See Page 4
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
Freezing rain ending this
aft.ernoon; partly cloudy tomorrow
I rl l ll q l
VOL. LXXI, No. 119
. i
Sehaadt Probes
Dorm Fee Boost
Sees Possible Limiting of Increase
By Elimination of SundaySuppers
A possible room and board increase in University residence halls
has been brought to the attention of house service chairmen by Leon-
ard A. Schaadt, business manager of residence halls.
Schaadt suggested the elimination of Sunday night supper as an
advantageous means \of minimizing the increase.y r
Assembly Association issued a statement made public yesterday in
which Schaadt explained his position and the basis for his suggestions:
Wages, Costs Rise
"Last year there was no room and board rate increase, although
costs went up in several areas. Employee wages were increased, raw
food prices rose, and the academic
" ~ calendar year included six addi-
Lew is Tells tional days, he said.
"These costs were. all absorbed
in the business operation last
AT P year; but, of course, increasing
operational costs cannot continue
to be, absorbed Indefinitely with-
" y H using out being reflected in room and
For board rates."
The statement also said that
A new plan for University un- "currently about 40 per cent of
dergraduate housing to include the residents do not eat their Sun-
clusters of living units accommo- day evening meal in the residence
dating 30 to 40 students around a hall. Therefore, only about 60 per
central dining and administrative cent of the residents would be
,srea was proposed by Vice-Presi- affected by a decision to eliminate
dent for Student Affairs James A.- the Sunday night suppers."
Lewis to the Regents Friday. 'Sizable Increase'
There has been a movement saving from such a move
by students to private apartment would "amount to roughly $16 per
housing in Ann Arbor" because of student. During the past 10 Years
student dissatisfaction, especially the room and board increases
amon upprclasmen wit theranged up to $50. Thus the savings
ramong upperclassmen, with the could make a sizable' reduction in'
present residence halls, Lewis the rate increase."
sa n now under consideration Schaadt refused to quote figures
.ln no about the exact increase. He stated
by the administration are design- that he would probably know in
ed to overcome this dissatisfaction "three or four weeks" when the
by providing upperclassmen with state legislature allots its money
the opportunity to live in apart- to the University.
ment or suite accommodations - Schaadt feels that the residence
giving tudents more privacy in hall employees will demand salary
their senior year," Lewis pointed increases in keeping with those
out. allotted to other non-faculty mem-
Responsible for Meals hers by the University.-
" Students would be responsible
for getting their own meals under
this plan. They would also do Foresee End
their own housekeeping chores,
Lewis noted. To
"It will end up, I think, with
three or four, or possibly six to
eight apartment units or suites for LONDON (M)-Western diplo-
from 30 to 40 students each" sur- mats reported yesterday the So-
rounding an all-purpose living and viet Union is expected to abandon
dining area, he said. direct censorship of stories writ-
Another aspect of the proposal ten by foreign correspondents be-
is that it "will retain some of the ginning tomorrow.
benefits 'of present University Information from Moscow sug-
housing, and still incorporate some gested that correspondents will no
of the advantages of co-operative longer have to submit their work
living," Lewis"pointed out. to anonymous censors in the cen-
Explains Economics tral telegraph office; but in place
of direct censorship there is like-
Regent Irene Murphy of Bir- ly to be a form of voluntary cen-
mingham explained an economic sorship.
measure embodied in the plan,
citing the fact that "the large
residence halls capture students R ussians S in
in a, rising price. structure." i
Lewis said that plans were not
well enough advanced that it is. F
known where the new units would or Educatio
be located. He added that they
will not necessarily be built on
thecentral campus or in that im- (EDITOR'S- NOTE-Vice-President
sadhe did not definitely know of an,
mediate area. program, but that he hoped some we
"We now have plans for an un-
dergraduate residence hall on the By OSGOOD
North Campus," he said. MOSCOW-The Soviet Union
"We are also starting to think the American Council of Learned S
about graduate housing for single seminars and research programs in
students. But at this point there' i
isn't much I would want to say This effect is an extension
about it. under way between the Soviet Aca
The cost of construction for Academy of Science in the United
the new residences is still unde- other subjects.
termined. . The agreement reached Friday
of considerable groundwork. It requ
tions between the head of the<
Bill Denands Soviet academy, Prof. Alexandr N.
Nesmeyanov, and two visiting
ore Training American professors noted for
Mh rhse.e T atg their work in the study of Russian
A bill has been introduced into. and Soviet affairs.
the state legislature which, if The two Americans are Fred-
passed before the May 12 adjourn- erick Burkhardt, president of the
ment date, would require teachers American Council of American
in the state-controlled .olleg'es Learned Societies, and Phillip E.
ave profes- Mosely, chairman of the Society
and universities to have'pofs
sional education courses in their of Scientific Research and director
background. of research in the Council of For-
Elementary, secondary, and eign Relations.
