THE MICHIG)tw N DAILY TUESDAY, IL 11, ;1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. APRIL ii i'~ai rrar ar+f aa avaa aay lUVl y l l lgp originally published to sell from $2.00 to $25.00 NOW TOD 00 and up LY at I 1/2 to 2/3 OFF and .; ORE ALL SALE BOOKS IN FOLLETT'S BASEME T '4 U U t B 58. THE PUBLIC PAPERS OF CHIEF JUSTICE EARL WARREN, Edited by Hen- ry M. Christman. The public papers, ma- jor addresses and decisions of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. From 1947 to the present. An inspiring volume. Pub. at $4.50. $1.98 59. SPIRITS REBELLIOUS: By Khalil Gibran. The author of The Prophet ex- presses his innermost feelings in this ex- tremely sensitive and never to be for- gotten work on the spirit of rebellion against the oppression of man by man. This is the volume which caused Gibran's exile from his native land. Pub, at $2.75. $1.49 60. A HAND IN SPORT: Thirty-Five Years With the Light Touch. By Willard Mullin as told to Dave Camerer. The vast panorama of sports unfolds through the famous cartoons and text of America's greatest cartoonist. Pub. at $4.95. $1.98 61. THE RAINBOW: From Myth to Mathematics. By Carl B. Boyer. Biblical symbol, pathway to the "pot of gold" and source of optical studies-a full ac- count of man's ideas on the rainibow from antiquity to the 20th Century. Il- lustrated with almost 100 diagrams and plates. Pub, at $10.00. $4.98 62. SLEUTHS, SLAYERS, AND SWIND- LERS-A Casebook of Crime. By Alan Hynd. The author of Murder, Mayhem, and Mystery deals with crimes committed outside the United States. The gamut of motives, methods and murders; crimes of passion for money and for sheer plea- sure-Jack the Ripper, Henri Desire Landru, Marcel Petiot, George Jones Smith, Bela Kiss, Henri Lemoine, and seven more make this an astonishing ex- cursion into evil. Pub. at $3.95. $1.98 63. MONGOLIAN ART AND ARCH- TECTURE: MONGOLIAN JOURNEY. By Lumir JisI. The 144 full page plates, beautifully reproduced by fin- est gravure in natural color and black and white, graphically picture the at- tistry and culture of Mongolia, both primitive and modern-stone carving, ruins of citis and forts, surviving struc- tures, temples, statues, deities, paint- ings in color depicting legendary scenes in the life of Buddha, Indian influence, mummies, decoration ma- terials and ornaments, symbolism of life, death and sex, ceremonial cus- toms, etc. 9%z"x1". Pub. at $20.00 t $9.98 64. SEXUAL SYMBOLISM: A History of Phallic Worship. Intro. by Ashley Mon- tagu. Two classic works complete in one volume with the original plates: "A Dis- course on the Worship of Priapus" and Its Connection with the Mystic Theology of the Ancients, by Richard Payne Knight; and "The Worship of the Generative Powers During the Middle Ages of West- ern Europe," by Thomas Wright. Pub. at $7.50. $4.98 65. THE OFFICIAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BASEBALL. By Hy Turkin and S. C. Thompson. Tere is the revised 1956 edi- tion of the most complete book ever on baseball and everything of importance that has happened on the diamond- facts, figures, records, rules, park dia- grams, playing hints, world series, hall of fame, lifetime records, more than 9,000 players' averages. Illustrated. 583 pages. Pub, at $6.95. $2.98 67. THE 7 LIVELY ARTS. By Gilbert Seldes. A new edition of a modern classic emblellishend and enlivened with up-to- date comments by the author. This is the book that marked the beginning of seri- ous criticism in America of the popular arts: movies, musical comedy, radio, vaudeville, comic strips, etc. Pub, at $4.95. $1.98 68. THE WHITE PAPER.An anonymous short novel that delineates in striking short novel that delineates in striking de- tail the strange passions of a young Frenchman whose love affairs went be- yond normal bounds. Preface and illus- trations by Jean Cocteau. Pub, at $3.50. $1.49 69. A REBEL WAR CLERK'S DIARY. By John B. Jones, Edited by Earl Schenck Miers. A startling picture of the disinte- gration of the Southern forces, and the events that led up to it, by a