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March 28, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-28

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Cooler with
winds diminishing.

AiT\T AOLfAT sFl1. a m i c a ut


VOL. LXXI, No. 126


VTt7w rlvu rc

ft1N1~ A1~DUK. MIUkiILiAN.. TUESDAY.. MARCH 2W 1Q~I1 E-~yFI e

six P.

romyko ' sttitude Raises Hope of Laos A




Z e der, Sees. Business>
Opinion, of Education











Peace Bid

Olezak Says



(EDTOR'S NOTE-This is the first of four profiles of the Demo-
cratic and Republican candidates for the University's Board of Re-
gents. The statewide election for the two open posts will be held Aprit
f3)ubsi~ssans'By MICHAEL BURNS
James C. Zeder, a University engineering graduate, believes
in a "uiesa' approach" to educational administration.
But besides his business training (former vice-president of
Chrysler Corp.), Zeder brings into the cimpaiign an extensive
record of educational service. He is presently a vice-president
and trustee for Michigan State University-Oakland, a Univer-
sity of Detroit trustee and chairman of the Board of Governors r
of the University's Phoenix Memorial Project.s
In the area of student attitudes, the Republican nominee1
4candidly admits aslack of specific knowledge. He feels primarily
that an institution has an obligation to provide the best edu-
cation available for "the high-caliber students necessary for our
What is good for business is not necessarily good for edu-
cation, Zeder cautions. He stresses the need for increased co-
operation between the two, as in the Phoenix Project, where
educators and businessmen have joined forces.
Both Would Benefit
Zeder feels that both a scientist and an engineer would
help the Board of Regents to aid the University in gaihing pres-{
tige through areas of research. He sees the University as the
research center of the Midwest.
"Progress follows research," he maintains. "We must peddles
ideas" through increased research.
The Regent must be an educator as well as a business man, l
Zeder says. He should work toward providing the "education of
the whole man-the complete man-development to the fullest
of his mental and spiritual and social faculties."
z Active Role,
Zeder believes 'in an active role for the Board. It "should
not wait for items to come to their attention, but should gather ,
information" and discuss it at the meetings. He declines to
name any specific areas, adding "I'm not on the job yet."
' A heavy-set man in his sixties, Zeder enters state politics
for the first time in this. election. His accomplishments in the
business world have won him acclaim before his retirement last
year. He has been credited with many automotive "firsts" while
a serving in the Chrysler organization.
.A 1922 mechanical engineering graduate of the University,
Zeder also holds an honorary doctor's degree from his alma
mater, and from two other universities.
Intensely Interested
Zeder is intensely interested in the administration of edu-
cations his involvement in other educational boards illus-
trates. He has been active in numerous civil affairs in-his home
community of Bloomfield Hills. He is married and' has two sons
and two daughters. His term on the board of governors of the
atoms for peace Phoenix Project has given him an insight into'
an important area of the University-"the inter-relationship of
r industry and universities."
"Business follows research," he emphasizes.
See CITES, page 2
NSA Condemns
COntroversial Flm
A resolution condemning the movie "Operation Abolition passed
by an overwhelming majority at the spring assembly of the Michigan
region, United States National Student Association held at Alma Col-
lege last weekend.
The motion grew out lof a program including the film itself,

Soviet Leader
Sees President
WASHINGTON (A'}-Soviet For
eign Minister 4ndrei Gromyko
echoed at a momentous White
House conference yesterday Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's bid for
peaceful solution of the ominous
crisis in Laos.
An air of hpe--liberally laced
with wait - and - see caution-
seemed apparent around the exec-
utive mansion after the hour-long
Speedy Soviet acceptance of a
cease fire between the warring
forces in the tiny, remote South-
east Asian kingdom became more
vital than ever to peaceful easing
of the situation there.
In even, carefully measured
words, Kennedy laid that point on
the line to the chief of the Soviet
foreign ministry.
For his part, Gromyko laid heavy
emphasis on cautioning Kennedy


Writer Says
McGriff Promises
To Find 'Something'




