Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG: 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRAGMENTATION UPSETS REDS: The African Jigsaw Puzzle Al ti. 11. OFFICIAL BULLETIN Y, MARCH 29, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT GOLDEN Music School Construction Synmbolizes U' Pragmatism AFTER YEARS of almost begging and ac- cording to one faculty member $180,000 worth of planning, it still seems quite unlikely hat the music school will get any new build- ngs. Though this construction heads the list of capital improivements to be made at the Uni- rersity, the projected North Campus fine arts center seems likely to fall the victim of prag- natism which may undermine the purpose of, the University. If, as last year, money is ap- propriated to build research facilities, the Uni- versity will have made a further move toward vocational education, toward a school solely oriented to producing those whom the dic- tates of society say pre needed. MEANWHILE, enrollment at the music school school has declined'in the last five years; those who come here are condemned to study- ing in what is literally a firetrap; and' both students and faculty are dismayed by the ap- parent lip service paid to their needs. The actual condition of the school is notor- ous. 'Harris Hall is decrepit. Classes are held in Burton Tower, a place never intended for such use; and described by a faculty member as a "horrible place for classes." The library is spread between Burton Tower, the general ibrary and -the Undergraduate Library, mak- ng its use almost impossible. By neglecting the music school the Univer- sity has shirked its basic responsibility. By al- locating these funds solely to one area com- pounds the neglect. The University should be concerned with producing students versed in as many areas as the University can afford and the students wish to study. By denying proper facilities area, there is an implied lack of emphasis and-importance placed on it; by continued denial there is the definite stamp of inferiority placed upon it. HOW CAN SUCH a value judgment be made? To one dedicated to music, is physics or engineering more important? Simply because society has an immediate need for one, can it say that one does more to give meaning to and enrich life more than the other? If there were no musicians, only physicists, or vice versa, which would be the greater loss? It is impos- sible to say. However, by presuming to emphasize the immediate, the material, the pragmatic, the University is causing the decline of an area of study. It is in fact saying that the momen- tarily material is of greater magnitude than art. BESIDES, THOSE WHO are the best in this art, those who could do the most to enrich it here at the :University are more andmore tempted to go elsewhere, to seek a place where music is regarded, more as it should be. They can seek Wayne State University where a beau- tiful new center has arisen for ;them. Similar- ly, schools such as Indiana'or Eastman Roches- ter have in recent years taken many of the best musicians who might otherwise have considered the University. If the University is to maintain its obliga- tions to its students, it must recognize the im- portance of all areas of study. By presuming the importance of one over another, the final, sufferer will be the University as a whole. It will become one-sided, too easily moved by factors irrelevant to its real purpose, and will miss the opportunity to make contributions to society that are in the long run every bit as important as those made in any other field. -DAVID MARCUS (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Evans is African Correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, from which this article is reprinted.) By JOSEPH E. EVANS BRAZZAVILLE, Congo Republic -The political groupings and gravitations of the new African states make a weird jigsaw puzzle. And how the pieces eventually fit with each other may be more im- portant, some believe, in deter- mining the direction of the con- tinent than African strategies hammered out in either Moscow or Washington. There is, to begin with, an incipient grouping along lines of political ideology-particularly in the vast belt of tropical Africa where so many new states have been tumbling into independence. On the political left are Ghana, Guinea and Mali. with close ties to North Africa's United Arab Re- public. Tending to the center or right are most of the former French colonies like this one, the Brazzaville Congo across the river from the former Belgian Congo, Nigeria, and some others. But the jigsaw is considerably more intricate than that oversim- plification suggests. For two con- tradictory tendencies are also in collision-the one toward union or federation, the other toward Bal- kanization or fragmentation. The Balkanization trend is most notable in the French-speaking areas, where some 15 are now in- dependent nations. Some are ab- surdly small; the Central African Republichas a population of little over one million, the Brazzaville Congo three-quarters of a million, Gabon well under half a million. * * * A CERTAIN amount of unity nonetheless remains.,Most of them are members of the so-called French Community, which, among other things, means they are heavily subsidized by France. Speaking of the Brazzaville Congo, a political expert here says: "These people are poor