!k11 i4p
Rain or snow likely tonight,
somewhat colder tomorrow.
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
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Hatcher Says Recent Attractions
Have Lost Educational Character
University President Harlan Hatcher has announced his deci-
sion to end the Platform Attractions Series which in the past few
years has brought theatrical and other entertainers to Hill Aud.
In .a letter to members of the University Lecture Committee,
President Hatcher said, "Heavy financial subsidy has been granted to
this series on the ground that it was substantially educational."
Brings Entertainers'
Noting that at present the series brings entertainers rather
than political or academic speakers, Hatcher said his reasons for
City Council
NeW Budget
A budget of $10,620,000 for Ann
Arbor's next fiscal year was pro-
posed to City Council last -night
by City Administrator Guy Lar-
Larcons proposals, contained in
bound volumes weighing 3.6
pounds, will be voted on by the
council May 8.
"It was much more of a prob-
lem to balaince the budget this
year than last," he said in rec-
ommending an increased tax rate
f $12.01 for city residents.
Mayor Cecil O. Creal, beginning
his second two-year term, called
a special council meeting for
Thursday to discuss the budget
and plans for a new city hall.
He also asked councilmen to
sacrifice "three days off from
lyour usual work" in the near fu-
ture to complete financial discus-
sions and make plans on a num-
ber of projects he mentioned in
his prospectus for the coming
Creal cited the budget, city hall,
a new zoning ordinance, tax re-
assessment, city water rights, the
research park and business dis-
trict improvement as imminent
The third ward's Henry Aquin-
to, re-elected to the council last
week, was again appointed by the
council as mayor pro-tempore.
The meeting began with the
swearing in of new council mem-
bers and ended on a humorous
note when it was revealed that a
local restaurant in asking for a
liquor license, discovered it had
been selling food "illegally."
The council quickly granted the
restaurant a food permit.
Among new costs which Larcom
asked the council to consider
were $100,000 for a new fire sta-
tion, $40,000 for eight new fire-
men, $19,000 to begin accounting
by electrical computers and $23,-
000 for a shelter at Island Park.
Approve Plan
For Juniors
In Medicinie
The Medical School's executive
faculty has "in essence approved"
the new curriculum for third-
year students.
The philosophy and concept of
the program were affirmed at the
faculty's meeting last week, though
some of its details are yet to be
completed, Dr. Charles Tupper, as-
sistant dean, said yesterday.
Basically, the new curriculum
will place primary emphasis on
teaching students to work with
and have responsibility for pa-
tients. The juniors will work in
regular health teams with a meas-
ure of clinical responsibility for
patients which they did not pre-
for discontinuing the programs
were "wholly educational."
He added that he reached his
decision after discussing the prob-
lem with various members of the
faculty and administration.
Student sponsored events and
the Non-Resident (4 o'clock) Lec-
ture Series have supplied educa-
tional speakers to the campus,
Hatcher noted.
Emphasis Shifts
In recent years however, the
emphasis of the program has
shifted since the lecture commit-
tee has decided that it has be-
come exceedingly difficult to ob-
tain lecturers on academic topics
who can attract paying audiences
and compete with the free know'-
edge within the University fac-
ulty itself.
Lucille Upham, assistant finance
manager for the series, said that
another reason for theshift in
emphasis from academic to en-
tertainment personalties recently
that speakers on current academ-
ic topics "in this scientific age"
are "not speaking in everyday
Prof. Carl Brandt of the engi-
neering English department, fi-
nance manager for the organiza-
tion, explained the change as a
result of student preference for
the theatrical events.
10 Years Old
The Platform Attractions series
itself, under a number of names,
is over 100 years old. It had its
beginning in the Student Lectrue
Association, formed in 1854, most-
ly by students from the literary
In cancelling the series, Presi-
dent Hatcher pointed out that
there is no thought of discontin-
uing other functions of the lec-
ture committee.
The committee is given juris-
diction over all public lectures and
addresses held in University build-
ings, administers the policiesset
up by the Board of Regents reg-
ulating speakers, and has the
power to make available or with-
hold the use of University facili-
ties from speakers.
Senate Raps
A ppointee
WASHINGTON 0P) - President
John F. Kennedy's nominee for
ambassador to Iran, Julius C.
Holmes, ran into sharply critical
questioning yesterday about his
role in the sale of surplus gov-
ernment tankers a decade or so
Holmes, long-time foreign serv-
ice officer from Kansas, insisted
that while he made big profits,
he had no part in the 'negotia-
tions and did nothing wrong.
Sen. John J. Williams (R-Del)
who led the attack at a hearing
before the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee, said one of the
tankers later carried high octane
gasoline for Soviet Russia under a
charter deal.
Holmes, after being on the
stand an hour and a half, was
ordered to return tomorrow for
further questioning.
