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April 13, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-13

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"Cuba Si, Yanqui Nyet! -Oops -"

Seventy-First Year

is Are Free

Discusses Experiences
During Leningrad Visit
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter was received from two members
of the University band now traveling in the Soviet Union.)
LENINGRAD-Our day started at 9:30 a.m. with breakfast which
is more like dinner for us. First we were served juice, followed by a
course of meat, potatoes, and cabbage. Then we finished up with sweet
rolls and coffee. After that feast we boarded the buses to be taken to
the Conservatory. We always have a hard time getting to our buses be-
cause as soon as we step outside the hotel we're approached by chil-
dren who are eager to exchange their pins and medals for our gum and
The bus Tides are always interesting because they give us a' good

torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Con-Con Faces Many Hurdles
Before Equitable Revision,

iEN THE VOTERS of Michigan approved
he calling of a constitutional convention
week they raised a remote possibility that
ugh constitutional reform, Michigan will
ble to unravel itself from the complex ar-
>f.circumstances that have strangled'it into
nmobile, decaying state.
t the ray of hope that con-con .brings can
y be stopped by a host of formidable
les which those who hope for effective
ion must jump. Most crucial is the nomi-
n and election of able convention dele-
who will not reflect the bitter animosities
alent in state politics. Unfortunately, the
delegates will be elected on the basis of
representatives from each of the state's
'mandered rural-Republican dominated
ative districts. Thus it appears that like
.,egislature, the convention will also be un-
r dominated by the very interests who have
host to lose in effective and equitable re-
IS IS A TRAGIC SIGN. Reapportionment
Senate districts which are now frozen
p inequitable lines is the key to any effec-
change in future Michigan politics. It is
as the early critics of con-con pointed
that other states have similar gerrymand-
districts and constitutions equally as an-
ted. But Michigan's peculiar economic and
opment problems are so unique and in-
that regardless of what other states can
Michigan cannot afford a constitution
h aggravates already complex problems..
states possess such extremes in political
sophy as is demonstrated by the liberal
of the southern industrial areas and the
ight conservatism of the rural counties.
clash, as transiAted by the present con-
,ion, has provided a liberal union-leaning
>cratic governor and a Republican-rural
lature. Thus when major problems arise,
as the recent fiscal crises, deadlock is
H ooray !
y the scientists the world over who made
ble the orbiting of a human being in
With this step, comes the promise of
zment of man's dream of the stars.
is time that man was able to look up at
ky without feeling quite so dwarfed by its
nsity, and if this trip is any indication,
U1 be able to do so soon.
I it is time for a salute to the dreamers
have kept 'the vision of space before us
past years and to all the citizens of
vorld on their first step out of it.

inevitable between the bitterly opposed but
relatively even-matched groups.
IRONICALLY ENOUGH, this irreparable clash
has been artificially created by an old con-
stitution which insisted on representing beau-
.tiful scenery and northern trout in a state Leg-
islature. If district lines were redrawn on a
basis of the most elementary precepts of equi-
table representative government, the Legisla-
ture would immediately take the form of a
more liberal, probably Democratic-controlled
body which would be able to work with the
governor. Most important, it would actually re-
flect the political feelings of the majority of
people in the state and would provide a gov-
ernment consistent with a dynamic industrial
Unhappily, most other important con-con is-
sues face similar problems. The vested inter-
ests, which originally foisted on the present
constitution such deleterious provisions as ear-
marking of tax receipts, the imposition of a
$250,000 debt limit on state borrowing and the
establishment of the Michigan lengthy "bed-
sheet" ballot, will be represented at the con-,
vention. Those who hold obsolete and useless
posts in municipal, county and township gov-
ernments will resist changes in a constitution
which guarantees the maintenance of their own
political Jobs.
EVEN IF THE MAJORITY of delegates are
able to withstand these pressures, the new-
ly form'ulated constitution will have to win
voter support, most likely at the November
1962 elections. The unpredictable Michigan
electorate. which is capable in one stroke of
electing a Democratic governor and also de-
stroying the very heart of his fiscal program
will be subject to a barrage of propaganda from
allfthose who are hurt by revision.
It will be up to those groups which have
taken a genuine interest in good government
such as delegate candidate George Romney's.
Citizens for Michigan to stem these formidable
pressures with campaigns of their own. Al-
though these groups have announced they will
not lobby during the process of electing dele-
gates, as each provision of change is aired to
the public in the course of the convention, a
campaign must be waged which is strong
enough to overpower the thousands of little
voices with vested interests in maintaining the
status quo. This is a monumental task which
must be fully accomplished if the convention is
actually to solve the problems which called it
into being. But current prospects forbode com-
promises with democracy, bows to selfish pres-
sures, and if revision-change only for the sake
of change itself.

