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March 31, 1961 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-31

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See page 4

SwI ~rgx

113a ti4

Occasional rain
in the evening.

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Sorenson Desires,
Informed Public
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the last of four profiles of the Demo-
eratic and Republican candidates for the University's Board of Re-
gents. The statewide election for the two open posts will be held on
Freedom in, education is the crux of Allan R. Sorenson's
campaign stands in the Regental contest,
The Midland Democrat advocates greater responsibility for
students, administrators and the nation as a whole in its con-
° cern for higher education.
Explais Communication
Sorenson says he believes a Regent should vote according
. to his own conviction; "at the.same time keeping open com-
k munication with the people." He would consult with various
groups interested in higher education, "as an official responsive
w to the attitudes of the state's citizens."
At the same time, the Regent should be "free of commit-
ments to any single group." Sorenson sees student opinion as
another source of valuable information for the Regent.s
A chemical engineer for Dow Chemical Co. in Midland,
Sorenson takes a liberal position on most issues. His nomination>
' may be indicative of increasing Democratic support in the out-
state area, for Midland is traditionally a strongly Republican
The tall, dark-haired, 40-year-old engineer is a 1948 gradu-
ate of the University. He served four years in the Army prior to
receiving his degree.
Houghton Job
Sorenson, married and the father of two children, is pres-
ently serving by appointment on the Board of Control of Michi-
gan College of Mining and Technology at Houghton. He has also
served for two terms as president of the University's Midland
alumni club.
Money is the most pressing need for the University, he says->
State appropriations have simply not been adequate. To solveF
this problem, he would look "to all possible sources," except
raising of student tuition fees. Tuition should be lowered, Soren-3
son emphasizes.
As the best "long-term source" for educational funds, Sor-
enson is convinced that federal aid can be used more. Federal
funds should be used for construction as well as teacher sal-
Backs Scholarship
In addition, a program of federal and state scholarships
should be implemented, he believes. In this respect, Sorenson
" favors a combination of outright grants and repayable loans to
"State legislative appropriations should be increased," he
maintains, while private sources must be stimulated to con-
tribute to the University.
Increased federal aid to higher education would affect the
philosophy of provincialism present in the minds of many to-
day," he stresses. It would tend to eliminate another "undesir-
able" tendency of gradually "raising barriers for out-of-stateF
$The problem of education is a national one. You cant
quarantine ignorance."
See EDUCATION, page 2
WalkingMachine Hints
]Future Vehicle Design
The transportation look of the future may be vehicles that walk.
This speculation is suggested by a University engineering pro-
fessor's conception of a 16-legged machine which could literally walk
circles around trucks and tanks in rugged terrain.
A walking machine was the idea developed by Prof. Joseph E.
Shigley of the mechanical engineering department in a study for
the Army's Land Locomotion Laboratory in Detroit.
Studied Use
For one and a half years he studied whether a walking machine
was practical for moving over territory as impassable as hilly, boulde-
studded battlefields, and 'lnally










State, City
Ann Arbor voters will help fill
eight state posts, decide on two
proposals and choose city leaders
In state races, two positions are
open in the governing boards of
the University, Wayne State Uni-
versity and Michigan State Uni-
Republicans Paul G. Goebel
and James C. Zeder are opposing
Democrats Theodore R. Sachs and
Allan R. Sorenson for the two
open posts on the University Board
of Regents.
MSU Board
Democratic incumbent C. Allen
Harlan and Connor D. Smith are
being challenged by Republicans
John S. Pingle and Fred England
for the two posts on the MSU
Board of Trustees.
Two proposals face the voters.
Proposal one asks a Constitution-
al convention.
Prpposal two asks a change in
the existing constitution state aid
for financing industrial, manu-
facturing and municipal develop-
ment. State funds to the Ann Ar-
bor research park rest on this
Ann Arbor
Hoping to be mayor until April,
1963, are Republican incumbent
Cecil 0. Creal and Democrat Mrs.
Dorothee S. Pealy, the first wom-
an in city history to seek the
In the first ward, two newcom-
ers are seeking the council seat
retired by Harold McKercher.
They are Republican Harry K.
Remnant, a local realtor, and Prof.
Lynn W. Eley, associate director
of the University's-extension serv-
Second Ward
The second ward race to re-
place councilwoman Mrs. Flor-
ence Crane is between Republican
William E. Bandemer, a director
of a local corporation which makes
automobile accessories and Mrs.
Shata Ling of the Democrats, a
lecturer for Extension Service and
executive director of the local
senior citizens guild.
In the third ward, incumbent
Republican Henry V. Aquinto, who
serv'es as mayor pro-tem is chal-
lenged by Democrat John W. Con-
lin, Jr., '58L, a local attorney.
Fourth Ward
Richard G. Walterhouse is the
Republican nominee in the fourth
ward contest to replace the retir-
ing George Keebler. Walterhouse
owns a construction company.
His Democratic opponent, Richard
L. Kennedy, works on fund rais-
ing for the University Develop-
ment Council.
Bent F. Nielsen of the fifth
ward is running for re-election
against Thomas S. Lough, a Uni-
versity Ph.D. graduate last year,
who is a research engineer at the
Willow Run laboratories.