Military Bill
To Review
The State Legislature will view
the controversial "anti-Commun-
ist" film "Operation Abolition" at
a special joint meeting ,tonight.
The decision to see thefilm
followed soon after Gov. John B.
Swainson ordered a special state
police subversive squad to dis-
continue the promotion and dis-
tribution of "Operation Abolition"
and a film strip "Communism on
the Map" to schools and other
institutions and groups.
Swainson said he acted on the
basis of complaints from church
groups and aides that "Operation
Abolition" was "inaccurate and
distorted and thus will harm,
rather than advance,. an in-
telligent anti-Communist cam-
Swainson said yesterday that
public reaction is running three
to one in support of his order to
the police.
The film, which was produced by
the House Un-American Activities
Committee, depicts the students
who demonstrated against HUAC
at the San Francisco city hall last
May as dupes of Communism.
Although "Communism on the
Map" was also recommended by
the governor for viewing by the
Legislature, the resolution as in-
troduced by Rep. Frederick J.
Marshall (R-Allan) made no men-
tion of that film strip which traces
the history of world Communism's
A Swainson aide has described
"Communism on the Map," which
the governor will also send to the
legislative viewing, as loaded with
innuendoes, insinuations and mis-
representations. The film strip was
produced by Harding College, at
Searcy, Ark.
Originally, the House wanted to
review "Operation Abolition" and
"establish the policy of the state
in this matter," but the Senate
deleted this phrase from the final
joint resolution.
University political scientists
yesterday expressed general sur-
prise at the original wording of
the measure, indicating that
Swainson's actions were completely
within the realm of executive jur-
isdiction and that even if the
Legislature were to pass a special
bill authorizing the police to show
the films, it would still face a veto
by the governor.
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field) warned that "the governor
has made a mistake." Similar
views were expressed by American
Legion State Commander Wilson
Rep. August B. Johansen (R-
Mich) criticised the governor's
judgement "in acquiesing to pres-
sures from persons and groups
who vehemently oppose anyone
showing the film.
Swainson did not make clear
whether the State Police subver-
sive squad, which had been show-
ing the films until the ban was
ordered, would handle projection
equipment at the legislative show-
If certain, state legislators have
their way, Michigan's tax-sup-
ported colleges and universities
may be forced to raise tuition to
meet increased needs.
State legislators have long con-
sidered this step necessary if col-
lege and university administra-
tors want to supplement appro-
priations they term "inadequate."
In light of recent developments
in the state Legislature, the pros-
pect of a tuition boost seems more
likely now than it appeared sev-
eral months ago.
U Scientists
Fire Rocket
University researchers success-
fully lofted a rocket some 60
miles above the Virginia coast
last Wednesday to test high alti-
tude winds and temperatures.
The test, which gathered most
of the data desired, was regard-
ed as a success, despite the failure
of some of the electronic gear,
Wallace J. Wilkie of Superior En-
gineering Co., designer of some of
the instruments, said yesterday.
The rocket was fired by re-
searchers directed by research en-
gineer Harold F. Allen, of the
aeronautical and astronautical en-
gineering department, from a Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration launching pad on
Wallops Island, Va.
Both the Nike-Cajun rocket and
its 70-pounddpayload of instru-
ments were developed at the Uni-
versity. The NASA sponsored the
test, furnished the ground equip-
ment and will process the rocket's
Wind velocities and tempera-
tures were determined by record-
ing with microphones on the
ground the explosions of 12 gre-
nades ejected from the rocket.
The test Wednesday was one of
a series. Four others are sched-
uled in about two weeks.
Indict Cuban
As Insurgent
MIAMI, Fla. (P)-Rolando Mas-
ferrer, one of ousted Cuban Presi-
dent Fulgencio Batista's most no-
torious aides, was indicted by a
federal grand jury yesterday on
charges of sending a military ex-
pedition against the Cuban gov-
ernment of Fidel Castro.
Six other Cubans and one
American were named as co-con-
spirators with Masferrer but not
as defendants. They were accused
of outfitting an expedition that
met with disaster on the north
coast of Cuba last Oct. 4.
That 27-man landing force lost
a few men in a battle with Cas-
tro troops but most of them were
captured. Ten of them, including
three Americans, were shot by
firing squads and the rest were
sentenced to long prison terms.
'U' May Need To Hike Tuition
A small group of Republican
legislators are seeking Democratic
support in an attempt to renew
nuisance taxes (due to expiie
June 30) in order to provide
larger appropriations for higher
education as a possible alterna-
tive to tuition boosts.
Nuisance Taxes
The nuisance taxes are expected
to yield $55 million for the state
if re-enacted in toto. However,
most of the items which are
taxed, such as tobacco, telephone
calls, alcoholic beverages, have
been introduced in separate bill
form, so that the entire package
may not be passed this session.
