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March 24, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-24

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calendar changes in recent years. It has received a more specific
directive, and less time to fulfill it, than the past groups. Committees
in 1958 and 1959 explored the various possibilities for expanding
operations but recommended that no major changes be made at the
In the past few years and at an increasing rate, other universities
have gone on some form of full year operation. Pittsburgh and the
University's Dearborn branch pioneered in establishing the trimester
schedule, in which the year is divided into three sections of equal
importance. Year-around attendance is optional at Pittsburgh; stu-
dents alternate semesters in the classroom with semesters of on-the-
job training at Dearborn.
Michigan State University-Oakland will this fall become the first
college to go on a trimester with compulsory attendance all three
Modified full-year programs are also in existence at the University
of California, Pennsylvania State University, and University of Penn-
sylvania. Kalamazoo College will go on a full-year quarter schedule
this fall.
Several University administrators and faculty members were con-
tacted to gain some insight into the types of problems the commission
must answer in considering full-year operation here. Vice-President
and Dean of Faculties Marvin Niehuss said he intended to wait for
the recommendations of the commission before making any extensive

He said that he was not aware of any pressure from the legisla-
ture to expand operations, but pointed out that every group which
goes very deeply into the matter recognizes the' need for some sort
of year-round program. He agreed that this would mean more work
for the administration.
Set for 1962
Niehuss also stated that if the commission does recommend an
expanded program, it would be possible to take account of the recom-
mendations in drawing up a budget for fall 1962, when Regent Power
stated the University would probably begin full-year operation.
A number of persons commented on the nature of the summer break
and the changes which would be required to institute .a fully inte-
grated program them.
Regent Power said on March 2 that "the ideas of getting~ the
summer off to work on, the crops is not applicable, anymore," but the
problem was not so lightly dismissed by most. Family vacation pat-
terns (reflected in industrial vacation schedules) ,and high school
commencement dates all reinforce a "summer lag" in higher education.
And the advisability of full-year operation is arguable on two grounds:
financial and psychological.,
Funds Remain
Assistant Dean of Men Ivan Parker is in charge of the University
scholarships program. While voicing no opinion on the total question
of a year-around calendar, he pointed out that endowment funds earn
about the same amount of money regardless of a University's schedule.

If more students were enroled in the course of a year, such en
ment programs as the Regents Scholarships would have availabl
money per capita. Two alternatives would be posed: either
scholarships would be given, or they would no longer cover full t
Parker was optimistic regarding increased funds'for scholar
He said that the new pressures generated by an expanded enrol
might well prompt benefactors to step up their contributions.
Press Finances
If students were required to attend school continuously for
years, Parker indicated, those from moderate income families a
be pressed financially. By working in the summer a student may
from one-fourth to one-third of his college expenses. Eliminati
this,income might force him to fall back on a loan, particula
there were fewer scholarships available. Parker pointed out thl
many cases the extra money earned as a result of earlier gradui
would more than justify the borrowing of funds for an educatio
Prof. H. Elving, while granting the merit of seeking more
cient use of University facilities, had doubts as to the implem
tion of a full year program. He pointed out that the summer se
presently draws only 11,000 persons, many of whom are not re
University students. If a completely balanced program were
introduced in the near future, Prof. Elving believes it wou
necessary to require students to commit themselves to conti:

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Drizzle ending this morning
Turning fair In afternoon.

















At a meeting sponsored by the Ann Arbor League of Women
Voters last night, Ann Arbor voters asked questions of candidates
in the coming municipal election.
Most of the questions centered around rehabilitation of residential
areas. In response to a question specifically concerning minbrity group
housing, Mayor Cecil 0. Creal (R), said that he is aware that housing
in certain areas is substandard but that residents of these areas have
asked for nothing.
Mrs. Dorothee Pealy, the Democratic mayorality candidate, said
that, according to the chairman of the Neighborhood Rehabilitation
" and Improvement Commission, not
Ao m'uch has been done to alter pres-
D avis ent conditions..a
Working Well
SenateHarry K. Remnant, Republican
B ill' 1city council candidate from the
firstward, an area considered to
be in need of improvement, said
H Xeh R ge that the Commission is doing a
good job. "Any home that is safe
to live in.. is fine."
By GLORIA BOWLES Prof. Lynn W. Eley of the poli-
Dr. James Davis, director of the cratic scndidadepr the first rd
University's Interrntional Center seat, said that efforts must be
returned from Washington yester- stepped up by the city council to
day following consultation on the seek funds from either public or
dua followionslatndonlthealprivate sources for voluntary re-
Mutual Educational and Cultural habilitation.
Exchange Act, now before the R
Senate. ,enateResponding to a question con-
n SenateFr-cerning open housing Prof. Eley
Sponsored by the Foat r- said, "The Democrats have de-
eign Relations Committee, whose cdared their support of Rule Nine
chairman is Senator William Ful- andwe believe in applying that
bright (D-Ark), the bill aims, at practice throughout the city of
consolidating in one program all Ann .Arbor.",
government activities in the sphere Remnant emphatically stated
of international education that he is 'against Rule Nine. "I do
The bill also gives the President not believe in a bill pushed
increased power for initiation of a through against property rights.
full range of programs in the field Other council candidates pres-
of educational and cultural ex- ent were Mrs.Shata Ling.(D), and
change. 'The total result, says William E. Bandemer (R), of the
Davis, is "one act which enables Second Ward; John W. Conlin, Jr.;
the President to reorganize the (D), andl Henry V. Aquinto, in-
government side" of such pro- cumbent Republican of the Third
grams. Ward; Richard L. Kennedy (D),
Aid Schools of the Fourth Ward; Thomas S.
One of the act's specific pro- Lough (D), and Bent F. Nielsen,
incumbent Republican, of the Fifth
posals would provide aid to uni- Ward.

