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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
-:43 a t ly
Rain tonight, diminishing
to light showers tomorrow.
ssnr t vvr ._ .... -
VOL. LXXI, No. 134
aEa t(HT a r
Officials Attack
Space Program
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Congressmen on the House Space Committee
criticized America's space program during hearings of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration yesterday, in the aftermath
of the recent Soviet space triumph.
Chairman Overton Brooks (D-La), chairman of the committee,
demanded that "the program be speeded up or find out why it isn't."
David S. King (D-Utah) said that the United States should push
a big solid fuel space booster to do a quicker and better job than
liquid fuel. Victor Anfuso (D-NY) said, "I want to see this country
Legal Aspect
Of Concert
Under Study
Development Council officials
and University Attorney EdmunC
A. Cummiskey are examining the
legal aspects behind Wednesday's
partially-abortive Ray Charles
They have scheduled a meet-
ing for today, and do not rule ou
possibilities of legal action in th
wake of Charles's non-appear-
Meanwhile, the council's Stu-
dent Relations Board, the con-
cert's direct sponsor, started to
refund half the ticket price to al
ticket holders. Board advise]
Richard Kennedy said between
$1,500 and $2,000 has been return
Give Compensation
(Board Chairman John Ross,'61
said Wednesday that the unre-
turned receipts would be used to
meet the concert's expenses, in-
cluding some compensation for the
orchestral part of the Charles
show that did appear.
(Charles's orchestra and some
singers - the first half of the
show-did perform. Charles was
supposed to appear in the second
half of his show but did not be-
cause his private plane was
grounded in Chicago.
(Word he would not appear in
Ann Arbor did not come until
after the performance had start-
Take Names
The names and addresses of all
ticketholders who got refunds
were taken, in case the board is
able to get compensation for its
expenses from the Charles show.
Kennedy said there is a binding
contract for Charles's perform-
ance, agreed to by New York
agent Hal Ziegler, owner and pro-
moter of the entire Ray Charles
Show. Half the show's fee has
been paid, according to standard
Unless Charles was prevented
from appearing by means beyond
his control, his non-appearance is
a breach of contract, Kennedy
No Insurance Carried
Kennedy said no insurance'
bonding Charles's appearance has
been carried locally.
(If insurance is carried on
Charles's appearance, it would
most likely be carried by Zieg-
Refunds will continue today
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the
Michigan Union side desk, and
possibly in the Student Activi-
ties Bldg., Kennedy said.
Rumors Charles was in Los An-
geles Wednesday night are untrue.
The singer was given a Grammy
award by the National Academy
of Recording Arts and Sciences,
but did not accept it in person,
the Associated Press reported.
Dennis Charts
Corps Policies
COLUMBUS, Ohio (M) - In its
first few months the peace corps
will probably concentrate on Af-
rica, Latin America and South
Asia, the National Association of
Foreign, Student Advisers was told
here yesterday.
Lawrence E. Dennis, who has
charge of recruitment, selection
and the training program of the
peace corps, told the group at its
13th, annual meeting that the
corps is in effect a new kind of
placement service underwritten by
the United States government.
mobilized to a wartime basis, be-
cause we are at war. I want to see
schedules cut in half."
Dbing their best to answer the
drumfire of questions were James
Webb, newly installed NASA di-
rector, and Dr. Hugh L. Dryden,
deputy director who has been with
NASA since its inception.
Dryden said, "The race was
lost . . . before the space agency
was founded. The Russians began
their major effort in 1954, and
NASA warsnot set up until 1958.
There is some question, sir that
you can make up four years in two
s Describes Flight
In Moscow, Maj. Yuri A. Gagar-
- in described his flight into space.
t "When you go orbiting around
e the earth, you float above your
- chair in the space ship. The sun
blazes tens of times brighter than
- here on earth.
"The earth's sunny face is sep-
arated from the black void by a
: band of delicate blue color.
r "On the descent into the earth's
atmosphere one's legs and arms
feel as before during weightless-
ness, and I am no longer hovering
over the chair," he said.
The 27-year-old pilot gave this
>account yesterday to Tass some-
-where in the Soviet-interior as
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev pre-
pared a tremendous welcome for
him tomorrow in this excited cap-
ital. Twenty-gun salutes in the
astronaut's honor will roar out
5all over the Soviet Union.
Col.rCharles H. Roadman, of
the NSAS, told a newsman that
Gagarin's reported good reaction
to a 108-minute exposure to zero
Sgravity was the proof that man
can tolerate at least short-term
exposure to weightlessness with-
out adverse physiological or psy-
chological reactions.
