"No More Manana, Senor" LETTERS TO THE wai.Pi1;V eb rEitigaw Daitj Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS th Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers 'or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, MARCH 23, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PETER STUART Bermudas, Slacks: Role Reversal? Gargoyle Try Squelched By Publications Board IE GARGOYLE, ITS voice enfeebled by a near death sentence last year, has had what ears to be its last outcry, deftly muted by Board in Control of Studeht Publications. iterest in renewing, the campus humor ;azine caused two different student groups approach the Board this year and ask to a new Garg. The two formed a coalition Zinated by freshmen and sophomores with ide range of artistic and literary experience.' r the last few months, these students labor- over a dummy issue of the magazine which presented to the Board for consideration week. he~proposed Garg met with heavy criticism. was labelled "highschoolish" and ' im- ure," "irresponsible" and "unrealistic" and, most unkindest remark of all, "humor- " 3E BOARD AND the magazine's writers and editors have opposing views on the quality he production. Whether or not it qualifies a good humor magazine is but a question aste. The Board, which has the power to tinue the nonexistence of Garg, did not it and so it won't reappear. Rote The Board has failed, however, to state whether or' not any of the previous Gargs, published under its control, have met the standards of good humor magazines. The Board has not indicated to the magazine's compilers precisely what they did not like about it; the criteria used to assess the maga- zine are left unnoted. THESE ARE SIDE issues to the argument, however. The University does not have a humor magazine. A group of students desire to have one to such a degree that they have banded together and, with faculty advice, pro- duced a mock issue. The quality of the maga- zine is not a determination the Board should make as long as the proposed copy and pic- tures stand within legal limits of libel and pornography. The seriousness of the students involved cannot be questioned when one examines the : hours of thought and work that have gone into their efforts and their character and purpose displayed in meetings with Board members for nearly a year. These people should be allowed to publish the Garg at whatever level of quality they can produce it. Campus criticism and accepti- bility of the magazine will determine its suc- cess or failure. THE BOARD HAS had a remarkably fine re- cord of preserving editorial freedom for The Daily; it may not like what appears in the newspaper's pages, but it has not question- ed the right to have such matter printed. It has been the editor's responsibility to main- tain a level of quality in his publication, not the Board's. Freedom from censorship and freedom for expresion are as necessary for a humor maga- zine as they are for any publication, especially when that publication operates with the con- text of University' ideals The Garg must operate as a free agent if it is to educate its staff,. its subscribers and aid the University to improve itself. IWITHITS MONOPOLY on publication, the Board has an added responsibility to re- establish Garg if a group is willing to edit and can demonstrate a staff structure which allows for perpetuity. The grounds on which the Board cancelled the Garg for this year, a lack of qualified ap- plicants for the editorships and an alarming lack of staff continuity, may be a valid one. The justification for hindering publication next year, a subjective criticism of its quality, is most definitely not. -MICHAEL OLINICK WALTER LIPPMANN: The Vote O o To the Editor: PROM THE MANY and varied discussion now taking place, it is obvious that there has been a change in feminine attire on the. University campus. The casual ob- server has noticed this change in public gathering places, such as the libraries or restaurants; in the residence halls; and in the class- rooms. This trend has had its effect in that it has brought com- ments from non-University, Ann Arbor residents; prospective stu- dents visiting the campus; parents and friends of present students; and official guests of the Uni- versity. But the important thing is the effect upon campus attitudes and behavior, obvious to the students themselves. Problems concerning campus standards of dress can be solved only by a sincere effort of the women students. Consider- ation must be given to the idea that dress and grooming is impor- tant in maintaining identity as women. Dress, therefore, must be considered as one means to look- ing and acting like a woman. Be- cause women set social standards for both men and women, re- sponsibility in this area must be recognized. BERMUDAS AND SLACKS can- not effectively create a womanly appearance. Behavior patterns in bermudas and slacks are different., This is the reason they are con- sidered to be sportswear. They fiilitate running, climbing and general relaxation (generally In a slumped, awkward position). There is a certain amount of dig- nity and composure, along