Peace Corps Plans
'Ready To Guide 'U'
A memo from peace corps headquarters, designed to guide univer-
sities in development of overseas training programs, will clear the way
for University proposals, James M. Davis, director of the International
Center said yesterday.
With the aid of this memo, which Davis plans to distribute to all
departments interested in peace corps programs, the University should
be "ready to present two or three projects to the peace corps officials
within two weeks." These may include a teacher training program
from the English Language Institute, a program in community

Shortage in Funds
May Harm Chances
New Amount Less Than Original
Request But More Than Last Yea
University administrators were cautiously optimistic
an increase in the 1961-62 budget appropriations for th
year's state allocation, after conferring with members of ti
Senate Appropriations Committee in Lansing yesterday.
Gov. John B. Swainson had recommended that the Uni
versity's original request of $43.9 million be pared to $37.1 ml
lion. University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday asked ti
committee for $41.7 million, an increase of $6.4 million fro
1960 - 61 , appropriations, to,

Davis Backs
Cultural Bill
In testimony before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee this
week, James M. Davis of the
International Center gave his ap-
proval to the proposed Mutual Ed-
ucational and Cultural exchange,
He also recommended several,
improvements for the bill, which,
as presently formulated would
give the president power to un-
dertake programs of educational
and cultural exchange which now,
according to Davis, "suffer from
fragmentation, rigidity and lack
of continuity in administration."
"It is only through the leader-
ship of the president, as expressed
through his appropriate agencies
of administration, that the pro-
gram can achieve a unified and
purposeful effort," Davis told the
Asks Money
Davis recommended f e d e r a I
1) For orientation, English lan-
guage training and counseling for
foreign students;
2) For emergency assistance to
outstanding foreign students
studying here, who are not already
government sponsored;
3) For foreign guests on short-
term visits to institutions and pro-
fessional persons in this country;
4) To reimburse United States
universities for money spent in
education of government-sponsor-
ed foreign students above the cost
of tuition.
Immigration Law
He also made recommendations
for amendments to immigration
acts affecting foreign students and
Davis lauded federal aid in the
field of educational and cultural.
exchange, but insisted funds were
not nearly adequate. He added
that local groups and individuals
were footing bills for programs
which should be government-
The head of the University's In-
ternational Center said the "pro-
grams provided for in this bill ... ;
help to achieve a tremendous base
for a better understanding of this
country." He said that the pres-
ence of 53,000 foreign students
here is to the benefit of many1
American people."4

development, and a public health
training project.
Suggests ELI
He suggested that the ELI pro-
gram for teaching English as a
foreign language might be one of
the plans selected. "English teach-
er training is one of the most im-
portant services in the initial
stages of the peace corps effort,"
Davis said.
Yesterday, The Detroit Free
Press reported that the United
States is negotiating with Nigeria
to send "several thousand peace
corpsmen to teach English in the
primary schools under the direct
administration of the peae
These teachers would be trained
in teaching English as a foreign
language by "selected United
States universities and colleges."
Need Time
Prof. Albert Marckwardt, act-
ing director of ELI, said "I see no
reason why we won't be able to
present our program in two weeks.
We have indicated a readiness to
train a small group of people in
teaching English - very much
along the lines of the program
we have now."
Since the initial programs would
be short-"on a crash program
basis," the ELI program will be a
brief one," designed to adjust the
teachers to the problems people
from various language areas have
in learning English, Prof. Marck-
wardt said. "We will have to de-
pend a good deal on language
training on the spot."
Prof. Marckwardt declared it
the "public duty" of the ELI to
be prepared to present a program
-as one of the seven or eight in-
stitutions in the country which
can do this kind of training. He
called the University's chance to
be chosen as one of the peace
corps training centers "reasonably
Peace corps officials expressed
an interest in whether the ELI
could train people.
U.S. Criticizes
South Africa
United States warned South Africa
yesterday that continued racial
segregation will sever it from the
rest of the world.
Ambassador Francis T. P. Plimp-
ton asserted that South Africa's
apartheid has "become in all lan-
guages a stigma," symbolic of dis-
criminatory racial legislation.