Tuition increases, recommended
by the Senate Appropriations
Committee as an alternative to
state funds for state schools, were
opposed by Gov. John B. Swain-
son in his campaign for election
last year.
Since that time, Swainson has
pushed to get a plank in the
Democratic platform rejecting tui-
tion hikes as a cure for inadequate
state education resources.
Democrats Oppose
Democratic candidates for the
state education board posts this
spring also stressed that they did
not favor student fee boosts.
Now that the Republican-con-
trolled legislature has taken its
stand, the Democrats, who hold
a majority on all state educa-
tional boards, are faced with the
dilemma of either denying their
previous stand, or refusing to pro-
vide the funds which school ad-
ministrators seek.
Appropriations committee chair-
man Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field) suggested a boost of $20
for state residents and $150 for
out-state students per year for all
state-supported institutions.
$280 Fees
The University and Michigan
State University raised tuition
rates last year to $280 per year
for in-state students and $750 for
out-state students when the Leg-
islature's austerity budget for ed-
ucation was unable to meet their
Wayne State University, the
other large state school, declined
to take similar action since its
fees were already at the $280
The University, in a survey re-
leased by Administrative Dean
Robert L. Williams, ranked fourth
from the top in fees charged resi-
dent students among state uni-
versities belonging to the Ameri-
can Association of Universities.
University President Harlan
Hatcher and Vice-President and
Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie-
huss have rejected the idea of a
fee boost as running "counter to
the philosophy of free education
which gave state universities
birth, a philosophy from which
springs America's greatness."
Sen. Lynn 0. Francis (R-Mid-
land) proposed yesterday to limit
out-state students and apply tax
dollars toward the education of
resident students.
He said the Legislature would
"provide by law" that preference
be given to in-state students if
Michigan high school graduates
should be denied admission.
Francis's proposal .would raise
costs by $4 million annually at
the University, Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont charged.
This would place an even
higher burden on in-state taxpay-
ers. Francis is also in favor of an
increase in tuition.
Sen. Stanley Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor) disagrees with Francis. He
says there is no way the Legisla-
ture could legally force the state
schools to cut enrollment of out-
state students. But the suggestion
could be made and if it were not
followed the Legislature could
take economic action against the
colleges, he explained.
Thayer believes the $150 semes-
terly increase for out-state stu-
dents is "rather excessive. How-
ever, he sees the $20 increase
proposed for in-state students as
fairly reasonable."
Group Vetoes
Collegre Plan
A bill to make Delta Communi-
ty College a .four-year, degree-
granting institution was vetoed
last week by the state Senate
Education Committee.
The two-year junior college is
slated to open in September. The
bill which the committee decid-
ed not to release to the floor
would have added a senior col-
lege to the now-planned facilities.
The committee's action follow-
ed a public hearing during which
Delta College officials endorsed
the measure strongly.
State Sen. Lynn Francis (R-
Midland), committee chairman,
opposed the bill "on principle."
The school is in his home dis-
Successful operation of the
school on a two-year basis would
be a prerequisite to consideration'
of adding a senior college, he
1) Denunciation of past
down educational programs to
despite appropriations Inade-4
Support Bonding Plan
2) Support for Swainson's bond-
ing program for building construc-
tion. Also a proposal from Edgar
Harden, president of Northern
Michigan College to persuade
lawmakers to switch $22 million
from capital outlay funds to an
operating budget.
3) An attempt to gain the Leg-
islature's rejection of the com-
mittee's budget recommendations.
4) A program to seek a long-
range solution to fiscal problems
and to increase public awareness
in higher education.
Appropriations bills recom-
mended a $7.8 million cut from
Swainson's request of $117 mil-
lion for all higher education. The
recommendation for the Univer-
sity was $35.4 million, $6.3 mil-
lion below the University's re-
questband $1.9 million under
Swainson's suggested appropria-
Appropriation Up
Last year the University receiv-
ed an appropriation of $35.2 mil-
College administrators at yes-
terday's meeting refrained from
any announced suggestion that
Swainson encourage renewal of
the nuisance taxes as a source of
revenue. The $55 million tax
package expires June 30.
However, some officials privately
expressed hope that the governor
would take such action, reversing
his present stand against the
The University Regents sug-
gested a combined meeting of
other governing boards later this
week in Ann Arbor to map fur-
ther strategy to get the Legisla-
ture to restore the appropriations
Still Short
Presidents John Hannah of
Michigan State University and
Clarence Hilberry of Wayne State
University declared that the pro-
posed tuition hikes would still
leave them short of adequate
funds to meet expected enroll-
The committee suggested tui-
tion increases of $150 for out-
state and $20 for in-state students
per semester.
