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March 26, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-26

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S ACCE C IContinued wa
-~ with sho
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

rm temperata,
wers tonight.

Captures NCAA





WASHINGTON OP) - President
John F. Kennedy flew south in
an atmosphere of urgency" yes-.
terday for a conference in Flori-
da with British Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan on "the seri-
ous situation in Laos.".
Following their talk at Key
West today, Kennedy will hurry,
back to Washington to meet with
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A.
Gromyko tomorrow-presumably
also on the crisis in Laos.
The obvious purpose of the Ken-
nedy-Macmillan conference--their
first-is'to try to get full agree-
ment between the two major
Western allies on steps toward in-
tervention in Labs 'if Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchev refuses to
accept a British proposal for -a
cease-fire and international nego-
Earlier, Moscow sources an-
nounced that Soviet Premier Ni-
kita Khrushchev would discuss
the Laotian situation with seven
other heads of European Commu-
nist states Tuesday. ,
This country is understood to
have stepped up already its assist-
ance to the pro-Western govern-
ment of Premier Boun Oum, whose
forces have been forced back in
recent weeks by Russian-backed
Plans for the Kennedy-Macmil-
lan talk were announced by the
White House only about 51/ hours.
before the President's departure
from Andrews Air Force Base in
suburban Maryland.
Kennedy took the initiative in
arranging today's meeting with
Macmillan. Gromyko took the ini-
tiative in'setting up his conference'
tomorrow with Kennedy.
There was no official word
whether' these developments sig-
naled a turn for the worse in Laos.
The White House press secretary,
Pierre Salinger, noted that Mac-
millan was already in the West
Indies and said this made it sim-
ple for the two men to meet.

yd. freestyle, and Lou Vittucci,
Ohio State in three-meter diving.
Ohio State also won ,the 400-yd:
,medley relay.
The Buckeyes finished a sur-
prisingly strong third with 59.
Harvard was fourth with 26 and
Michigan State fifth with 24.
Gillanders swam the butterfly in
:52.9 seconds to better the NCAA
and meet marks. These were set
last year by Michael Troy of In-
Gillanders' teammate captain
Frank Legacki has a better time,
52.5, up for recognition. But be
'passed the event in this meet. to
concentrate on the freestyle.u
placed second to Jackman, just
two tenths of a second behind the
winner with a :48.7. Bruce Hunter
of Harvard finished -,behind Le-
Nelson won the 100-yard breast-
stroke in 1:02.1, breaking the mee
record set last year by Tom Peter-
son of Stanford at 1:03.1.
Also under Peterson's record and
also from Michigan, Ron Clark
finished third in 1:03.0. Gordon
Collett of Oklahoma was only a
tenth of a second behind Nelson.
Nelson has a 1:01.8, up for
recognition for the American stan-
Vitucci won the championship
held last year by another Ohio
Stater, Sam Hall. Tom Gompf
and Juan Botella, both Ohio
Staters, tied for second.
Bob Webster of Michigan, who
led the qualifiers into the finals,
had to settle for fourth place in
diving. Botella 'turned in a sen-
sational performance tonight af-
ter qualifying in eighth and last
Jackman broke the meet and
NCAA staidards in the l00-yd.
See NELSON, page 6

To Michigan Residents
Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint) yesterday introduced a bill designed:
to limit state funds for out-of-state and foreign scholarship awards.
The bill, applying solely to Michigan Institute of Mining and
Technology at Houghton, was accompanied by a slap at other state
schools for using appropriations monies for similar scholarships.
"I hate to think that we should go out of the state and offer
tuition:free scholarships to pack these schools," he said, referring to
the other Michigan institutions which provide similar scholarships.

Creal Outlines Ann Arbor Program
(EDITOW'S NOTE: This is the it is not in favor of shouting
second of two interviews with i snti ao fsotn
candidates Ior mayor of Ann Ar- for Uncle Sam to get help.
bor in the April 3 election.) -* "Now about the program it-
self-you can see right here on
By RICHARD OSTLING this list that 138 permits have
There are numerous con- been issued for property im-
trasts between incumbent Re provements in the last year.
publican Mayor Cecil O. Creal Avoids Borrowing
and his opponent, Dorothee 8. {.:"There have been no requests
Pealy. to our committee or local banks
Besides the difference in sex, for borrowing money for im-
the most striking thing is age. M- x " provements.
Creal was in the Navy during "We do have a real problem
World War I, almost a decade with the junk yard and slaugh-
before his opponent was born. terhouse in our north central
During a recent interview, he area. I expect a change in their
referred to the way things used operations soon. But when any
to be when Ann Arbor -was a plant employs about 60 people
sleepi college town. who live near it, we want to
Sees Change proceed slowly.
"If this town was the same as "We don't sit back and do
when I first came on the Coun- nothing -- the Democrats are
cil in 1938, this job would be critical of what we're doing, but
pretty simple. We only had two they offer nothing specific to
or three major projects going-- take its place."
not this fabulous growth the Answers Criticism
city is going through now," he Answering criticism about his
said as the afternoon. sun government's handling of its
highlighted . the silver in his human relations commission, he
hair and his matching glasses. CECIL . CREAL said "human relations in this
Creal is perhaps as close to .. Republican incumbent town are as good or better than
a human institution as can be in any town I know of.
found in the city. In addition to vetoed federally-aided urban "We have given the commis-
more than two decades of in- renewal in favor of voluntary sion each year all the money it
volvement in Ann Arbor govern- improvements through a local wanted, and answered all re-
ment and Republican politics, neighborhood rehabilitation quests. We work closely with it.
he has been active in almost' committee after he was elected On legislation to. force an end
any civic organization that in 1959. to discrimination in housing,
comes to mind. "In my whole action on this no official request has been
A second difference between problem, I have gone along with made, but I do not feel that is
the candidates was evident as the will of the majority of the the way to handle the situa-
Creal sketched what the city people of the area. Their peti- tion."
government should be doing in tions, their statements in pub- Creal studied business ad-
the coming years-he selected lic hearings and their support ministration, at the University,
specific problems and proposed of me indicate that they ap- graduating in 1924. He has been
concrete solutions, assessing prove of this voluntary way of chapter advisor for his frater-
what the community wants, handling the problem. nity, Phi Sigma Kappa. In dis-
rather than seeing his adminis- "You' must remember that cussing city-University rela-
tration as an opinion leader in something like rehabilitation tions, he emphasized the eco-
selling programs. He favored a takes time. Our committee says nodic importance of the Uni-
minimum of government "in- it'needs more money, and this versity locally.
tervention." will be taken up as soon as "We work with our represen-
Urban Renewal it is economically possible..' tatives in the Legislature on
For instance, his remarks on He pulled a-'copy' of Forbes University financial problems,
his handling of Ann Arbor's magazine from his desk. "This which involve several million
deteriorating residential Ireas article says that city renewal dollars in pay.
bear out this attitude. Creal is a $120 billion program, but See INCUMBENT, Page 2