as church mice, yet the leaders feel the urge to go in for prestige pro- jects to keep up with the African Joneses. If:France ever decides it's had enough of supporting them, I don't know what they'll do." Two of them, Senegal and Mali (the former French Sudan). tried actual union. But that blew up last summer. The former Belgian Congo, whose capital of Leopoldville is handsomely visible from here, is itself an illustration of the clash- ing trends of unity and divisive- ness. Left a unit when the Bel- gians abruptly granted independ- ence last July, it has been noisily and choatically splitting itself into separate states ever since. Now the Congolese leaders, with the sizable exception of pro-Communist An- toine Gizenga, have agreed on a confederation or loose association of practically autonomous states.. Naturally, fingers are crossed as the the fate of this experiment. Tropical Africa's most out- spoken' opponent of Balkanization is Ghana's President Kwame Nkrumah. This Pan-Africanist par excellence calls Balkanization the greatest danger to Africa. He says he wants a United States of Africa, meaning full economic and politi- cal union rather than shilly- shallying With gradual steps in that direction. Many African experts agree with Nkrumah on the danger of ex- treme fragmentation. However, his position gets him into a cer- tain inconsistency, for he must on one hand glorify Ghana's own nationalism and on the other plead for a set-up that would submerge it. And many Africans are deeply suspicious of Kkrumah both be- cause of his pro-Communism and what they regard as his personal ambition to be a king of a U. S. of Africa. Within Ghana his political op- ponents-those that are still out of jail-disagree with him about the U. S. of Africa. Says one:' "We should have close, friendly relations with other African states, but we should think first and fore- most about Ghana. Union now is nonsense." A Nigerian government official agrees: "It's a dream, as much or more of a dream as a full-blown U. S. of Lurope. We aren't having any truck with the union-now line." Nkrumah's own starts at union are not making rapid progress. First he "united" with heavily Red - subsidized - and - influenced Guinea, a nearby but not -adjoin- ing West. African nation which was the only French area to break completely with France. Then Mali was brought in, the same Mali formerly united with Senegal. But it isn't much of a union. For one thing, there is rivalry between Nkrumah and Guinea's Sekou Toure, who also 4 has ambitions. Such rivalries, of course, are like- ly to prevent a real union of Af- rica for a long time. "Too many messiahs," grumbles a cynic. In addition, practical difficul- ties beset the Ghana-Guinea-Malii union. For example, they talk about a common currency; yet Guinea's francs are utterly worth- less outside Guinea while Ghana's pounds are still at par with ster- ling. "A common currency is a long way off," admits Ghana's Finance Minister K. A. Gbedemai. Meanwhile Nkrumah's other ventures at union or, as his critics put it, empire-building have been somewhat frustrated. He had an understanding with Lumumba to bring the Congo in, but it dida't quite work out. This is why he waxed so furious and turned his press more screechingly anti- American than usual during the Congo crisis. Will he now be able to "unite" with Lumumba's would- be successor, Gizenga, and still get at least Oriental province? Nobody knows;. but even if he could it is not certain it would be much help. Then, to add to his woes during the Congo crisis, potentially- powerful Nigeria, the most popu- lous nation on the continent, be- came independent. Now Nigeria and Ghana, both former British colonies, are rivals for becoming the dominant voice in tropical Africa. Some people think that Nkru- mah, seeing that his dreams of union is not likely to materialize in his lifetime, may calm down and more or less content himself with what he has. The danger, though, is that his frustrations may lead him to even closer ties with the United Arab Republic and that nation's sponsor, the Soviet Union. Nigeria, Nkrumah's newest rival, is itself a federation in which the individual provinces have consider- ably more "states' rights" than are obtained in the Federal Repub- lic of the United States of Amer- ica. The prevailing view is that Nigeria's regional character gives it a built-in political stability, but some Nigerians wonder how se- curely built-in the stability really is. * * * HERE IS HOW Ayo Agunsheye, Director of Extra-Mural Studies at University College, Ibadan, ex- presses some of the doubts: "Not all groups in Nigeria are recon- ciled to the federal idea; they think it's tribalism entrenched. This is going to be a big issue in the next few years." In any case, Nigeria, while not prepared to consider uniting with anybody else now, is getting chum- mier with some of the French- speaking states, odd as that might at first appear. The President of Senegal, Leopold Senghor, recently visited Nigeria and made quite a hit. Senghor is not only a statesman but a scholar-one of the world's leading authorities on the French language. Nigerians apparently thought this is the type of black African that best represents the "African personality," rather than Nkrumah and his'extremism. The Senegalese President and his Nigerian government hosts talked about "very broad