Southern patriot who gained great fame with this well known work. Indexed. Pub. at $7.50. $3.98 73. HENRY JAMES: The Creative Pro- cess. By Harold T. McCarthy. A clear, concise synthesis of James' evolving con- cepts concerning art, his fundamental aesthetic principles, their development and expression. Based upon James' writ- ings extending through a period of over fifty years. With notes and index. Pub. at $5.00. $1.98 74. THE DICTIONARY OF PHILOSO- PHY. By D.D. Runes. A most important volume. Listed in alphabetical order is every philosopher and philosophical con- cept with a clear, concise biography and explanation. Invaluable to teacher, stu- dent, layman. Pub. at $6.00. $2.98- 75. CAUSES OF INDUSTRIAL PEACE Under Collective Bargaining. Edited by Clinton S. Golden and Virginia D. Park- er. "Deserves the attention of everyone who is interested in good labor-manage- ment relations."--N.Y. Times. ". .. out- standing contribution to an area of hu- man relations .. Its observations and conclusions are heartening to all men of good will, as well as to specialists in management, unions, and industry. An enduring monument." B.M. Selekman, Kirstein Professor of Labor Relations, Harvard University. Pub. at $4.75. $1.98 76. TEN OPERATIC MASTERPIECES. Fabulous opera-lovers' companion! A huge, illustrated volume, the beauty of which is rarely equaled in modern print- ing and binding. The descriptive syn- opses of each opera and the biographical sketches of each composer are written by Olin Downes. The piano arrangement of the important volcal and instrumental passages are by Leonard Market. Illus- trated in color by Alberta Sordini and de- signed by Merle Armitage, The 10 operas are "Figaro," "Mastersingers," "Aida," "Carmen," "Hoffman," "Boheme," "Tosca," Rosenkava ier," "Three Or- anges," and "Wozzek." Makes a beauti- ful Gift. Pub. at $10.00. $4.98 i I. POST-IMPRESSIONISTS 77. RENOIR DRAWINGS. Text by John Rewald. A comprehensive sur- vey of Renoir's pencil sketches, pen- and-ink drawings, sanguines, and crayon studies. The 90 plates are ac- companied by a detailed catalog and an analytical introduction. 81/2"x 1-". Pub. at $7.50. $3.98 78. CEZANNE DRAWINGS. Text by Alfred Neumeyer. Nearly 100 plates representing every aspect of Cezan- ne's art-figure studies, still lifes and landscapes, show the artist's struggle for "realization." Handsome volume, 8 /" x 1 1 ". Pub. at $7.50. $3.98 79. GAUGUIN DRAWINGS. By John Rewald. Unusual sensitivity and in- sight into Gauguin and his creative expression. Supplemented by percep- tive notes and 126 reproductions of the artist's work in pen and ink, pas- tel, pencil, charcoal and wash. 81/2" x 11 4". Pub. at $7.50. $3.98 Learn 5 Languages for less than the price of one The New, Easy MULTILINGUAL METHOD FRENCH SPANISH GERMAN ITALIAN RUSSIAN " A total of almost 250 lessons. " Nine 12" Hi Fi 33/ RPM unbreakable records. " The most modern, up-to-date methods. " Approved by educators. " Originally sold at $45.75 Only the miraculous development of high fidelity, long playing records, plus the newest methods of production en- able us to bring all nine records cover- ing all 5 languages plus the multilin- gual manual to you at the unbeliev- ably low- price of $14.95 for all five languages 89. THE CLOWNS OF COMMERCE. By Walter Goodman. An irreverent investi- gation into the motives and morals of the professional persuaders: advertising ex- ecutives, public relations counselors, mo- tivational researchers and "operators" and "manipulators" of all kinds. Pub, at $4.95. $1.49 90. MODERN SPEARFISHING. By Vance Ivanovic. A complete guide to spearfish- ing by the international expert and pi- oneer of the sport. Covers techniques, equipment, training, breathing, etc. Pro- fusely illustrated and indexed for easy- reference. Pub. at $3.75. $1.98 91. A FRANKLIN MISCELLANY. Three distinguished volumes of Benjamin Frank- lin's life and letters, each illustrated with old prints and handsomely bound in a boxed set. The Ingenious Dr. Franklin: his letters edited by Nathan G. Goodman; Franklin