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April 11, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-11

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ited Nations Unit Asks


South. Africa

U. S._ PledgesFirm Defense


--AP Wirephoto
STRONG ALLIANCE - President John F. Kennedy speaks to
NATO military men, and promises them United States interest and
Tomorrow, April 12 at 8
First lecture in the series
'National Socialism and the Jerws
(Background to the Eichmann Trial)
by Dr. Gerhard L. Weinberg, Assoc. Prof. of History
"The Racial Aspect of National Socialism"
Other lectures in this series
April 19 "The Impact on the, Persecuted"
April 27 "The Impact on the Persecutors"
Prof. Winberg to be joined at this session
by Dr. Max Kapustin, Hillel Director at
Wayne State University, recently returned
from Germany.
On Sunday, April 16 at 7:30 P.M.-TV Film
"Engineer of Death.: The Eichmann Story"
with Comment and Discussion lead by
Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb.
Admission is free to all these events
1429 Hill Street

WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy yesterday pledg-
ed a firm, but not trigger-happy,
United States defense of Europe
-using atomic weapons if nec-
Kennedy called, at the same
time, for a step-up in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization's
ability to stem Communist ag-
gression with conventional arms-
a defense strong enough at least
to "force a pause" pending a deci-
sion on, unleashing of nuclear de-
United States studies, he re-
ported, have disclosed "a serious
need for a sensitive and flexible
control of all arms,. and especial-
ly over nuclear weapons."
Kennedy spoke to the semi-an-
nual meeting of'NATO military
chiefs, as he moved ahead with
his program to strengthen the
Western alliance, which he re-
gards as the heart of America's
overseas defense system.
The President also met at the
White House with Netherlands
Foreign Minister Joseph Luns. To-
day Germany's Chancellor Kon-
rad Adenauer arrives for a five-
day visit.
Rebels Attack
:After Election
In.Viet Nain
SAIGON, Viet Nam (P) - Com-
munist Viet Cong rebels launched
new terrorist attacks in rural areas
yesterday in a last-ditch effort to
cut President Ngo Dinh Diem's
margin of victory in Sunday's
The anti-Communist president
of this-Southeast Asian republic
was re-elected to a five-year term
as expected. His opposition con-
sisted of two political unkowns.
The Communists called off their
hit-and-run attacks without ex-
planation on election day and the
turnout was unexpectedly heavy.
The government claimed 90 per
cent of the 7.2 million voters cast
Late yesterday the government
said the rebels "have launched
massive attacks in some remote
areas, mostly in central Viet Namn,
in an effort to prevent collecting
of ballot boxes."
Officials added, however, that
the situation was not believed
critical in any area and was ex-
pected to be cleared up by night-
A spokesman said fighting in
some remote areas of these pro-
vinces began after polls closed and
continued yesterday. Reports were
delayed reaching Saigon.
This limited violence would have
very slight affect on total returns,'
which indicated Ngo would win
reelection by about 80 per cent"
of the votes cast.
Ngo ran strongest in Cqmmu-
nist heartland to the south, and
his lowest margin was around Sai-
gon where his two opponents
campaigned hardest.

Passes Two
Stronger Measure
May Fail in Assembly
United Nation's special political
committee approved yesterday an
African demand for a world eco-
nomic and diplomatic- boycott of
the Union of South Africa because
of its white supremacy policies.
But the margin on the harshly
worded resolution containing the
demand-47 to 29 with 18 ab-
stentions-was not large enough
to assure ratification by the 99-
nation General Assembly, where a
two-thirds majority is required.
Milder Resolution
The committee approved also by
a vote of 93-1 with no abstentions'
a milder Asian resolution which
would leave up to individual coun-
tries what collective or separate
action they wished to take. Only
Portugal voted against it.
Both resolutions were sharp in
condemnation of South Africa's
policy of apartheid, and raised
anew speculation whether South
Africa might withdraw from the
Possible Sanctions

