REVOClLU TION IN ENGINEERING? se rPue 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom 4kti44op .131 tn.,., ___...w.,._. .._,s._._,.. __. __._ __ wvv a ____ LXXI, No. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12. 1961 wvvw nwwime *7'Tt'"'.IITTTT)7 T'V AT it " r mw-v . inw-yw . SIK PAGEi yUL aIk 1VStIJIATLe chMT:s May Back State Schools 11 By MICHAEL BURNS A small group of Republican moderates met Monday night and breakfasted yesterday morning to consider enforcing a proposal ad- vanced by state educators to de- feat the higher education appro- priations bill in the Legislature. The eight GOP senators, includ- ing Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann' Arbor), have voiced discontent over the recommendation of. the committee to slice Gov. John B. Swainson's request of $117 million by approximately $8 million. These eight Republicans, along with the 12 Democrats in the Sen- ate woUld be enough to defeat the bill. After a breakfast meeting with rJ----- -._...,..... Michigan State University Presi- dent John A. Hannah, the Repub- lican moderates joined other GOP senators in an hour-long caucus. No official statement of position was released but Senate Majority Leader Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair) said the group discussed improve- ments in the budgets of higher ed- ucation and mental health up to $5 million. The revenue for these additions would probably come from renewal of nuisance taxes on telephones and beer. The taxes ex-, pire June 30. "There was general agreement that if we made adjustments in these areas (education and men- tal health) we will need new reve- nues," Beadle said. He s LgislIature;Fcing Hea viest Worki Week LANSING (2) - Michigan lawmakers, facing imminent deadlines on over 350 bills, waded into the heaviest work week of the 1961 session last night. The most important move of the day was passage of a bill setting up machinery for election of the 144 delegates to the constitutional convention. The bill, sent to Gov. John B. Swainson for signing, calls for a primary election of delegates July-25 and the final selection Septem- ber 12. It also provides for a salary of $1,000 a month for each dele- gate .up to a maximum of $7,500. Travel expenses will also be allowed. PRESIDENT DE GAULLE: .. press conference Aid Offered, ABy eGal PARIS (M-President Charles d Gaulle reopened the door to peac talks with the Algerian Nationalis rebels yesterday., In a statement on Algerian pol icy to a crowded news conference the President said colonies wer outmoded and too costly in th present world and spoke of a pos sible accord with the rebel regime Offered Aid He offered French economic technical and financial aid to the future Algeria if 'its nine million Algerians chose a combination o full sovereignty in association with France on the model of Senegal. In return, he said, France would want some military and naval bases in Algeria and guarantees for the one million Europeans in Algeria. Should Algeria choose a com- plete rupture with France he threatened to expel 400,000 Algeri- ans working in France and to urge the Frenchmen among the one million Europeans in Algeria to return home. No Aid to UN On other subjects de Gaulle said France will contribute neither money nor manpower to any of the "present or eventual" United Nations operations on the Congo model. De Gaulle criticized the United Nations as a "disorganization of global incoherence," and reiterated his standing demands for a larger voice for Western European na- tions in mapping Allied world strategy, particularly in Asia and Africa. He said France intends to con- tinue to .develop its own nuclear arsenal as long as it is still threat- ened with massive destruction from the East. De Gaulle said he would discuss these points with President John F. Kennedy in the spirit of "good friends and good Allies" when. Kennedy makes his official visit to France at the end of May.' In the coure nf a 40-minte -'Topping the tentative agenda is a group of appropriation bills to- talling $62 million to finance state operations in the next fiscalyear beginning July 1. Action on these measures is be- ing postponed till late in the week so that legislators can study the Republican spending blueprint of- fered as a substitute for Gov. Swainson's budget. Wide Variety Also on the calendar are a wide variety of tax bills, including the governor's state income tax and hisI proposals to levy a "state tax on personal property, exempt food and prescription drugs from the sales tax and eliminate the busi- ness activities tax. The Senate is preparing to de- bate a Republican-sponsored tax package which. would allow local governments to Impose various non-property taxes if the voters approve. Other leading bills are measures to jump unemployment compen- sation payments from $2 to $4 a week, and establishment of the new 19th Congressional District h authorized after the-1960 census. 