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April 15, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-15

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.J IAURSS AZ. a. £~I1

Board in Control Selects Daily Staffs

NEW STAFFS--Daily appointments Include Faith Weinstein (upper left), magazine editor; Susan
Farrell (upper center), personnel director; Pat Golden, associate city editor; Mervyn Kline (lower
left), finance manager; Roger Pascal (lower center), accounts manager; and Richard Ostling
(lower right), associate editorial director.
Gores To Complete U Flags by June

(Continued from Page 1)
old, she is majoring in Latin and
is a resident of Cass City, Mich.
Magazine Editor
Miss Weinstein will succeed
Thomas Kabaker, '61, as maga-
zine editor. She is a 20-year-old
major in English honors coming
from Buffalo, N.Y., and a member
of Wyvern and Mortarboard, wom-
en's honorary societies.
Miss Golden, the new associate
city editor, will take over from
Kenneth McEldowney, '61. She is
a 19-year-old member of the col-
lege honors program majoring in
Japanese and comes from High-
land Park, Mich. A member of Al-
pha Chi Omega sorority, she is
also in Mortarboard and Alpha
Lambda Delta, a scholastic hon-
orary for freshman women.
Succeeding Judith Doner, '61, as
personnel director, Miss Farrell is
a 19-year-old from Detroit. She is
in Wyvern, Mortarboard, and Al-
pha Lambda Delta, and is in the
college honors program majoring
in political science.
Ostling Takes Over
Ostling, who will take over as
associate editorial director from
Harold Applebaum, '61, is major-
ing in journalism in the honors
program. He is a member of the
Inter-Quadrangle Council, past
president of Adams House, West
Quadrangle, and a member of
Sigma Delta Chi, a professional
journalism fraternity. He is a 20-
year-old from Endicott, N.Y.
Pascal, new accounts manager,
will replace Betsy Underwood, '61,
and is a 20-year-old resident of
Highland Park, Ill. He is ma-
joring in English, and is president
of the literary college senior class,
a member of Sigma Alpha Mu so-
cial fraternity, and has been gen-
eral chairman of Soph Show and
treasurer of Phi Eta Sigma, fresh-
man men's scholastic honorary.
Klein will replace Steve Augus-
tyn, '61BAd, as finance manager.
He is 21 years old, from Cincin-
nati, 0., a member of Pi Lambda
Phi social fraternity studying in
a pre-medical curriculum.
The Board also named Sherman
as editor of the summer Daily and
Lee Sclar, '62, as summer business
manager. Sclar is 19 years old,
from Southfield, Mich., and ma-
joring in accounting.
May Change
For English
(Continued from Page 1)
With better students, the Uni-
versity may also be able to offer
programs to permit the student
to work more individually, perhaps
making use of television and
teaching machines, but placing
primary emphasis on books, Prof.
McKeachie added.
Following Prof. McKeachie's
talks, Dean Glenn V. Edmonson
'of the engineering college ex-
plained that his school was giving
students an opportunity to parti-
cipate in research projects, bring-
ing in known specialists to sup-
plement the faculty, and encour-
aging interdisciplinary study.
The research projects, financed
by government and industry, are
selected according to their educa-
tional contribution. The funds re-
ceived from these projects pres-
ently exceed $4.6 million. To dem-
onstrate the amount of facilities
devoted to research projects, Dean
Edmonson pointed out that only
9.5 per cent of the engineering
college's space is classrooms, while
laboratories make up 67 per cent.
Next Dean William N. Hubbard,
Jr., of the medical college empha-
sized that a set schedule of courses
for those planning to enter medi-
cal school was no longer rightly

Dean Hubbard indicated too that
there was an increasing interest
in quantitative as opposed to de-
scriptive study in the past 25