President Presents
Welfare Proposals
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the science students might be undul
seventh in a series of articles which h
will examine the accomplishments, andicapped, he commented.
problems and most significant is- The medical aid for the age
sues on "The New Frontier" bill featuring hospitalization, skill
through the opinions of faculty ed nursing and care and diagnos
members.) tic services for persons over 65
By CAROLINE DOW was introduced to both houses las
The -President is the only man week.
whose responsibility is to think "This is not socialization of
of the nation as a whole, and the medicine," Prof. Cohen stressed
welfare bills going through Con- pointing out that the patient
gress are expressions of what he may go to any doctor or hospi
thinks is important, Prof. Wil- tal they pleased. Their bills be-
ber J. Cohen, Assistant Secretary yond a certain sum would be paid
of Health, Education and Welfare from the enlarged social securit
said. plan.
In those bills the President is Perhaps Tremature
asking the people of every state Assistant Dean of the Medica
to pay for internal aid to the less School Charles Tupper sees th
wealthy states through federal medical aid bill as "perhaps pre-
programs. Prof. Cohen, on leave mature, since the Curr-Mills mill
from the school of social work, passed last year has not beer
drafted 14 such bills on medical given a trial yet."
aid, federal aid to schools, hous- This bill provides for federal
ing and social security within 12 funds for state programs of med-
days. ical aid for the aged.
Prof. Cohen expects some kind Prof. Tupper would "view witt
of bill on federal aid to education serious concern any approach t
to pass Congress, probably with the financing of medical care thai
an increase in both grants and would interfere with the tradi.
loans, by the end of this session. tional doctor-patient relationshii
Parochial Schools that has made United State
On the question of the consti- medical care the best in the
tutionality of aid to parochial and world."
private schools, Prof. Cohen Housing Bill
thought that no one would know On housing, Prof. Cohen expect.
until it was tested. The Presi- ed "a bill on facilities for the
dent, however, has designated it aged and an addition in provi-
unconstitutional. sions in public housing" this ses-
The real question is how its sion.
constitutionality can ever be test- The appointment of Robert
ed, according to Prof. Joseph E. Weaver as . undersecretary'j i
Kallenback of the political science charge of housing was one of the
department. Although d i r e c t most contested in the Senate
grants may be unconstitutional, Prof. Cohen noted.
long term loans may not be. Weaver, a Negro, stands strong.
Prof. Robert W. Dixon of the ly for open occupancy in housing
education school mentioned the and it is rumored that Kenned
viewpoint that all federal aid for plans to make the housing post
higher education should be given which now is under HEW, a sep
through extensive scholarships, arate Cabinet position.
making the tuitions bear the full With action on that pending
cost of the institutions. Prof. Cohen also foresaw a social
Scholarship Plan security bill Within 90 days and
However, scholarships might another education bill by the end
then be apportioned more toward of the session. "Then we will stat
meeting the needs of students of planning for next year," he con-
science and defense and social cluded.
WorldNews Roundup
By The Associated Press partment comptroller, told the
JERUSALEM - Adolf Eich- Senate-House economic cdmmit-
mann, former Nazi and accused tee that plans for April through
mass-murderer, will appear in, an June call for spending $8.5 bil-
Israeli court today to hear gov-. lion on additional defense con-
ernment lawyers charge him with tracts.
"crimes against the Jewish people
and crimes against humanity." BRUSSELS-The Belgian radio
Eichmann' must stand for the said last night Congolese military
reading of the indictment, a 15 guards opened fire: on a United
count document.d , Nations plane attempting to land
at Bakwanga airport in the dia-
The maximum penalty is death. mond mining state of South Ka-
Robert Servatius, Eichmann's sal.
lawyer, is expected to argue that The radio, quoting the Congo-
Eichmann was kidnaped in Ar- lese Press Agency, said a contin-
gentina and therefore that his gent of Indian UN troops was
trial is illegal; that Israel did aboard the plane.
not exist as a nation at the time
the crimes allegedly were commit-
ted, and is without jurisdiction,
and that he is being tried under
a law passed after the crimes were
committed. by
tration predicted yesterday that U
defense spending in the next three
months will pep up the economy. 1103 S. University NO 2-6362
Charles J. Hitch, Defense De-

The African resolution spelled
out in detail what steps the nations
should take-breaking off diplo-
matic relations, closing of ports
to all ships flying the South Af-
rican flag, enacting legislation
prohibiting their ships from enter-
ing South African ports, boycotting
all South African goods, refusal of
landing and passage facilities to
all South African aircraft.
This reflected demands voiced
by Ambassador Alex Guaison-
Sackey of Ghana. That country
led the fight for the stronger
The United States opposed the
resolution as too harsh and liable
to cause suffering among victims
of racial segregation.
New Colleg
Chooses Site
Grand Valley State College offi-
cials met Friday and chose a 740.5
acre site for the new school.
The site, near Allendale in Ot-
tawa County, is bounded by the
Grand River.
The nine man board in control
of the college agreed to the pur-
chase of the site for a price of not
more than $300,000. The money
for the site will come from the
gifts collected during a half-year
long fund-raising campaign.
The Allendale site is 31 miles
from Muskegon and 15 miles from
Grand Rapids, the two population
centers of the college's eight-
county area.


of d ui{&

Norway May Act
On Peace Corps
The Norwegian Cabinet has
created a committee to investi-
gate the idea of forming a Nor-
wegian Peace Corps, News of Nor-
way, an embassy release, has re-
The committee, placed, under'
the Foreign Affairs Ministry, is
expected to give a report and rec-
ommendations within the next
two months.

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