THE MICHIGAN DAILY --AP Wirephoto SEATO CONFERENCE-U. S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk at rostrum is shown delivering the, opening address to the Southeast Asia Treaty OrgAnization. SEATO opened its conference in Bang- kok, Thailand, March 27. U.S. Asks Resolution 0n Laos BANGKOK, Thailand M )- - The United States yesterday urged the foreign ministers of the -Southeast Asia Treaty Organization to hani- mer together a tough resolution of protecting Laos despite Soviet peace feelers. After a secret session of the SEATO ministers, Secretary of State Dean Rusk told newsmen he is confident the United States will win backing for its plan that would commit SEATO to fight if neces- sary to prevent a Communist takeover in Laos. At the closed session of min- isters on the second day of the conference, Rusk told his col- leagues in the eight-nation alli- ance that he and President John iWorld Niews, Roundup By The Associated Press NUERNBERG, Germany-A four-engine Czechoslovak airl ner plunged into flames into a wooded area 30 miles north of here yes- terday, killing all 52 persons aboard. * s s NEW YORK-A special grand jury called at the request of Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy began an investigation yesterday into possible price-fixing and allocation of busipess in the processed meat industry, * . . . STANLEYVILLE, The Congo-The United Nations announced yes- terday it is organizing a relief airlift to economically hard pressed Oriental province. ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia-An Ethiopian court yesterday sen- tenced Gen. Menguista Neway to death by public hanging for leading the December revolt against the government of Emperor Haile Se- lassie. Neway was commander of the imperial bodyguard. Neway was convicted of charges of murder of 15 senior govern- ment officials while attempting to overthrow the government and armed rebellion against the constitutional authorities. F. Kennedy are optimistic about .chances the Soviet Union will. agree to a cease-fire. The Russians are continuing to send arms supplies to the reb- els in Laos, the State Department said, but there has been a lull in the fighting. President Kennedy is reported to have told Soviet Foreign Min- ister Andrei Gromyko that there must be a cease-fire before an international conference can be held in efforts to settle the fight- ing peacefully. Gromyko expressed desire for a' peaceful and neutral Laos, but apparently made no commitment' on the issue of a cease-fire. An editorial in the Monday is- sue of Pravda, the official Com- munist party organ, was concilia- tory in tone about the situation in Laos, but a careful reading dis- closed 'nothing to indicate that the Soviets are willing to agree to a cease-fire prior- to negotia- tions. Reds May Require French Inclusion MOSCOW (JP)-The official So- viet News agency Tass last night hinted the Soviet Union will re- fuse to agree to a nuclear test ban unless it includes France. The hint was in a commentary from Geneva where the Soviet Union, Britain and the United States reopened talks last week. The commentary said the Soviet delegation by raising the question of France's continued testing has raised a matter of "exceptional - importance." T ~ HAPPY EASTER!a "Let us keep you well-groomed for those special occasions." 10 Barbers-No waiting THE DASCOLA BARBERS 'near the Michigan Theatre / UN Troops Face Battle In Katanga ELISABETHVILLE () - A battle threatens between United Nations Negro troops and white South African mercenaries serving with the Katanga army, UN Com- mander Gen. Sean McKeown said yesterday. A battalion of Nigerian UN troops is serving as a buffer be- tween Stanleyville rebel invaders in central Katanga province and white-officered Katanga army units which UN officals say may be massing for a big drive. McKeown said the Katanga army may be preparing to attack in the Manono area, the tin mining region seized several months ago by troops sent from Stanleyville by leftist Antoine Gizenga. Mc- Keown expressed fear the Niger- ians would become involved in the fighting. "We regard the situation with considerable apprehension," he said, adding that he discussed the white mercenaries with Katanga President Moise Tshombe Monday night. "As a result of what the Presi- dent told me," McKeown said, "I hope that no clash will occur, but we still view the situation gravely." Besides drawing white mercen- aries from white supremicist South Africa, Tshombe has enlisted Ital- ians, Belgians, stateless Hungar- ians and white Rhodesians. Meanwhile UN Ghanian troops became involved in a clash be- tween Lulua and Baluba tribes- mei. near Luuabourg according to reports reaching U head- quarters. Russia 'Plans Space Flight MOSCOW (P) - Top Russian scientists announced yesterday they are in the final stages before sending a man on a space flight with "no unsolved fundamental problems" blocking the path. At a news conference the Rus- sians, normally tight-lipped on space matters, impressed 150 cor- respondents as being confident they are ready to orbit an astro- naut. The