1 Bills Die If past experience holds to e form, dozens of bills will die this e week despite night sessions and t frantic attempts by sponsors to push them through. l- Except for major measures, the , House served notice that bills will e be considered in the order in e which they appear on the calen- - dar. SSGC To Vieuw SAdministrative :Readjiustment 11 By IRIS BROWN :i Former Student Government Council President John Feld- k tamp's motion to reorganize SGC's eadministrative wing will receive committee of the whole considera- tion at tonight's meeting. e This is the first of three meet- ings at which the Council will dis- cuss the plan in somewhat more' informal circumstances. In om- Smittee of the whole the Council president gives the chair to an- Sother member and discussion does not follow strict parliamentaryj procedure For the administrative wing the plan substitutes four committees dealing with student organiza- tions, student activities, student concerns, and the University SThe committee on student or- ganizations would advise the Council on problems of recogni- tion of both new and existing or- ganizations, on changes in Uni- versity Regulations for organiza- tions, and would receive reports from existing groups such as ad- visers to -fraternities and sorori- ties. The committee on student ac- tivities would coordinate, origi- nate, and delegate activities. It would also advise SrC on the ap- cnrn f.,iAn rnd e . Univ +i. The GOP senators will caucus again today to decide on whether to continue the 4 per cent tax on telephone, telegraphs and leased wires and the $125 levy on each barrel of beer. The combined taxes should yield about $18 million. Swainson has repeatedly ex- pressed his opposition to continu- ing the taxes but he said yesterday he is taking a "wait-and-see" atti- tude on them. The conference of approximate- ly 50 college officials and the gov- ,ernor, called by Swainson Mon- day afternoon, produced recom- mendations for a' united front in seeking the defeat of present ap- propriations requested by the leg- islative committees. The Uriiver- sity representatives included Vice- Presidents Marvin Niehuss and Lyle Nelson and Regent chairman Eugene Power. Back Outlay Play A recommendation by Edgar Harden, president of Northern Michigan College to switch the $22 million capital outlay suggest- ed by the appropriations commit- tee to the general operating fund drew strong support. Several administrators backed Swainson's bonding corporation construction proposal to finance all buildings in the place of the committee's current revenue ap- propriation for capital outlay. "The magnitude of capital out- lay is too severe to be handled out of current revenues," President James W. Miller of Western Mich- igan University said. Legislators List Means .To Get Funds By BUEL TRAPNELL Special to The Daily LANSING - State legislators; last night. suggested retention of part of Michigan's "nuisance taxes," cuts in the number of out- of-state students, or a raise in tution as means of solving the University's financial problems.. However, House Majority Floor Leader Allison Greene (R-Kings- ton) said that the University can- not expect a renewal of nuisance taxes this session of the Legisla- ture. "The governor will have to callI a special session if he expects us o continue these taxes on tobac- co, telephone calls, and other lux-I cries," he said. No Debt Retirement He emphasized that the pro- t posed state budget would set asidex ro money for deficit retirement, out would allocate all the funds t he state receives. It is therefore t impossible to increase the Uni- ersity's portion unless taxes arer aised, he noted. He suggested that the Univer- f ity halve its out-of-state enroll- I nent, since the state now spends n 700 per year for each out-of- d state student and this money can- iot be recovered in taxes from out f the state. The University would thus have nore money to spend per capita f the number of out-of-state stu- ents was reduced, he said. Bursley Would Retain Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann S Lrbor) also said he favors the re- p ention of some of these taxes, w lthough he believes that most of i is colleagues may disagree with a im. c However, Sen. Elmer R. Porter R-Blissfield), chairman of the t ;enate finance committee, would n let the University raise its tui- d on-it will not be as bad as my p asurance was raised last week." t Screened In Capitol By CAROLINEDOW Special to The Daily LANSING State legislators saw no real objection to the con- troversial film "Operation Aboli- tion" put out by the House Un- American Activities Committee after viewing it at a special ses- sion last night, but found no quarrel with the right of Gov. John B. Swainson to stop the an ti-subversive squad of the State Police from showing it. The session began with a warn- ing from House Speaker Don Pears (R-Buchanan) to the more than 500 persons (including 30 state police) in the room against any demonstrations while the mo- vie was being shown. The session broke up immediately after the film, but many legislators re- mained behind to comment onit. Swainson prohibited the show- ing of the film because of "in- accuracies and distortions as well as conclusions not warranted by the facts." He forbade its show- ing by a state agency in order to keep the government out of "need- less controversy." Pears said that "every freedom loving American should get a chance to see this film," although the Legislature has too many oth- er things to do to take issue with the governor. The Senate Democratic Floor Leader, Garland Lane (Flint), maintained that it was not the function of the government to show the film. Sen. John W. Fitzgerald (R- Grand Ledge), who introduced the motion to see the movie, said that "the film appears to be a factual account of the events that tooki place in San Francisco although it is possible that it was edited. "1 found it much less objection- able than I expected, although I have no quarrel with the right of the governor as head of the State Police to keep them from showing Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), believing that the film was true and the Communist threat real, thought that the Legislature1 could pass a resolution saying thatE the film did not appear to be dis- torted. ' Rep. William Romano (D-War-I ren) felt that all citizens should have the opportunity to see the t film, a depiction of the anti- x IUAC riots in San Francisco lastE May, as a part of their rights un-e der the First Amendment. MSU Studentsr Ask Public Aid t EAST LANSING (J)-Michigan tate University students were pre- 1 ared to flood the mails today t ith 18,000 letters asking for help e n getting a larger state appropri- tions for the University in the t oming fiscal year.