Elmentay, co ndahr, and The agreement for the exchange
community college teachers are of outstanding Soviet and Ameri-.
now required to have taken edu- can scholars in literature, history,
cation courses, such as history of economy, law and dramatic criti-
education or methods courses, butcimstoakefetnxSpe-
coege an universit tehercism is to take effect next Septem-
are not. ber.-
ar no .r rn &- -1.. .n _-. ._
o Move Set
Against Unit
Of Delta Chi
The national president of Delta
Chi fraternity, Louis Armstrong,
said yesterday that "as far as the
national officers were concerned"
no action would be taken against
the University of Iowa chapter
which pledged a Negro student
Thursday night.
Armstrong said that since 1954,
when the national convention at
Beloxi, Mississippi removed a con-
stitutional restriction on race there
has been no membership clauses
regarding race, creed or religion.
Since that time many Japanese
students have been pledged, he
This is the first instance of
pledging a Negro of which he
Could Revoke Charter
Whatever action will be taken
must come from the fraternity's
national, convention which could
revoke the Iowa chapter's consti-
tution by a four-fifths vote. The
only action the national officers
would take toward the chapter in
this case would be to uphold the
national constitution,. Armstrong
The president of the Iowa chap-
ter, Richard'Boe, does not foresee
any reaction. He said that the
campus and administration as
well as the alumni "strongly back
the move."
Art Schwartz, president of the
Lake Forest chapter, hailed the
action as further evidence of local
autonomy and lack of discrimina,
tion. Some members of the Lake
Forest unit had formed a local
fraternity in protest over alleged
discrimination in national policy.
The president of this splinter
group could not be reached for
Both the Iowa and Lake Forest
chapters said they interpret the
national constitution's member-
ship clause which states only that
any male student is eligible to
pledge as meaning they "can take
whomever they wish without re-
gard to race, religion or color."
nal Exchange
for University Relations Lyle Nelson
y University professors incuded in the -
mld be selected to participate.)
signed an agreement Friday with
cientists of an exchange of lectures,
Sthe humanities and social sciences.
of a program of exchanges already
demy of Sciences and the National
States in the study of physics and
,modest though it was, was a result
ired only two days of final negotia-
Candidates Split on Emphasis
Called 'Obvious Step
After Scheub Report
Moch To Seek Approval Thursda'
Hopes To See Meeting in April
Top Inter-Quadrangle officers yesterday called for a conferen
on the quadrangle system in which students, faculty and administ:
tors would delve into the major problems confronting the men's re
dence halls.
IQC President Thomas Moch. '62,.speaking for the council's exec
tive cabinet, said the conference could be planned and organiz
quickly enough to present it on April 15. Moch will ask IQC to i
prove the idea at its meeting Thursday night.
He labelled the conference an "obvious step to follow" the s'
dent opinion poll conducted in East Quad last spring and made pub
this week. "We are interested in getting at the problems that a
really basic to the residence hall houses at this tim," he said.
Lehmann Offers Help
As IQC interest in the survey grew, Prof. Charles Lehmann
the education school, who is chairman of the Faculty Senate's stude
A majority of the twelve candi-
dates for Student Government
Council agree that SGC. should
concern itself to some extent with
"off-campus" issues.
They disagree, however, as to
how much emphasis should be
placed on such questions.
Bill Gleason, '63, said, "It is
absurd to classify people by the
label 'on-' or off'-campus issue
candidates. All issues of impor-
tance should be considered by the
Council, but only if they are rele-
vant and concern the students of
the University."
Draws Distinction
James Yost, '62, distinguished
between those issues which should
be discussed and those which
should be acted upon. He cited
the motion on the House Un-
American Activities Committee
film "Operation Abolition" as one
which should have been discussed
by the Council and not acted up-
"It is important that the Coun-
cil represent student opinion," he
The four candidates of the Voice
political party-incumbent Roger
Seasonwein, '61; Kenneth McEl-
downey, '62; Nancy Nassett, '63,
and Brian Glick, '62, have all
placed aheavy emphasis on the
importance of "off-campus" is-
sues. "The criterion for determin-
ing an issue's importance to SGC
is not its geographical origin but
whether it is of concern to respon-
sible students," Seasonwein said.