... Negro rights

G laberm an
Cites Sham
The Negro is exposing the sham
of democracy in this country and
with every little gain, he is de-
stroying American capitalistic so-
ciety, Marxist Martin Glaberman'
told his Michigan Union audiencej
last night.
Glaberman, who is editor of the
Detroit newspaper Correspondance,
warned that as racial problems
are solved,'the clash between races
becomes even sharper. For each
gain made, a larger gain is de-
Predicts Problem
Delivering his final address in
a series of four lectures on
"Modern Marxism," Glaberman
predicted that as privileges of
whites are removed it becomes
progressively harder for the sys-
tem to maintain this inherent
clash of interests.
The Southern sit-ins and stand-,
ins are the result of masses of
people suddenly reacting against
a denial of rights which has be-
come inherent in American so-
ciety. "One day a woman in Mont-
gomery decided she wasn't going
to sit on the back of a bus, and
boom-a city-wide boycott."
But non-violence as a principle
of action is nonsense," Glaberman
warned. "What is appropriate in
one situation is not appropriate
in another."
Exposes 'Rottenness'
This movement for racial equal-
ity not only exposes the "rotten-
ness of society," but also "demon-
strates what ordinary men and
women are able to accomplish
through self-discipline and co-
Touching briefly on other Amer-
ican social problems, Glaberman
asserted that the increasing ac-
tivity of women and their drive
for equality is destroying the
middle-class family.
Women grow into maturity with
freedom to study, travel and as-
sociate as they please. But with
marriage, everything a woman has
been taught becomes "absolutely
useless," Glaberman said.
Women Subordinated
She must subordinate the rest
of her life to her husband's pro-
fesion and thus encounters the
sharpest contradiction in her life.
Matters of sex roles which used
to be routine and natural have
come to reqire formal decisiorn

meet needs which have built
up in recent years.
Nelson 'Confident'
Vice-President for University
Relations Lyle M. Nelson said he
was "fairly confident, in view of
pressing needs, that the Univer-
sity will get an increase in funds
over last year's appropriation.
However, Nelson said the com-
mittee gave no indication of what
their recommendations will be.
"The biggest problem is that the
state simply doesn't have a large
amount of funds this year. Within
their limits, however, I feel the
University will be well treated."
Dean Roger Heyns of the liter-
ary college, who also attended the
meetings, said that the committee
"indicated a real interest in the
University and an appreciation of
its role," and he called the talks
"pleasant" and "friendly."
"I think we will get an increase
over our present budget," he said.
Porter Cites Shortage
Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Bliss-
field), chairman of the appropria-
tions committee, echoed Nelson's
statement on the shortage of funds
and added that welfare and men-
tal health are two areas which
will also receive priority consid-
eration for appropriations.
All bills must be introduced on
the floor by April 7, Porter said.
This shortage of time will neces-
sitate the addition by the House
of several items in the capital out-
lay appropriations bill which the
Senate will not have time to con-
Wayne State University will
have its Senate committee hear-
ings Monday,Porter said.
Discuss Outlay
Capital outlay was discussed only
briefly at the meeting. The empha-
sis on graduate and professional
expansion in the University was
discussed, Nelson said. Vice-Presi-
dent and Dean of Faculties Marvin
Niehuss explained that University
growth will occur mainly in these
areas in the future, without cut-
ting undergraduate enrollments.
This would mean higher per
capita costs and a need for in-
creased appropriations.
In his statement to the com-
mittee, University President Har-
lan Hatcher said that the Univer-
sity has to meet the problem of a
growing enrollment while main-
taining the quality of its instruc-
tion and research.
Build Needs
Needs have built up over the
past few years when economic
problems have forced inadequate
legislative appropriations.
Niehuss speculated that there
might be another hearing this
time with the House committee,
especially on capital outlay.
Michigan State University also
had its hearings yesterday and
asked an appropriation of $29.1
million, a $5.5 million jump from
last year's appropriation. MSU
President John Hannah said the
increase was necessary for sharp-
ly rising enrollments and to meet
the keen competition for top pro-
He said MSU ranked sixth in
average salaries among Big Ten
state schools.
U.S. Aid To Help