British Seek
On Ceasef ire
Soviets May Reject
U.S. Backed Plan
LONDON A) - Britain sought
Soviet cooperation yesterday in
arranging a ceasefire in Laos.
Britain's American-backed bid
for a ceasefire in Laos looks like
a final attempt to lay the basis
for a peaceful solution. Therebare
strong indications that a Soviet
rejection of the plea would result
in Western military support of
Premier Boun Oum.
The proposal would have Rus-
sia and Britain appeal to the war-
ring sides to cease fire. The In-
dian - Canadian - Polish commis-
sion, set up in the Indochinese
war, would oversee the truce and
prepare the way for an interna-
tional conference to settle the
kingdom's future.
Prime Minister Harold, Mac-
millan met with the British cab-
inet in extraordinary session after
President John F. Kennedy stat-
ed the case on Laos in Washing-
ton. The cabinet' was summoned,
at midnight, only 10 hours before
Macmillan was due to leave on a
West Indies tour.
Macmillan's ministers had be-
fore them a transcript of Kenne-
dy's remarks on Laos and other
matters at his news conference.
Informants said Macmillan
planned to go ahead with his tour.

President Declines. To C
On Movements of Pacific


WASHINGTON (M-President John F. Kennedy war
the Soviet Union last night against continuing the crisi
In a statement at his news conference, the President
if Russian-supported attacks do not stop, "those who sup
a truly neutral Laos will haye to consider their response.'
Kennedy never detailed exactly what that response we
Rusk Leaves
But as he spoke, Secretary of State Dean Rusk was
paring to leave Washington at midnight for a conferenc
the Southeast Treaty Organi-
zation, (SEATO) in Bangkok,
Some foreign diplomats said
that if the Russians rejected a
British proposal for a cease-fire d T
in the. Asian kingdom, Rusk would ~" d i u~
ask SEATO to honor a provision
of its treaty and support Laos. By THOMAS HUNTER
Despite questions from news- Inter-quadrangle Council vc
men, Kennedy would not comment its unanimous support lastn
on reports of United States Navy for a student-administration
warships leaving ports in the Pa- ulty conference to examine p
cific and heading toward the lems of the quadrangle system
crisis-stricken area. The conference, proposedi

Secretary of State
Asks SEATO Actic

-Daily-James warneka
IFC LEADER$,-The Fraternity Presidents Assembly last night elected officers for the Interfraternity
Council. (Left to right) Robert Peterson, president, Michael Landwirth, executive vice-president, and
Mark Gladstein, administrative vice-president won the top posts and will begin their one year terms
Peterson Elected IFC Chief

versities for their foreign student
population. Special funds would
authorize funds for counseling,
b orientation and English language
It authorizes formatioi of ad-
ditional commissions to administer
provisions of the act.
The new bill changes immigra-
tion laws relating to foreign stu-
dents, it liberalizes employment
requirements, streamlines income
tax and social security provisions,
and provides more favorable con-
ditions for visiting scholars.
Changes Laws
Besides its new proposals, the
bill revises all old legislation in
the field of cultural and educa-
tional exchange, including the'
Smith-Mundt Act and the Ful-'
bright Bill. It would not be con-
cerned with programs of technical
SGC To Seat
Eiaht Winners

Representatives Pass,
V oter Registration Bdill.
LANSING (A) - Despite firm Democratic opposition, the House
yesterday passed a, compulsory two-year voter registration law.
It was routed to the Senate on a 56-45 vote, the bare minimum
needed for passage.
The vote was split along party lines with the exception of two
Macomb county Democrats - Rep. William Romano of Warren and
John T. Bowman of Roseville, who .