with the respect that women should command, that is lost by wearing them. Obviously, sportswear has its place-in a picnic area or on the beach. Obvious, too, is the fact that femininity is not synony- mous with the expensive of the "glamorous." But women should prefer todlook like women-in dresses and skirts.' A woman that looks and acts like a woman flatters men her own age and displays respect for men that are older than she. For most dates, slacks and bermudas are an insult to escorts. Appearing in the classroom, a suposedly for- mal situation, in sportswear is certainly not a compliment to the professor. Well-grooomed women can set the tenor of a social situa- tion. All of us have noticed tha difference in atmosphere in a resi- dence hall dining room on a Sa- turday, when everyone is wearing slacks and pincurls, and at Sun- day dinner when the women are dressed in heels and dresses. There is a difference in everything from volume of noise to general friend- liness. * .9 * BOTH MEN AND women will respond to the effort that a girl puts into her grooming and ap- pearance. I am not suggesting that women students attempt to wear heels at all times, but an interesting experiment is to try wearing heels for one day of classes. A student will find her- self being complimented, having doors opened for her-in general, she will be treated like a woman. We must face the fact, and en- joy it-we are going to live the rest of our lives as women. Most of those who marry will marry men in professional fields. Being feminine displays respect for their status as well as one's own. Fur- thermore, a woman's behavior I important to the maintenance and advancement of her husband's career. It is not uncommon for employers to consider the qualifi- cations of a wife as important as those of her husband. Career wo- men, too, must be responsible in this area. There are recruiters from all over the country inter- viewing potential employees that may be among our student body. As standards relax, they will look elsewhere for well-groomed. self- possessed men and women. The college woman is most likely to be found working In a professional world where the maximum Stan- dards of grooming and appearance will be demanded from her. THERE IS, THEREFORE, more than a problem of what is "eas- test" or "most comfortable" In volved in present conflicts over standards of dress. There is a more basic consideration which eachwoman on this campus must face: is there not more to gain by accepting the role of a wonan! -Joan ComrIan. AT THE MICHIGAN: Squarec' THE ONLY PERSON who re- mained deceived in the "Circle of Deception" was the, director, who thought he could tack a face- tious ending on a dramatic story and thereby satisfy the sentimen- talists too. Well, he failed and al- most completely ruined the movie. After getting the viewer' to ad- mit- that in wartime It Is ofte necessary to break one man to save thousands of others, and after sending this man through his tra- gic paces, the director pulls out, the rug with ten ridiculous se- conds of rehabilitation. Almost as big a mistake was the suicide attempt which should have been the most dramatic moment HE OVERSTATED IN this scene, when he could have used nderstatement as he did in the air raid scene. It had impact with- out blinking lights, and only a little room shaking. The bomb explosions getting closer, and the growing fear on their faces were enough. Suggestion that evokes either sympathy or empathy. Is better than any explanation that leaves one embarrassed by its naive directness. Underplaying the story is the quantitative problem in philoso- phy: is killing one man ay less worse than killing several thou- sand. The death of unseen thou- sands should be avoided if poss- ible, but it's unlikely to disturb anyone's sleep. The torture of some individual is usually fascinating and' after it's, all over, only . the readjustment problems remain, and they belong to the tortured. THE MOVIE STOPS here. The facetious ending blocks any fur- ther thought. The tortured man (Bradford Dillman by the way) is not shook up after all. -Thomas Brien 4 I 4 4 Vote tECENTLY, IN A discussion with a Union committee chairman, the question of how e Union President ought to vote as a mem- r of SGC was considered. The committee iairman noted that "The Union President ould represent the best interests of the rion.' This is in many ways an unhealthy attitude. ' the ex-officio members of SGC, only the esidents of IQC, IFC, Panhel and Assembly present definite segments of the University pulation. Presumably, they should represent e "best interests" of the organizations which. i'Y represent. However, the Presidents of the Union and ague, and the Editor of The Daily, can not, any sense. be considered representatives a particular student group. Their function i SGC, it would seem, would be to represent e best interests of the entire student body. And anyone might hope that these interests mld coincide with the best interests of their spective organizations. --G. GUSSIN Student Movement Strikes Again 'HE "STUDENT MOVMENT" has struck again.I Wayne State University has fallen to the mplexly interconnected monster that is reading across the country. The Wayne udent Party has broken in two. About twenty students, dominated, by na- :nal "student movement" leaders, their philo- phy and their pawns, have started a new impus political party, the Liberal Student rty, to-oppose the unadulterated radicalism 'the parent Student Party. 