Hannah Presents
Growth Program

The Southeast Asia Treaty
Organization foreign ministers
yesterday in Bangkok said they
were prepared to take all neces-
sary steps to prevent Commu-
nist capture of Laos.
In Vientiane, the pro-West-
ern Laotian government called
on SEATO to settle the civil
war that is the focus of the
East-West opposition in the
And in Washington, the
State Department said that the
American transport reported
missing in Laos had been shot
down over rebel territory.
Details and picture on page
that there should be no overt ac-
tion until the Soviet, government
has replied to a British proposal
to bring an end to the civil war
in Laos in two steps:
1. Imposition of a cease fire
policed by an international con-
trol commission.
2) An international conference
to try for a permanent, peaceful
Gromyko apparently was trying
to head off any military interven-
tion by the Southeast Asia Treaty
Organization, whose foreign min-
isters opened a three-day session
yesterday in Bangkok.
Kennedy and Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan of Britain con-
ferred at Key West and reported.
what was described as "absolute
agreement" on Laos.
There were scattered signs that
Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev is beating a retreat from any
idea of leaping over the Laotian
brink into a'war that could em-
broil the world.
The not-unfriendly tone Gro-
myko used after conferring with
Kennedy was one bit of evidence.
Another straw which may indi-
cate a favorable direction of the
Russian wind came in an article in;
Pravda which said the Soviet
Union will welcome negotiations.

Communists have infiltrated
many of the nation's colleges, in-
cluding the University and Wayne
State University, a Detroit news-
paperman has charged.
In a 38-page pamphlet called
"Commies on the Campus" re-
leased last week, Floyd McGriffl
is attempting to "bring to the at-
tention of those interested in set-
ting up counter forces to leftists,
Communists and other un-Ameri-
cans on our campuses the facts
about subversive infiltration."
McGriff, who identifies himself
as an editorial adviser to his son
Jack's Detroit Suburban News-
papers, cited the House Committee
on un-American Activities' 1954
investigation of faculty as an in-
dication of Communist influence
within the University.
Attacks WSU
While admitting he was un-
familiar with present University
atmosphere, McGriff said, "Give
me two weeks (of investigation)
and I'll tell you something.
He attacked the WSU adminis-
tration for its opposition to ROTC
and for lifting a ten-year-old ban
against Communist speakers.
"WSU has opened the doors to
a million dollar soapbox from
which leftists can spew and spawn
parts of a Communist creed with-
out opposition."
Too Immature
Although he believes college stu-
dents are too immature to listen to
Communist propaganda, McGriff
does not oppose debates on the
merits of the Soviet system. "I
would like nothing better than to
see Khrushchev answered by some-
one like Henry Cabot Lodge."
The newsman criticized unreal-
istic professors who experience is
too limited to be effective teachers.
"You have some of these profes-
sors whb have done nothing but
read books and read more books
and don't know anything trying
to. teach our young people."
He related his personal back-
ground to his analysis of the poli-
tical situation, at WSU. McGriff
claims to have studied communism
in Detroit for 25 years after serv-
ing with American forces in Rus-
sia in 1919. He also wrote a thesis
on Karl Marx in 1911 when he was
at Indiana State University.

LANSING (JP)-President John A. Hannah of Michigan State Uni-
versity yesterday outpined a seven-point program to help MSU meet
"the growing problems of financing and rising enrollments."
The proposals, affecting the undergraduate level mainly, were ex-
plained at a meeting of the MSU faculty and staff last night. The
plan, Hannah said, will be presented. to the board of trustees at its
March 31 meeting. The first proposal is to encourage students to as-
+sume progressively more responsi-
for their own learning,
through-among other things -
"far more comprehensive" advis-
ing by the faculty.
Others include:
Facilitating learning by defin-
. ing educational objectives more
concretely and specifically and or-
.'::>>ganizing courses and curricula to
serve the purposes of the students.
Redefining the responsibilities of
faculty members with reference to
rank and the most productive use
of their time.
I ..f Establishment of a Learning Re-
sources Center including aims such
as closed-circuit television, film,
teaching machines and program-
med studies.
Greater use of residence halls.
JOHN A. HANNAH An overall model for MSU, com-
... MSU president bining the advantages of compre-
hensiveness with the conveniencesr
and identification of smaller
PEACE CORPS: groups .
Porward. planning and budget-
in by individual departments and
co lleges to put the proposals into
"To my knowledge," Hannah
said, "no other university in
Amnerica has undertaken or con-
templates anything comparable to
Five University students, two thisnprogram."