He listed the University as the lal
Set Forms

SANE Walks
Againt Ars
Marchers carrying signs and bal-
loons calling for "security through
world disarmament" and a "ban
of the atom bomb" took off yes-
terday from the gates' of McGuire
Air Fcrce 'Base for 109-mile trek
to the United Nations in New
College students made up more
than half of the nearly 300 per-
sons participating in the parade
sponsored by the Greater New
York Council of the Committee
for a Sane Nuclear Policy.
Colleges represented included
Cornell, Rutgers, Columbia, Mont-
clair State, New York, University,
Fairleigh Dickinson, College of
the City of New York, Cooper
Union and Queens.,


F orCorps.
WASHINGTON (') -- A four-
page application form stressing
manual and intellectual skills,
with special emphasis on lan-
guages, was made public yester-
day by the peace corps.
The corps plans to start send-
ing the first of its pilot group of
500 volunteers to underdeveloped
countries by Christmas.
Results obtained by these pio-
neers will determine the future
course of the program. If suc-
cessful and if Congress approves,
the corps ultimately may have as
many as 20,000 Americans living
and working for two-year periods
with the people of other nations.
The forms next will be sent to
presidents of about 2,000 colleges
and universities, to the 50 state
directors of the agricultural ex-
tension services and to civic clubs,
business organizations, labor un-
ions and other interested groups.
The initial mailings are ex-
pected to total about 200,000 and
the corps director, Sargert Shriv-
er, said:
"Obviously, we do not expect to
receive 200,000 replies. But, thisI
distribution is necessary so that
no one who wants to volunteer
is deprived of his chance because
of excessive difficulty in obtaining
a questionnaire.".

, gest source of appropriations-sup-,
+ported out-of-state scholarships,
with a total of $36,295.
Michigan Tech was second ,ith
$29,200. Michigan State Univer-
sity is third with $22,479, while
Ferris Institute at Grand Rapids
and Northern Michigan College at
Marquette are the only two state-
supported schools not offering
such help.
The Flint Democrat advanced
his opinions during the discus-
sion of a bill which would remove
the authorization of the Michigan'
Tech Board of Control to grant
one free scholarship for each state,
each Canadian province, each
Latin American country and all
territorial possessions of the
United States.
The 76 year - old statute has
been particularly useful to Tech in
recruiting Canadian hockey play-
ers, Lane said. Of the 74 athletic
scholarships offered by the school,
31 are held by foreign students.
This argument could not be used
against the University with regard
to its scholarship program, Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss explained, be-
cause all athletic tenders are ad-
ministered through the athletic
department, which is financially
Niehuss said he could think of
no scholarships specifically de-
signed for out-of-state students
that are supported by appropria-
tions monies. Most of the scholar-
ship money administered by the
University 'for out-of-state stu-
dents comes from grants by area
alumni clubs, he explained.


Castro Cites
War, Dangers
HAVANA P) -- Fidel Castro
warned last night that any United
States aggression against Cuba
would touch off a war involving
all of the Western Hemisphere.
Renewing charges that the
United States is, plotting an at-
tack on Cuba as well as aiding
counter-revolutionaries, the prime
minister declared: "Mexican peas-
ants are ready to march off to the
mountains to defend the (Cuban)
revolution if our country is at-



GTON (W) - Sen.
es (R-NH) expressed
'day that the ,"strong,
n"/ taken by President
ennedy will bring a
tlement of the Laos
who heads the Sen-
can policy, committee,
interview that Repub-
d to support fully gny
nnedy makes in ef-
revent a Communist
the Southeast Asia

T ekes Ready for Action with Fire Truck

Tau Kappa
fire engine,
The Teke's
what they're

Epsilon has a new
aren't really sure
going to do with

Bridges said congressional lead-
ers of both parties have been
promised a complete briefing on
the situation when Secretary of
State Dean Rusk returns from the
meeting of SEATO ministers open-
ing Monday in Bangkok, Thai-
Senate Republican leader Ever-
ett M. Dirksen of Illinois has
said that former President Harry
S. Truman gave Congress no such
advance notice when he ordered

their acquisition, a 1926 Ameri-
can-LaFrance ladder truck, but
they've signed for it, it's been de-
livered. It's theirs.
"Actually, we- just bought it for
the hell of it," Lindenfeld, '62,
explained, "it's something to play
around with."
Lindenfeld, head of the Teke
purchasing committee, said that
the Tekes would probably enter
their truck in the spring weekend
parade and then just drive it
a vmiiinton-

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