Asks Views
The Commission on Year-Round
Integrated Operation is actively
seeking faculty and student opin-
ion on the scope and nature of
revision of the University calen-
dar, Prof. William Haber, com-
mission chairman, said last night.
At a special meeting of the Uni-
versity Senate today in Rackham
Lecture Hall, Prof. Haber will out-
line the work his group has done
so far and review alternative pro-
posals for establishing a year-
round calendar.
This meeting is open to all fac-
ulty members, but is not open to
students, Prof. Haber said.
However, students will have an
opportunity to confer with the
commission in a meeting the group
is considering setting up later this
Student Government Council
will probably be involved in such
communication, SGC President
Richard Nohl, '62, said Wednes-
day. He was mandated by the
council to set up a meeting be-
tween interested students and the
commission to "insure that stu-
dent points of view are adequate-
ly considered."
Although the mechanics of the'
proposed meeting have not yet
been worked out, Nohl said he was
pleased that the commission is
desiring student opinion.
Prof. Haber will submit a re-
port on the proposals for calendar
revision to University President
Harlan Hatcher about May 15.
Tulane To Try
For Bias End
Tulane University decided yes-
terday to admit students regard-
less of race or color if "legally,
Gov. John B. Swainson yester
day linked Michigan's growth t
her industries and educational in
stitutions-and asked more mone
for both.
He addressed the annual lunch
eon here of about 200 "Michiga
Industrial Ambassadors," indus
trial and business executives or
ganized by the Michigan Economi
Development Department to sca
the nation for new industry an
job prospects for the state.
"We must support our college
and universities by adaquate bud
gets, facilities and faculty pay,'
Swainson declared. "Money fo
our state's education is more tha
an appropriation-it is a wise in-
Cites Endeavors
He cited the University's stak
in space exploration (research lab.
oratories), medical research (Sall
vaccine) and peacetime uses 0
atomic energy (the Phoenix pro
"Today as you visit the Insti-
tute of Science and Technology,'
he told the ambassadors, "you wil
hear many strange words. These
are overpowering concepts, but a
source of pride to know this i
going on in Michigan, and a source
of energy to sell our state."
He charged the ambassadors t
"sell" Michigan in order to obtair
opportuniites for the young peopl
now being educated and the state'
natural resources.
Need Reform
"But," he added, "we need fis-
cal reform legislation to make th
state more attractive to industry.'
Michigan is the "best possible'
location for industries and her
people are dedicated workers
Swainson said. "The recent Rus-
sian space exploit may be a shoc
to some, but to our people it is a
spur to greater things," he ex-
University President Harl
Hatcher, speaking before Swain-
son, echoed the governor's mesh-
ing of education and industry. He
called the two "inseparable."
Tells of Contribution
"The University is always eager
to bring forth knowledge, make it
useful and train persons to use it.
This is our controution," he said
Thomas Dickinson and Law-
rence, co-chairmen of the eco-
nomic development committee of
the Ann Arbor Chamber of Com-
merce, tied the Chamber of Com-
merce-sponsored city industrial
research park to Michigan's
"The research park is going to
widen the tax base, help to create
more jobs, produce new methods
that will relate directly to in-
dustry and aid diversification of
the state's idustry," Dickinson
Says Victory
Over Soviets
COLUMBUS, Ohio (A)-William
Mandel told about 200 Ohio State
University students in a back yard
talk near the campus yesterday
that the United States "cannot
possibly win a war with the Soviet
Mandel will speak at the Uni-
versity at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, in
Rm. 3R-S of the Michigan Union,
through the auspices of the Poli-
tical Issues Club and Voice.
The controversial critic of the
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee and commentator on Soviet
affairs, said his chief objection to
the Congressional investigating
committee is that "they represent
a form of fascism in the United
"I have always believed that war
with the Soviet Union is insane
and we could not win. There is no
issue that cannot be settled by
negotiations. The essence of
American democracy is that
Americans have just as much
right to be a member of the com-
munist party as the John Birch
society," he said.
Mandel appears in the film,
"Operation Abolition," which des-
cribes him as an "identified agent
f the Communist Party."
Birchers Plan
Payroll Tax
Nears Vote
In Senate
LANSING (A) -- A bill which
would allow local units of govern-
ment to levy a one per cent pay-
roll tax-if approved by voters-
moved up to the final voting stage
yesterday in the Senate.
The measure was part of a tax
bill package reported out of the
taxation committee.
It would permit cities, villages,
townships and counties to lexy the
tax on both residents and non-
residents, regardless of where they
However, the taxpayer would
not pay the full one per cent un-
less he both lived and worked in
the community.