-a Student government representa- u Ives said the letters were to be nailed tonight to parents of stu- t ents from Michigan, asking the f arents to contact their legisla- t ors, demanding more funds. t PORTUGUESE COLONIES: Union Fears Black Nationals- By BARBARA PASH The future of the Portuguese colonies in Africa will greatly in- fluence the actions of the Union of South Africa, Prof. Marvin Har- ris of Columbia University said yesterday. "When and if the Portuguese territories of Angola and Mozam- bique achieve independence, there will be an increased opportunity for the Negroes in the Union of South Africa to move for libera- tion also," Harris stated. Presently, the greatest fear of the white leaders in South Africa is that Angola and Mozambique will become independent, sur- rounding them with Negro na- tionalistic neighbors. Explosive Area "All the impetus the South Af- rican Negro needs for revolt is support from outside, and it would be very easy to ship arms from Angola and Mozambique," he noted. The disturbances in South Af- rica and the Belgian Congo con- trast sharply with the myth which Portugal has so laboriously built and which has just recently begun to crumble. In essence Portugal has constructed this myth from the idea that Portugal has a civil- izing mission to bring the Africans slowly out of their savagery. The Portuguese administrators in the African colonies expect to accomplish this aim by a gradual process of native assimilation into the white-dominated society. Possible Control However, this "assimilated na- tive" of the three Portuguese col- onies, Angola, Mozambique, and Portuguese Guinea, are not exempt from the persecution and control applied to the natives, At present, there are 5,000 assimilated Afri- cans in Mozambique out of a total population of 6 million, and of the 4 million population of An- gola 35,000 are assimilated Afri- cans. There are many native Africans in the colonies who are eligible for assimilation, but the disadvan- tages far outweigh the one advan- tage, which is an extension of the curfew. "The natives feel that to become assimilated is to become a traitor to one's own people," Harris said. Affects Many' Because of the tremendous num-I ber of Africans for whom Portu-I guese colonialism is marked by1 intense control of their lives, theJ Idea that Portugal is not affected by color prejudices is unfounded.- "The attitude of the Portuguese towards the African native is based on the assumption that African males are incorrigibleI drones," he said. The measures taken by the Por- Aiguese to govern this great bulk f Africans include forced labor, forced crop production, movementl estrictions, curfews, passports, nd corporal punishment without udicial review for infractions of he law.t Recent Riots Recent rioting in the coloniess has been the final proof that Por-v uguese administration was not ass xemplary as has been believed. "The absence of violence and t he docility of the natives in these c reas did not reflect a satisfaction 1 with the status quo," Harris stated, s The African nationalists desire t he liberation of the colonies; the action are attempting to over- v hrow President Salazar, the dic- t ator of Portugal. 1 PORTUGUESE IN AFRICA-Prof. Marvin Harris said in a lecture yesterday that the future of the Union of South Africa relates to the Portuguese colonies. EDUCATION BILL: Ad-minnistration Approves Aid to Private Colleges WASHINGTON (P) - The Adminstration was said yesterday to be in accord with a move in the House to provide direct federal grants to colleges, including those controlled by churches. Rep. Edith Green (D-Ore), who is sponsoring the Administra- tion's higher education bill in the House, has offered the grant proposal. She said it meets with administration approval. Draws Line President Kennedy has consistently drawn a distinction between colleges and secondary schools as recipients of federal aid. But the extension of grants to private colleges would seem certain to further Bulletint MOSCOW UP--The Soviet Union announced this morning that it has laun- ched. a man into orbit around the Earth and he has reported back that he is feeling fine. The announcement was made over Moscow Radio at 10 a.m. after all stations in the country had been called to listen. Moscow Radio said: "The launching of the multi-stage rocket was suc- cessful and after attaining the first escape velocity and the separation of the last stage of the carrier rocket the space ship went into free flight on a round the Earth orbit. "According to prelimi- nary data the period of the evolution of the satellite space ship around the Earth is 89.1 minutes. "The minimum distance from the Earth (at perigee) is 175 kilometers (110 miles) and the maximum (at apo- gee) is 302 kilometers (188 miles). The broadcast said the first cosmonaut is Maj. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin and that he was launched this morning. The space ship carrying Gagarin was named Vostok, meaning east. Moscow Ra- dio said it weighed 4,725 kilograms, about five tons, excluding the weight of the final stage of the carrer. rocket. "The angle of inclination of the orbit plane to the equator is 65 degrees 4 min- utes," the broadcast sid. U.S. Views, Cuba Stand WASHINGTON (M - President John F. Kennedy said last night "if we don't move now" to aid' Latin' American nations, Cuba's Prime Minister Fidel Castro "may become a greater danger than he is today."' The President also asserted that Latin America "is in a most criti- cal period in its relations with us." Kennedy made these remarks in a television interview taped for nationwide broadcast by NBC. He did nrot elaborate on them during a 25-minute question and answer session dealing mostly with his conception of the Presidency and how he prefers to work informally with administration officials and White House aides. The interviewer asked about Ar- thur M. Schlesinger, Jr., author and Harvard professor of history who recently joined Kennedy's staff. Kennedy noted that Schlesinger toured several Latin American countries about a month ago and has reported to the President on some of the problems dealing with the Cuban situation. Newsmen asked Pierre Salinger, White House press secretary, what he President had in mind in say- ing "if we don't move now."' 'inflame the church-state contro- versy now raging about the whole issue of federal aid to education. Rep. Roman C. Pucinski (D-Ill), a leader in the fight to get some kind of federal aid for parochial schools, viewed the development favorably. "I think this will strengthen the hands of those who feel that some avenue of help is open to the secondary and parochial schools," he said. Edgar Fuller, head of the coun- cil of chief state school officers, said such a program would be un- constitutional and would be vigor- ously opposed by his group. Loan Program Kennedy has proposed a five- year loan program of $300 million a year to help colleges build class- rooms, laboratories, libraries and other facilities. Theloans would be at low interest rates with up to ,50 years for-'repayment. Mrs. Green, chairman of a sub- committee now considering the legislation, has proposed dividing the $300 million, half for loans and. half for grants. The grants would be on the basis of one-third fed- eral money and two-thirds state, university or other non-federal money. It was reported such a plan has considerable support among the subcommittee members and also in the full house education com- mittee, which will draft the bill that goes to the House floor. Announcement of the Russians' breakthrough in- to the cosmos, came after three days of rumors that a man had been put . into space. It was another stunning triumph for the Russians in their space competition with the United States, Which is planning a 300- mile manned projectile flight sometime in early May but does not expect to be able to put a man into orbit until sometime this summer, if then. The Soviet news agency Tass said Gagarin radioed back at 9:22 a.m. (2:i22 a.m. EST): "The flight is pro- ceeding normally. I feel well." Moscow Radio said Ga- garin's condition in flight was being observed by radio and television. DisCeriinlination In1 Scholarship I NO ABSOLUTE LINE': Cole Asks Flexibility, Moderation in Sex Conduct By DAVID MARCUS It is ridiculous to draw an abso- lute line dictating right and wrong in sexual conduct, Dr. William G. Cole; president of Lake Forest Col- lege said yesterday. Speaking on "Sex and Morality on Campus," Cole noted that there are two questions involved in de- termining the ethical aspects of the problem-consequences to the individual and the implications of a legitimate right to regulate ir- responsible procreation." In, a lecture sponsored by the Office of Religious Affairs, Cole added that, to the individual, what he does is not as important as the meaning of what he does. Avoids Answer "I have no answer to the ques- tions of how far to go; this is strictly an individual matter," he said. "The quintessence of immorality this conflict between social stigma and the desire for individual grati- fication,-he said. "Most of them take a middle course between the moralists and the libertines;" he said. Look Back "The moralists want to reverse the calendar .and go back to the days of good Queen Victoria. They want to censor the movies, books and other media and eliminate all discussion of the matter com- "These people only take the demands of the individual into account." Dr. Cole cited this conflict as stemming from reaction to the extreme prudishness of Victorian standards. Usual Mores "According to traditional mores, there has been a conspiracy of silence around sex. Parents im- pressed their children with the TRENTON -- Boys who at- tend Amherst College may now apply for new scholarships from a $200,000 trust fund-if they do not smoke, drink or gamble. The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled yesterday that these stipula- tion in a will leaving the fund to Amherst were valid. However, the court at the same time killed a clause in the will that would have restricted the scholarships to "Pro- testant Gentile" boys. The bequest before the court in- volved the will left by C. Edward McKinney, Jr. of East Orange, who died Oct. 21, 1957. He had asked that the money be "held in +,..,3 fd% ho ..i.a -i rh- l +-i man