Based on Theory
Glick noted the question of "off-
campus" issues is related to the
question of theories of representa-
tion. "Council members should not
be expected to reflect the opinions
of the majority of the constitu-
Unmanned Space Capsule
Undeross Successful Test
WASHINGTON (A)--An unmanned Mercury space capsule suc-
cessfully underwent its most punishing test yet over the Virginia coast
"If it were a manned flight, a man could have gone through it
satisfactorily," said William H. Bland, assistant chief of the Mercury
space task group.
The shot at Wallops Island, Va., was to test the escape mechanism
'for the space capsule under the worst possible conditions. It may be
the last test needed before a similar capsule carries a man ona
125-mile high, 200-mile' long flight from Cape Canaveral, Fla., down
the Atlantic range. After that, comes an attempt to put a man in orbit
° around the earth. The capsule was
lofted today by a Little Joe rocket,
MrA k a squat 25-foot booster. It soared
M r Ato about 40,000 feet, where it de-
ents," he commented, "but should
represent their constituents to the
best of their knowledge and abil-
Miss Nassett commented that
the Voice platform was based on
the principle that "issues of con-
cern to students of other campuses
are a concern to this campus. One
of the issues of the campaign is a
liberal interpretation of the Coun-
cil plan."
McEldowney explained that ex-
pression of student opinion 'was a
specific function of the Council
plan, and praised SGC's growing
awareness of student issues.
Halt Interference
SGC Treasurer Arthur Rosen-
baum, '62, and John Curry, '63,
said off-campus issues were a
proper concern of the Council
but should not interfere with its
obligations to the campus. Rosen-
baum noted that he had supported
the great majority of motions that
had come before the Council on
off-campus' issues but his primary
interests were not in these issues.
"There is no causal link between
the greater emphasis on 'off'-
campus issues and tie less empha-
sis on the Council's responsibili-
ties to student activities, but the
Council can only'be effective if it
is sufficiently concerned with both
national student issues and local
campus student activities."
See SGC, Page 5
MSU Clown
youngsters dream at one time
or another of running away to
join a circus.
Prof. Charles W. Boas is mak-
ing the dream a reality. His de-
cision is somewhat unusual in
that Boas is quitting a position
as a university professor to be-
come a clown in the circus.
Boas, who received his Doctor
of Philosophy degree from the
University is married, the father
of four children and an assist-
ant professor of geography at
Michigan State University.
But he's always been fasci-
nated by circuses and clowning.
He has written extensively on
the subject and became an au-.
thority on the history of the
He has moved his family out
of their home into a trailer and
will go on the road tomorrow
with the Penny Brothers Circus.
He plans to continue writing
and research into the history of
clowning and circuses.
"It's something I've always
wanted to do," Boas said, "and
I realized I wouldn't be happy
until I tried it.
"It's not that I'm dissatis-
fled with teaching," he ex-
plained. "I have strong regrets
about leaving the university. It's
just that I think I'll be happier
in the big top than the Big
Civil Rights
onstrators for racially mixed eat-
ing facilities marched, motorcaded
and prayed here yesterday but
made no effort to test a freshly is-
sued court order.
A 17-car motorcade, headed by
a hearse, moved in funeral fashion
through the downtown area while
marchers passed in front of a
department store which bans Ne-
groes from its restaurant.
The marchers-mostly Negroes-
hummed hymns. The motorcade
carried signs which read, "help
bury Jim Crow," "Segregation is
only skin deep." The vehicles were
trimmed with black crepe paper.
Judge Glen O. Morris issued a
temporary restraining order
Thursday barring demonstrators
from congregating in the buildings
at the cafeteria entrances.
In Kansas City yesterday, seven
retail stores were picketed by
members of the National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Col-
ored People and the Community
Committee for Social Action.
tached from the rocket with its
escape rockets, designed to save
an astronaut's life if something
goes wrong in a future launching.
The- capsule broke out para-
chutes and floated down to the
Atlantic, landing 14 miles beyond
where it was expected because of
high winds. The trip took 23 min-
utes. The capsule was picked up
by a Navy tug within an hour.
Bland said the only thing ab-
normal was that both the capsule's
parachutes opened at once.
Timing Not Right
"We did not achieve all test
objectives," he said. "The timing
of the parachute opening ,was not
quite right. All parachutes appar-
ently came out at the same time.
"We'll have to study the records
and the capsule to determine what
happened. This is not significant
in itself. The test demonstration
of the capsule escape system was
at the worst conditions that could
ever occur.",
In one of the previous tests the
escape rockets went off before the
booster was launched,; lobbing the
capsule ignominiously into the
Wallops Island surf. -
relations committee, said yester-c
day the .committee would consider
student opinion on the 'quad-
rangles if the matter were brought
to it.
The Senate established the com-
mittee in 1957 to "give advice to
students and help them," Prof.
Lehmann explained. Although it
has been concerned mostly with
,student government, its interests
"could be broadened."