Urges' Attack on Appropriations Cut

(UPS) - Students at Central
Missouri State College, Warrens-
burg, Missouri, have been chal-
lenged to take up the battle of
seeing that a proposed cut in ap-
propriations for the college is not
passed by the state government.
In a front page editorial in the
campus newspaper, The Student,
editor Wayne Ackerman charged
the students with the responsibility,
of writing their representatives
and senators. "For the future of
Missouri education," wrote Acker-
man, "it,is imperative that the
House appropriations committee's
recommended cut should. not be
Ackerman had this to say to his
readers: Education, one of the
primary. needs of Missouri,, has
seen a serious attempt at a set-
back. With a slash of a pencil, the
House appropriations committee of
the Missouri legislature cut $749,-
961 from the recommended budget
for Central Missouri State.
This cut is $699,961 more than
the cut for any other state sup-
ported college. In face of the

known facts that CMS is the fast-
est growing state college in the
state of Missouri, this would great-
ly impair the functioning of CMS
as a major educational institution
in Missouri.
The cut would not allow the
College to hire new faculty mem-
bers for next year, as well, it
would affect the salaries of the
present faculty.
* * *
cent in the past eight years, of
CMS has consistently exceeded en-
rollment projections. Appropria-
tions have, in the past, been made
on a .percentage basis with little
consideration of actual enrollment,
which has caused CMS to suffer
low per student appropriations
from general revenue and a result-
ing high student-faculty ratio.
During the .present biennium,
the per student appropriations
from general revenue for CMS is
$408, while the average for other
state colleges is $470, which gives
CMS sixty-two dollars less than
this average:
The student-faculty ratio at
CMS for the present year is 32
students to one faculty member
compared with an average of 25'
to 1 in the other state colleges and
18 to 1 at the University.
With the proposed cut, the stu-
dent-faculty ratio will be even
higher if the enrollment contin-
ues at the present rate. The con-
stant threat in lack of appropria-
tions would discourage Missouri's
youth from attending college.

If CMS had received a cut pro-
portional with the other State
colleges, this would have made
possible the employment of suf-
ficient faculty members necessary
to bring the student-faculty ratio
down to a figure comparable with
that of the other state colleges,
which would still be considerably
above the recommended national
* * *
THE GOVERNOR'S recommend-
ed budget for the 1961-63 bien-
nium has been scientifically pre-
pared for all the state colleges by
use' of 'a formula based upon en-
rollment projection data provided
by Community Studies, Inc., of
Kansas City. This data predicts a
full-time enrollment at CMS of
3861 for 1961 and 4307 for 1962,
and increase of nearly 300 stu-
dents next year and 700 over this
year in, 1962.
As the fastest growing college
in Missouri, CMS SHOULD NOT
be hobbled by the committee's re-
commended cut. If any reduction
in appropriations are made, they
shrould be done on a per student
basis for all state colleges. Other-
wise, the entire equity of financial'
support will be destroyed.
For the future of Missouri edu-
cation, it is imperative that the
House appropriations committee's
recommended cut should not be
passed. It is the responsibility of
every taxpayer, every student in
the Central district to write his
representative and senator, urging
an equitable consideration for

