Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
411a ti4
Cloudy, cooler with rain
ending this evening
All- ampus
the psychology and sociology departnments, who will analyze the Uni-
versity's impact on its students in many aspects of campus life..
Prof. Newcomb said that the executive committee of the Insti-
tute for Social Research has also e
... Challenge speaker
Sets Talks,
Prof. Hans Morgenthau of the.
University of Chicago, Sen. Hu-
bert Humphrey (D-Minn) and
Walter Reuther are among the
speakers. who will be "featurcd at
the Challenge colloquium on
emerging nations, April' 19 through
Prof. Morgenthau's April 19
keynote address will consider the
problems of the United States in
formulating foreign policy toward
developing nations. He is director
of the Center for the Study of
American Foreign Policy at the
University of Chicago.
A debate April 22 will feature
Humphrey and Russell Kirk dis-
cussing the most effective posi-
tions the United States can take
toward the new nations.
Kirk is the editor of "Modern
Age: A Conservative Review." One
of his books, "Tbe Conservative
Mind," is a widely discussed his-
tory of politics which has ap-
peared in three foreign editions.
,That afternoon, Owen Latti-
more, former deputy director of
Pacific Operations in the Office.
of War Information, will discuss
foreign policy in China and in
emerging nations. Lattimore serv-
ed as political adviser to Chiang
Kai-shek in 1941. He also was a
member of the Reparations Mis-
.sion to Japan in 1945 and the
chief United Nations Technical
Aid Exploratory Mission to Af-
ghanistan in 1950.
Sunday afternoon, April 23,
Reuther, president of the United
Autoworkers of America, will con-
clude the collopluium with a dis-
cussion of the role the American
student can play in meeting the
"Challenge of Emerging Nations."
Challenge will also offer semi-
nars April 20 and 21 supplement-
ing the, program of major speak-
ers. .
Board Accepts
IQC Meeting
On Quad Ills
Approval for an Inter-Quad-
rangle Council sponsored confer-
ence on residence hall -problems
came yesterday from the Resi-
dence Halls Board of Governors.
IQC President Thomas Moch,
'62, brought up the proposal for
a one-day meeting of students,
faculty and administrators to the
xpressed its desire to participate in
such a residence hall opinion poll.
The proposal for the survey grew
out- of the board's discussion yes-
terday of the opinion poll con-
ducted in East Quadrangle last
spring by Harold Scheub, former
resident adviser of Strauss House.
Criticism, Praise
Scheub's 181-page report, con-
taining criticism' and praise of
the University residence halls by
40 students, met with much criti-
cisml by the board. Members ques-
tinned its methodology, validity
and objectivity.
Prof. Robert Crane of the his-
tory department attacked the na-
ture of the report's questions and
asked for a new, more validstudy.
"Any social scientist could tear
apart the questions in five min-
Prof. Crane said he was "non-
plussed by the fact that the Uni-
versity, which has the most com-
petent Survey Research Center in
the country and a first rate psy-
chology department, should be
floundering around not knowing
what its people think."
To Prove.
He called for a survey devised
and administrated by SRC and the
psychology department to prove
that the University is "serious"
in its desire to perfect the quad-
Lewis explained that residence
hall system was originally to be
explored by the Newcomb study
and that preliminary work had al-
ready begun.
Peter Ostafin, Lewis's assist-
ant; said he and assistant dean of
men in charge of residence halls,
John Hale, had met with Prof.
"Newcomb and; outlined parts of
the study.
Concern with Students
Both Lewis and Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea emphasized the
University's concern with students
in the residence halls. "We are all
committed to the best housing
system possible," Lewis said. "It1
is a complex problem and. hard-
ly a day goes by that I don't
worry about it."
Rea underscored Lewis' re-
marks. He stressed the two men's
"bull sessions" with 'quadrangle
residents last fall when they visit-
ed each of the residence hall
Seven University faculty mem-
bers were among 250 American
professors signing a petition call-
ing for the- abolition of the House
Committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities released Sunday by the
American Civil Liberties Union.
