THE MICHIGAN DAILY F IAY. ; THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. DA ILY OFFICIA L BU L LETIN " , Open every afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and all day Friday. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Bureau of Naval Weapons, Wash., D.C. -Electronic and general Engineers for Special Pronects Office. Specialized ex-: per. req. for work on POLARIS. United Presbyterian Church, Bd. of Nat. Missions, NYC-Seniors, recent grads as health & welfare personnel- case worker, program director, nurses, doctors, physical therapist, med. tech- nologist, ministers, etc. Positions throughout U.S. and Puerto Rico. Ordnance Tank Automotive Com- mand, Detroit-Statistician - immed. opening; some probability & theory. Background in math & stat.-some ex- per. req. No exam req. for this position. Nationally Known Food Co.-Several Sales Reps. needed in various major cities. Salaried positions. Recent grads, any field, for jr. positions. Sr. posi- tions req. approx. 5 yrs. exper. Inter- views scheduled for Cleveland, Pitts- burgh & Cincinnati in April & May; other interviews to be arranged. Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. - Industrial Engnr.-BSIE or ME, or MBA with BS in Sci. or Engrg. Sales Rep.- BS in Pharm., Vet. Medicine or Chem. (Location: Omaha, Nebraska). Men or WOMEN as Analytical Chemist-MS in Chem.-& Associate Analytical Chem- ist-BS Chem. U.S. Army Language School, Monter- ey, Calif.-Foreign Language Trng. In- structor. U.S. citizenship NOT required. To teach adults one of 28 langs. offer- ed. College degree or 2 yrs. college- level trng. & 2 yrs. teaching, writing or related exper. Must have native lang. ability in lang. to be taught plus ade- quate knowledge of English. Please contact Bureau of Appts., 4021 Admin., Ext. 3371 for further in- formation. ARBORDALE SHOPPING CENTER --1,200 people needed to fill part- time *or full-time positions at 41 shops, restaurants, service stations, etc., upon completion of new shop- ping center at Washtenaw & U.S. 23, fall, 1961. Applications Available Now at local Mich. Employment Se- curity Comm. office, 111 Felch' St. Choice of jobs among 20, 30 occupa- tions including sales, clerical, bkkg., managerial, etc. Part-Time Employment The following part - time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non-Academic Personnel Office Room 1020 Administra- tion Building, during the following hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring part- time or temporary employes should contact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, ext. 2939. Students desiring miscellaneous jobs should consult the bulletin board in Rm. 1020 daily. Organization NoticesI Baha'i Student Group, Meeting, Mar. 17, 8 p.m., 517 Oswego. Speaker: Jane Faily, "The Problem of Faith." Call NO 5-5334 for transportation. * e Latvian Students' Club, Latvian-Lith- uanian-Am. Night, Movies, Entertain- ment, Refreshments and Dancing, Mar. 17, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. * * * Newman Club, St. Patrick's Day Par- ty, Mar. 17. 8:30 p n.; Constitutional Reform Meeting, Mar. 17, 8 p.m.; 2nd Constitutional Reform Meeting, Mar. 19, 8:30 p.m.; 331 Thompson. MALE 1-Experienced salesman, for men's wear Monday thru Thursday 1-6 p.m., Friday 1-9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. til 6 p.m. 1-Experienced Golf instructor, prefer grad. student afternoons & eve- nings, hours flexible. 3-Salesmen, commission basis, must have car. 2-Electronics technicians, 30 hours or more per week. 2-Experienced car salesmen, as many hours as possible. 1-Meal job. FEMALE 1--Secretary full-time for six weeks. 11-Psychological subjects, two 11 hour periods, total time. 1-Student wife, with training in Arts & Crafts or occupational therapy, 9a 30 a.m., Mon.-Fri. 8-Psychological subjects, (21 or over, for drug experiments). 'Plan To Host Candidates For, Debate The Michigan Union will spon- sor a political rally to give Stu- dent Government Council candi- dates an opportunity to present their platforms and answer ques- tions, Robert Flaxman, '64, chair- man of the special events commit- tee, said yesterday. John Feldkamp, SOC president, will moderate the discussion, which is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the third floor con- ference room. Candidates will also discuss pre- pared questions submitted by var- ious campus organizations. I U I MUSIC sops 417 E. Liberty NO 2-0675 _I _ Subscribe to The Michigan Daily F s U Experience is Essential for Union Board of Directors ELECT' Robert Rosman Neil Cohen Ian Hunter David Baron former Union Executive Council Members development council. concert RAY CHARLES April 12 I-, TICKETS AVAILABLE IN ON MARCH 20... 1 UNION LOBBY - 5 P.M. I I :.Z I R UBA IYAT Continental Dining 341 SOUTH MAIN... NO 3-2701 o ANNOUNCING A NEW PROGRAM . "Nationality Nights" -small complete dinner from appetizer to dessert pertaining to a certain nationality. Wed., Mar. 22,1961,6 P.M. IJ ""RUSSIAN NIGHT"_ The food and drinks of old Russia with background music , and atmosphere around a Russian Samovar. L =>tsoto=o0 o0G30 <==>0<==>t<==>0 0432 VA SPAGHETTI, lV L fHOUSE and other ITALIAN SPEQIALTIES CARRY OUT & DELIVERIES 301 E. Liberty NO 3-7363. Closed Monday L THOMPSON'S RESTAURANT felapu'u P lJne 9#j4 offers you a taste treat of a traditional Italian dish P1ZZA]