"It is appropiate that any stu-
dent concerW such as this come
before the &mmittee."
Moch Cites Purpose
"One of the complaints abouta
the opinion survey was that it only,
represented 40 men in one .quad-;
rangle. Our conference will get at
problems current throughout the
;whole system and will tell us what.
we should really concentrate on
The conference proposal delin-
eates ten major areas of concern:
staff, food and dining room serv-
ice, house activities and programs,
regulations, the Michigan House
Plan, facilities and services, stu-
dent government, judiciaries, fra-
ternities and the administration.
Moch explained that 25 to 30
University and residence hall ad-
ministrators, including University
President Harlan Hatcher, Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James. A. Lewis,' and Dean of *~en
Walter B. ea, would be "invited.
Roger Pfeuffer, '63, IQC's see
retary-treasurer, suggested the
idea to tle executive cabinet be-
cause "It will bring student gov-
ernment and administrators face
to face and thus aid, at least as a
start, in solving the communica-
tion problems."
Moch envisioned the conference
starting with an address by Presi-
dent Hatcher and then breaking
up into small groups of 15 to 20
persons who would discuss one of
the 10 topics.
Three such discussion periods
would be set up so that each in-
dividual could air opinions on a.
variety of problems," Moch ex-
Scheub Calb
Quad Chauig
Associate City Editor
The ex-resident hall direc
Harold Scheub, who last spi
conducted the East Quadran
study charged last night t
major changes must be made if
residence halls are to become ai
thing but "hotels or refueling
James A. Lewis, vice-presid
f or student affairs, said last ni
that when he and Dean of N
...views report
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Middle English Dictionary Nears Completion
Virtually hidden on the quasi-
legendary fifth floor of Angell
Hall, and almost unknown to the
outside world, the University's
major research project in the hu-
manities - the Middle English
Dictionary-is in the midst of
seeing its fourth imposing volume
The "MED" as it is affection-
ately called by its 1,073 subscribers
throughout the literate world, has'
been hailed by eminent scholars
as "one of the tres grandes
achievements of the twentieth cen-
tury-a monumental accomplish-
Under the direction of the fourth
editor, Prof. Hans Kurath of the
English department, eight full
housed. Two million little white
slips sit neatly arranged, patiently
awaiting that hour when they will
become an "official cross refer-
ence" in printed form.
Prof. Kurath waves his arms
with a little awe as he points
to the 150 feet of iron bookcases
which house all the texts that
the 500 had to scrutinize.
The present editor is probably
the first however, who has ever
seen the end in sight. Although'
Dr. Kurath, who has directed the
Dictionary since 1946, refuses to
say when this day will be, some
how one gets the feeling that he
Barring "the numerous problems
which make my work so interest-
ing." Prof. Kurath feels that . the
society, covers almost everything
written in English from the Nor-
man Conquest till the invention of
"In the long run," says Prof.
Kurath, removing his green edi-
tor's visor and puffing on his
pipe, "we want to understand the
human being-the way he lives
and the way he used to live. Lit-
erature and the various arts never
lose their value for him. But, "in
'war time' the humanities are
silent," he continues.
Questions Purpose
Gazing at the hundreds of vol-
umes that line the walls of his
office, he wonders "after we've
survived, what have we survived
for?" The MED may help us if
somenne ever decides that he
Walter B. Rea visited 30 hou
in the quads this fall "we fou
few complaints. Most of the m
were quite satisfied."
Scheub, calling from Valpara
University in Indiana where
teaches English, supported the z
leasing of the report by Anders
House Resident Advisor Herb
Answers Criticisms
Answering charges that the i
port was of' little value becai;
of invalid survey methods, Sche
said that it would be unfortuna
if the research techniques becor
the target of the controversy. "'I
major problem will thereby
put aside in favor of extranec
bickering. There are problems
the residence halls. Anyone w
refuses to accept this fact of i
sidence hall life is out of tot
with the student mind.
"I am not sure," he said, "th
every student who has come ir
the dean's office has followed i
ceptable research methods a
questioning techniques in maki
his opinions and criticisms knol
Feel 'Helpless'
Commenting on Sigman's bel
that the men in the residence ha
feel "helpless" and "unhapi
about directing their own liv
Lewis said that this was one
the reasons that he and Rea "we
Ferris N. Crawford, of the Mich-
igan Department of Public In-
structlon's higher education and
certification division, said the
state had 809 teachers on the
college-university rolls during the
last school year. .
The two nations will send three
lecturers each for short visits to
conduct discussions of these sub-
Professor Mosely said that the
Americans had been tentatively
selected but that their names
would not yet be made public
because of possible changes in the
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