Hannah said the increased tui-
tion would provide only an addi-
tional $800,000 which was not
enough to make up inadequacies
and thus he could not justify the
raise. He said MSU's prime need
is for funds to operate newly
completed buildings.
WSU is the only school which
was recommended for a decrease
over last year's figure. The com-
mittee requested the appropria-
tion of $15.8 million for last year
be trimmed to $15.6 million.
Maurer Calls
Senate Forum
On New Plan
Prof. Wesley Maurer of the
journalism department and head
of the University Senate advisory
committee has called a special
meeting of the Senate in forum
to consider the work of the Uni-
versity Commission on year round
'P, na.i _wil a- h1 al12A ate
Educators Meet
With Swainson
Seek Additional Appropriations;
Back Bonding Construction Plan
Representatives of Michigan's nine state-supported col-
leges and universities met with Gov. John B. Swainson in
Lansing yesterday and agreed to fight budget cuts proposed
by legislative appropriations committees.
The schools failed to make public a group opinion on tui-
tion boosts which have been recommended by the committees
as a supplement to inadequate appropriations. They advo-
cated the following four point program:
practices such as
accommodate more
House-Senate Budget Ends
Short GOPSwinsn Peace
The House-Senate austerity budget package which prompted
yesterday's emergency meeting of state college presidents with Gov.
John B. Swainson, was seen by Lansing observers as having shattered
the three month "honeymoon" between the governor and state law-
Swainson called the budget bills which would trim $26 million
off the executive's total spending plan "shocking" and "grossly in-
ladequate." The crux of Swainson's
...supports colleges
Groups Ask
Joint Plan
Faculty committees here and at
the University of Wisconsin have
reached agreement on a proposal
for a joint Junior Year Abroad
program, according to Associate
Dean of the Literary School James
Robertson, chairman of the Uni-
versity committee, said he had
conferred by telephone yesterday
with Prof. Henry Hill of the Wis-
consin history department to
finalize the proposal. It will now
go to the respective university ad-
ministrations for approval.
The proposal asks approval in
principle of a Junior Year Abroad
program and the :establishment of
a joint committee to implement it.
This committee would approach
foundations for support, set up
screening and selection procedures
and make arrangements with for-
eign participating universities.
Robertson indicated that a ten-
tative budget will be submitted
with the proposal. As presently
envisaged, the program would not
be self supporting. The univer-
sities would be asked to partially
underwrite it, with the extent of
this support to depend on the
amount received from foundations
and student fees.
Robertson said that the cost
to students had not been definitely
determined. He hoped that it
would "retain the differential be-
tween in-state and out-of-state
students," and would not be ma-
terially higher than the cost of a
year at the University.
About fifty students would be
selected for participation in the
program, which Robertson hopes
will be underway by September,
1962. Aix-en-Provence, in southern
France, will probably be a co-
operating foreign university, he
The advisability of a Junior Year
Abroad program was explored last
fall by the faculty committee. Re-
commendations made then were
not approved. The University had
earner1 that Wisnnsin wa nln.-
Desire New Social Insights
"Group dynamics research has
led to the discovery that adjust-
ment may be best in the high-up
positions of an organization, not
lower, as was previously believed,"
Professor Alvin Zander, of the
education and psychology depart-
ments said yesterday.
Speaking in Rackham Amphi-
theatre, he noted that "One of the
most important factors in this
area is that self-esteem is largely
determined by interaction of the
individual with others."
.nf *ln a_ Airnin -,f ti
1948. Fundamentally, the center
bases its research on problems of
why certain group phenomena oc-
cur, rather than mere description
of such phenomena.
Among the concepts developed
and measured most rigorously by
the Center are "group cohesive-
ness, unity and social power." Co-
hesiveness is the desire of all
group members to remain group
Greater cohesiveness leads to
more participation and listening,
wider acceptance of ideas and
greater willingness to change
knowledge, operating in accord
with the values of the group and
"referent power," the desire of
one individual to be like another.
Problems of group goals, their
origins and changes, are also un-
der study.
Research is in progress on com-
munication, analyzing the basic
reasons why people talk and listen
to each other and influence one
Research into the causes of
juvenile delinquency is now in
progress, based upon studies of
the similarities and differences in
+h m - lifona ofQ-omo-
objections to the proposals of the
Senate' Appropriations and the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee stemmed from their rejection
of the governor's $38 million bond-
ing program to finance state
building projects.
In order to provide enough capi-
tal outlay funds to at least con-
tinue work on structures already
under construction, the lawmakers
cut into appropriations to univer-
sities and other agencies while
still maintaining the $462 million
total budget figure as originally
recommended by Swainson.
As a result, the Legislators' re-
commendations make virtually no
provisions for new state buildings.
Although the University's gen-
eral appropriation from the state
would be $1.6 million less than
,,in.i te w .im",~~ . the T ni