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March 30, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-30

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Seventy-First Year

"Saddle Up. We Can Still Head 'Em Off at the Gulch"-

is Are Free

_Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, MARCH 29, 1961


Economy Plan for MSU
Smacks of Public Relations

[J President John Hannah took time out
Uionday to call 1,100 of his faculty into a
e purpose of the meeting? To outline to
professors a radical new plan to take care-
SO's needs over the coming fecade.

his' school. But there is no way of knowing'
whether President Hannah thought of this'
Hannah himself explains that he called his'
special meetiing "so that the faculty would
know about it before the newspapers did." For-
sure, the faculty appreciated the courtesy. It. ,
was so unexpected.

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he 90-minute speech created quite a stir;.
sident Hannah seemed to promise a great
, of economizing. Not only would he man-
to cope with a 50 per cent eprollment hike
1970, but he would also succeed in raising
alty salaries, "possibly twice as high" as-
y are at present.
'HAT makes his proposals more interesting
still is that President Hannah has appar-
ly given up any claim his school maintained
adequate support from the Legislature.,
We'll be lucky if the state gives us as much
pupil (in ten years) as it does ,now," he
[ a reporter after his speech.
he main means of the economizing; Han-
i suggested, would be through a highly ef-
et use of the faculty, including intensive
of teaching machines, television teaching
1 films.
recisely how this will free enough money
permit doubling of faculty salaries was not
ed. Indeed, Hannah showed. a reluctance.
ae. specific on any of his innovations,.
tretching the point, one might suppose that
"economy-minded" legislators would react
orably-and perhaps even materially-to
nah's 'realistic' view of future state aid to

MSU, AS WELL AS other schools in the na-
tion, will face severe problems in the -next
ten years, and certainly Hannah's program in-
dicates a willingness to cope with them.
But Hannah says "It should be a point of
pride to all of us (at MSU), asi it is a source
of satisfaction to me, that few other univer-
sity administrations would dare to place such
sweeping proposals before their trustees with
confidence in the willingness of their faculties
to rise to such a challenge, and in their ca-
pacities to meet It."
This is nonsense. Other schools are certainly
as interested in the future as is MSU. They
have not, however, found any reason as of yet
to indulge in the flamboyant reforms pro-
posed'vaguely by the MSU head.
It is 'gratifying to know'that MSU has
enough waste now to permit so much cutting-
down in the future. Perhaps, if Hannah looks
a trifle more carefully at his school, he will,
find a way to help the state in its own budget
Perhaps,. too, it is a good thing to know that
if .Hannah does manage to save money, he
will'devote it to salary increases. He certainly
doesn't need it for his public relations office.

'Our Town' Works
Cotton Candy Wonders
THORNTON WILDER'S "Our Town" must always remain a wonder.
It has dramatic effects, but try to trace their origin or line of
buildup. It is an emotional tour de force, but analyze it and you have
dust in your hands. It is only -vaguely apparent afterwards that Wilder
has turned some inspired verbal slapstick into one of the most moving
plays of the modern stage, and has done it somewhere between the
second and third acts.
You might also see in the organdy. haze which is its inevitable
effect, that Wilder has managed to weave into an organic whole many
of the most daring experiments of today's theatre including a surrealis-
tic irony, which-like opposite mirrors placed against the poetry of the