... rebel defeat?

Rebels Win
Congo Fight.
STANLEY VILLE (-) - An of-
ficial of the rebel regime of An-
toine Gizenga said yesterday
troops under Congo Maj. Gen.
Joseph Mobutu suffered a crush-
ing defeat in an attempted inva
sion of Orientale Province March
8. .
Bernard Salumu, district com-'
missioner of Stanleyville, capital
,of Orientale, said Gizenga forces
killed 116 Mobutu soldiers and
captured 800 In the fighting.
Salumu, who was secretary to
slain ex-PremierPatrice Lumum-
ba, said the battle took place
near Bumba in adjoining Equator
Mobutu left Leopoldville for the
uper Congo last January, osten-
sibly to lead a military expedition
against the Stanleyville regime. He
returned March 18 but made no
mention of any fighting.
He was known to have gathered
troops at Lisala, an eastern Equa-
tor town near Bumba.
Salumu in an interview-repeated
a Gizenga demand that the Con-
golese parliament be reconvened.
Mobutu suspended parliament af-
ter Lumumba was desposed last
Salumu suggested that parlia-
ment meet in a neutral country,
preferably Sudan. If it were to
meet in 'the Congo, he said, the
United Nations command should
provide protection.
"Otherwise, Mobutu forces could
attack parliament and the UN
would not interfere, claiming it
to be an internal affair," Salumu

List Names
Professo rs
Refuses to Specify
f Group Includes
Michigan Faculties
Sgt. Stanley Olczak, chief of
state police subversive squ
hinted last night that there n
be a public exposure of pers
identified as former 'members
subversive groups, including
unspecified number of college p
He also repeated his charge t
there are some 300 Communists
the state, but refused to sayif
of these were members of coll
and university faculties., '
The subversive squad, esti
lished ten years ago and operat
in relative secrecy, maintains f
on suspect organizations to fac
tate security clearances, Olc
explained. State agencies and d
partments are informed of a
employe Who has a questions
Nothing Serious
In the case of a universiy, a
quest for informtion must usua
be made by the institution befp
it is relayed. Olczak would not.
if the University had in the p
requested such information. H
ever, Vice-President and Dean
Faculties Marvin Niehuss said y
terday that rumors had b '
checked out with the squad on t
or three occasions, with nothi
serious uncovered.
When asked if. any action w
taken by the subversive squad o
an investigation was complet
Olczak replied, "We haven't tak
any yet. I have to discuss t
with the state attorney gener
We may expose the persons
He added that public lists of t
nature are already available, a
cited reports of the House U
American Activities Committee a
a register published by the "C
cuit Riders" as examples.
No Definition
Olczak did not explain how so
and in what manner a public e
posure might be made. Earli
however, he had indicated t1t
action might not be taken "rig
now," unless there are crimir
charges we can prefer."
Olczak offered no definition
"subversive." He said that t
United States Attorney Genera
list was "a part" of the squa
file, but would not identify
other sources of suspect na
and organizations. "We're not
lowed to reveal the information1
our files," he explained,
Olczak affirmed that hisnsqu
has decided to bring its activiti
out into the open. "We propose
meet before groups and schoolst
discuss Communism," he said, a
ding that appearances had alread
been made at four high schoo
Two movies are shown at the
appearances: "Communism on t
March" and "Operation Abolitio'
The squad has "not yet" a
peared in elementary and gra
schools. Olzak said he doubte
that the presentation would "mei
anything" to persons so young.
Bowling Gree
Students Riot


delegates and one alternate and
two members of the national co-
ordinating committee, left last
night or will leave today for
Washington to attend the Nation-
al Conference on Youth Service
Abroad tomorrow through Fri-
Daily Editor Thomas Hayden,
'61, and Student Government
Council member Philip Power,
Spec, are the two SGC-appointed
official delegates and' David Gil-
trow, '6lEd, chairman of Voice,
is the alternate. Also attending
the conference on the Peace Corps
will be Judith and Alan Guskin,
both graduate students, spokes-
men for Americans Committed to
World Responsibility, and about
15 other students who will have
various positions in the meetings.