The petition says .that the com-
mittee -hae "repeatedly under-
mined the freedoms essential for
national well-being," and that "to
perpetuate this committee is to
perpetuate a threat to our liber-
Universityhsigners were Profes-
sors Kenneth Boulding and Wil-
liam Haber of the economics de-
partment, Austin Warren of the
English department, Alfred Con-
ard and Spencer Kimball of the
Law School, William Frankena of
the philosophy department and
Wesley H. Maurer, chairman of
the journalism department.
Signers' Attitudes
The attitudes of the signers to-
ward the effect the petition was
trying to reach varied somewhat,
although they agreed on the main
point-the abolition of HUAC.
Prof. Maurer, a member of the
national board of the ACLU, said
that he had signed it with the
idea that it was aimed at achiev-
ing a directly political effect.
However, Prof. Boulding said
that, in his opinion, the petition
would affect any changes it might
through informing and educating
public opinion, which would then
have visible political effects.
Other Groups
Prof. Boulding also said that
although the present petition was
signed by college professors, other
responsible groups should circulate
similar petitions.
Particularly mentioning the ac-
tivities of the committee within
the academic community, the peti-
tion says: "The House committee
has been unrelenting in its haras-
sing of teachers. It has again and
again subpoenaed them."
Passes' Bond
For New Hall
City Council last night approved
bonding by at New York firm for
Ann Arbor's new $2.8 million city
hall, and began condemnation pro-
ceedings with owners of property
on the hall's proposed site who
have not agreed with the city's
price for their land.
Councilwoman Grace Flannery
(R) of the first ward, which con-
tains the area in which the neigh-
borhood rehabilitation committee
is working, commended its work
on housing in the last year. The
group's recommendations will be
discussed at the Council's working
committee next Monday night.
Hopefuls Bid
For Boards,
Class Posts
Voters May Amend
Union Constitution
All-campus elections today and
tomorrow will fill posts on four
student boards, and allow male
students to vote on an amendment
to the Men's Union constitution.
The senior board is composed
of senior class officers from all
schools in the University, but only
four schools fill these posts in the
general elections.
Literary college candidates are
President: Roger Pascal, Michael
A. Landwirth; Vice - President,
Paul M. Lurie, Alan S. Burstein;
Treasurer: Michael W. Maddin,
Henry P. Lee; Secretary: Franny
Sue Nash, Roger Wolthuis.
Slated from the engineering col-
lege are President: Richard E.
Gustavson, Nick A. Spewock,
Thomas G. DeJonghe; Vice-Presi-
dent: George J. Quarderer; Sec-
retary-Treasurer: John W: Upp.
In the business administration
school running for senior class
officers are President: William J.
Blanton, Hugh Sheean; Vice-
President: Edward L. Lublin,
Harold N. Diamond.
Candidates for education school
senior class officers are President:
Barbara Perlman; Vice-President:
Gloria J. Shaheen; Treasurer:
Elizabeth A. Johnson; Secretary:
Marylou H. Sheldon.
Running for the two available
positions on the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics are
William Freehan, '63, and Michael
Joyce, '63Ed.
Competing for the three posi-
tions on the Board in Control of
Student Publications are: Douglas
Vielmetti, '63L; John Feldkamp,
'61; Tom Witecki, '61; Mike Gill-
man, '61.
Candidates for the six avail-
able positions on the Michigan
Union Board of Directors are:
Murry J. Feiwell, '63; Michael E.
Oldham, '63L; Michael Olinick,
'63; Charles H. Matthews, '62BAd.;
Neil G. Cohen, '62; Robert D.
Rosman, '62; Robert I. Hunter,
'62BAd.; Harold N. Diamond, '62
BAd.; David P. Baron, '62E.
Pick Eight
Assembly Chooses Officers
TNine Polls
Assembly Dormitory Council yes-
terday elected Sally Jo Sawyer,
'62, president and Marylou Sel-
don, '62, first vice-president.
The former president was Myra
Goines, '61, and the former vice-
president was Miss Sawyer.
"The main function of the presi-
dent, besides chairing ADC and
the executive board meetings, is
representing the council to other
organizations on the University
campus,' Miss Sawyer said.
She hopes to aid the expansion
of the safety program on campus.
Assembly hopes to be in charge
of the natural disaster portion of
this program, since it already has
organized fire wardens and a fire
drill system in the dormitories.
