_____ _____ ____THE w - £ AU Linemen Needed To Bolster Grid Hopes Netters Start Big e By CLIFF MARKS Yesterday's second spring foot- ball practice, in the rain, didn't help Coach Bump Elliott and his staff much in their search for men1 to replace last year's all-senior first string line. Although there are 12 lettermen1 returning in the line out of 20 back from 1960, Elliott wants to find. some much needed depth among the big group of incoming sopho- mores. Elliott didn't want to speak about the untested newcomers at{ this early date, but the general9 consensus was that the following1 interior linemen head the current; list, mainly on the basis of their performances in the freshman game last fall. Choice Group The choice group includes tack- les Larry Piotrowski, 6'4", 215 lbs.,3 Phil Garrison, 230 lbs., and Tom Keating, 220 lbs.; guards are Deb Nolan, Dave Kurtz, Bill Coplin, and John Pasch, averaging around 205; and centers Don Blanchard, 215 lbs., Bill Muir 205, and Joe Sligay, a stocky 220 pounder. There are also some good end prospects in Doug Bickle and Bill Tageson, but the situation is bet- ter fortified here with the return of five lettermen and three reserve winners. The former include cap- tain-elect George Mans, Jim Koro- win, Jim Zubkus (from two years ago), Bill Freehan and Scott Maentz. The latter two are absent from practice now, playing base- ball and tennis respectively. Two other lettermen backs, base- baller Ed Hood and trackster Bennie McRae are also missing. Also out for track are reserve back Bill Hornbeck and guard Wally Herrala. Backfield Set} The backfield situation is also looking good - at this early date with last year's starters, Dave Glinka at quarter, Dave Raimey and McRae at halves, and fullback Ken Turreaud all returning. Some sophomores to be watched, are quarterbacks Frosty Evashev- ski, Ron Tate, and Tom Watters, all of whom showed up well in last fall's freshman game. Rookie half- backs at the top of the list are Harvey Chapman, Don Kornowa, Jim Locke, Bruce McLenna and Mike Vuocolo. Top fullback prospects are Bill Dodd, who scored twice in last fall's game, Wayne Sparkman and Don Baty. Changes Occur Elliott pointed out that many changes and surprises occur dur- ing spring practice, and though all the new men would get a long, searching look, the others, mainly reserves, would not be neglected. Some of these men, who saw much action last year and are counted on again are ends Bob Brown, Jeff Smith and Dave Mon- geau, a converted back. Jon Schopf, Guy Curtis and John Houtman are three returning let- terman tackles, along with reserves Paul Schmidt and Will Stawski. Three more lettermen are back at guard, Lee Hall, John Minko, and Joe O'Donnell, in addition to Lou Pavlov a 1959 "M" winner who was injured last year. Other Reserves Other returnees are Frank Clap- pison, Dick Syzmanski, and Chuck Collins. The latter two will be testing last fall's injuries, as will Tureaud and passer Bob Chandler.' Center lettermen are Todd Grant and John Walker, while defensive ace John Stamos returns at quar- terback. Jim Ward and Jack Stroebel are counted on again at halfback, with reserves like Hornbeck and Ron' Spacht providing more depth. Lettermen Paul Raeder and Bill Tunnicliff are back to bolster Tu- reaud at fullback along with the new men. Elliott and his crew will be using the 20 spring workouts to synthe- size the squad in~ preparation -for a fast start next fall, with the line looming as the number one prob- lem to solve. -Daily-James Warneka QUANTITY AND QUALITY-Right-fielder John Halstead (left), and pitchers Joe Brefeld and John Kerr, contribute experience to Coach Don Lund's versatile and seasoned baseball squad. Hal- stead and Brefeld are seniors while Kerr is a Junior. Give Wolverines Mobility r/1 -11 By FRED STEINHARDT Outstanding depth and experi- ence plus sophomore Ray Senko'W ski appear to be the strong points of the Michigan tennis team as it prepares to open the defense of its Big Ten title with a duel meet at Illinois Saturday. Coach Bill Murphy will bank on four proven veterans-Jim Ten- ney, Wayne Peacock, Bruce Mac- Donald, and Bill Vogt-and 1960 reserve Tom Beach to provide top to bottom strength behind Sen- kowski. Sought After Senkowski became one of the most sought after schoolboys in the land when he won the Na- tional Scholastic singles title in his junior year at Hamtramck (Mich.) High School. Today he is one of the top ranked mens players in the country and will almost certainly be an odds on favorite or a strong contender for the conference num- ber one singles title. Tenney played all of last year at number four singles and went un- defeated from the spring trip until the Conference finals. He is a de- liberate baseline retriever who forces his opponents into errors, and combined with MacDonald to form a crack number three doubles team last year. They were finally defeated in the Conference finals. Peacock Returns Peacock returns after a year's absence. He was Big Ten number six singles champion in 1958 and 1959, and captain-elect for 1980 when he ,was shelved by ineligibil- ity. MacDonald is probably the most aggressive player on the team and won the number six title last year as a junior. Vogt came virtually out of no- where in the conference meet last May to take runnerup honors at number five singles. Murphy sub- stituted him at the last minute for Women Golf er The W.A.A. Golf Club will meet tonight in the Women's Athletic Building at 7:15. The National Women's Collegiate Golf Tournament will be dis- cussed. All women interested are urged to attend. erratic Ken Mike who had played there all year. Vogt had' played on the varsity in 