staff counselor.
-Abandoning some of the present attitudes of the Residence
Halls Board of Governors.
-Allowing residents who pledge a fraternity in the fall semester
to leave the quads in January.
-Dropping Sunday night supper to offset partially an expected
hike in quad room and board rates.
-Scheduling two "open-open houses" (when women are allowed
in men's rooms or vice-versa), every month,
Dress Regulations
-And reaffirming the need for dress standards.
No formal action resulted from the day long conference, prompted
by the Scheub opinion poll of East Quad students which criticized the
residence halls.
Improvements in conditions in the quads seemed centered around
a rewriting of the Michigan House Plan. The plan, formulated by Prof.
Karl Litzenberg of the English department is based on a fundamental
assumption that the residence halls should be an active part of the
education experience.
Report Aged
"Litzenberg's report is 20 years old," West Quad President Robert
Thorpe, '62, said. "Today 'the residence halls do not have an educa-
tional orientation; they are not part of the academic life but they
should be."
Thorpe, James H. Robertson, associate dean of the literary col-
lege, and Dean of Women Deborah Bacon formed the nucleus of one
of the ten discussion groups at the conference. Each group met in
three one hour sessions with different participants.
"Critical rethinking and revising of the house plan should be a
perennial duty," Robertson said. "A discussion of this plan is central
to the conference for it establishes objectives toward which we are
Groups Listed
Other groups touched on the means in which the house plan is
Staff, food and dining room service, house activities and pro-
grams, regulations, facilities and services, student government, judi-
ciaries, fraternities and administration were the areas under analysis.
Recommendations included:
STAFF-"Happy mediums" was the phrase used to describe the
suggestions of this group on the problems of staff hiring and staff
The discussants, led by South Quad President Ed Powers, '63,
suggested that staff should not be selected entirely from one source
be it a single house or college, and should include a number of resi-
dent advisers who spent their undergraduate days outside the Uni-
The group battled with the pros and cons of retaining the asso-
ciate adviser-"housemother"-whose job was seen as one of "setting
the tone" in the residence halls.
Problems of turnover and low pay of resident advisers were singled
out by the participants, who included Vice-President for Business
and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont, Assistant Dean of Men John Hale,
Governor Marie Hartwig and Prof. Lionel Laing of the political science
department, who was a board of governors member for eight years.
Prof. Laing criticized the board for not being aware of "one-
fourth of what goes on in the residence halls. The members rely too
much on data presented to them and not on first hand information."
Counseling Poor
The faculty associate for Taylor House in South Quad, Prof. Laing
startled the group by suggesting that staff counselors be abolished.
The counselors are assigned one to a corridor and are supposed to be
"primarily counselors, maintaining an atmosphere of the floor so
that the objectives of group living can be carried out," he said.
Some of the quadrangle residents in the group felt that these
staffmen had drifted far from the ideal, were now overconcerned
with discipline, incompetent as counselors and unable to encourage
troubled students to come to them.
FOOD AND DINING SERVICE--Richard Pinnell, '64A&D, dis-
cussion leader, said his group reached a consensus that the elimination
of Sunday night supper would be a good idea if room and board fees
are raised.
Pinnell argued that the elimination of this meal would save about
$15 for the residents and it would "give them a chance to eat out
once a week and thus appreciate the quad food more."
cluded Assistant Dean of Men Peter Ostafin, felt that there are too
few places to go for social activities on the campus.
Douglas Peacock, '64, summed up the group's discussion by list-
ing the limitations placed on house programs by a huge turnover of
residents every year and growing academic pressures.
REGULATIONS-Dean Bacon and Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
attended sessions of this unit which concerned itself with women's
hours in men's residence halls, dress standards and quiet hours.
The members suggested a calendaring of two open-open houses
a month, one in the quads, the other in the dorms.
Need For Standards
Most of the participants felt a need for some dress regulations
because they set a "mature tone." The group report said that South
Quad has regulations "as stric .as possible" and West Quad was con-
sidering making theirs "stiffer."