chance to observe the people. We h
acteristic of the people here they
all seem to be wearng big long
heavy coats, and they all wear fur
hats. Speaking of fur hats, next
winter a band member onhcam-
pus may be identified by the fur
hat he wears. Almost everyone
went wild and bought a typically
Russian fur hat. However, of all
the Russian people that we have
observed, we have fallen in love
with the Russian children. It's
amazing how they can still walk
with all the clothing they wear.
All we can see are little bundles of
fur and occasionally we can spot
a little face with bright rosy
* * *
WE ARRIVED at the Conserva-
tory at about 11:00. An instructor
and a student who spoke English
gave us a very nice welcome. AfterF
they told us some of the history of
their Conservatory, we were sep-
arated into groups according to
the instruments we play and were
token to observe various instru-
mental classes. We were all in-
terested in hearing how the stu-
dents play, what their instruments
were like, and what types of
pieces were included in their rep-
Although the session started out
in a fairly formal manner, it soon
turned into informal discussion,
because both 'groups ;of students
had many questions to ask each
other concerning music and music
education in each other's country.
The Leningrad students are in a
five year program and before they
even entered, they 'had had exten-
sive training in music preparatory
schools followed by very competi-
tive auditions to be accepted in
the conservatory. There is no.cost
for the students themselves, .in
fact, they are given stipends to
continue their education ,at the
* * *
AFTER LUNCH the band played
a short concert for a very en-
thusiastic audience. All of the au-
diences that we've performed for
have given us very wonderful re-
ceptions. However, the conserva-
tory students are more responsive
because, like us, they are interest-
ed in music and they are college
students, Even though the idea of
a symphonic band is entirely newt
to them, they indicate by ,their
enthusiasm that they appreciate
our musicianship and the sound
that comes from this type of. ii-
strumentation. You might be in-
terested in knowing that out of
all the pieces we've played, they
like "The Victors" the best.
We returned to the hotel' for
dinner, and again we were served
quite a feast. The first course con-
sisted of cold meats; the second,
soup; the third, hot course with,
meat, potatoes, and vegetables;
and the fourth, dessert. Of course,
there was plenty of bread, and
the black bread you hear about is
really good. It's brown, not black,
and it has a slightly bitter taste,
but most of us were surprised that
it really is not bad at all.
-Kay Mallory
Carol Ober

ave all noticed one general char-
The Daily Official Bulletin as an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. otices should be
sent in TYPE ~ITTEN formh to
Room 3519 Adminstration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
All members of The University Sen-
ate are invited to attend the Senate
Advisory Committee Faculty Forum Zn
the Rackham Lecture Hall Friday,"
April 1 , 4:00 p.m. Subject for dis-
cusslon: Year-around operation of The
University.; The Chairman of the Pres-
dent's Commission on Year-Around
Operation of The University,. Profes-
sor William Haber, and members of
the Commission will explain their work
and indicate the direction- of their
present planning. Here is an oppor-
tunity for frank opinions and ques-
Wesley Maurer, Chairman
Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs
Graduate Students in Linguistics:
The preliminary examinations for the
Ph.D.t in Linguistics for 'the Springt
semester 1960-61 will be 'iven on Fri.-
and Sat., May 12 and 13. Students in-
tending to take any one of these ex-
aminations should so notify Prof. Cha-
varria-Aguilar, 1625 Haven Hall, In"
writing, not later than Fri., April 14.
Students who are definitely planning
to transfer to the College of Litera-
ture, 'Science, and the Arts, School of
Education, School of M Usic, School of
Nursing, College af /Architecture and'
Design, or the College of Pharmacy
in September 1961 from another campus
unit should come to the Office of'Ad-
missions, 1524 Admin. Bldg. immedi-
ately to make application for transfer.
Graduating Seniors: Caps and gowns
may be rented from Moe's Sport Shop,
711 North University, Mon. through Sat.
Amy student organization wishing to
calendar an event(s) for the. school
year 1961-62 may send or bring their
requests (indicate the nature of the
event and your choices for dates for
the event) to the Calendaring Com-
mittee of Student Government Council
in the Student Activities Building. The
deadline for requests for calendaring
is April 24, 1961.
Approval for the following atudent-
sponsored activities becomes effetive.
24 hours after the publication of this
notice. All publicity for these events
must be withheld until the approval
has become effetive.
Democratic Socialist Club, Ari 1,
at 2:00 pam., i1n the Michigan: Union,
"The Beat Generation, Existentialism
and the Angry Young Men."
Challenge, April 20-21, at 4:00 i,
Union, League, UGLI, "Pre-Colloquium
Mathematics Colloquum: Will meet
Thurs. nad Fri.,.April 13 and 14 at 3:00
p.m. in 3011 Angell Hall, Prof. W. . I
Hayman, Imperial College, University
of London, will speak on "Problems
and results related to Picard's theorem"
(Thurs., April 13); and "On the de-
fects of meromorphic functins of fn
ite order" (Fri., April 14).
Refreshments will be served at 2:30
p.m. in 3212 Angell Hall on Thurs.
Philosophy Lecture: Prof. John Find-
lay of Oxford, England, will speak on
(Continued on Page 8)',