'HE NEW PARTY is composed of what may be called "the new students." They are dicated to "liberalism," although most of em don't know quite what they mean by is-they just follow the current line, created id interpreted by about two dozen people ross the country. These two dozen supply nice essays on what te modern student must be. Then they in- rpret them to the great unwashed masses' z, American campuses. Most of them are well- tentioned. Some of them even know what tey stand for. They are all good at telling everyone else hat they should stand for, and the horrible art of this is that they are efficient--they cceed in brainwashing too many into Loughtless conformity.. Their organizational ties. are loose. They id those who are led to believe their propa- inda run many of the "liberal" organizations 1 United States campuses. 'HEY MEET AT National Student Associa- tion conferences--NSA is a useful body for Lem; like most quasi-representational assem- Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor NAN MARKEL JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director ENNETH MoELDOWNEY....... Associate City Editor JDITH DONER.......... ,..ersonnel Director HOMAS KABAKER................Magazine Editor AROLD APPLEBAM .. Associate Editorial Director OMAS WITECKI...................Sports Editor blies, it can be railroaded into almost any- thing {by a well-disciplined organization. It is here that you Ewill find many of the documents of the new religion published. It is then the task of 3 these leaders to see that they are allowed to interpret the documents- to point out what they mean in terms of action. These two dozen or so, some of whom are actually still students, are the high priests of the action cult. THE WSU STUDENT Party was relatively harmless. It was radical and dedicated to the spectacular for the sake of exhibitionism. It repeatedly threatened such useless demon- strations as picketing of the,,VSU adminis- tration building. The members of the Liberal Party, who left the parent group in disgust, are intelligent and coherent; the Student Party members are not. The Liberals realize that compromise and cooperation with the administration is neces- sary for effectiveness: the Student Party mem- bers are committed-if only to the radical and spectacular. They do not compromise. T ESTUDENT PARTY has a constitution, but its members phy it' little heed. It speaks nicely of such concerns as academic freedom and the rights of students, but the members don't worry about these issues-they want to picket the administration over actions that displease them. The Liberal Party also has a constitution. It is modeled on NSA suggestions. In fact, it includes, word for word, clauses concerning "the use of proper channels" and "cooperation with the administration" that are suggested by NSA. And not only this, but the members seem to believe in these methods--they realize- that they are the only effective methods. OF COURSE, THE Student Party is ineffec- tual, if and when it ever acts-spectacular racicalism doesn't seem likely to affect Ameri- can university administrators. The new party was recognized almost im- mediately after its formation. Its hard-corer members are all activists; they are ecquainted with the details of student organization reg- ulations and with the administration. They now have a bludgeon with which to #nnn Th1Aie.11' C'M m~f.nrf ,, Y~ 3 IN AFRICAN AFFAIRS, two separate but parallel and simi- lar and historical events took place last week., One was the refusal of the Commonwealth nations to condone the racial policy of apart- heid in order to keep the Union of South Africa in the Common- wealth. The other was the vote of the United States, differing openly with its NATO allies, for an in- quiry by the UN into the Portu- guese colonial policy in Angola. In both cases the decision was a very hard one to take-whether to risk the unity of the Common- wealth, whether to risk the unity of NATO, on a question of prin- ciple? In both cases there was the same decision-by the eight na- tions that if the Commonwealth was to be preserved, it could not condone apartheid, by the United States that NATO and even the UN itself would be gravely jeopar- lized if the NATO nations align- ed themselves in support of colon- ialism. THERE ARE SOME who think that the United States could have and should have, avoided the deci- sion. It could have abstained, that is itcould have declined to vote, as it did under the Eisenhower administration last December. But could the United States have done that now? Is abstention, a refusal to vote in order to evade a hard issue, a workable policy for a great power which holds the place we hold in the leadership of the non-Communist world? The Eisenhower abstention of last December