in Scotland and Ireland and General Benjamin Franklin, The Military. Career of a Philosopher, two absorbing inquiries by J. Bennett Nolan into the life of one of America's greatest states- men. Pub. at $12.50. All 3 volumes, boxed, Only $3.98 92. LOVE WITHOUT FEAR: How to Achieve Sex Happiness in Marriage. By Eustace Chesser, M.D. A book of practi- cal and 'scientific information that may well provide the intimate knowledge which spells the difference between wed- ded failure and success. Pub. af $3.75. $1.98 93. WOMAN IN EUROPEAN ART. The females form as seen and por- trayed by the greatest European artists from earliest recorded time to the present. Beautifully printed in full color and black and white, this volume includes every interpretation possible, the esoteric as well as the familiar. A welcome volume for every student of art. Pub. at $10.00, $4.98 94. GULLIVER'S TRAVELS. By Jonathan Swift. Designed and illustrated with 73 line drawings by Gobin Stair, devastating illustrations that stamp this as the edition of the Swift classic--a translation of his biting satiric thought into graphic form. Pub. at $5.00. $2.98 95. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GOLF. By Nevin H. Gibson. A detailed history and data book of golf from the 15th century to the present, with official all-time records, PGA and other championships, profes- sional and amateur leaders from 1885, major and semi-majorresults, immortals of the world and much more. 1Illustrated with rare prints, action photos and por- traits. An ideal gift for every golfer. Pub. at $7.50. $1.98 96. EXPLORATIONS IN PSYCHOAN- ALYSIS. Edited by Dr. Robert Lindner. This collection of 19 brilliant essays, each by a noted psychoanalyst, and edited by the late Dr. Lindner, offers a panoramic survey of modern psychoanalysis. In- cludes many case histories. Pub. at $7.50. $2.98 97. THE DEATH AND REBIRTH OF PSYCHOLOGY. By Ira Progoff. Aetention students, doctors, psychologists, social workers and clergymen! Here is a most important book. One that will give you a firm grasp and understanding of the work of Freud, Adler, Jung and Rank. Will en- able you to actually feel the impact of their culminating insights on modern man. Pub. at $4.00. $1.98 98. JESTING APOSTLE: The Private Life of Bernard Shaw. By Stephen Winsten. A friend adn neighbor's picture of the "pri- vate" Shaw, the practically unknown man smothered by the over-publicized image created by show himself and per- petuated by others-authentic and unin- hibited revelation of the great person- ality. 27 illustrations. With notes and in- dex. Pub. at $5.00. $1.49 99. LES SCULPTURES DE PICASSO. By Daniel Henry Kahnweiler. Photos by Bras- sai. A magnificently reproduced volume, 912" x 12/2", featuring more than 200 101. THE DIARY OF SOREN KIERKE- GAARRD. Edited by Peter P. Rhode. In- cludes his autobiographical writings on his agreements and disagreements with the Church, his relationship with his father, the influence of other writers on his own work, his discourse with Professor Hei- berg, the Hegelian influence, etc. Pub. at $4.75. $2.98 102. THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE. By Bertrand Russell. An outline of "The Great Tomorrow" with emphasis on the growing power of propaganda. Foresees unification of the world under some form of social understanding. With a "self- portrait" of the author. Pub. at $2.75. $1.49 103. CONCISE WORLD HISTORY. By Ben Finger, Jr. A huge volume in which the vivid colors of recorded history are not bleached out lest they offend existing taboos. "Should be on the desk of every delegate to the U.N. and on the shelves of all Americans." Dr. Thomas E. Ennis, Professor of History, West Virginia Uni- versity. Pub. at $10.00. $4.98 104. INTRODUCTION TO MOUNTAIN. EERING. By George Alan Smith, Intro- duction by James Ramsey Ullman. A book designed to provide facts about how to climb mountains, tips on mountaineer- ing photography, a history of mountain- eering, lists of active groups in the U.S. and a "sense of the enormous satisfac- tions of the sport." Pub, at $3.75. $1.98 106. DUTCH STILL-LIFE PAINTING. By Ingvar Bergstrom. A great scholarly work, extremely readable, fully covers the field. Illustrations and text cover the famous masters and the less known art- ists. Also includes unusual aspects such as interpretation of symbols, cultivation of tulips and the beauty of shells. 