scientists declined, however, to predict a date. They denied they have tried to orbit a man and failed. Western reports that as many as seven So- viet would-be astronauts have died in space attempts were called "ut- ter fabrication .. entirely and absolutely unfounded." Academy Vice-President Vasily Topchiev'declined to predict when the Soviet Union will succeed in orbiting a man, saying more ex- periments are necessary to insure safety. An American correspondent asked why Soviet scientists do not announce in advance their space flights or goals. Topchiev said: "Sensationalism is alien to us. Modesty obliges us to announce a launching when it takes place. To imply that we do not announce our flights in order to avoid ad- mitting failure is wrong. We have not concealed them (failures) so far and do not plan to do so in the future." The scientists said they do not consider the United States plan of first rocketing a man along a tra- jectory-quickly into space and back - represents true cosmic flight. The theme of their talk was Soviet readiness to send a man, into orbit around the earth and they asserted Soviet space ships already launched and re- turned with animals aboard could easily have carried a man., *a High Budge To Develop SacePlan, To Include Atomic, Non-Military Projects WASHINGTON (P) - President John F. Kennedy submitted a $43.79 billion defense budget yes- terday, raising his over-all budget for the 1962 fiscal year starting July 1 to a record peacetime level of $84.26 billion. Kennedy asked Congress to spend more than $1.5 billion ex- tra on atomic programs and on non-military space projects. He asked for a $125.67 million increase in the budget' of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and a $30.1 million increase in tie budget of the Atomic Energy Commission. The bulk of the increase would speed up the Saturn C2 launch program by a year. This vehicle system would be designed to put a 22-ton satellite into orbit around the earth or to send a man around the moon and back to earth. Kennedy set 1964 as the new date for its first test flight. Kennedy also asked Congress to underwrite another $1,954,000 in defense insurance. Mostly this would be for 10 more missile- firing Polaris submarines, a big- ger arsenal of long-range Minute- man rockets, and a stronger capa- bility to fight limited or guerrilla type wars. To beef up the country's none- too-robust airlift and sealift, Ken- nedy asked $172 million to buy new longer range jetprop and pure jet transports, and $40 million for one more oceangoing transport capable of doing 20 knots. Also under the heading of limit- ed war preparations, the President asked money for antisubmarine warfare and equipping ground forces with helicopters. $43 0 Bio n for Defensi Prestige Affects Civil Right Kennii-edy FLYING HOME? take WILLOPOLITAN to EITHER AIRPORT Tickets On Sale in Fishbowl Lawyers Cite, Possible Constitutionality of'Aid WASHINGTON (') - Kennedy administration lawyers told Con- schools would be unconstitutional gress yesterday that Federal aid They hedged, as has the Presi- to church schools for, specified dent, in discussing "incidental purposes not hitched toreligious benefits" which the Federal gov- teaching may be constitutional. erment might furnish. Bu theymha zedthaoMorse praised what he called But they emphasized that solid the "scholarly" legal study but grounds exist to support President said he still believes loans to pri- John F. Kennedy's position that vate schools would be constitu- outright grants or unrestricted tional provided the interest rate loans to parochial and other pri- vate schools would violate the repays all costs of lending the Constitution. They applied the money. same reasoning to tuition pay- ments for church school pupils. Attorneys for the welfare de- partment, in consultation with the FA VO RS Justice Department, expressed those opinions in a report to chairman Wayne Morse (D-Ore) of the 'Senate education subcom- BUD-MOR mittee. Morse had asked Secre- tary of Welfare Abraham Ribicoff 1103 S. University NO 2-6362 to analyze constitutional questions prompted by the dispute over ______________ Kennedy's multi-billion dollar school program. Administration proposals, at the pre-college level, would bene- fit only public schools. Roman Catholic leaders have said any program excluding church schools EASTER CARDS would be discriminatory and an- Choose from our nounced their opposition unless long term, low interest loans at complete display least are made available. The report to Morse said Su- preme Court interpretations of thePh First Amendment clearly fortify U Card & Kennedy's view that across-the- 723 N. University board grants or loans to church I I' A I B C fil rst to arrive 4. , :: # ; ' > for the fun of it ...Capezio flat-ery They're herel Those gay stepping skimmers on a wafer-thin heel with newer-than-ever fashion touches. A. Black kid margined in multi hues. B. Black Material for skirt o and matching yarn for sweater kits are I now in wide range of colors. 0 0o e .a a r a .r rr WIA efrnr. Poveh in-oft r R1nAr nnf,%nf wif{t I