could at least be justified as a stop gap measure in the closing days of an Administra- tion. The new Kennedy' adminis- tration could not take refuge in the evasion of an issue which in- volves the destiny of Africa and Asia and affects profundly the peace of the world. When the issue is posed nakedly as it is in Angola, where it is the policy of the colonial power not to prepare the colony for inde- pendence, how could the United States refuse 'to declare itself? Had we done that, we would by our abstention have abdicated our influence. For had we abstained, we would have identified NATO with colonialism, and the Soviet Union would have stood out as the only great power in the white man's world which took the other side. What is more, we would have supported Portuguese colonialism not boldly by voting against the resolution but timidly and apolo- getically by refusing to vote at all, What an "image" that would have been of the "leadership" of the "free world!" THE QUESTION HAS been raised as to whether this Ameri- can vote means that the develop- ment of Africa has now taken priority over the consolidation and stabilization of Europe. It is an understandable question, and un- doubtedly there is a 'certain dif- ference of emphasis between those who are preoccupied with Euro- pean affairs and those who are preoccupied with African affairs. But the truth is that out con- The unity of the West is gravely menaced by the convulsive prob- lems of Africa. * . * THE AMERICAN view, which is not sufficiently understood in Europe, is that:the liquidation of empires is always a great danger to the peace. The seed beds of the two world wars were in the liqui- dation of the Turkish, the Austro- Hungarian, and the Czarist em- pires. In the American view the liqui- dation of the African empires,, which is-very far from being com- pleted, is in this age of nuclear armaments avery great threat to peace. Our view is that if we and the Europeans are to achieve a. constructive influence in African affairs, it can be done only through the medium of the United Nations. That is the only forum in which the old colonial powers, the newly liberated nations, the Soviet Union, and the United States can meet and deal with one another in the context of the law, of the Charter. OUR EUROPEAN ALLIES 'must not underestimate the weight and the seriousness of the American judgment in this affair. It is not inspired by a cheap attempt to win it is often expressed in the noble old phrases, the naive the noble old phrases, the naive liberal idealism of the old orators. This judgment, of which the vote on Angola is a symbol,.comes not from a soft but from.a hard judg- ment, a hard judgment based on two decades of responsibility for a worldwide coalition. (c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc. Ideally' THEY MUST BE professionally first rate or capable of be- coming so through the training that will be provided for them. They must be personally resource- ful and imaginative in, surmount- ing the unexpected, the 'difficult or the routine. They must be capable of relat- ing themselves readily to new sit- uations, new associates and new, friends. With no trace of patern- alism, they must be able to co- operate with Africa in educating itself. They must be animated by a spirit of service that, is ,realistic, not sentimental, by a spirit of ad- venture that is durable, not ro- mantic. They must be knowledge- able about American life and edu- cation and ready to learn under- standingly about the people and cultures of other lands. -R. Freeman Butts The New York Times , s. .,n,,., ,,ti.., . .. _._....._.. _____------------------ Ic;DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN __________ A_________ S WI 11'+ f :Aj The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN~ form to Room 351. Administration Building, before 2 p~m. two days preceding publication. THURSDAY, MARCH 23 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Friday, April 21. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than April 11. Residence Hall Scholarship: Women students wishing to apply for a Resi- dence Hall Scholarship for the academ- ic year 1961-62 for Helen Newberry Residence may do so through the Of- fice of the Dean of Women. Applica- tions must be returned COMPLETE by March 31. Students already living In this residencenhall and those wishing to live there next -fall may apply. Qual- ifications will be considered on the basis of academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative average), need, and con- tribution 'to 'group living. Approval for, the -following student sponsored activities becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this no- tice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. Alpha Phi Omega, March 27-30, 1961, from 9-3:00 in Fishbowl, Ticket Sales for Willopolitan. Michigan Christian Fellowship, March 25, 1961, 1:00-9:00 p.m., Union, Lecture and panel discussion of Missionary work: Democratic Socialist Club, March 28, 1961, 8:00 p.m. Michigan Union, "Teach- ers, Taxes, and Technology." Events Thursday _ __w _ _ i . ant Lecture: "Studies on Avidity of An- tibody" will be discussed by Dr. W. H. Taliaferro, Argonne National Labora- tory, Illinois, on Fri., March 24 at 4 p.m. in the School of Public Health Aud. High Energy Physics Lecture Series: Dr. Michael Longs, Physics' Depart- ment, University of Californiaat Berke- ley, will discuss "Pion-Proton Differen- tial Cross Sections and the Newly Dis- covered Pion-Proton Resonances," on Fri., March 24 at 4p.m. in 2038 Ran- dayy Lab. Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., March 24, 4:00 p.m., the Observatory. Richard G. Teske of the McMath-Hulbert Ob- servatory and instrudtor in the De- partment of Astronomy, will speak on "'Cepheid Pulsations." Doctoral Examination for Mark Spi- vak, Social Psychology; thesis: "Fac- tors Influencing the Formation of 'a ' Patient-Percept. by Psychiatrists Fol- lowing the Initial Interview," Fri., March 24, 5609 Haven Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, T. M. Newcomxb. Doctoral Exaimnation for Borys Dan- ik, Instrumentation Engineering; the-' sis: "Optimum Linear Filtering of Sam- pled Signals." Fri., March 24, 1028 E. Engineering Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chair- man, F. J. Beutler. Placement Beginning Mon., March 27, the fol- lowing schools will have representatives at the Bureau to interview for the 1961-1962 school year. MON., MARCH 27- Bay City, Mich.-Elementary (K-8). Flint, Mich.-Elem., Vocal, Art; Jr. HS Eng., Sci., Home Ed., Math, Ind. Arts, Core, Girls PE; HS Eng., SS., Sci., Fre., Home Ec., Bus. Ed., Math, Art; Ment. Ret., Sp. Corr., Sight Consv., Ortho. Bring Transcript to interview. Grand Rapids, Mich. (Forest Hills Jr. & Sr. HS)-Girls Health/Eng./SS, Home Dearborn, Mich. (District No. 2) - Elem. (1, 2, & 3); Jr. HS Girls PE, Eng./SS, Nat. Set. Flint, Mich.-Same fields as listed above. Midland, Mich. -- Elemn.; 'Jr. HS Speech, Math/Scd.., Choral Music, Ind. Arts, Eng., Home Ed.; HS Eng., Bus. Ed., Set., Chem., Math. Oak Park, Mich.-Elem., PE, Music; All Secondary; Librarian. San Leandro, Calif.-Elem.; Jr. HS1 Eng., SS, Phys. Sci., Instr/Vocal Mus.; HS Art, Bus. Ed., Eng., Germ./Span. or J~re., Home Ec., Ind. A ts, Math, Set., SS, Couns., Girls PE/S$. For any additional; information and appointments contact. the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: 'Bureau of Appointments--Seniors. & grad, Stu- dents, please call Ext. 3371 for inter- view appointments with the followings WED., MARCH-29- Continental Casualty Co., Chicago- Location: Home Office &, possibly Nato ie E OE ihd- tion Wide. MEN & WOMEN with de- gree in Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad. or Math for Underwriting, Actuarial; Claims, Pro- motion (including Advertising),sAgen- cy, Law, Investment or Accounting and Statistical Depts. Prudential Life Insurance Co. of America, Minneapolis-Location: De- troit Office. MEN & WOMEN with de- grees in Gen. Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad. for Insurance Sales. THURS., MARCH 30- KVP Sutherland Paper Co., Kalama- zoo, Mich.-MEN with degrees in Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. for Sales. (Inside & Territory). Grads in Physics & Math: for Res. & Dev., and Prod. THURS., APRIL 13- State Farm Insurance Co., Blooming- ton, 11.-Location: Marshall, Mich. MEN with degrees in Gen. Iib. Arts, Econ., Psych. for Insurance (Home Office- Claims), & OfficeMgmt. Procter -& Gamle, Mkt. Research Dept., Cincinnati, Ohio-After 6-8 weeks Atlantic Cos., NYC-Location: Detroit and N.Y. MEN with degrees in Gen. Lib. Arts for Home Office, Sales, Mgmt. Trng. & Prod. S. S. Kresge Co., Detroit-Location: Ohio, Indiana, Michigan & other lo- cations throughout U.S.MEN with de- gree in Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. for Mgmt. Trng. Prog., Merchandising, & Retail- ing. This; is not a program primarily for store managers but rather admin- istrative positions in District or Home Office. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT "INTER- VIE WS-Seniors & grad students pla. sign schedule posted at 128 West Engrg. Bldg. MARCH 27- Duriron Co., Dayton, Ohio-BS: I, ME & Met.-(foundry option). Prod. General Aniline & Fdlm Corp., An- tara Chemicals Div., Linden, N.J., & Calvert City, Ky.-BS: ChE. Des., Res.. & Dev., Sales & Prod. Lear, Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich.-S, MS & Prof.: IL or IE w/MBA., 2.5 min. grade ,point average.rInd. Engrg. & Prod. Mgmt.' For Grad. Dev. Program or immediate placement in IE dept. Parke, Davis & Co.-BS-MS: ChE, IE lb ME. Men &° WOMEN. Des., R. & D., Prod. & Plant Engrg, SUMMER PLACEMENT: INTERVIEWS- MARCH' 23-- Jug Hill-New York coed camp. Mrs. Esther Kiviat interviewing this after- noon. MARCH 23, 24- H. J. Heinz Co., Holland, Mich.-A. E. Hildebrand interviewing today from 1:30 to 4:55 pan. and all day Friday. MARCH 24- Camp Metamora - Girl Scouts of Metropolitan Detroit. Miss Elizabeth B. Wright interviewing Fri. from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m. /National Music Camp, Interlochen, Mich.-John Merrill, Director, Inter- viewing Fri. from 1:30 to 4:15 for men counselors-19 yrs. & older. Camp Takona-Mich. YWCA camp.