1958 but was forced to the sidelines in 1959 by' too many afternoon classes. Beach No. 6 Beach, a former pre star from Kalamazoo, will probably open the season at number six singles. He was a reserve last year as a sopho- more. As the season progresses, however, he may be challenged by football and basketball player Scott Maentz who is currently working himself into shape. Maentz played his high school tennis at. East Grand Rapids. Certain to be missed because of ineligibility will be Jerry Dubie, a high school sidekick of Senkow- ski at Hamtramck, number one singles man in 1960, and captain- elect for 1961. By DON BURNESS One of the biggest assets to baseball coach Don Lund this sea- son will be the versatility of his sophomore-laden squad. Many of this year's diamond performers can play several po- sitions, thus enabling Lund to jug- gle his lineup to suit the partic- ular needs that may ensue during the season, ROPE CLIMB, FLYING RINGS OUT: ENCAA Cancels Gym Events By GARY GUSSIN Penn State is king of the col- lege gymnastics world again but its throne is a shaky one, due to the recent actions of the nation's. collegiate gymnastics coaches. Whether due to the lack of participation in the events, or due to Penn State's third straight NCAA gym championship last week, the coaches have voted to discontinue the rope climb and flying rings as NCAA events. This is a significant move since Penn State scored 36 of its NCAA points in these events while defeating its nearest rival, Southern Illinois, by only 10, 88-78. Wolverines Banked The Wolverines were shut out in these events, but still manag- ed to finish fourth-18/2 points off the pace-so that Coach Newt Loken and his crew perhaps had a special reason for having the events eliminated. Jealousy, however, is not the real motive. for the move. Loken noted that "only 10 or 12 boys participated in each of these events, while about 40 participat- ed in each of the other events in the NCAA Meet." The two events are popular mainly in the east. "For us and most other mid- western schools to have entered these events would have required top much preparation in too short a time," said Loken. "Consequent- ly, schools which had three men entered in the -events were able to score easy points." Justified Another justification for the' coaches' action might be the dan} ger involved in the flying rings- coupled with the fact that neither of the events is an Olympic event. But the story may not end with the actions immediately following the meet. Eastern coaches, irri- tated with the move, may attempt to eliminate midwestern special- ties-tumbling and rebound tum- bling (Trampoline)-from further NCAA meets. In these events, Big Ten Schools, especially Michigan State and Michigan, scored a great number of points, while ironically, Penn State was shut out. Not Olympic Events These two events are not Olym- pic events either, and though they are included in midwestern dual meets, eastern meets have not included them. However, neither event is as dangerous as flying rings and both boast great- er participation. From the spectators' stand- point, the Trampoline and tum- bling are perhaps the two most exciting events of a gym meet. The reduction of a national meet to six events (free exercise, still rings, side horse, long horse, high bar, and parallel bars) would considerably shorten the length of meets, perhaps unnecessarily limiting spectator interest. The results of the battle should be interesting. It is significant that no action was taken on the tumbling events at the same time that the rope climb and flying rings were eliminated. the one eers. Bill Freehan, the leading Wol- verine hitter during the recent trip to Arizona, is an accomplish- ed catcher as well as a capable. first sacker. During doubleheaders Freehan will probably catch one .game and play first in the other. Mobility This mobility gives Lund an opportunity to play either Dick Syring or Barry Marshall with the former a catcher and Marshall a first baseman. Marshall batted .306 last year in playing second base the entire season. This year, however, with the addition of sophomore' flash Joe Jones, Marshall has been transferred to first base activity. Jim Newman, who hit a hefty .357 in Arizona, can play. four po- sitions. The 5'11" Detroiter will see most . of his service in either left or right field and may fill in at shortstop or second base if the occasion demands. Merullo Catches Third sacker J o e Merullo caught several games last season and proved himself to be a fine receiver. A junior from Revere, Mass., Merullo supplies added depth to an already ample supply of catchers and in case of injury, he will be available. Lefty Dick DeLamielleure, a re- serve first baseman during the 1959-60 campaign, will alternate at right field with veteran John Halstead. DeLamielleure hit well in Arizona and gave indication that his bat will aid the Michigan attack when the Big Ten season gets under way. The Wolverine's depth il fur- ther illustrated by the nine hurl- ers who 'compose the pitching corps. Four left handers, Joe Bre- feld, Fritz Fisher, John Kerr, and Bob Marcereau all will see a great deal of time on the mound as will, righthanders Mike Joyce and Den- nis McGinn. Depth and versatility help win' ball games. Michigan Coach Don Lund seemingly has no problems in either department. I I-M' SCORES, GOOD COURSE to take is that leads to the King of B SOFTBALL Phi Sigma Kappa "A" 5, Acacia "A"SA sigma Phi Epsilon "B" over Phi Kap- pa Psi t"B" (forfeit) WincheU "B" over Taylor " <" (for- feit) VOLLEYBALL Naval Science 4, AdministratiouS0 Next time you're away from the books, enjoy a refreshing glass of x