Results End,...
Spring Riots
By The Associated Press
Spring vacation, which saw riots
at Fort Lauderdale, brought an
end to a student rebellion at Bowl-
ing Green State University, and
will have implications for Michi-
gan State University students who
apply for scholarships.
MSU Dean of Students Ton
King said that any student who
could afford a trip to Florida dr-
ing vacation will be denied a loan
if heaapplies. MSU students who
were arrested in Florida may be
asked to appear before the MSU
student judiciary. king is on the
lookout for sun tanned students.
Bowling Green
Bowling Green's spring vaca-
tion ended a three-day student
rebellion which saw eight expelled
and 30 others still facing possible
disciplinary action. Students had
boycotted classes in protest of
strict university regulations.
At the height of the turmoil,
university President Ralph Mc-
Donald declared a state of emer-
gency and 53 Ohio highway patrol-
men restored order. School au-
thorities said only a minority of
the university's 6,000 students took
an active part in the rebellion, and
a majority of those were fresh-
Fort Lauderdale
A Fort Lauderdale judge freed
84 college students from jail so
that they could "get at least one
more day of sunshine.
"I, as a citizen, am as much to
blame as you are for a portion of
this situation," Judge Raymond A.
Doumer told the collegians before
releasing them. "You must admit
that the behavior of some students
left much to be desired."
The students were jailed in con-
nection with riots and traffic jams
which developed Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday nights.
Fill Beaches
More students are arriving daily
to fill the beach spaces vacated by
those beginning to journey home,
many of them tired and broke.
The city fathers were reported
working on recreation programs
for the remainder of the holiday
week and a long range plan for
next spring.
Michigan students arriving with-
in the next few days will probably
meet with free street dances spon-
sored by the city to ease the rest-
less tensions.
Hit Russians
On Test Ban
GENEVA WP) - Western diplo-
mats said last night the Soviet
Union will find it difficult to pass
the test of world opinion if It re-
jects the new American-British
compromise plan for an effectively
controlled nuclear test suspension
Britain and the United State


concluded that it was.
Prof. Shigley saw other uses for
the walking machine too. With
its legs fitted out with snowshoes,
it could trek across stretches of
deep snow to deliver rations and
equipment to polar outposts.
With the proper footwear, also,
it could carry explorers through
the mud of swamps and the sand
of deserts.
Can Give Aids
It might even solve transporta-
tion problems on what scientists
suspect to be the soft surface of
the moon.
A walking machine would not
need to be slow-moving, either.
"Over certain types of terrain,
the vehicle could go faster than
a tracked vehicle -- even faster
that a man walking or crawling,"
Prof. Shigley explained. It could
manuever across plowed fields at
30 miles an hour. Top speed would
be 40 or 50 miles an hour.
New Idea
Prof. Shigley-nor anyone else,
to his knowledge-has ever com-
pletely designed a walking ma-
chine, but he has worked out the
mechanical details.
It would be propelled by 16 legs,
four in each corner. Each hydralic
leg would alternate with three
others in taking strides; while one


UN Shelves
Arms Debate
Soviet Union and the United
States got the United Nations to
agree unanimously yesterday to
shelve debate on disarmament till
next September.
The promisd that meanwhile
they would set up new East-West
negotiations on the subject by July.

India Improves Planning Tcnqe

Prof. John Lewis of Indiana
University yesterday presented a
critique of developmental planning
in India.
He noted that the techniques
employed in establishing the third
five-year plan which was initiated
last year were much improved over
those used in the first five-year
plan which was in effect from 1951
to 1956. but that there was still

puting the amount of investment
needed in some sectors of the
economy, the plan was good; but
the errors impeded the plan's suc-
The planning commission's first
mistake was to underestimate the
difficulty of increasing food pro-
duction, Prof. Lewis said. The last
two or three years of the first plan
were especially good for agricul-
ture; as a result the planners were
ovry- optimistic about the

these sorts of errors could


A governmental decision that a
three to four per cent rise in the
output per capita during the third
plan would be necessary if the
Indian people were to remain sat-
isfied that their government was
the key factor in setting up the
plan, he said.
Goa. 'Reasonable'


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