On the First Phase


I AM~ writing a final article before leaving
or a few weeks in Europe, it is tempting
ok back and do a bit of generalizing about
irst two months of the Kennedy adminis-
e general character of this first phase
been, I would say, preliminary and pre-
tory. Unlike 1933, there was no emergency
.i Mr. Kennedy took office, and the grave
lems which he is.committed to deal with
ot call for crash solutions but for careful
rnng and perseverance over the years. This
ue of the problem, which is central to
St all the others: the problem of over-
rg the sluggishness which has character-
the American economy since the end of
Eorean War.
YET, THE Administration has made no
rontal attack on this problem. It has not
so because of a deliberate decision that
ountry is not yet ready for it. Despite the
iployment and the unused capacity, the
ig that we are in bad times is spotty and
not general and national. Because of the
hood that a kind of recovery, probably a
ow recovery, is just around the corner, the
dent has'felt that for the present he must
w the Eisenhower economic ideology which
the fiscal orthodoxy of the age before the
t Depression. Yet his principal advisers
so fax as I know, unanimous in the belief
a very considerable departure from the
hower ideology is necessary if the Ameri-
economy is to meet the needs of the Six-
international, national and local. But
te these opinions the Administration is
sting within the Eisenhower slogans and
otypes about the budget. This is not be-
the Kennedy men believe in them but
use there are a large majority in both
es who do believe in them.,
between the Kennedy doctrine, which is
held back, and the Eisenhower doctrine,
1 holds it back, the crucial and central

budget message, is that Federal revenues and
expenditures should be in balance "over the
years of the business cycle"about four or five
years. The Eisenhower doctrine is that, re-
gardless of the business cycle, the budget
should be in balance every year. If the budget
is not in balance annually, even as now in a
year. of recession, the Eisenhower ideology
demands that politicians and editors should
regard this as deplorable, and that the Presi-
dent should apologize for it.
The true and emerging Kennedy doctrine is
that in a year of recession there ought to be
a deficit and that in years of boom there
ought to be a surplus. When, as has been the
case since the early 1950's, there is a chronic
sluggishness in the economy, it is an unsound
fiscal policy to try to achieve a budget surplus.'
MANY THIS sounds like the grossest
heresy. It shocks them to hear it said that
when there is so much unemployment and
when the economy is running 10 per cent below
its normal capacity, there ought to be a deficit. A
But that is exactly what the great majority of
modern economists are saying, particularly
those on whom the, Kennedy administration
But the 'President has not yet braced him-
self to the effort of explaining to the public
the difference between balancing the budget
annually and balancing it over the business
cycle. Yet most of what he has promised to
do, most of what for the long pull urgently
needs to be done, depends on explaining this
theoretical issue to the people.
To explain it seems at times like trying to
explain to a man that the earth is not flat, as
it seems to him, but that it is in fact round.
"It is flat," he can be heard to say, "wherever
I have been." So with budget balancing.
IT IS A complicated thing to explain why the
earth is round. It is a complicated thing to
explain that the Federal budget is not only
an accounting of revenues and exoenditures. It

Dip lomacy
May Suffer
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON (A) - Russia's
latest space achievement is expect-
ed to harden the diplomacy of
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
and make him a more difficult
man for President Kennedy to
deal with.
U.S. 'officials agreed privately
today that the launching and
recovery of a man-carrying space
vehicle is not only a historic feat
but one which is certain to
strengthen Khrushchev's deter-
mination to get his own way more
and more on outstanding issues.
Already the lines of diplomatic
conflict are sharply drawn at many
points. Examples include Laos,
Berlin, disarmament and the
United Nations.
.* * S
first man-made satellite into orbit
more than three years ago stu-
dents here of Soviet affairs have
noticed a toughening trend in the
policy conduct of Khrushchev,
even when he was talking most
enthusiastically about the need for
East-West negotiations and was
urging peaceful settlement of all
Khrushchev's behavior in this
respect is considered a reflection
of his judgement of the Soviet
Union's power position in the
world-primarily in relation to the
power of the United States.
',' *
basis of the East-West diplomatic
balance. In other words, the'
stronger Khrushchev feels, the less
inclined he is to compromise and
the more determined he is to get