individual lines may suggest more'
levels to the play than are there.'
But it is your fault if you look for
them, because Wilder makes clear
from the start that it is to be pure
theatrical effect; that it is indeed
all done with mirrors.
THIS PRODUCTION, as intelli-
gent and as sensitive as it is, seems
to have lost itself somewhere be-
tween the mirrors, with some ac-
tors heading straight for the
poetry, some for the irony and
some wisely ignoring the reflec-
tions of either. The Stage Man-
ager, Singer Buchanan, who of all
people should have maintained the
strictest balance, is merely a senti-
mental guide and it is clear why,
he is unable to create any real
identity of place from' the start;
he is a stranger in Wilder's town.
THE COMEDY which takes up
the larger part Hof the first two
acts comes .off well except for the
first scenes in which pace was
lagging. But the,pace was too fast
in the vital scenes between George
and Emily even to the point of
running over laughs. The delicacy
of these sceneswere to prepare us'
for the, final act and its delicate,
climax which is Wilder's emotional,
formulation of his town's address.
"Grover's Corners, New Hamp-
shire, The Vniverse, Thy: Mind. of'
God." Royce Rosenberg, who is a
very fine actress, probably could
not feel herself in the pace of the
early scenes and so her emotional
growth into the last act appeared
heavy-handed and, sentimental.
The overall reason, then, why all
that was good in the first two acts
perishes in the third seems to have
been a failure to distinguish be-
tween Wilder's irony and comedy,
his poetry and, anybody's senti-
-Robert Kraus

to the
To the Editor:
AR RELIGION and s c i e nce
compatible? A letter from Mr.
D. F. Owen (Daily, March 18) an-
swering this question in the nega-
tive indicates a gross and unfor-
tunately all too common misun-
derstanding of the issues. While I
am not qualified to present a care-
ful Christian exegesis, I suggest
Mr. Owen becomes so before he
attempts to criticize.
For clearly Mr., Owen has no
conception of the Christian doc-
trine of Original Sin, which he
claims is "certainly not compat-
ible with scientific thought."
Rather, it has absolutely nothing
to do with science.
* * 0
SIMILARLY, to say that biology
and religion, or Darwin and Chris-
tianity are incompatible is to out-
rage the grave (in Westminster
Abbey) of Charles Darwin, as good
a Christian as he was a biologist.
May I refer Mr. Owen to a book
by a*-man with whom he has only
a name in common? In Scientism,
Man and Religion, Dr. R. G. Owen
points out that "incompatibility"
only occurs when science becomes
a religion, as, it does in Marxism;
when left to follow their own sep-
arate ways, as Mr. Owen should
leave them, there is no discord-
--Michael C. dePencier, Grad.,
Dept. of Philosophy

Residence Halls, Lack Strength

implication by Innuendo

increasingly popular sport in Michigan dur-
g the last few days. The State Police and
le Floyd McGriff of Detroit have taken it
;on themselves to be arbiters of political
iought and gain notoriety for themselves
arough the implication of Communist in-
Sgt. Stanley Olezak, head of the "subver-
"ve"' squad, charged that there are 300 Com-
unists in Michigan. McGriff has charged
iat the University and Wayne State Univer-
ty have been "infiltrated" by Communists.
Yet both these people have resorted to vague
eneralities, a veil of secrecy and utter idiocies
hen asked to make any substantiation of
heir charges.
Witness McGriff's statement: "You have
ome of these professors who have done no-
iing but read books and read more books and
on't know anything trying to teach our
:ung people."
N THIS IMPLICATION of complete unreal-
ism on the part of college teachers, McGriff
as completely neglected his own unrealism. Is
better to flinch at the very mention of
ommunism without understanding, the ideas
nderlying it? What are his qualifications for
riting any sort of statement on Communism?
:e claims that he wrote a thesis on Karl
[arx in 1911 and was with the U.S. troops in
.ussia in 1919. But these are still not authori-
Itive measures of his knowledge of Com-
iunist societies and present-day Communist
He also states that in lifting the ban on
ommunist speakers, "WSU has opened the
oors to a million-dollar soapbox from which
ftists can spew and spawn parts of a Com-
aunist creed without opposition."
Notice the use of the word leftist instead

