THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ti Editor Says Red China Can Mobilize Population By CAROLINE DOW I The fantastic ability of Red China to mobilize her population is a major factor in the economic and ideological battle between China and India, Dr. Heinrich Bechtoldt, editor of the German, newspaper Aussenpolitik, said dur- ing his two-day visit to the cam- pus this week. Dr. Bechtoldt, author of "China or India, the Alternative in Asia," was in both India and Communist China in 1958. Speaking at an At- lantic Union Committee luncheon and a Challenge seminar, he dis- cussed present trends in both In- dia and China, stressing that Western nations needed to unite in their aid to India. Jmprssed by the research on politics and underdeveloped na- tions done in particular by United States universities, Bechtoldt ask- ed how this knowledge could "fil- ter through" to foreign policy. Listeners suggested that Kenne- dy's use of "brain trusters" was the best way this could be done, and was being carried out. 'Take Off Stage' "India's problem is the same as China's, both must reach the takeoff stage of economic devel- opment. India, however, must do so without excluding democracy. She cannot produce her own cap- ital and must have help," he said. India is modest and all she needs is an irrevocable take-off and assurance of a steady increase in the standard of living. The Western nations can insure this more efficiently by working to- gether, he stressed. The ability to mobilize the peo- ple comes from the tremendous moral and social pressure exerted by the Communists in the name of China. The people are asked to work for China. Everyone else is working, so they feel they must work also. Discusses Controls In discussing the controls on the people, Bechtoldt said that a fath- er of a Chinese family admitted that he never discussed politics with any of his family. In break- ing down the family and tradition- alism, the practice of giving each individual his own wages and de- stroying reverence for the dead was helpful, he said. Bechtold saw definite differ- ences in ideology between Red China and Russia as evidenced in Red China's interference in ad- vising President Tito of Yugo- slavia and the growing emphasis in the Communist world in lead- ing instead of following Russia. Bechtoldt saw the sudden move of communization a symptom of this desire to lead. T'he Chinese pressure on the Indian border, he said, was an acknowledgement of the Sino-In- dian rivalry: rivalry not of pow- er politics, but of economics. Bechtoldt sawthe Western'role of insuring the success of India by keeping India stable with aid and asking no committments. In Indian Prime Minister Neh- ru's' successor, the international commentator said, "If it is stormy waters, India will need a strong man; if it is calm, perhaps she ¢will be able to continue as she is" T o Consider Segregation, Real Estate The Ann Arbor Human Rela- tions Commission Tuesday night discussed plans, now in their final stages, for a public educational lecture on the problem of racial discrimination and property val- ues. The program, which the com- mission .is co-sponsoring with a number of other interested local groups, will feature Iuigi Lauren- ti, author of "Property Values and Race." The commission also gave fin- al authorization for a monthly newsletter., Murdock To List African Problems Prof. George P. Murdock of the University of Pittsburgh anthro- pology department will delineate some "Problems in the Recon- struction of African Culture His- tory" at 4:10 p.m. today in Aud. B, Angell Hall. SANE POLICY: Local Committee Plans Pamphlet Distribution Tentative program planning and a general "brainstorming" of ideas resulted at this week's workshop of the Ann Arbor Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy. The committee planned wider distribution of disarmament pam- phlets, the setting up of study groups, and wider dissemination of letters to church and commun- ity groups in an attempt to in- terest them in this issue. A previously established speak- ers' bureau, the members of which are available to any formally- organized group upon request, in- cludes the following people: Prof. Anatol Rapoport of the Mental Health Research Institute, Prof.' David Singer of the political science department, Prof. James Morgan of the economics depart- ment and Prof. Leslie Kish of the sociology department. Although the group plans no participation in any of the na- tional SANE demonstrations plan- ned for next week in various cities, spokesman John Veenstra, '61E, said that students plan to circulate a supporting petition un- der the auspices, of the Political Action Club. Heartz To Analyze Medieval Custom. Daniel Heartz, professor of mu- sicology at the University of Cali- fornia, will discuss "The 'Joyeuse entree' of Queen Claude into Par- is, 1517: Culmination of a Medie- val Pageant Tradition" -at 4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Amph. His lecture will include colored slides of the procession and mu- sic especially written for the event. The program is sponsored by the music school. .1 1"r - FAVO RS by BUD-MOR 1103 S. University NO 2-6362 HEINRICH BECHTHOLDT ..Power to mobilize PAID ADVERTISEMENT presents Thursday and Friday: ME AND THE COLONEL CLOSED VISION and SON OF THE SHEIK 4 4 I. ORCH ESTRAS by BUD-MO R I 1 103 S. University" NO 2-6362 ON STAGE Mon., March 27, 8:30 P.M. JOSE- GRECO and his Company of SPANISH DANCERS Singers and Musicians Main Floor $2.50, $3.00 Balcony $2.00, $3.00 Box Office 1 to 5:30 P.M. DAL NO8-46 ENDING TONIGHT MELINAM U RO ... ~MwMrl t1 * STARTS FRIDAY " "As Fine A Crime Film As You Are Likely To