Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
(EDITOR'S NOTE: David Giltrow, '61, is a photographer for The Daily who
was among five University students travelling through the South between
semesters to distribute supplies to Negroes in Haywood and Fayette coun-
ties, Tennessee, and to observe conditions throughout the area.)
The Justice Department, the governor of Tennessee, the mayor
of Brownsville and the two United States senators from Tennessee all
have telegrams from me now protesting harassment of University
students in Haywood and Fayette counties in Tennessee.
I was with two separate groups of students who .had come to
study conditions and distribute supplies in those two counties where
the Justice Department has charged that Negro tenant farmers have
suffered economic reprisals for registering to vote.
The group that was "picked up" by police in Brownsville, Tenn.,
included Andrew Hawley, '61; Kenneth McEldowney, '62, Daily asso-
ciate city editor and chairman of the Voice operations committee;
Carol Cohen, '64, co-chairman of the Voice-sponsored Tennessee Cam-
paign, and Nancy Press, '64, co-chairman of the Voice education
Delivery Attempted
We had tried to deliver a load of food and clothes to the Negro
tenant farmers in Haywood and Fayette. It represented the first
delivery of supplies raised by Voice political party in Ann Arbor.
The station wagon, filled with supplies, arrived in Memphis,
where I was staying, Feb. 2 and we decided to deliver them the next
day. The NAACP in Memphis advised us that it would be all right
for us to deliver them in person rather than send out a shipment.,
We drove to Brownsville in the morning and looked in the Negro
section for the man who was to direct us to the warehouse where we
could drop the supplies. Soon after a Negro man -got in the car to
direct us, we noticed that we were being followed by a police car.
After pulling up at a governmental housing project the police
car stopped and the sheriff and two uniformed policemen got out of
their car.
As they told Andy Hawley that he had run a stop sign I got out
and took a picture of the scene. The police told us to follow them. As
we started back to the car, I asked one of the officers where we were
going. He muttered something and ordered me either to get in the
station wagon or the squad car. They searched my pockets and took
my camera and a lens from my pocket. I was put in the car.
Under Arrest
In the car, I asked whether I was under arrest and they said
yes. When I asked them what the charge was, I was met by silence.
After receiving no answer when I asked if I could have my camera
back, I reached for it. The sheriff yanked it from my hand and struck
me across the mouth, saying "shut up smart alecky Northern kid."
Finally the cars stopped at the court house. When I again asked
for my camera and lens, which are valued at $700, a policeman said
no and directed me to enter the court house with the other students.
After about half an hour, we were led into the general sessions
Hawley was charged with going through a stop sign and I
resisting arrest. After both sides of the case were given, the ji
asked why we were in Haywood county. After telling him our in
tion to deliver supplies, he said there was no need for any ai
Haywood and that "college kids on a lark" could only cause troub
Enough Evidence
He declared that there was enough evidence to find us gu
but said he would dismiss the charges. He then told us to leave
After we asked to leave the supplies, the judge directed the sh
and his men to accompany us. The camera was returned, but wit
the film.
We took the supplies to the warehouse, under close police
veillance and gave them to the waiting Negroes. We then drove 1
the county, followed closely by a squad car until we were near
county line.
The NAACP representative and I decided once I returnee
Memphis that the protest should be lodged because future groups
eluding Voice, will be taking supplies to the two counties and c
encounter harassment by the police. As far as I have been abl
determine, the intimidation we faced was the first in Hayv
Other Intimidation
Four days earlier, Jan. 28, Thomas Hayden, '61, editor of
Daily and I had experienced other forms of intimidation in Fay
see UNIVERSITY, page 6
courtroom and seated in the front. About 60 spectators
courtroom after we did.
entered theI
-Daily-David Glitrow
,ESSEE OFFICIALS-County and local police in Browns-
county seat of Haywood county, Tennessee, are seen re-
ng to their car after the arrest and trial of two University
sts who took supplies to Negroes who have allegedly been
ftted by the whites because they registered to vote.
[ateher Cites Pan
or .School Funds
)Ian to provide additional income to higher education through
r Wednesday night as a "promising approach" to the problem.
[equate state aid.
sident Hatcher, speaking in Washington to University alumni
ress, outlined a tax-offset program which would offer a sound
fsupport for education with "traditional concepts of freedom
e tax plan which he advanced was first recommended by the
nt's Commission on "Goals for Americans". The commission
NSA Asks
For Sit-Ins.
Letters calling for campus dem-
onstrations in sympathy with 13
Negro students, jailed in South
Carolina for sitting-in at segre-
gated lunch counters have been
sent to member schools of the
National Student Association,
Richard Rettig, NSA president,
said yesterday.