coopera- tion" in economic, social, technical and cultural matters. They said their countries were interdepen- dent and should have closer re- lations-for example, as a practi- cal step, teachipmg English in the schools of the French-speaking areas and vice versa. Here, then, is the beginning of a grouping. So goes, all the way across the huge continent, the conflicting pattern of unity and division, cut- ting across language barriers and much else. In Central Africa, one union, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, appears to be heading toward disintegration while the Congo Confederation is trying to come into being. At the same time the outlines of an East African federation are visible. This would be the federation of Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda, all still under British rule but fairly rapidly approaching inde- pendence. Kenya is not a rich country, being almost wholly agri- cultural, but with Tanganyika and Uganda it would make a sensible economic unit of over 20 million people. Large question marks hang over this proposed grouping. One is what is going to happen in Kenya -the uncertain future of. the white settlers, whether Mau Mau leader Jomo Kenyatta is going to achieve power and deliver Kenya to Communism or chaos. Another is Uganda, where tribal chiefs are reluctant to relinquish any of their powers. Still, the structure of federation is to a large extent in existence, in the form of the East Africa High Commission. Theborigins of this organization goback more than 40 years, though the High Commission by that name dates from 1948. THERE IS A common currency for Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda and the Protectorate of Zanzibar. The High Commission administers such inter-territorial services as income tax department, customs and excise department, railways and harbors, posts and telegraph, civil aviation, research and scien- tific services, defense, and eco- nomic coordination and general services. And Tanganyika's chief minister, Julius Nyerere, is reportedly think- ing beyond a federation of Kenya, Tanganyika and Uganda to. a larger grouping including part of Rhodesia and perhaps the Congo. What most people of good will toward Africa would like to see is not an unrealistic pan-African union but further development of the federation approach in dif- ferent areas, providing they are in the right hands. That is, an East African Federation, a Central Afri- can Federation and a partial West African Federation dominated by a moderate Nigeria. If such is the way things are gradually moving, then the new Congo Confederation could fit the pattern. No one, plainly enough, can be sure the forces of integration will prevail over the forces of disinte- gration. But as the puzzle looks at present, a couple of moderately encouraging signs emerge. One is that, save for the troubl- ed Congo, there seems little cur- rent disposition on anybody's part, to go to war in pursuit of empire- building-at least if the Com- munists can be checked in their meddling and troublemaking. The other is that the very in- tricateness of the puzzle may help check the Communists. They have their base in Guinea and help from Ghana, but it does not' auto- matically follow that they can easily move on to control all tropi- cal Africa. On the contrary, there are so many pieces, so much political movement in so many ways, that the Communists are going to have a tough time forming this African jigsaw into a completed picture of Red domination. I 1' The Daily Official Bulletin as an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The MichiganDaily assumes no editorial responsibility.' Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 General Notices Schools of Business Administration, Seniors: College of L. S. & A. and Education, Music and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for June graduation have been posted for J graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Administration Building. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records, window Number A, 1513 Ad- min. Bldg. Seniors-Order your graduation an- nouncements now. On sale at the Stu- dent Activities Building; March 22-31 and April 11-13. Sales from 1-5 each day, except March 25 from 9-12. Price is 12c each. Library hours during Spring eceus The General Library the Undergraduate Library, and divisional libraries will be open on regular schedules until noon on Sat., April 1. The University Libraries will be open on short sched- ules from Mon., April 3,thru Fri., April 7. Libraries will be closed Sun., April2 and April 9, also Sat., April 8. !rThe General Library and the Unde- graduate Library will be open from s a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon. thru Fri., April 3 thru April 7. The Audio Room in the Undergraduate Library will be closed during the spring recess. Vacation hours for divisional libraries will be posted on the doors of each library. All libraries will resume regular sched- ules, Mon., April 10. students who expect to receive Edu- cation and Training allowance under Public Law 550 or 634 must (1) sign Monthly Certification (IBM) card for March in the Office of Veterans' Affairs , 142 Administration Building before 5 p.m., Fri., March 31. (2) turn in Dean's Monthly Certification for for March, signed by all instructors, to the Dean's Office by 5 