Cohen Gives
"Kennedy will be a great presi-
dent," Prof. Wilber J. Cohen, as-
sistant secretary of health, edu-
cation and welfare, predicted in
a recent interview at his Ann Ar-
bor home.
"He is the one man whose re-
sponsibility is to think of the na-
tion as a whole. He sees, under-
stands and is willing to carry out
that role. He enjoys it," Prof.
Cohen, who is on leave from the
School of Social Work to draft
Kennedy's bills, said.
"In drafting bills we try to take
into account both what is needed
and what is feasible," he said. The
finding of a balance between the
need for the bill, attitudes toward
it and its cost is the "art of leg-
islation," Prof. Cohen added.
Defines Goals
"However, if we only asked for
those things available that would
not be leadership. A good presi-
dent can define and illuminate
the needs of the people so they
can express them. We work out
the details and the President de-
fines the goals," Prof. Cohen said.
This first set of bills going
through Congress now are the
product of the brainstorming for
the task force which Prof. Cohen
chaired, That task force confined
itself to meeting the immediate
needs of the country, as did the
bills going through, Prof. Cohen
As soon as this session is over,
Prof. Cohen and Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare
Abraham Ribicoff will "proceed
to organize new task forces into
temporary brain trusts. Through
this we are tapping the best brains
in the nation to decide what to
do next."
Exploit Knowledge
"In this first task force we just
exploited our knowledge and back-
ground. We had what we wanted
to do in our mind's eye. The Pres-
ident just organized those of us
who knew how to do it."
The previous administration lost
a whole year studying the na-
tion, instead of finding men who
had been studying the nation's
problemsright along, he said.
Prof. Cohen, the only Univer-
sity faculty member to receive an
appointment, ran into Congres-
sional opposition in his confirma-
tion. A woman supported by the
John Birch Society "criticized my
views and intentions linking my
support of irrelevant concerns with
Communist infiltration in the
government." He was confirmed
last week, however.
"We ought to get working by
September 1 on next year's pro-
gram," Prof. Cohen said. "One
has to eat three meals a day. Leg-
islative matters are much the
same thing. It is only possible for
the legislature to digest the most
immediate and pressing needs. We
will try to meet them."
Seeger Mixes
Varied Tunes
(Continued from Page 1)
"Now this song has nothing to
to with politics," Seeger said. "Yet
it reflects the frustration of negro
slavery in the south."
Mixing the old and new in his
program, Seeger created a range

of songs from the traditional;
"John Henry" to the southern Sit-
in theme "We Shall Overcome".
But perhaps he struck the deep-
est note with the audience when he
said, "I'll let you take this any
way you want to take it," and
proceeded to sing "Nobody Knows
the Trouble I've Seen."

New Staff
For Ensian
(Continued from Page, 1)


cafe promethean

tonight 9-1

A.M. -open 'til 2:00 A.M.

A new family of flags for the
University is well on its way to-
ward completion for the June com-
mencement, according to a letter
from Professor-Emeritus Walter
J. Gores, their designer and pro-
There will be 20 different flags:
one for the University itself, one
for the Board of Regents, one for
each of the Ann Arbor colleges,
one each for the Flint and Dear-
born branches and one for the
This project wil cost the Univer-
sity about $4500 for materials and
Prof. Gores' labor, minus $1000
from last year's senior class gift
which was donated toward this
Interested in Flags
Gores first became interested in
flag designing in 1954 when he
was on the faculty of the archi-
tecture school. He had "long notic-
ed the lack-luster character of
the University flag of that time"
and decided to do something about
Asked by University officials to
submit some rough sketches on
his plans for redesign, Gores form-
ed a drawing in which the 16 fields
of learning at the University were
symbolized on the left of the flag
with a red shield surrounded by a
yellow sun in the middle on a
field of blue.
This new design was approved
by the Regents in 1955. This basic
interpretation of what an educa-
tional flag should consist of led
Gores to redesign the rest of the
flags of the various University
Previous Display
The previous display of the flags
at commencement consisted of
flags from nations to symbolize
the world-wide distribution of the
Names Musket
Board Heads
Steve VanderVoort, '62, Musket
general chairman, anounced ap-
pointments to the Musket Central
Committee yesterday.
Appointed were Ellen Greene,
'62, assistant general chairman;
Diane Hirsch, '63, assistant direc-
tor; Gail Goldboss, '63, office man-
ager; Mark Comora, '63, tickets;
Neil Beirbower, '62, and Elaine
Wender, '63, productions; Isaac
Schulz, '63 and Jody Wilford,
'64A&D, promotions; Barbara
Fleischer, '63 and Phyllis Plotkin,
'62, dance; Sandy Lehrer, treas-
Also chosen were Jack Garret,
'64 and Stacy Feingold, '63, pro-
grams; Bob James, '60M and Rona
Wolk, '62M, Music; Sue Heyman,
'62, props; Dee Sanders, '62D, cos-
tumes; and Dick King, '62, sets.
The first Central Committee
meeting will be at 7 p.m. tomorrow