"This is a new concept," explain-
ed Sen., Clyde Geerlings (R-Hol-
land) who said the provision call-
ing for only half the tax being
levied on those who live in one
community and work in another
would curb any tendency toward
Under the bill, Wayne County
only, and none of its cities or
townships, would be allowed to
levy the payroll tax, but in out-
state areas, smaller governmental
units each could adopt the tax.
The proposal also includes a
provision under which any govern-
mental unit could require employ-
ers to withhold the tax from "sal-
aries, wages, commissions and
other compensation paid to em-
U' Re'jects
A new test for predicting how
well an individual high school stu-
dent will do at a given college has
been designed by the American
College Testing program.
The new test, using five indices,
will predict a student's success in
a specific way by relating each
institution's standards to each stu-
dent's abilities.
"The University has no plans
for making use of this new test."
Piof. C. Vroman, director of ad-
missions said.
Prof. B. G. Fricke of the psy-
chology department and assistant
chief of the Bureau of Psychologi-
cal Services, who has worked in
the field of educational testing and
has himself done research on col-
lege entrance tests, said that "the
new A. C. T. test is not much
better or much worse than other
already available tests."
"In fact, they are inferior to the
College Entrance Examination
Board tests used by the University
at the present time.
'Their greatest value is to the
small Midwestern colleges which
have no personnel or facilities of
their own to conduct educational
testing," he added.
"Many of the smaller colleges
will be requiring these tests and
the University may receive some
scores from students applying to
more than one school.
-Photo Courtesy University News Service
LIGHTNING MACHINE-Michigan Industrial Ambassadors, organized to promote the state as a
good place to do business, viewed this power unit in the University's new magneto-fluid dynamics
laboratory yesterday. Part of one of the world's most advanced engineering laboratories, this
"Lightning Maker" will furnish great amounts of of electrical energy for research in space flight
phenomena, high energy storage and transfer, and thermo-nuclear energy.
To Open Special Laboratory
The University's engineering
college is developing one of the
world's most highly developed and
advanced laboratories, which will
open for operation in September.
The laboratory's primary use
will be for advanced instruction
and frontier research in three
areas: space flight phenomena,
high energy storage and transfer,
and thiermonuclear energy. Three
departments - aeronautical and
astronautical engineering, electri-
cal engineering, and nuclear en-
gineering will share use of the new
The Magneto-Fluid Dynamics
Laboratory is being installed in a
space adjacent to the University's
propulsion laboratory on north
Need Strong Machine
These operations require a ma-
chine that will produce vast
amounts of electrical energy. This
machine, which makes the labora-
tory's advanced operations possi-
ble, is a unipolar generator and a
huge coil, some five feet thick, 20
feet in diameter and wound with
a cable as thick as the stout end
of a baseball bat.
This machine's energy output at
its peak is between one and two
million kilowatts-about the nor-
mal load of the entire Detroit
Edison Company.
University astronautical engi-
neers will use this energy to build
a hypersonic wind tunnel which
will be used for research on re-
entry of space vehicles into the
atmosphere. The project is ex--'
pected to provide information on
what happens to the chemical
composition of air heated by the
passage of such a vehicle.
The engineers will dump the
spark (about 350,000 amperes) in-
to an arc chamber, where it will
immediately heat a gas to around
20,000 degrees (Fahrenheit) -
about twice the temperature of the
sun's surface. This hot gas will
then expand and ultimately blast
through a tiny nozzle and past a
model in a test section into a
vacuum tank.
Study Waves
Electrical engineers will have
the opportunity to study electro-
magnetic wave reflection and ab-
sorbtion by ionized gases to bet-
ter understand communication
The laboratory will be used by
nuclear engineers for research on
controlled fusion reactions (har-
nessed power of the hydrogen
bomb) in the new laboratory.
Sustained thermonuclear reac-
tions require temperatures of
about a hundred million degrees.
Such temperatures have been ap-
proached but not attained in at
least one United States laboratory.
Gases this hot are ionized-
stripped of positive and negative
particles and thus enabled to car-
ry an electric current, and are
contained in a strcng magnetic
A high energy source-which
the laboratory will provide - is
necessary to yield both the high
temperatures and strong magnetic
fields required to approach sus-
tained thermonuclear reactions.
Experimental work by Universi-
ty nuclear engineers will focus on
understanding hot gases in a mag-
netic field, developing measuring
techniques, and making measure-
ments of these conditions.
Experiments in instructional
work will be set up to accompany
a one-year course in thermonu-
clear education at the University.
At present, although several uni-
versities do research on fusion,
none has a course in this subject.
Phone Taxes
Could Bring
New Funds
Health, School Bills
Face Senate Fight
In Last-Ditch Tries
By The Associated Press
State colleges and universities
got some encouraging news yester-
day about an appropriations boost
from Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St.