The Fraternity Presidents As-
sembly last night elected Robert
Peterson, '62, of Chi Psi, Inter-
fraternity Council president for.
the coming year.
The FPA also named Michael
Landwirth, '62, of Zeta Beta Tau,
to the position of IFC executive
vice-president. Neither man was
opposed for his office.
Mark Gladstein,, '62, also of
Zeta Beta Tau, won the adminis-
trative vice-presidency over com-
petitors Douglas Rasmussen, '62,
of Phi Kappa Psi, and Dennis
Hirota, '62, of Delta Upsilon.
Pick Secretary
The fraternities' legislative body
chose Richard Rodgers, . '61, of
Delta Kappa Epsilon, to be IFC
secretary and gave the treasur-
er's post to Rasmussen.
All the candidates emphasized
the problem of membership selec-
tions and rush as the "primary
issues" facing the fraternities here
next year.I

Peterson viewed "cooperation"'
as the keynote in solving the dif-
ficulties of discrimination in fra-
ternities. He called for a realistic
understanding of Student Gov-
ernment Council's implementation
of Regents by-law 2.14 condemn-
'ing racial and religious bias in any
University affiliated organization.
Not Forcing,
"SGC is not trying to force us
to pledge men we don't want just
to prove we have no bias. The
University and the Council want
to insure that every house has
the opportunity to pledge anyone
it wants without regard to race,
religion or national background."
He urged that IFC take a "defi-
nite" stand on the question of
bias clauses and the Committee
of Membership Selections set up
by SGC. "We should show that we
are willing to work actively with
the national and local to remove
whatever bias exists."
Give Time
The new IFC leader claimed that

the Council "will give us time to
work this problem out" without
threatening to withdraw recogni-
tion from a local if "we demon-
strate we are sincere."
Peterson labeled the role of the
fraternity system in the campus
community as an "essential" area
of concern. He said the system
"must begin to make its weight
felt in proportion to the number
of men it includes."
On Resolution
For UN Study
United States voted yesterday for
a resolution to send a United Na-
tions committee to South West
Africa despite opposition from'
South Africa.
The territory is administered by
South Africa under League of Na-
tions mandate.'
The resolution, sponsored by 24
countries, passed the General As-
sembly's trusteeship committee by
a vote of 76-0 with 6 delegations
The United States' vote was its

Statement Clear
"I think that my statement is
clear and represents the views I
wish to express' at the present
time," Kennedy said when asked
about the naval movements.
Thus, while affirming the Unit-
ed States commitment to a neu-
tral Laos, Kennedy did not pro-
claim any threat of American
force. No one doubted, however,
that the potential was there.
Marines and units of the 7th
fleet were on the move in the Far
East yesterday, raising the belief
they are on alert in event of an
East-West showdown over Laos.
Military strategists of SEATO.
held a secret six-hour conference
and reportedly heard United
States Adm. Harry D. Felt once
again urge them to "get tough."
Washington imposed one of the
strictest security clampdowns on
military movements since the Ko
rean war but it was obvious some-
thing was up.
Pathet Lao Gains
There were reports the pro-
Communist Pathet Lao offensive,
in central Laos continued to gain
ground even though the govern-
ment commander, Gen. Phoumi
Nosavan, publicly assured King
Savang Vathana the royal army
"uncontestably now is the master

motion by Vice-President Ro
Geary, '63E, would be organ
"with all possible haste" and wo
include delegates from each ho
each quadrangle council and
IQC to meet with University
residence hall administrators
interested faculty.
President ,Thomas Moch, '
announced after passage of
motion that the tentative dat
April 15 would go into efi
Third floor rooms of the Un
have been reserved.
Aid Communication s
Richard Ostling, '62, saw
talks as a much needed di
communication between stud
and administration.
"We must find out what
administration has to .say ab
the situation, and use this a
guide for future action," J
Richardson, '62, said.
Moch outlined the day-long c
ference as a liberal exchange
ideas between the participa
concluded by "a summing up
what was accomplished," using
Scheub report on quadrangle c
ditions as a "working paper,"
Catron Objects
David Catron, '61, former I
vice-president, vigorously objec
calling the conference a result
"pressures from The Michi

sided with Republicans to put it
Currently, local election boards
are permitted to choose between
a four-year or two-year registra-
tion system, requiring voters to
cast ballots once every two or
four years or have their names
removed from registration records.
Democratic opponents protested


Account of Africa

Aids Social Anthropologists

Traditional methods of inquiry
have not helped the anthropologist

The mariner mentioned the

bution, has proven "extremely

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