of Communist. Is McGriff in favor of not only
banning Communists from campuses but
Socialists? He says he feels that debate on
the. relative merits of the two societies would
be good. But his tacit implication (since his
proposed debate between Mr. Khrushchev, who
is a Communist anyway, and Henry Cabot
Lodge-is highly unlikely) is that it must be a
contest in which there is no contest; a contest
from which those who sincerely believe in
the opposition viewpoint would be banned.
AS FOR THE State Police, Sgt. Olczak and.
his associates are an anachronism in their
methods and objectives; they represent Mc-
Carthyism pure and simple except that they
have no Congressional immunity and are hence
forced not to be quite so bold about their
Though they have made no specific charges
other than that there are 300 Communists in.
Michigan, their total effort has been an at-
tempt to excite people and to raise a stir over
nothing. They have not named the supposed
subversives. In fact, since he disclosed one of
his sources of information as being the notor-
ious' Circuit Riders group, it is very possible
that many' of these people are not subversives
at all. The Circuit Riders are, after all, famous
for their implication of people in high places
(such as former president'Dwight David Eisen-
hower) as Communists or Communist dupes.
The dangerous part of such investigations
is that while so many people remain frightened
of the Communists, they will unknowingly fall
the victim of fascists. Freedom is not a "some-
time thing". To lose our freedoms for the
illogical, emotional publicity seeking of a
hysterical few who cry that we are being sub-
verted by them is sheer stupidity.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: James Seder,
'61, former chairman 'of the Stu-
dent Government Council Human
Relations Board, 'is a member of the
SGC Committee on Membership in
Student Organizations and has been
active this year in various other,
groups at the University.)
Daily Guest Writer
FOR THE past several years a'
small but informed group of
students, residence hall personnel
and younger faculty members have
devoted a great deal of critical at-
tention to the University's resi-
dence hall system.
The impetus for this study has
not been the feeling that residence
hall system is "totally bad." 'On
the contrary, it ranks relatively
high in comparison with residence
hall systems at many large public
universities. The group's position
was best defined by former Daily
Editor Richard Taub who stressed
that the residence halls were not
living up to their potential for pro-
viding the student with stimulat-
ing intellectual and social experi-
The group is not primarily con-
cerned with the food problem, the
drinking problem, the .dress regu-
lation problem, the social life
problem, or the occasional trav-
esties of justice in dealing with
disciplinary action. All of these
problems are, to be sure, unde-
sirable in their own right and
'bad because they lead to disen-
chantment with the residence hall
* * *
HOWEVER, attempts to deal
with these problems tend to be-
cloud the need for fundamental
reorganization of the system. The
past two presidents of the_ men's
residence hall system, Tex Chert-
kov and Dan Rosemergy, have de-
voted their attention almost en-
tirely to begging minor food re-
forms from the business office
and have, as a result, failed to
push for any of the necessary ma-
jor reforms: structural reforms.
There are probably three areas
where reforms of the system are
desperately needed:
1. EITHER the business office
of the residence halls have entire-
ly too much power or they are be-
ing used, rather despicably, as
scapegoats. No one questions that
Leonard Schaadt and Franklin
Shield are competent business
agents, but there is nothing in
their 'training, professional orien-
tation or experience to indicate
that they are in any way compe-
tent to make value adjudgments
concerning the operations of the
residence halls..
It is unquestionably true, as they
continually remind students, each
dollar can be stretched just so far
and it is probably true that they
do a reasonably good job of
stretching dollars.
But value judgments as to how
the money is spent, what will re-
receive priorities, and similar de-
cisions should be made by indi-
viduals who are primarily inter-
ested in. and oriented toward, the