University's alumni and its posi-
tion as one of the great univer-
sities of the world.
However there were usually dif-
ficulties in procuring all the neces-
sary flags and a glaring dichotomy
in the size and character of these
Therefore Gores thought it
would be much "more useful, con-
venient and pertinent for the Uni-
versity to have a whole set of
flags expressive of its educational
objectives as achieved through its
administrators and colleges."
Proposes Basic Design
Gores proposed to use the same
basic design he had for the Uni-
versity flag and extend it to all
unit flags: a "union" of the edu-
cational ideals in symbol on the
left of staff side and a profile
symbol of the general function of
the particular college in the mid-
dle, all overlaying the University
colors of maize and blue.
Extensive conferences were held
with administration officials and
deans of the various schools who
after suggesting "some minor ,re-
visions" for his plans approved
Then he began his "long, ar-
duous and novel" undertaking.
His first step was to make "ac-

curate working drawings of them."
Next, thorough research was re-
quired on data from the United
States Bureau of Standards on
exactly what colors should be on
academic hoods and tassels.
Uses Rich Silks
Rich silks had to be obtained
which bore these colors. After the
difficult effort of digging up such
specimens was over, the third and
final stage began-the actual con-
struction of the flags.
First came the "economical cut-
ting" of the material and the
tracing of the motifs on the silk.
Next the marked out pieces of
cloth were correctly arranged and
pinned together to prepare for
"the complicated and quite dif-
ficult sewing operation.
Flags Carefully Cut
Then, the excess cloth was
carefully cut off and the flags
fringed with "ripening maize" to
be fitted with the poles, cords and
tassels to become the standard
parade or ceremonial flag.
Now residing near San Fran-
cisco, he has had a "personal and
intimate perspective" on his pro-
ject-to express in cloth the
"aesthetic symbols of man's search
for truth, beauty and goodness at
the University."

Shapiro is a history major from
Chicago, while Miss Robson is
from East Lansing, Michigan.
Marlene Michels, a junior ma-
joring in journalism from Melvin-
dale, succeeds Dorothy Morrill,
'62, as copy editor.
Eliminate Positions
Three positions on the business
staff, accounts manager, staff
manager, and sales manager were
eliminated by a reshuffling of the
senior positions on the editorial
staff. The junior positions were
integrated enabling the staff to
work on both business and edit
sides of the publication.
"This change should make the
Junior staff function more effec-
tively and enable the entire staff
to utilize its members more fully,"
Ron Peters, '61E, member of the.
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, said.
Senate .Defeats
(Continued from Page 1)
tax' places the blame for the aus-
tere education budget on their
But Harold Ryan (D-Wayne)
said that "the Republicans knew
all along that we weren't going to
support the nuisance tax.
"Our vote against the tax was
a protest vote. We wanted to show
the public that the blame for
the insufficent education appro-
priations lies with the Republi-
The bill as approved by the Sen-
ate will go to the House Ways and
Means Committee Monday. The
committee then is allowed two
weeks to work on these bills.
Worked Closely
The Ways and Means Commit-
tee has worked closely with the
Senate Appropriations Committee
and it is likely it, too, will reject
an increase in the higher educa-
tion appropriation, Rep. Gilbert
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) said.
Bursley, "in the hopes of ob-
taining another $10 million or
revenue," yesterday introduced a
floor amendment that would have
extended the six cent cigarette
tax, but it was defeated.
Rep. Russell H. Strange (R-
Isabella) later proposed a similar
amendment which would extend
the telephone tax, another of the
"nuisance taxes" which expire
June 30. It, too, was defeated.

NO 8-6416


-Daly-David Giltrow
NEW EDITORIAL STAFF-Marlene Michels (left) has been appointed 'Ensian engravings editor,
Betsy Robinson (center) is copy editor, and Susie Shapiro (right) is new personnel director.

"One of the Year's Best !"
--foray Crowthw. Nrw York T.
"Not onlythe finest film
I've seen from today's
Russian cameras, it introduces
a director of genius and ! )!-;
two young actors of .*
getcharm and billiance. /
**('4 1 FOUR\)
.-Wondo Hl.N)' rDods No
"Fne film entertainment top-grade
...AedmWHMlf. N. ifPost

Admission 75c

From 1 o'clock


TONIGHT and SUNDAY at 7 and 9
with Jane Powell, Howard Keel,
Jeff Richards, Russ Tamblyn
(Academy Award)
Plus Cartoon
50 Cents

NO 2-6264




MAKING NEW FLAGS-Prof. emeritus Walter J. Gores works
on one of 20 new flags for the University. Now residing near
San Francisco, he has been working on this project for five years.
He hopes to have the flags done in time for June commencement.



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