p.m., Fri., March 31. Office hours, are: 8:00 -12:00 a.m., 1:00 -5:00 p.m. Doctoral Candidates for the Degree 11 Linguistics: The preliminary examina- tions for the Ph.D. in Linguistics, for the Spring semester, 1960-61, !will: be given on Fri., May 12 and sat., May 13. Students planning on taking the examinations this Spring must notify the secretary of the Committee in Linguistics. Prof. "Chavarrla-Aguilar, 1625 Haven Hall, in writing, not later than Fri., April 14. of their intention to do so. Approval for the following student sponsored activities becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this notice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. Mar. 27-29 Political Issues Club,.C1o- lection of signatures for Linus Puling's petition on disarmament, Fishbo w, 9 :00-2 :00. Apr. 15 Inter-Quadrangle Council, 'Student-Faculty-Administration Con- ference, Union, 9:00-5:00.' May 18 internfraternity Council, "In terfraternity Council Sing," Hill Aud, 7:00-11:00 p.m. Events Wednesday Logic seminar: Lecture on "'Measur- able Cardinals" by Prof. Dana scott, University of California at Berkeley, on wed., March 20, at 4:10 p.m. in 3017 Angell Hall. Doctoral Examination for Berkley Branche Eddins, Philosophy thesis: "The Role of Value-Judgments in the Philosophies of History of,, Oswald Spengler and Arnold J. Toynbee," Wed. March 20, 2200 Angell Hall, at 3:15 p.m. Chairman, A. S. Kaufman. Events Thursday Tomorrow at 4:10 p.m. the Depart- ment of Speech will present Maurice Maeterlinck's "The Death of Tinagiles" in the Arena Theatre, Frieze Bldg. Ad- mission will be free. Linguistics Club Meetng: Dr. Pavle Ivic, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, will speak on "Prosodic Structures in serbocroatian" on Thurs, March 30 at 8 p.m., 4th floor Assembly Hall. (Continued on Page 6) '4 N Student Action Riots or Talks.? STUDENTS RIOTED in Fort Lauderdale Mon- day. They stormed through the business district of Bowling Green, Ohio, overturning cars and doing a great deal of other property damage. They held what was described as "a minor spring riot" at Notre Dame University. Other students, representing c o l1 e g e a throughout the nation, will meet in Washing- ton today through Friday to discuss the idea of the Peace Corps and present their viewpoint to, the administration. They will be sober, industrious and, as one delegate said, "will strive to give careful, seri- ous consideration to the corps and reach re- spQnsible conclusions which will be presented to tle administration and Congress." AS VARIOUS DELEGATES pointed out, they will have to counter the impression of American ,students gained from incidents like the nationally publicized Fort Lauderdale riots. Fifty-six students were jailed as a result of these disturbances in which about 4,000 to 5,000 took part. The rioting was over police closure of a favored beach north of the city. At Bowling Green State University, 2,000 students besieged the home of the university president, calling for him to come out and dis- cuss their grievances. He did not appear. THE RULES PROTESTED included require- ments for signing in and out at dormitories and a 10 p.m. curfew on women. Other restric- tions protested included a ban on couples hold- ing hands on the campus and a ban on men kissing their dates goodnight in front of the circling one of the (by then locked) dormitories of the nearby Saint Mary's (girls') College. These illustrations certainly pose a two-sided view of the American student: Is he sober and industrious, interested in the Peace Corps, or is he wild, unruly and interested only in over- throwing the authorities that impose what he feels are unneeded restrictions on him? And which should he be? IT CERTAINLY SEEMS that students of both types exist. But to this writer, the rioters are much more admirable than the conference delegates. The demonstrators believe in what they are doing, and will not compromise with anything but overpowering force. This is true even if, as is true in many cases, their only goal is an end to boredom and a certain amount of enjoyment in mob activity. The others are more in line with the usual standards. They are also probably more ef- fective at reaching their goals. They believe in compromising with the forces that be in order to gain what they consider the major points of their desires. What happened to the idea that the Peace Corps should be under the, United Nations-Did anyone refuse to serve when it was created under the government? 'No. There are already thousands of applicants for the corps. THIS KIND OF PEOPLE have ideals, but somewhere along the line half of them' seem to get lost so that the other half may be enacted. Personally, I would like to see more and bet,. ter riots and rioters. -ROBERT FARRELL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Candidate Interviews Favorably Received The Notre Dame riot dent springtime demon TIME:Tuesday,A PLACE: Washi Court CASE: The E Law Revie Faculty, Here we have an In gation which could wel tory of legal proceedingE gan. The Editors of the Mi been enslaved all these tion by those wicked tyr rider, Prof. Marcus Plan gree (who he?). And all these many has been a disgrace to in the eyes of its perpet: shame of this scourge on faculty 'has condescen fledgling exist. AND NOW, the editor up, damning their own fumbling, bumbling They have formed a c was a more typical