John Birchers Reflect Fanaticism

To the Editor:
p IE DAILY HAS HAD several
articles laterly concerning the
many "anti - communist" groups
and societies that have sprung up
here and there, most notably, of
course, the John Birch society. The
really frightening thing, I think,
is that most people I have talked
to regard !these super-duper pa-
triot groups (and sometimes they
are not even this) as something of
a joke. I personally regard the
Young Americans for Freedom as
a joke-but as a harmless ,one.
'Viieir influence on campus is cer-
tinly not large, and for all their
"Goldwater for '64," I think that
they realize that he has as much
chance of winning as Alf Landon
did against FDR in 1936.
The John Birchers and their ilk
are a different thing, however.
Ironically, they are similar to the
ideology they profess to hate-
communism-in that they claim
that they have the whole truth,
the indisputable. If you disagree,
you're a Red. Simple, direct, easy
to understand - no confusing
theories. It is precisely these
groups that attract followers by
the multitudes-those who are un-
willing or unable to think, and let
somebody else do it for them. A
paperhanger in Germany latched
onto this idea, and he got pretty
fa. V isirls. wor rt.ranl .,can

what a fanatic he is. In addition
to his well-publicized statements
that Eisenhower is a "conscious
instrument of the communist con-
spiracy," and so are others, we
have the very interesting one that
"democracy is ridiculous." He does
not believe in collectivism, nor in
democracy. What does he believe
in? Probably, the same thing that
Herr Schickelgruber did.
Incidentally, if Eisenhower is a
communist, then I absolutely defy
the Birchers to tell me what Ken-
nedy is!
-Steven Hendel, '63
Correctio.. .
To the Editor:
THIS IS, first of all, to compli-
ment you on your fine coverage
of the address of Mr. Lyndell Wel-
bourne at the Speech Assembly.
Your reporter did an accurate job
of capturing Mr. Welbourne's mes-
sage about the growth of television
in education,
However, there is one error
which we should like to call to
your attention. In the last para-
graph you refer to a workshop to
be offered on this campus this
summer. This workshop will be
jointly sponsored by The Midwest
Program on Airborne Television
Instruction and The TTniversity of

Minority Parties ..
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH WE, for one organi-'
zation, have sent appeals to the
newpapers, the radio stations and
the television stations asking them
to publicize and to oppose the
threat to our rights that lies in
House Bill 159, your editorial of
March 31 is the first criticism of
the bill we have seen in any paper.
The restrictions and harass-
ments of the proposed changes in
the Election Law are even more
stringent than your editorial indi-
cated. For instance, in the past we
have been required to have all the
signatures on any one sheet from
one county, but the Bill wpuld re-
quire that they be all from one city
or township and that each sheet
must be signed and notarized. This
and other provisions of the bill
are obviously intended to make
such a mountain of detail work as
to make the task impossible for
any but a large, well heeldd organ-
At the public hearing on the bill
Tuesday evening, March 22, one of
the committee members let the cat
out of the bag with the remark,
"This bill is just to get rid of nui-
. S *
FURTHER, we wonder if there
was not some advance buildup of
+a irlao tha fi nn u ev..n crof

Director of Elections in a tabula-
tion which finished with, "Signa-
tures not checked, 60." We are
quite sure that if the petitions had
been checked this thoroughly last
year at least two of the parties
would not have been on the ballot
because they had no extra signa-
tures to take care of ,the invalid
ones that anyone must expect to
$ut all this is not as important
as the real point that there should
not be any of the present restric-
tions on access to the ballot, much
less even more than there are.
* * *
AT ONE TIME, in the 1890's,
thtere were eleven parties on the
ballot in Michigan and the state
and the nation survived. Further,
up until 1938 the laws of this state.
we're such that any group large
enough to constitute the necessary
officers and committees of a politi-
cal party could nominate candi-
dates and certify them to the
Secretary of State, who was re-
quired to place them on the ballot.
The worst -result of this was that
some political office-holders had
to do some work before each elec-
We believe that any ballot re-
strictions which require any more
'than Michigan's laws prior to
1938 is contrary to the Constitu-
tion of the United States and that
of Mir-hirain 'Theu vhould b con-

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