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February 14, 1961 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-14

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Dalian Research at the University: Place and Problems Tonigh at 8
ise i ss(EDnTOR's NOTE: where does re-
search money come from? Do. spon- ural sciences, according to Robert suading University faculty mem- the project," he noted. "We do those university research pro-b D
sors restrict a researcher's freedom E. Burroughs, Office of Research bers to do a project but is inter- no more than acquaint faculty grams that include projects whichU D
aof inquiry? This article, second in ested in informing the faculty members with the invitation to do not seek new knowledge but
a series, focuses on sponsored we- Administration director. about hse roct rwhhsum ppsa."merely perform testing services
Pysearch at the University.) (The responsibility for admin- ranthose projects for which submit proposals."er po sof 61
'ssu-grants Are available, Burroughs May Alter Projects for their sponsor.
By RALPH KAPLAN istration of the University's spon- said.dre ALL-LIVE VARIETY%
y F. Simon of the sored research program is a func- Burroughs pointed out that the search grants is their tendency to
' Melbourne will dis- Researchers at the University tion of the ORA. The office does "Even in the defense fields, faculty member frequently has a limit the researcher's work to a Michigan Theatre
spent $25,415,718 on research in not initiate its own research proj- about two-thirds of the projects general or related interest in the particular area.
Froreign Policy in the partiulararea
ects but takes the responsibility are initiated by the faculty mem- government proposal and tries to "The restrictions," Burroughs USIC . . DANCI NG ..
4:10 p.m, today in Of this amount, $21 million for making sure all University bers themselves while only one- alter the scope of the govern- said, "are neither too narrow to
ll Hall. came from sponsored research research projects are compatible third are initiated by the govern- ment's project to relate to the in- seriously limit the project nor
'snts, or grants from agencies with both the goals and policies met. terests of his students. This al- broad enough to, give the faculty
outside the University. The ma- of the University's research pro- "The University never assumes teration also may be an aid to the member complete freedom to do
e department of Far jority of these grants were for gram.) an obligation to do a project and government, the research he chooses.
uages, projects in the physical and nat- ORA is not interested in per- then tries to find a researcher for "Research projects must be "The methods of research, how- SPE CIAL STUD E NT DI
com p atib le w ith th e ed u cation al ever, are n ever restricted ." P R I C E S a m f t e U i e s t o b p n e w i e C sspo e , e d e l r d a i g f r t e i d r c o t fF R $ . 0 o 2 6 I C K S
prmo, he Uderyed Pao a yinge , for th nirec csts of FOR $300 o$2.65 TICK
For this reason the University, a project is a major problem of a DURING WEEK OF FBRUARY19
unlike many other schools, "does sponsored research operation, Bur-
- not operate any laboratory or re- roughs expaine. If the sponsor
search agency which is devoted to pays only for the direct costs of a cc,
Rol 'mom = . V .1,12111applied research in the form of project, the University must un-
Official Bulletin is an Academic Freedom Problems, Depart- Men's PE; HS Chem., Eng., Home Ec., June and August. CITIZENSHIP RE- expenditures caused
cation of The Univer-oi ment of Chemistry - evaluation card; Ind. Arts, Girls & Boys PE with Swim., QUIRED. 7TH IN SIZE IN THE U.. mg. by the indirect costs,+
higan for which The , Joint Judiciary Council - examination Soc. Stud., Bus. Ed., Math, St., Visit- AND 1ST OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK Burroughs was referring to (Continued on Page 5)


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