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March 25, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-25

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Spurn U.S.
For Atomic



President Signs Extended Aid Bill
WASHINGTON (m) - President
John F. Kennedy uncorked $1 bil-
lion in "hard working dollars" for
the jobless yesterday and the gov-
ernment reported unemployment
spreading into new areas. r
The president signed a bill au-
thorizing up to 13 more weeks of
unemployment pay to those who
run out of benefits and said:

"These dollars will be hard work-
ing dollars. They will be spent al-
most immediately-for food, for
shelter, for bare necessities. These
dollars will flow into our stores,
into our factories, onto our farms."
Secretary of Labor Arthur J.
Goldberg immediately began sign-
ing agreements with state officials
who will act as paymasters.
First- checks under the emer-
gency program are expected to go
out in about two weeks to 700,000
jobless workers immediately eligi-
ble. Payments under the difftrent
state systems vary widely, but the
checks will average $30 to $35 a
Within the next year, Kennedy
said, 'the program will provide
benefit payments to an additional
2.5 million workers who are ex-
pected to exhaust their rights
because of prolonged unemploy-
Following up previous reports of
record unemployment, the labor
department issued a geographical
distribution which showed sub-
stantial unemployment in 101 of
the nation's 150 major industrial
rocket Lifts
Test Capsule
Hundred Miles
stone rocket hoisted a mock man-
in-space capsule 115 miles high
yesterday, demonstrating that it
apparently is ready to boost aloft
a human astronaut.
The success could help clear the
way for an American to ride a
Redstone on a brief suborbital
flight within six weeks. However,
officials cautioned against over-
optimism on this timetable, em-
phasizing the manned flight de-
pends on several more tests.
Walter Williams, Project Mer-
cury operations director, said the
space capsule must undergo more
helicopter drop and flotation
tests and at least one more Little
Joe rocket launching from Wal-
lops Island, Va., before an astro-
naut takes a ride.
Primary purpose of yesterday's'
flight was to prove out corrections
made in the Redstone as a result
of flaws which developed when
Ham, the space chimpanzee, was
hurled into space on a short trip
on Jan. 31.

JOBLESS PAY-President John F. Kennedy signs the bill pro-
viding an extension of unemployment payments to those workers
who have exhausted their benefits. The bill is part of the ad-
ministration's "program to provide relief for the nearly 6,000,000
unemployed in the country.
Sees Deficitspending
In'NextTwo Budgwetrs

leds Rebuff
)n Controls
West Outlines Plan
Despite Objections
GENEVA (P - United States
nicessons designed to get a nu-
ar test ban treaty quickly were
buffed by the Soviet Union yes-
day inside and outside the
ree-power conference. But the
ssians left the door to agree-
ent slightly ajar, Western sources
American delegate Arthur R.
san will continue to outline the
an of the new administration
the hope of getting a treaty or
arraigning Moscow before
rld public opinion, U.S. sources
In following this strategy, Dean
d the full backing of Minister
State David Ormsby-Gore, the
'itish delegate.
Refuse Discussion
At yesterday's one-hour session
viet delegate Semyon K. Tsar-
kin refused to be drawn into
discussion of the Western plan.
appeared to be trying to get
e Western powers to agree to an
dless moratorium on nuclear
ts regardless of whether a
>aty ever is signed.
outside the conference, he re-
ated to reporters that the
nerican concessions did not rep-
ent a big advance toward So-
t positions.
[n Moscow, the government
wspaper Izvestia went further,
ring the American proposals do
t constitute an acceptable basis
completing a treaty.
Calls Plan 'Repetition'
'When closely studied the so-
led new American proposals
pear to be a repetition ofthe
mer American positions whose
acceptability the Soviet govern-
nt and its representatives have
,osed more than once," Izvestia
d in a dispatch from Geneva.
Briefly, the United States has
reed to Soviet demands for
st-West parity on the commis-
n to control the test ban and
poses complete partnership
;h the Russians in seisnic tests
igned to create a foolproof
thod of detecting small nu-
ar explosions. It also has agreed
cut down the number of control
its on Soviet soil.
3ut Britain and the United
tes insist on rigid policing of
°ban on nuclear tests. This is
ere the Russians balk.
zvestia said the new United
tes proposals "not only left old
s, but created new ones which
erican supporters of renewed
dlear tests can widen to the de-
d size.
They correspond to the inter-
s of United States military in-
igence, which is trying to cre-
bulwarks on Soviet territory
i not to honest cooperation in
an on nuclear tests."

Russia Hits
UN Monies
For Congo
Soviet Union yesterday challeng-
ed the authority of the General
Assembly to approve funds for
the United Nations Congo opera-
It declared such right belongs
to the Security Council, where the
Russians have veto power.
Soviet delegate A. A. Roshchin
opened up in the Assembly's fi-
nancial committee another aspect
of his country's campaign aimed
at killing off the UN effort in the
Congo and forcing the resignation
of Secretary-General Dag Ham-
The 99-nation committee was
considering a request from Ham-
marskjold that it recommend to
the Assembly an appropriation of
$135 million to pay for this year's
UN Congo operation.
Roshchin declared that under
the UN charter only the Security
Council has the legal power to
determine such questions as the
size, composition and duration of
the UN force in the Congo.
He said the Soviet Union would
not recognize as valid any Assem-
bly decisions on Congo finances.
This amounted to a repetition of
the Soviet bloc refusal thus far
to pay any part of the multi-mil-
lion dollad Congo costs.

rO I 'tu

. WASHINGTON (R) - Presidentv
John F' Kennedy labeled the last
budget of Dwight D. Eisenhower
inaccurate and told Congress yes-
terday, to expect two more years
of spending in the red.
Kennedy's special budget mes-
sage to Congress-by omitting de-
fense proposals-did not detail all
the expected deficits for .fiscal
1961 and 1962. But the combined
total evidently would reach $' bil-
lion, raising the national debt to
record heights.
Much of the 6,000-word message
was spent criticizing the budget
estimates - submitted by former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
in January.
Kennedy noted that Eisenhower
originally predicted a $4.2 billion
surplus for 1961, then cut his es-
timates to $1.1 billion, and finally
to less than $80 million.
Ash Parochial
School Loans
seph S. Clark (D-Pa) yesterday
introduced a bill to provide $3501
million in federal loans for pri-
vate schools, including parochial1
Clark's decision to offer the sep-
arate bill removes a possible im-a
pediment to President Kennedy'ss
$2,980,000,000 grant bill for publici
grade and high schools.