FACILITIES AND SERVICES-Opinion here ran counter to the
Scheub report as yesterday's participants felt that facilities "are
being used, and quite definitely used well."
Libraries are receiving more and more use and good collections
of reference books are being built up, group leader Tony Walters,
JUDICIARIES-Lawrence Stinson, '63E, leader of the group and
chairman of IQC Judiciary, held that "Judic is the communication
link between the student body and the faculty."
Counseling Body
His group defined judic as primarily a counseling body in regard
to violation of personal liberty, but must also act in a punitive capacity
for serious infractions of rules.
See CONFERENCE, page 5
See Page 4
Y1 t e
5k 43Uf
Rain in morning, possibly
continuing throughout day.
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
House Turns Down
Tax Program Vote
Democrats Unlikely To Reintroduce
Swainson's Proposals for Revision
A Democratic attempt to bring Gov. John B. Swainson's tax
program up for a vote Friday was turned down 55-51 by the House
in a straight party-line vote.
Friday was the final day for consideration of bills in the house
of origin. Although the governor's program could technically be re-
introduced later in the session, this was considered most unlikely.
Swainson's plan called for a three per cent tax on personal and
corporate income and a $103 million reduction in business taxes. It
would also have removed the sales tax on food and prescription drugs.
Another bill passed by the House
To Ask New
WASHINGTON W) - President
John F. Kennedy will send to Con-
gress on Monday his proposed
draft of legislation to create an
11th cabinet rank department, the
Urban Affairs Department, the
White House said yesterday.
A message supporting creation
of the agency to handle housing,
transportation, andnother prob-
lems of city dwellers will be sent to
the Capitol on Tuesday, Press Sec-
retary Pierre Salinger said.
The President's long - deferred
message on tax revision is sched-
uled for next Thursday, and con-
sideration now is being given to a
special message on transportation,
Salinger told reporters.
There has been wide speculation
that if the cabinet post for urban
affairs is created it would go to
Robert C. Weaver, now Federal
Housing Administrator.
Weaver thus would become the
nation's first Negro cabinet mem-
provides for youth conservation
camps to combat juvenile delin-
In the Senate, appropriations
for public health, aeronautics and
capital outlay were approved in
a form essentially identical to that
recommended by the Senate ap-
propriations committee.
The public health bill called for
a $14.9 million appropriation; the
governor had asked for $16.5 mil-
lion. The 'other two bills also
called for less than the governor
had requested.
The Senate passed the Republi-
can tax reform measure 19-14, and
sent it on to the House.
The Republican formula gives
local government units the right
to pass payroll-income taxes.
Democrats claimed the Repub-
lican measures would cost Wayne
County a "catastrophic" loss of
$45 million in personal property
But Republicans say that their
bills, which wipe out personal
property taxes and replace them
with flat-rate levies, are conform-
ing to previous rulings telling De-
troit to bring personal and real
property evaluations into line.
Debate New
On Women
The Faculty Subcommittee on
Discipline met Friday with Vice
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis, Dean of Women
Deborah Bacon and Assistant
Dean of Men John Bingley to dis-
cuss a proposal to relax rules on
undergraduate women visiting
men's off-campus residences.
The recommendation, originally
formulated by a committee com-
posed of Miss Bacon, Bingley, Wo-
men's Judiciary Chairman Judith
Gardhouse, '61, Joint Judiciary
Chairman Howard Stein, '61, and
Women's Judiciary Vice-Chairman
Dorothy Wilson, '61, asks that wo-
men from second semester fresh-
men through seniors be permitted
in men's residences during wo-
men's calling hours, which at pre-
sent are determined by the stu-
dent affairs office.
It was referred to Lewis who
in turn referred it to the Subcom-
mittee on Discipline. Subcommit-
tee chairman Prof. John Reed of
the Law School says the group met
with Lewis and the deans in an
advisory capacity and then re-
turned the proposal to Lewis for
further consideration.
"The group studied the present
policy for the past five .nonths,
and has consulted with pertinent
student organizations on it," Miss
Gardhouse said.