Clair), Senate majority leader, but
the picture in the House looked
far from promising.
The Senate is expected to take
action on the higher education
and mental health appropriations
bills today in an attempt to beat
the midnight deadline set for
passage of all bills by the house in
which they originated.
Beadle told reporters yesterday
there is a good chance some of the
funds for state-supported higher
education will be restored.
Extend Levy
The added revenue would come
from an extension of the four per
cent levy on telegraph and tele-
phone bills or a $1.25 per barrel
tax on beer, set to expire June
30 as part of a $55 million nui-
sance tax package.
Meanwhile House Republicans
sent six appropriations bills to
the Senate without changing the
recommendations of the GOP-
controlled ways and means com-
mittee. Democratic efforts to add
to these bills by amendment were
stymied by straight party line
voting on the House floor.
The House action may indicate
a future pattern in the Senate
where the crucial higher educa-
tion and mental health appropria
tions bills are awaiting consider-
ation. The GOP-controlled Senate
appropriations committee has re-
commended a slice of $7.8 million
from Gov. John B. Swainson's
$117 million higher education
budget and a $2 million cut in
the mental health request.
To Debate Taxes
The Republcans agreed to take
from the table the beer and
telephone-telegraph nuisance taxes
so that they may be debated and
voted upon pending the outcome
of the appropriations bills. The
tax bills came out of committee
without recommendation and thus
had been automatically tabled.
GOP Senators also gave pre-
liminary approval to a tax pack-
age which would permit local
governments to impose 'an income
tax and reform personal property
taxes. The package would require
real and personal property to be
assessed at a rate to be established
in December by the State Equaliza-
tion Board and would replace local
personal property taxes with a
specific levy set at the average
rate of present county personal
property taxes.
While Republicans were staving
off Democratic attempts to %dd
more money ranging from $5,000
to $6 million to five bills, the
GOP forces, headed by ways and
means committee chairman Rep.
Arnell Engstrom (R-Traverse
City), added $5 million to Swain-
son's welfare request.
Realistic Budget
"This is a realistic budget. I'm
through balancing budgets by un-
derappropriating," Engstrom said
of the governor's recommendation
for an $81 million appropriation,
Engstrom's committee suggested
$86 million, and the House de-
feated by a 56-50 straight party
vote an amendment to lower the
figure to $81 million.
Although the welfare budget fell
short by $6 million last year,
Democrats argued an upswing in
business should relieve the wel-
fare rolls shortly.
College Officials
Ignore Invitation
State-supported college and uni-
versity officials did not renond tn
Group Organizes To Revive
Campus Humor Magazine
A group of students interested in "arousing favorable student
opinion for a campus humor magazine," have drawn up the constitu-
tion for a new student organization to be known as the "Gargan-
tuans," Frederick Neff, '63, spokesman for the group, said yesterday.
"The group will try to produce an atmosphere conducive to the
level of creativeness necessary for a high quality humor magazine
which the University is now without," he added.
To Approach Board
"We are also interested in submitting material to the Board
in Control of Student Publications for possible publication in a
5tudent humor magazine," Neff
Factories Rise in New China
Spotlessly clean streets, bright-
ly colored clothing of many ma-
terials, well-fed people in good
health and giant factories rising
above the rice paddies signified a
new China to Maud Russell.
Visiting that country in 1959
after an absence of 16 years, Miss
Russell, a worker for the YWCA,
observed "immense changes" that
made her ask, "Am I in New York
dreaming or in China seeing these
She said that everyone talks
Miss Russell showed slides to
augment her commentary. They
show that the traditional all-blue
clothing the peasants wore during
the 26 years she lived there (1917-
1943) has been replaced by muti-
colored Western clothing for all
but work.
"The peasants have no real lack
of food," she said, and added that
foods from differing regions of
China now are available all over
the country, as are imported Asian
and EurropenP foods.
towards Communism, is engaged.
in constant evaluation of itself,
finding its mistakes and correcting
Although the advent of Commu-
nist government made it possible
for peasants to own land, the
economy is very socialistic, she ob-
During flood threats, the Cen-
tral Ministry of Finance takes
charge of all the food. Some is
then distributed to those areas hit
by floods. Previously, regional
"The Gargantuans hope to in-
corporate two other groups which
are currently trying to bring back
the Gargoyle to campus," Neff
added. The Gargoyle was the cam-
pus humor magazine which stop-
ped publication last. year when no
senior editors were appointed to
its staff.
Has Constitution
The Constitution which the
group has drawn up has been sub-
mitted to the Student Government
Council Organization Recognition
Committee and has been given
tentative approval by the commit-
tee, Neff said.
"Our group plans not only to
abide by all University rules but
also to work in the spirit of the