Re ublicans
Threaten Cut
In Area Relief
Republican leaders said yesterday
they will try to substitute a slim-
med-down $275-million depressed
areas program for the $394-mil-
lion loan and grant legislation
backed by President John F. Ken-
In effect, they will start today
repeating the strategy that led to
defeat of Kennedy's $1.25 mini-
mum wage bill in the House..


a two-man debate of its merits,
Begin Probes
With Rockets
A team of University researche
yesterday launched the first of
series of rockets to probe th
winds and temperatures at alt:
tudes of 30 to 60 miles.
The rocket was fired in th
afternoon from a National Aero
nautics and Space Administrato
launching pad near Temperance
ville, Va., by researchers unde
the direction of research engine
Harold F. Allen of the aeronauticp
and astronautical engineering .de
Results of the test. were nc
Both the Nike-Cajun rocket an(
its 70-pound payload of instru.
mnents were developed at the Uni,
versity. The NASA sponsored thi
shot, furnished the. ground equip.

and an open discussion among dele-
--gates to the assembly and ob-
Loyalty Oath
Another resolution, opposing the
proposed use of a loyalty oath in
the peace corps, barely passed the
assembly,. USNSA stated opposi-
tion to loyalty oaths and disclaim-
er affidavits at its congress last
summer, and this motion reaf-
firmed the position.
rs A resolution urging disassocia-
a tion of the peace corps and Amer-
Lican foreign policy, and future
linking of the corps with the Unit-
ed Nations, passed by a wider mar-
ie gin.
Supports Clubs
in. The assembly supported the for-
~-mation of political clubs on col-
ar .lege campuses and urged schools
~to recognize such groups 'Just as
al they 'recognize other student or-
ganizations of non-political char-
t University delegates attending
the assembly were out-going Re-
d gional Chairman Roger Season-
- wein, '61, and Daily Associate Edi-
- tor Kenneth McEldowney, '62. Mc-
e Eldowney was elected regional
- national affairs vice-chairman for

Ramcpaging Student Throng Terrie OficialIs
FOTLUEDL9-auuns fcatn olg iu
tg0.r". ,.,-n,' r,:.aiw*." f::?d:.'"Y:""+?"w'dents..pouredr:into":downtownwwfFort?"Lauderdale last uuenight andfiblocked<
.. < '"::,::"~i~-:ia~r i i. ";"r.....,.........:: ".. .........:... r.traffic.....at..a..m ajor: ..intersection....y .
...... fi.....::..:..:"::.:::::r::::.:.:....r. .... .......The.rcolle...ians,...on,.Easter....hol..daysr.:from..schools....in..the..North.noand
{ .f: .. ......... ...r. ...t..................:. .......::f..:.......,........r................._..:....,:....:.:.:::::::,::::::...idw est.........,OR...h ad.......been..r. .....th reaten ed..,............. .r.w ith...,.....the.......N atio n al..............:G u ard....r......if. ... .th ey.......:.re-M-T
...:.r .....::.......:........$v::$:vi:i:Y:t::::::". ;.;-,;. .::peated }::airiot Y:they staged"+:Monday.":?"Lasti:night i:they:" were'vchorusing, "We ::i
:Eia:<aiil~iii:: v:.::::::::::::::::.:::::-:::::::::::. :.wanti:::the":"iNational Guard.'~i"v::i~ii
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....,.....r,:: .:.:....:..: < ::::. :.:::.:....::::.:.:.:.::::....:.....no.. reports.....of...disorders:..:.:such:::.as..:Mondays.....beer....can...barrage.....aimedLadeatl
., .; . .:..: .......r........:r................... ....... ......... .. ...;.:;:; :::..::.::.: >ip atro lm en . a d l k e

Estimates Throng
A reporter estimated there were between 3,000 and 5,000 students
involved. He said both men and women were in the throng.
Mayor Edward Johns also began efforts to close down seaside bars
until the youngsters go home.
Some 3,500 youths rioted last night when police barred them
from their favorite beach, an unlighted stretch of sand north of the
city. About 50 were arrested and many were fined today on charges
ranging from disorderly conduct to public intoxication.
Guard Units

Some 2,000 Bowling Green
University students. after

. .......

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