She is also interested in' the
ADC education committee which
has been investigating possible
uses for money which formerly
was used to finance a Hungarian
student at the University. This
money will be used for a record
lending department, which would
benefit 3,000 students instead of
one, she said.
"The main consideration out-
side of prime duties as vice-
president is to coordinate jobs of
board members and keep things
running smoothly," Miss Seldon
said of her position.
Petitioning for the offices of
second vice-president, secretary
and treasurer, as well as all ADC
committee chairmen, will be open
until Thursday.
Interviewing will take place on
March 23 and 30. The Executive
Board will select new officers and
announce them on League Instal-
lation Night, April 17.
Rusk Requests
Standing UN
Military Force
BERKELEY () - Secretary of
State Dean Rusk yesterday pro-
posed creating a permanent United
Nations military force ready for
immediate use in crisis areas like
the Congo.
Rusk contended that "effective
international police forces are
needed to support the processes of
law" while negotiations continue
seeking effective world disarma-
Dag Hammarskjold, UN secre-
tary-general, experienced difficulty
in recruiting troops for the UN
Congo force and some national
units later were recalled by their
home governments.
"Experience in the Congo sug-
gests that we must turn once more
to the possibility of constituting a
permanent United Nations force,
specifically trained and equipped,
held in readiness, for immediate
use," Rusk said.
He declared United Nations suc-
cess in the Congo was important
to all the world organization s
members, who must look to it for
their safety.
"The United Nations' must ac-
complish its task in the Congo
both because of the Congo and
because it must ready itself for
other, as yet unidentified, crises in
the years ahead. Effective interna-
tional action may be the difference
between war and peace," he said.
"In such situations time is of the
essence and a ready response is
The issue of disarmament, Rusk
said, "needs fresh and imaginative
review by all concerned."
z 7 r1' 1
--Daily-Jerome Starr
NEW ASSEMBLY LEADERS-Sally Jo Sawyer (left) and Mary-
lou Seldon yesterday were elected president and first vice-
president of Assembly.
'M' Minnesota lers
Not To Play Next Year
The Michigan-Minnesota hockey rivalry, always hot and at times
during the past season, sizzling, will get a chance to cool. off next
Michigan Athletic Director H. O. (Fritz) Crisler explained,
"Rather than to risk some explosion as a result of the charged
atmosphere in which the games are played it was mutually decided
to suspend competition for a year."
For Voting
Five Incumbents
Bid for Reelection
In Field of Twelve
Several thousand students a
expected to go to the polls todi
and tomorrow to select eight Sti
dent Government Council men
bers from a field of 12 candidate
Contending for five full yep
terms and three semester tert
are John Curry, '63, Mark Ha
'63, Brian Glick, '62, Kenneth M
Eldowney, '62, Nancy Nassett, '6
James Yost, '62, John Martin, I
and William Gleason, '63.
Incumbents running for re-ele
tion are SGC Executive Vice-Pre
ident Per Hanson, '62, SG
Treasurer Arthur Rosenbaum,'(
Roger Seasonwein, '61, and M.
Hyder Shah, Grad.
Polling Places
Polls will be set up at the Mic
igan League, University museur
the Diag, 'the Fishbowl, Angf
Hall lobby, the UGLI, the Eng
neering Arch, the Michigan U:
ion and the business administr
tion bldg. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.J
today and tomorrow. Voters mtu
present their. student fee receip
(green IBM card) in order to ca
Elections director David, Ca
bon, '62, predicts an election tur
out of over 4,000, but added th
good weather could xaise the t
tal considerably.
Major Issue
A major issue of the campai,
has been how much time SC
should spend on. "off-campu
questions. The candidates' pos
tions range from "SGC has ove
stepped its bounds" to "natior
and international affairs ought
be the concern of students ..
SGC has a responsibility to for
such opinions."
Several problems of stude
rights and academic freedom ha
also cropped up: the use of not
academic evaluations and admi
istrative communication with pa
ents; speaker policy; and the su
mission of membership lists
student organizations.