See!" -N.Y. Herold Tribune IN BROAD cwhm SVi'.ItDisib ll'qRmeRU HT 1- I Danny Kaye is not only America .s finest comic, he is, one of its finest actors. Hol- lywood's high court, Oscars Inc., is not aware of this fact. In 1958, the Academy gave its Best Actor Award to David Niv en for a pedestrian bit of act, ing in Separate Tables, and its Best Picture Award to Gigi-a better long - playing record than it is a film. Danny Kaye and Me and the Colonel were not even nominated. In this reviewer's opinion, it was Kaye who deserved the Award for the most sensitive, thoughtful, most convincing and compelling per- formance of the Hollywood academic year. It was also the finest jib of acting in Kaye's career. In Me and the Colonel, our, feature Thursday and Friday, Kaye plays, Jacobowsky, a refu- gee Polish Jew stranded, in Paris just as the city is being ccupied by the Germans..De- termined to survive, and al- ready a master of the art of being a refugee, Jacabowsky comes up with the last avail- able car (a Rolls-Royce no less) in Paris. Just as he is about to leave ,a Polish Colonel (Curt Jurgens) who is also try- ing to avoid the Wehrmacht. makes the car his own. . The Colonel's outspoken Anti-Sem- itism and contempt for anyone holding values not of the aris- tocratic military class make easy his decision to leave the gentle refugee behind. But the experienced refugee is not so easily pushed aside. The Colonel may possess the car, but Jacabowsky possesses the gas. mil Passover Home Hospitality (Seder or Dinner) is available for student who are to be on campus over Spring Recess. Inquiries should be made now at the Hillel Foundation. NOrmandy 3-4129. II .Prof. Scott S. Pauley of the University of Minnesota will speak on The Influence of 'Marxian Biology on Forestry in the USSR" at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 2082 of Natural Science Bldg. "AT BOTH STORES" acting, a special talent, or good looks; it was the personal Ii- age he projected on the screen, a, virile ,tough, fast-talking, quizzical and likeable guy. That his ears, projected and that he would not have been at home in discussions beyond the masculine arenas of newspaper rooms, pool .halls, and sports events meant nothing to mil- lions of women who sighed over their dishpan hands and thought, "Everything would be all right if only Clark were here." Yet Gable during his long career of screen idol never matched the popularity of the only other male lead to whom he could be compared, Rudolph Valentino. Valentino's appeal was much more directly sexual; social ob- servers have commented that he represented for American women all that their dull, mun- dane husbands lacked in ro- mance, exoticism, and nervous energy. Be that as it may, his films transported millions into ecstacies that we find hard to share today. His meteoric career began with Rex Ingram's. fim, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, a very long, ambi- tious,.and arresting work based on the novel by Blasco Ibanez. He never in his subsequent ca- reer had good material to work 'with again. But the unknown young Italian who danced the tango galvanically was over- night an idol of the American public-for even the men who sneered at this first great as- sault on Anglo-Saxon suprema- cy in romance were moved to reconsider; and a number of lesser Valentinos with Latin names and looks began to make screen careers. The Sheik com- pleted Valentino's reputation as the ideal lover; and significant- ly, his last film, which we are showing this weekend, was a secjuel to this, and, fortunately, a smoother product in its dis- play of sighing and panting passion. Valentino's sudden death from peritonitis in 1926 set off a national orgy of ro- mantic grief; the grotesque fu- nerai scenes belong to the do- main of social pathology. Even today his grave is bedecked with flowers from the diminishing band of his phantom overs. Closed Vision, which com- .pletes the program, is a full- lengthiexperimental film, which will have on most viewers the effect of having wandered into a country whose landscapes are unfamiliar and whose inhabi- tants speak an incomprehen- sible language. Sixty minutes in the inner life of a man, this Joycean work isacomposed of threew distinct parts, a sound scenario, a picture scenario, and a mingling of the two-, the attempt of the human con- sciousness to joiri its burden of ALL RCA VICTOR hi fi & stereo %/ price ,1 when you buy another RCA LP, at the some list price. Includes complete catalogue & Soria Series. HI-'Fl DISC SHOP&N I 1210 S. Univ. NO 3-6922 II 304 S. Thayer NO 5-4855 Curt Jurgens' portrayal of the pompous, impractical, and stupidly (but delightfully) courageous Colonel is a bit ex-' cessive at times, but he does make him charming and heroic and thus a perfect foil for the patient, ingenious, self-effac- ing Jew Kaye has played the role of the underdog many times, but for the first time he makes his underdog character comic with- out being clownish, desperate without being helpless, and afraid without being cowardly. Though he is more of a man at the end of the picture than he was at the beginning; Jacabow- sky always commands the au- dience's love and respect. The Colonel, too, is changed by his contact with this loyal and re- sourceful travelling compian- ion. He gains tolerance and learns that courage need not be physical or dramatic. But behind all this human warmthand comedy is the ten- sion created by> the knowledge of what capture by the Ger- mans means., Other members of this fine cast are 4kim Tamiroff, Mar- I n~ S.G.-C. Cine a jut TONIGHT and TOMORROW at 7 and 9 ',SATURDAY and SUNDAY at 7 and 9 ME AND THE COLONEL SNO H HI with / I