"These groups include Panhel-
lenic Association, Assembly As-
sociation, the Women's Senate,
Women's League Council, several
men's honorary societies and both
Women's and Joint Judiciary.
Housemothers were also given
an .opportunity to express their
opinions by means of a judiciary
ies Attack
Seven in
uban Raids
__^-% .1
Bowles Outlines Details
Of Peace Corps Plans
An audience of 475 members and friends of the Indian Student's
Association last night heard Sally Bowles, special assistant to the
director of personnel for the Peace Corps, outline the plans, training
and selection procedures for this year's program.
Miss Bowles, daughter of Chester Bowles, undersecretary of
state, spent two year in India while her father was ambassador to
that country, and though she used
examples applying specifically to
India, her speech was a general
synopsis on corps activities.
The Peace Corps has a "pool of
young Americans ready and will-
ing to serve in foreign countries,"
she asserted, but that "the great
job is selection. We have a great
many people in the U.S. who want
to do this work."
The age limit is 18 or older,
married couples must both serve,
one cannot be taken without the
other. Those selected will be pos-
sessors of certain skills because
"these are the people the nations
will be looking for."
The training program will last
an average of three months, de-
pending on the country involved,
and will cover its language, his-
SALLY BOWLES tory, religious and philosophical
Peace Corps plans background and general culture.
LANDS IN MIAMI-This pilot of a Cuban bomber yesterday tool
part in attacks on airports in Havana and Santiago, then flew
to Miami.
Roa Charges U.S. AItack
In Tal k at United Nations
UNITED NATIONS (') - Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Roa
charged here yesterday that the United States engineered bomb at-
tacks on Cuban air bases as a prelude to a large-scale invasion.
He described the attacks as "vandalistic aggression" and "an act
of imperialistic piracy." He accused President John F. Kennedy of de-
ception in promising non-intervention.
U.S. Chief United Nations Delegate Adlai E. Stevenson categorical-
ly denied Roa's charge in the UN General Assembly's Political Com-
mittee that United States bomb- -
ers made the dawn raids yester-
day. Senate Slows
B26s Arrive
In Ameriea
Two Pilots Announce
Desertion as Cuba
Charges U.S. Attack
HAVANA (P) -Planes attacked
three of the key air bases in Cuba
with bombs and rockets yesterday
and a pilotof one, of the planes
said the raids were carried out by
defecting Cuban air force officers.
The dawn air strikes left behind
smoking munitions dumps and
heavy property damage. The gov-
ernment of Premier Fidel Castro
said seven persons were killed.
Two light bombers, World War
II B26s, landed in Florida a few
hours later and one of the pilots
said the attack was carried out by
himself and two fellow flyers de-
fecting from the Castro air base.
Officials Charge
Castro officials charged that six
planes based in the United States
carried out the raids on Havana's
Camp Libertad, Santiago's main
air field, and air force headquar-
ters at San Antonio De Los Banos.
President Osvaldo Dorticos
claimed that no planes or pilots
had taken off from Cuba. "We be-
lieve, these planes left from the
United States and returned to
bases there," he added.
The government, warning that
the attack could be a prelude to an
invasion, mobilized all troops, and
militia units, including women's
Seven Killed
Officials said seven persons were
killed and 50 injured in the Camp
Libertad and San Antonio attacks
and that 3 were injured in Santi-
ago. They said one combat plane
and one transport plane were de-
stroyed at San Antonio while five
transport planes were destroyed at
Radio Charges
The government-controlled Cu-
ban radio charged that one of the
attacking planes that landed in
Miami was manned by an Ameri-
can pilot. The radio labeled as "an-
other imperialistic trick" claims
that attacking bombers were flown
by Cuban pilots who had revolted.
The pilot who landed in Miami
-he asked that his name be with-
held because his family still is in
Cuba-denied this in a statement
issued through the United States
Immigration office,
"I am one of the 12 B26 pilots
who remained in the Castro air
force," he "said. "Three of my fel-
low pilots and I have planned for
Worm Experunents Raise Questions on Inheritance
The planarian, a small, flat-
worm, may topple the age-old no-
tion that acquired traits cannot
be inherited.