Full Year Terms
The five full year terms at sta
in this election are regular Con
cil seats presently held by SC
President John Feldkamp, '6
Hanson, Rosenbaum, .Seasonwe
and Shah. One one-half ye
term is the correction of a mi
take in elections made last sprin
The other two half-year pos
tions are the unexpired terms
Lynn Bartlett, '63, and Denn
Shafer, '63, both of whom resig:
ed recently for academic reason
At Minneapolis, Minnesota Ath-
letic Director Ike Armstrong ex-
pressed a slightly different view,
arguing that because "There is no
compulsory scheduling in the
WCHA, Minnesota acceded to the
Michigan request," that the series
be discontinued.
At any rate, the teams will not
meet next year.
The question of renewing com-
petition between the two schools
will be taken up next year, Crisler,
Prof. Marcus Plant of the Law,
School, Big Ten faculty represen-
tative stated that there were no
hard feelings between the two
schools and that the representa-
tives "had a friendly and frank
discussion concerning hockey
games between the two universi-
Michigan Coach Al Renfrew was
unavailable for comment.
During the season the two teams
Bad Paneling
Causes Fire'
In LawQuad
The William W. Cook Room on
the ninth floor of the Legal Re-
search Bldg. was severely dam-
aged by a fire last night, caused
by a radiator overheating deter-
iorating hand-carved wood panel-
Firemen arrived at 11:30 p.m.
but were unable to enter the lock-
ed building as students inside
worked on unaware of the fire,
while students massed outside and
An ornate chandelier, many
bookcases and rare books, curios,
a plush rug, a desk, a bust of
Cook . . . these were some of the
items which were scorched and
coated with soot.
SBromage Supports Con-Con
Those who are obsessed with a
feeling of "danger" when they
think 'of a constitutional conven-
tion are "turning their backs on
democracy," Prof. Arthur W.I
Bromage of the political science
department told a local Citizens
for Michigan' audience last night.
Such an attitude expresses a
lack of faith in the present gener-
ation to create a constitution as
good as the one of 1909, Prof.
Bromage said. The opposition sees
con-con as "a kind of Pandora's
box that when opened will over-
whelm us."
But this is an insult to the voter
as the people will have an oppor-
tunity to reject the new consti-
tution if they deem it unsatisfac-
tory, he added.
Sees GOP Control
Prof. Bromage predicted that
if the electorate votes in favor of
con-con, delegates will probably
be elected on a partisan ticket and
Republicans will control the con-
through New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Southern Michigan and end-
ing with Chicago. "I visualize the
possibility of a loose federation,
forming a great metropolitan gov-
But, so that Michigan urban
areas could participate in such a
federation, or even to form one
on a smaller scale within the
state's borders, there is a possi-
bility that the state's constitution,
with its restrictions and inelas-
ticity, will have to be changed.
Another Concern
Another concern of localities,
which a future convention should
examine, are the ambiguous pow-
ers of taxation with which the old
constitution provides cities and
townships with "home rule," Prof.
Bromage said.
The present legislative statute
allows localities to levy "excise"
taxes, but this hazy terminology
has never been clarified by the
legislature or the courts.
Thus, a "pyramid ofproperty
taxes~".has developed with no di-
Candidates Explain Positions
(EDITOR'S NOTE--This is the
second article in a series which
rounds up the principal views of
Student Government Council candi-
dates, as expressed in their cam-
paign speeches to various open
In brief speeches to housing
units and other campus groups
each Student Government Council
cil candidate has stressed the
areas of his platform with which
he is most concerned.
John Martin, '62, who says that
no SGC member should represent
Student Book Exchange improve-
Speaker Ban
In place of the Communist
speaker ban, he would require a
speaker for democracy to counter
each Communist speaker so that
the experience will be one of en-
lightenment-rather than of propa-
On the question of membership
selection, William Gleason, '63,
says SGC should get at the prob-
lem of attitude. If a local chapter
is working with the national, it
clarified a point in his platfc
in the Daily stating that he si
ports genuine student action w
"non-violent action as one in
series of methods, bu not ae
sole method." Substitution of
rect action for non-violent
tually expresses This meaning.
Nancy Nasset, '63, stresses e4
cational reforms. She sugge
that the present regimented str
ture is unsuited to many qualif
students. She favors an indepei
ent 'study program with differ
criteria from the honors progr
... sees urban problems
vides that if the convention is not
called in 1961, the next chance
wouTn't conme until 1977.