250 plates in color and black and white. Fully indexed, complete bibliography. 82" x I1". Pub. at $17.50.- $4.98 107. ADAM'S RIB. By Robert Groves. A beautiful volume, printed in two colors, in which a noted interpreter of ancient myths presents his interest- ing theories about the Book of Genesis. A fascinating thesis, to which have been added 36 wood engravings by James Metcalf, done in the ancient Canaanite style. Pub. at $6.00. $2.98 108. THE HOME LETTERS OF T. E LAWRENCE ANR HIS BROTHERS. The life, character, and times of Lawrence are clearly revealed through these hundreds of letters. 45 photographs, most of them taken in Arabia. With an Introduction by Winston Churchill. Pub, at $12.50. $4.98 109. 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Excellent for student as well as scientist. Pub. at $10.00. $4.98 114. THE HISTORY OF THE HAY- MARKET AFFAIR. By Henry David. The definitive work on the explosion of the Haymarket bomb in Chicago in 1886 which created an event in the history of American labor paralleled in importance only by the Sacco Vanzetti case of the 1920's. Bibliography. In- dex. Pub. at $6.75. 32.98 115. THACKERAY: THE USES OF AD- VERSITY 1811-1846. By Gordon N. Ray. The story of the personal struggle and artistic development of one of England's greatest and least understood, novelists, set against the richubackground of Vic- torian England; the first study of. Thack- eray to be based on his family papers and other relevant sources previously un- available. Illustrated. With notes and in- dex. Pub. at $7.00. $2.98 116. THE SECRET DESTINY OF AMER- ICA. By Manly Palmer Hall. The rise of the "Secret Societies" to protect the I 8. MAGICK: THEORY AND PRACTICE. By Aleister Crowley. A complete and faithful reproduction of the original work which was printed in Paris in a limited edition and has long been out of print. Illustrated by the author with graphs and charts, this large volume is considered Crowley's major work on the subject. Pub. at $10.00. $4.98 81. Illustrated: THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF OUTBOARD MOTORBOATING. By Hank Wieand Bowman. Everything on the subject: what you need, the new motor, the old motor, maintenance and repair of the propeller, lower unit and gear shifts; Kit boats, boat maintenanceand repair; Rules of the road, tips on fishing, fuels, etc. Indexed for easy reference. Pub. at $6.95. $2.98 82. PALMISTRY EXPLAINED. By Pearl L. Raymond. A comprehensive course covering every phase of palm character study, ideally suited to all present day requirements for both the beginner and advanced student. Illustrated. Pub. at $3.50. $1.98. 83. A SHORT HISTORY OF FREE THOUGHT. By J .M. Robertson. The his- tory of civilized man's long struggle to- wards intellectual freedom, showing how, from earliest times, man found it neces- sary to defend his freedom to think against highly organized forms of thought control. Pub, at $7.50. $2.98 84. LAST TRAIN FROM ATLANTA. By A. A. Hoehling. Here, in the words of those who lived it, is the great, epic story of the only American city that ever felt the hell of total war. For five months the- soldiers and citizens of Atlanta resisted the siege of the armies of the North until fire, bursting shells, death and de- struction had its way. Illustrated through- out. Pub. at $6.95. $3.98 87. NEWMAN'S EUROPEAN TRAVEL GmtmE_ ym~w i ewmn -hseveaunth C 70. THE HISTORY OF MATHEMAT- ICS. By Joseph E. Hormann. A prac- tical, stimulating history of mathemat- ics and mathematical formulae from the number of systems and methods of the ancients, through the Middle Ages, to the formation of modern concepts. Indexed. Pub. at $4.75. $1.98 71. JAPANESE GARDENS. By Jiro Har-