Rettig added that Student
Government Council should re-
ceive the letter today asking for
a Universityrdemonstration on
Feb. 12.
The letters are the result of
increased arrests on trespass
charges in Rock Hill, S.C., since
the beginning of this month and
the participating students' posi-
tion of "jail' without bail."
Thomas Gaither, field secretary
for the Congress of Racial Equal-
ity, and eight students, members
of the CORE chapter at Friend-
ship Junior College were arrested
Jan. 31 for attempting a lunch
counter sit-in at a variety store.
The next day they chose 30-day
sentences on the York County
chain gang rather than pay $100
On Feb. 6, four members of
the Student Nonviolent Coordi-
nating Committee were arrested
for sitting-in at a local drugstore.
..At a hearing the next day, the
four pleaded guilty to trespass
charges and accepted 30-day sen-
tences in York County jails in-
stead of paying $100 fines.
The SNCC issued a statement
urging other demonstrating stu-
dents to go to jail in case of ar-
rest rather than pay fines.
Rettig said that NSA had paid
the court costs in the SNCC trial
and will pay the costs of an ap-
peal coming up in May.
Universit Gains Land,
Buildings at Willow Run
The University yesterday acquired 156 acres of land and 37 build-
ings, including the Willow Run Air Force Station and Packard Hangar
at Willow Run Airport from the federal government.
The property will be used by the Institute of Science and Tech-
Under the agreement signed by Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont and W. D. Musser,'regional representa-
tive, Division of Surplus Property, Department of Health, Education
and Welfare, the University can acquire full title to the land and.
To Parties
me Choices
r Regents
Republicans and Democrats
ated candidates for the two
le Regents posts at their
onventions last weekend.
Democrats selected Allan
on of Midland end Theo-
acks of Detroit. The Repub-
chose James Zeder of De-
nd Paul Goebel of Grand
ar is a vice-president of
er Corp., Goebel a former
of Grand Rapids, Sorenson
nlcal engineer employed by
hemical Corp. and Sacks a
parties also nominated
itendents of public instruc-.
he Democrats chose incum-
yiin Bartlett, and the Re-
ns chose Hugh Holloway,
atendent of schools in Sault
Democrats Charged
Republican education plat-,
harged that Democrats were
ting to "capture high ad-
.ative appointments at our
s and universities."
V said they want thb office
erintendent of public in-
on removed from partisan
i, and promised that Re-
,n members of educationall
ing boards would not con-
olitics in making appoint-;
>urged a federal income tax deduc-
tion for those states levying a
state income tax. In states where
such an income tax was not levied,
it would be imposed by the federal
A fraction of the state-imposed
tax would go directly to the fed-
eral government to redistribute
"among the less wealthy states,"
he- said.
It is up to states to provide
their own funds to the best of
their abilities, President Hatcher
pointed out. For when a state
complains that it is overburdened
with taxes and turns to the people
of the nation to meet its needs, It
is ignoring the fact that the fed-
eral government cannot collect
from anyone "except the same
citizens who live in our towns
and villages and do business in our
local communities and states."
President Hatcher explained
that the University's rise to world
prominence in education was due
to the combined contributions of
federal, state and private funds.
The federal government's role
in contributing to the University is
extremely important in supporting
"those areas of research and ad-
vanced training which are of na-
tional concern-over and above,
or along with, the educational
programs" which are provided by
the state. Federal grants to the
University totalled over $23 mil-
lion this year, he added.
It is possible to identify the
programs which are -the responsi-
bility of Michigan and "those
which go beyond the people of
Michigan to the citizens of the
nation," be examining the Univer-
sity's past experiences, President
Hatcher explained.
buildings if full use is made of the
Rate Steady
University enrollment this se-
mester will be about the same as
it was a year ago, Edward G.
Groesbeck, director of registra-
tion and records, said yesterday.
Last spring the enrollment was
22,933 residence credit students.
This semester there will prob-
ably be a drop of 1,000 from the
enrollment of the fall term
facilities over a period of 20 years.
OThe University is "highly pleased"
at receiving the property, Pierpont
"The Institute of Science and
Technology, which already has
contributed in an important way
to the educational effectiveness
of the University, can now consoli-
date and expand its research."
Rep. George Meader (R-Ann
Arbor) said, "I am very pleased
that this transfer .has been Zom-
pleted after several months of
negotiations, and I am also pleased
that this will enable the University
to expand and improve its facili-,
ties for conducting extremely im-
portant research programs."