stu- lstration involving en- To the Editor: PLEASE, let me thank you for the courtesy newspaper ex- tended to me in arranging the in- terview which appeared in The Daily March 25. Mr. Ostling, I think, did an ex- cellent job of "putting down on paper" an interview which roamed over many topics concerned with city government and managed to extract the essence of my views, with real skill. -Dorothee S. Pealy Candidate for Mayor Omission . . To the Editor: JWISH TO commend your Rich- ard Ostling on his fine article in Sunday's Daily about Mayor Cecil O. Creal, who is standing for re-election on April 3, next Mon- day. I don't believe I ever read a better-written interview in The. Daily, but there was one glaring omission that I'm sure was unin- tentional: he failed to mention the not-too-well-known fact that an Ann Arbor Mayor is paid only $600 a year! I understand that this is the figure that the charter calls for, so maybe the City Council can do nothing about it; I feel that a trust fund or a foundation or somebody should do something about it. I'd say double his sal- ary to $1,200 at least, and the firemen of this city should be among the first to second the mo- tion, surely. I'd like to make this suggestion too: he should interview our for- mer Mayor Brown, who, appar- ently, initiated the construction of the triple-deck type of parking lots which have been so helpful; Mr. Brown was for many years associated in business with Earl Cress; Michigan would never have had it so good were it to have one of the three, Creal, Brown, or Cress, as our next Governor! -Lewis C. Ernst Challenge . To the Editor: THE PRE-COLLOQUIUM semi- nars on the "Challenge of the Emerging Nations" presented on the campus have been verywin- formative and purposeful. How- ever, as a foreign student, I would gratifying that the foreign stu- dents are welcome to these open seminars as they get a chance to know their own problems viewed from, the American angle. Their role should, therefore,, be that of an interested spectator. They might occasionally contribute in- formation out of personal know- ledge 'if such a contribution would add to the value of the discussion without distracting from the main purpose of the seminar. I do not believe that a foreign student start a debate on the seminar floor and create a disorder in the meeting by indiscriminate heckling as was done by a fast talking,,in- comprehensible and incorrigible foreign student at last Sunday's meeting. I have a feeling that I failed to catch the eye of the chairman of the meeting after that heckler's bad example. I just wanted to point out a rather gross mis- statement in the brochure handed out at the meeting on that day's topic. The statement refers to an observation that the Communists are likely to win the next general election in India. Prof. Park, one of the discussants at the meeting and an expert on the Indian poli- tical scene, when asked after the meeting about this statement agreed with me that the state- ment is far from the truth. Ac- cording to Prof. Park who has been to India very recently, the Congress Party (Nehru's party) will retain power in most of the states. In three or four states rightist groups have a good chance of winning the election. But no- where are the communists likely to. come to power. Thank good- ness. I have to use your columns to point out this fearful misstate- ment rather than in the meeting because of a meddlesome fellow- visitor to the meeting. I hope that in the future the foreign students attending the Challenge seminars will regard them as the "American 'students' show." They may keep their eyes and ears open but their nose out of it. --Name Withheld Thank You .. . To the Editor WE WANT TO thank all the people of the University and Ann Arbor for contributing to the Acina nokDrive. hoth in hnnok "Well, I Took You All the Way to the Top" Orderin the Court April 11, at 2 p.m. sweat an inhuman amount of work from their tenaw County Probate fragile bodies and have withheld any pay. At last, these oppressed servants have rising ditors of the Michigan against their overlords. Well, it was to be ex- w vs. the Law School pected. Some people just don't know when they have it good., npending piece of liti- We must not let this happen to them, the l upset the entire his- poor wretches. s in the State of Michi- We must uphold their right to be slaves; we must uphold their innocence by protecting chigan Law Review have them from their correspondence, their family, years to their publica- their home and their privacy. ants Prof. Luke Cooper- We must get behind the law school faculty at, and Prof. Simon Le- and protect these poor souls from themselves; they are so sick. years the publication its calling, a mockery LAWSUIT SUCH AS THIS must not be tol- rators. 'tet, through the erated. We must push for justice. These up- a their doorstep, the ]aw starts cannot endanger the sublime stupidity ded to let this ugly of the laboring masses with the "fair stand- ards" ideas. To the Probate Court we must say: Sir, s of the MLR are rising acquit the law school faculty with dispatch. benefactors for their Such shining figures of benevolence should not g, and incompetence. be subjected to these indignities. And sir, pen- eorporation to print the alize these insurgent slaves well, for only then L.«..-.3L1__. .. will thev knnw their nlace. Imammmoina 7 LI ' -' -