Actually, Kennedy continued,
his adniinistration inherited a
more than $2 billion deficit and
not a surplus of an $80 million
from the former administration.
Kennedy said the reason for the
difference was that Eisenhower,
in his message to Congress in
January, took no account of the
Kennedy Plans
Water Control
WASHINGTON () - President.
John F. Kennedy yesterday an-
nounced plans for a $22,390,000
water resources development pro-
gram, including money for start-
ing 19 new construction projects.
The announcement provided
some details in relation to a bud-
get request the president sent to
Congress earlier in the day.
Kennedy requested the funds for
the fiscal year starting July 1.
The White House said the ap-
propriations sought would expe-
dite surveys and planning of pro-
posed water resources develop-
ments, provide for 19 new con-
struction starts, speed up con-
struction of a few going projects,
and permit 'a minor increase in
the supervisory staff of the office
of the Army's chief of engineers.
Of the total Kennedy request-
ed, $9,990,000 is earmarked for'
start of construction of 19 new
navigation and flood control pro-
jects. These eventually would cost
a total of $205,180,000..
Kennedy proposed an increase
of $1,500,000 for general investi-
gations to provide for earlier com-
pletion of several pre-authoriza-
tion surveys now underway, as well
as initiation of a few new surveys
with primary interest on flood

IWorld News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Harvard Prof. John Kenneth Galbraith, Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's nominee for Ambassador to India, said
before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday he personal-.
ly favors the existence of two Chinas as a means of obatining peace in
* * * *, .
CHICAGO--The United States has decided to ease friction with
Russia by dropping prosecution of two men charged with spying for the
Dismissal of indictments against Igor Y. Melekh, 47, Russian
employe of the United Nations Secretariat, and Willie Hirsch, 52, Ger-

1103 S. University NO 2-6362

1432 Washtenaw Avenue
NO 2-3580
Jock Borckart, Campus Pastor
Wi. S. Baker, Patricia Pickett, associate
Services: 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. & 11:50 a.m.
Sermons: 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.-Dr. Henry
Kuizenga preaching: "The Faith of Christ"
11n:50 am.-Rev. David Van Winkle: "The
Obedient Community."
Sunday, March 26
10:30 a.m. Seminar in French Room. "The
Christian Man--. . . But the Christian is
still a Sinner. Rev.-Jack Borckardt.
11:30 a.m. Student Coffee Hour in French
4:30 p.m. "Key Concepts of the New Testa-
ment" 217 S. Observatory, Pat Pickett.
6:30 p.m. Presbyterian Student Fellowship
Forum, Held in French Room. Questions
for Discussion:
Tuesday, March 28
4:30 p.m. "Power, Peace and Peril." Rev. J.
Edgar Edwards. French Room.
9:00 p.m. Coffee and Conversation with Pat,
217 S. Observatory
Thursday, March 30
4:15 p.m. "The Message of the New Testa-
ment-The Resurrection" Lane Hall-Con-
ference Room. Rev. 'Jock Borckardt.
State and William Streets
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister.
Rev. Edgar Edwards, Student Minister. -
Guild House at 524 Thompson.
Services: 9:30, 10:20 and 11:00 a.m.
"Could Jesus Have Escaped the Cross" Dr.
Fred E. Luchs.
Bible Lecture: "Song of Songs" Dr. Preston
Church School: 9:30 and 10:55 a.m., ages
crib through 12th grade.
5:30 p.m. Douglas Chapel, Instruction Class
for all new members.
Maundy Thursday Service: 8:00 p.m. Con-
munion and Reception of new members.
Student Guild, 524 Thompson. Speaker: James
Former, National Director, Congress of
Racial Equality, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Toppan Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister
9:30 a.m. Seminar, "Personalities of the
Israelite Monarchy," Rev. Edwards, 524
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev. Russell
7:30 p.m. James Farmer, Nat'l Dir., CORE,
"Direct Action & Discrimination in the
North." 524 Thompson, refreshments.
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Avenue
Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Pastor
Orville H. Schroer, ParishrMinister
9:30 & 11:00 a.m Morning Worship.
7:30 p.m. James Farmer of CORE: "Direct
Action & Discrimination in the North."
524 Thompson St., refreshments.
502 East Huron
Rev. James H. Middleton, Minister
Rev. Hugh D. Pickett, Assistant Minister
9:45 Student Bible Class, The Old Testa-

man-born artist, is conditional
upon Melekta leaving the United
States by April 17.
! s +
MOSCOW-Communist diplo-
matic sources said last night next
Tuesday's meeting of the Warsaw
Pact nations here will be con-
ducted at the highest level-name-
ly heads of government to almost
certainly discuss Laos and Berlin
and possibly disarmament propo-
said yesterday Antoine Gizenga
will not attend a roundtable con-
ference of Congolese leaders sched-
uled to open at Kamina April 5.
The Kamina conference has
been called to work out details
of a Congo federation organized
along tribal lines

1216 So. Univ. NO 3-9333

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1103 S. University NO 2-6362


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