On Jan. 20, the last edition of The Daily in the first
semester carried a news story concerning; action by the
Board of Directors of the Michigan Union to establish a
"special committee to find ways and means for rectify-
ing the situation of a disagreeable atmosphere" in the
Union Grill. This item carried the heading "Directors of
Union Move, to Deter 'Undesirables'." Accompanying the
story was a photograph of several persons sitting around
a table in the grill room., It was not the intention of any-
one connected with the publication of this issue of The
Daily to represent or imply that the persons in the photo-
graph were undesirable patrons of the Union: If the con-
trary impression was created, The Daily wishes to extend
its apology to those persons included in the photograph.
Union To Study Efforts
To Enhance MUG Tone
The special committee formed by the Michigan Union Board of
Directors "to find ways and means for rectifying the situation of a
disagreeable atmosphere" in the Union Grill will hold its first meet-
ings next week.
The 10-man committee will meet Monday to discuss what can
be done to enhance the tone of the MUG and other Union facilities
<>while curbing improper activities
by "undesirable" clientele, Perry
i Morton,''61, Union president, said
"The Union has recognized that
a problem exists and is setting up
a m psthis committee to determine
whether or not action must be
taken to solve it,' Morton added.
r r Y"Our main emphasis will be on
. improving the atmosphere by pos-
N.~itive additions. We will, however,
study the repercussions of exclud-
ng some persons if the problem is
serious enough.
Setting up the committee, the
board of directors expressed its
desire "to maintain a pleasant and
agreeable atmosphere within the
+ Union, to encourage members and
guests of the Union to make more
extensive use of facilities and to
discourage 'undesirable' non-mem-
bers from using Union facilities."
Morton defined "undesirables"
as those who committed illegal'
acts or created an excessive dis-
turbance within the Union.
Morton said that excessive dis-
turbance did not necessarily mean
being boisterous, but that large
groups might grow out of control
and interfere with the normal ac-
tivities in the MUG.
A group of international stu-
dents has circulated a petition
asking that they should not be
barred from the use of Union
aiihties. A s mhe rof the
Fraternity Moves to North C
Risk Losi
At Stani
Lake Forest Al
To Expulsion I
Removes Fresl
Pledging of Jewish students
brought trouble to two fraterni
one of which faces loss of
chapter charter.
The Stanford University cha
of Alpha Tau Omega has v
unanimously to reject an c
from its national office to
pledge four Jewish u-dergradu
The by-laws of ATO limit r
bership to "members of the w
race who have accepted the C]
tiana faith."
A five-man national council
dered Lake Forest chapter of
Delta Theta to depledge a Je
freshman. The student was
moved from the fraternity bec
Phi Delta Theta was "founded
Christian principles and we
that Christian beliefs mus:
practiced by members," J
Shetman, a member of the co
cil said.
"The case at Lake Forest is
a matter of the student bE
Jewish, but rather a matte:
this student not being able
completely accept ChristiE
and, as far as we know, not b
a member of any Chris
Church," he said.
Michael Kavanaugh, ATO
sident at Stanford, said his ch
ter had met with a "high coup
of national officers two weeks
and is expecteing a decision s
"The results of the met
were not favorable to our posi
The council showed no sign
flexibility and we certainly a:
compromising our position,"
The Stanford group plans
continue as an independent
ternity at the California scho
it loses its national charter.
aren't trying to start a crw
We just nink we ought to cb
our members regardless of r
color or creed."
ATO's Worthy Grand C
Gerald E. Johnson, a Cleve
attorney, would not predict w
the council will issue its decis
"We try to be a Christian
ternity and we wish that all
members be Christian, too. T]
all," he ;aid.
Stanforrl banned racial and
ligious discrimination in fra
nities in 1957. but has not s
Zeta Beta Tau will break ground
Sunday for the first fraternity
house to be built on North Cam-
The new house, on the sortheast
corner of Broadway and Hubbard
in the northwest section of the
campus, will be ready for occu-
pancy in September, Brad
Schwartz, '62, ZBT vice-president
said. Between 53 and 55 men will
live in the suite style accommoda-
The building will be set on a
seven-acre tract overlooking the
Huron River that is reserved for
the construction of fraternity and
sorority housing. The land has
been divided into sites of one and
a half to two acres, with the costs
of roads, sewage facilities, water
mains, to be pro-rated and paid
by fraternities.
The ZBT house is a two-story
building designed by architect
Paul Moffett. The plans include
dining, living, sleeping and study-
ing areas as well as a music room.
rrh r ny.itd+. n fta hnil a
ratic education plat-
ederal aid to educa-
d federal and state
and legislative action
a stable, adequate,
urce of income for
ns of higher educa-
that they may plan
ns on a long-range,
nd practical basin."
asis on Research
i "increased empha-
aranrnh vsnnar ...r fn
Weaver Gets
WASHINGTON (P) - Urged on
to speedy action by President Ken-
nedy, the Senate last night con-
firmed Robert C. Weaver, New
York Negro, as Federal Housing
A r - a- rn- nw