the Administration B u i 1 d i n g.
Schaadt does not understand the
students and cannot reasonably
be expected to do so. He and stu-
dents should become involved in
collective bargaining. F u r t h e r-
more, the dichotomized responsi-'
bility between the Deans' offices
and the business office offers a
fine excuse for the present lack
of unified, coherent, and articu-
lated residence hall policy.
* s *
2. THE self-liquidating financ-'
ing of the residence hall system
has severe limitations. There is a
sharp limit to the amount of resi-
dence hall fees which can be as-
'signed to debt-retirement and still
leave enough money in the sys-
tem to adequately finance food,
staff and service needs.
A slower rate of expansion of
the residence hall system (and
thus a slower rate of amortiza-
tion) would have made it possible
to allocate a larger portion of stu-
dent funds to student needs. Fur-
ther, it would not have forced the
residence hall system to build its
present monster structures such
as South Quad, and Alice Lloyd
and Mary Markley Halls. Perhaps
South Quad and possibly Alice
Lloyd were necessarily built and
financed as they were. The Uni-
versity had to meet a demand.
But Markley was, and this is
probably a gross understatement,
a compounded agglomeration of
every mistake in residence hall
building in the University's ex-
perience. It was too large, to aus-
tere, too expensive, too far fromr
campus, too inaccesible by car at.
closing hours, and had a built-in
over-capacity 'which forced a
sharp reduction in apartment per-
missions for women. This latter
aspect of Markley is doubly un-
fortunate: in addition to making
the girls. who are refused apart-
ment permission unhappy, it
closed the safety-valve by which
the system would free those girls
unable' toadjust to it.
The university's policies on 'ex-
pansion must be coordinated. If
the residence hall system cannot
afford to keep pace with, Univer-
sity expansion either older stu-
dents must be, encouraged to live
outside the system, other financ-
ing for residence halls must be se-
cured, or expansion must wait. On
the other hand, it is an unfair
burden to put on students' should-
ers to make them pay for antici-
pated expansion.
* * s
3. THE THIRD problem is the
most serious and the most 'inex-
cusable. There is a tremendous
lack of communication between
the various levels of organization.
of the residence halls. The Board
of Governors of Residence Halls
either does not have the vaguest
idea what is happening, in the
residence halls or it chooses to ig-
nore what is happening.
It is incredible that members of
the Board can maintain that they
are not aware of student dissatis-
faction with food, dress regula-
tions and the like, and more im-
portant by far, that the residence

in addition, the policies of the
Board seem to have trouble filter-
ing down to the staff. Several
staff members in both the men's
and women's residence halls still
feel, for example, that it is part
of their responsibility to protect
White Christian Americans from
contact with 'the rest of the stu-
dent body. This is against the
Board's policy, but communica-'
tion downward has apparently not
been very effective.
As a first step toward 'becoming
an effective policy-making body,
the Board must' clarify its posi-
tion in relation to the two Dean's
offices. They must also be recept-
ive to student and staff views.
Finally, they must give the staffs
effective direction.
* * *
THIS ARTICLE has been fo-
cused rather strongly on the weak
points of the system. It should be
repeated that the residence hall
system is not all bad, and it
should be admitted that there are
real problems involved in improv-
ing the situation.
But any improvement must be
premised on the realization that
the Michigan House Plan is dead
and has been dead for twenty
years: we could not afford it. The
residence hall system must be re-
organized to meet the realities of
the system as it now exists. Struc-
tures like South Quad, Alice Lloyd
and Mary Markley cannot be run
as they would have operated un-
der the House Plan:
The responsibility for running
the residence hall systemlies with
the 'Board of Governors, and_ if
there is to be any improvement in
the system-not merely in the
minor areas of dissatisfaction, but
also in the atmosphere 'of the
residence halls-the structure of
the system must first be strength-

The Facts of Life

-Daily-Larry Vanics

r'+'= r lwt .."rr Yr"'7W~i". rr{:a h' {:: i .a f Y~~ti,, ut , yae, hrsdv . r . 30, 162 .as


VREN THE President and the Prime Minister
said at Key West that "the situation in
os cannot be allowed to 6ontinue to deter-
rate," they were thinking, we may suppose,
at the Boun Own government might, without
itting up much of a fight for it, lose the capi-
I city. After that, this government which we
pport would have little - standing and little
,rgaining power in a negotiation about the
ture of Laos. Among the rebel forces, which
ruld then be dominant, there would be a dan-.
rous tension between the genuine neutralists
ider Prince Souvanna Phouma and the active
)mmunists of the Pathet Lao.
Some kind of cease-fire and standstill is,
erefore, necessary if there is to be a success-
1 negotiation, establishing, as we now hope,
passive and neutralized Laos. There was a
testion whether this radically changed Ameri-
n policy in Laos, which has been adopted only
the new Administration, could still be carried
t. But the acceptance by Moscow of the
itish proposals shows that the Soviet Union
usts the President's purposes in Laos.