University researchers are able
to train the planarian to respond
to light, and, when cut in half,
have each half retain this reac-
tion. But this is a sexual regen-
Now Prof. James V. McConnell
of the psychology department in-
tends to see if responses can be
inherited after sexual reproduc-
Pilot Study
McConnell and his band of
"worm runners" are making a
pilot study to see if planaria of
parents who have been condition-
ed to react to a light stimulus will
learn faster than the offspring of
non-conditioned parents.
Eggs from conditioned and non-
conditioned parents have already
has a s n ahtIs tnimpp rtA
the light stimulus alone 23 suc-
cessive times in 25 trials, the
worms are considered conditioned.
Once conditioned, half the pla-
naria were cut and allowed to re-
generate while the other half
spent the time resting. When the
cut sections fully regenerate, all
the worms are retested for reten-
tion of the conditioned response.
Compare to Study
McConnell found that the pla-
naria which were cut in half were
able to reach the 23 required re-
sponses in the same total number
or complete trials as the uncut
Training the planaria and test-
ing them for retention may be
compared to studying. Whenever
you get a new assignment it takes
time to comprehend the mater-
ial. Several weeks later when
cramming for that exam, you can
relearn the material in a shorter
period of time.
The worms take over 150 trials
before reaching the learning cri-
terion. After several weeks rest
or the same time length spent
in regeneration, both groups are
able to reach the criterion point'
in about 40 trials.
The method of conditioning the
planaria has come under some
criticism. Since the worms react
to light by moving from it, is the
curling merely a different reac-
tion to the same stimulus? In an
experiment completed last sum-
mer, McConnell's group trained
the worm to curl up when the il-
lumination was decreased.
Instead of turning on the light
and then administering the shock,
the light was turned off and after
several seconds the shock was
given. The planaria eventually
learned to curl up when the light
was turned off. Both regenerated
heads and tails were able to re-
tain this reaction.
McConnell has also been attack-
ed for not being "scientific
enough." In an editorial in The
Worm Runner's Digest which is
published irregularly by McCon-
nell's group he writes:
"It is difficult for someone
watching worms 'perform' in a
trough to indicate precisely that
the response was in standard
units. Such responses just don't
measure that way."
The amount of shock which each
worm gets is unmeasured. McCon-
nell knows how much voltage is
being put into the shock, but
beyond that the current is chang-
ed by the water in the trough,
the distance it travels, and the
particular resistance of each in-
dividual worm.
"We test for a behavorial
threshold," McConnell said. "That
is, we start with so little current
that the worm does not contract,
and then adjust the current un-
til there is a clear contraction. Is
our approach precisely unscien-
tific, or merely scientifically im-
Kennedy Pledges
He recalled that Kennedy had
pledged recently that United
States armed forces would never
intervene in Cuba. But Roa said
Kennedy's statement was just "a
smokescreen hung before and in-
tended to cloak the invasion of
my country that is intended to
take place at any time."
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian A. Zorin said Stevenson's
statement did not satisfy him. He
told the 99-nation committee:
"With one single w'ord from the
United States, not one plane would
have bombed Cuba. The fact was
that this word was never spoken."
B-26 Bombers
News dispatches said B-26 planes
made bomb and rocket attacks at
dawn on Havana's Camp Libertad,
Santiago's main air field and air
force headquarters at San Antonio
nes Lo sanos . Chan air force
New Resolution'
On Red China
WASHINGTON (-) - Senate
leaders postponed temporarily yes-
terday a final decision on the
wording of a proposed resolution
opposing United Nations represen-
tation for Communist China.
Democratic leader Mike Mans-
field of Montana said he had
agreed with Republican leader
Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois to
put the matter over until Tuesday.
Sen. Norris Cotton (R-NH) left
for New Hampshire without regis-
tering any final reaction to a sub-
stitute offered by Mansfield for
resolutions introduced by Cotton
and by Dirksen.
Congress repeatedly has gone on
record in opposition to Red China's
admission to the UN.
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