Soviet Union, a military victory would be im-
possible. A French army of some 400,000 men
has been unable to defeat the Algerian rebels.
The strategical situation in Laos is very much
more difficult for SEATO than was the situa-
tion in Algeria for France.
On the other hand, the Soviet Union and
the Chinese cannot expect to win a stable
victory by military force. The SEATO nations.
have behind them the sea and air power of
the United States, and this power can be 'used
to deny to the Pathet Lao an assured victory.
There is, therefore, in Laos not a true balance
of power, for the balance is decidedly against
us. But there'is a rough balance of the capacity
to harass and frustrate. This balance is leading
to a negotiation, such as Great Britain, France,
and the United States have proposed.
The facts of life have prevailed upon us to
recognize that Laos cannot be brought, as the
preceding Administration tried to do, within
the American sphere of military influence. The
President was leaning over backward at his
nress conference when he credited the Eisen-

The Daily Official Bulletin as an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial '
responsibility.. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General notices
Library Hours during Spring Recess:
The General Library, the Undergraduate
Library, and divisional libraries will
be open on regular schedules until
noon on Sat., April 1. The University,
Libraries will be open on short sched-
ules from Mon., April 3,thru Fri., April
7.: Libraries will be closed Sun., April 2
and April 9,. also Sat, April r8.
The General Library and the Under-,
graduate Library will be open from ,8
a.m. to ,5 p.m., Mon. thru Fri., April ,3
thru April 7. The Audio Room in the
Undergraduate Library will be closed
during the spring recess. Vacation hours
for divisional libraries will be lposted,
on the doors of each library.
All'libraries will resume regular sched-
ules, Mon., April 10.'
fitdns who exnci t, re eiveEdu

the Spring semester,21960-61, will be
given on Fri., May 12 and Sat., May
13. Students planning on taking the
examinations this Spring must notify
the Secretary of the Committee in
Linguistics, Prof. Chavarria-Aguilar,
1625 Haven Hall, in writing, not later
than Fri., April 14, of their intention
to do so.
Effective Monday, April 10, first day
of classes, after spring vacation,, the
temporary student triangle parking lot
at Thompson, Division and Packard
Streets will revert to Recreation Area
until. the Monday following Thanks-'
giving recess, fall 1961. All automobiles
must be removed from that area before
April 10. Office of the:Dean of Men.
Bicycle Regulations for Spring Vacation
1: Bicycles stored (left over 48 hours)
in racks in classroomareas will be im-
pounded. During vacation bicycles
should be left 'in the racks at your Ann
Arbor residence.
2. Bicycles on 'University property
(classroom areas, residence halls, Uni-
versity apartments, Medical Center,
etc.) which do not bear a current (ex-
piring 9-30-61) license will be im-
3. Bicycles parked illegally (out of
racks, on sidewalks, under canopies,
blocking building exits, or on grass

butyrate," Turs., Mar.30 1582 Eas
Medical Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,
Phillip Gerhardt.
Good Friday Concert. The University
of Michigan Symphony Orchestra, con-
ducted by Josef Blatt, will be heard at
3:30 p.m., Fri., March 31, in Hill Aud.
They will perform Johannes Brahms'
Serenade No. 2.in A, Op. 16, Joseph
Haydn's Concerto per l'Organo, and
Igor Stravinsky's Symphony de
'saumes. Robert Noehren, University
organist, will.aassist with the Haydn
composition, and the University Choir,
conducted by Maynard Klein, will as-
sist with the Stravinsky number. Open
to the public.
Lecture: Dr. Melvin Calvin, Depart-
ment ofaChemistry, University of Calif-
ornia, at Berkeley, will discuss "The
Evolution of Photosynthetic Mechan-
isms" on Fri., March 31 at 4 p.m. in
the Natural Science Aud.
Camp Maplehurst-Mich. coed camp.
Dr. Thomas Cohn interviewing for
male counselors this afternoon from
3:30 to 4:55 p.m.
Attn: Students registered with Summer
placement Service: If you have ob-
tainti anmpr nh, nlpnafo ,nntcnt

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