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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXI, No.117
Lutherans F'ound
unor College
Two-Year School May Be Erected
At Location in North Campus Area
Plans for a new junior college near North Campus, scheduled to
open in 1963, were revealed yesterday.
The $6 million college will be built on a 210-acre site in Ann
Arbor township by the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. It will
open with approximately 400 students and will eventually hold be-
tween 600 and 1,200.
Announcement of these plans was made by Martin E. Strieter of
Rock Island, Ili., treasurer of the synod.
Sign Papers
Church officials signed papers yesterday to purchase the site two
miles east of the city from the Richard Earhart Estate Foundation.
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PhiP BetsSet
For Officials
National officers of Phi Delta
Theta plan to visit their rebellious
Lake Forest chapter "within the
next day or two," a member of
the Lake Forest group said last
night. '
Leonard Walters,-vice-president
of the local chapter, said he had
been told that a national council
was coming to re-investigate the
situation at Lake Forest. The o-
cal chapter announced Wednes-
day it was going to repledge a
Jewish student the national had
ordered depledged.
Phi Delts' national executive
secretary, Robert Miller,. claimed,
however, that he knew of no action
the national was planning. "I
don't even know if the announce-
ment from Lake Forest is true. I
haven't had any contact from the
group. I didn't- know anything
about it until I read it in the
Miller is in charge of the na-
tional headquarters of Phi Delta
Theta in Oxford, Ohio.
In announcing its intention to
repledge the Jewish student, the
Lake Forest chapter said it was
prepared to ask a court injuhc-
tion preventing the national from
revoking or suspending its char-
A five man high council ordered
the depledging of freshman Don-
ald Schiller in February because
it felt that the fraternity wanted
only members with "Christian be-
Senate Argues
Church . School
WASHINGTON (,P) --Federal
aid for church-operated schools,
came under renewed attack yes-
terday and a Catholic senator who
favors such support said he doubts
it can win Senate approval.
Paul S. Blanshard, well known
as a writer on church-state mat-
ters, strongly criticized any fed-
eral aid to church schools and
called on Americans to "stand up
and be counted" on the issue.
Favors Aid
Sen. Philip A. Hart ID-Mich)
told a news conference he thinks
federal lending to parochial
schools would be constitutional
and he favors it-providing in-
sistence on it would not block
passage of the administration's
$2.3 billion aid program.
But, he added, "I doubt if there
are the "votesto do it, either by
an amendment or a separate
President John F. Kennedy has
taken the position direct aid or
loans to private and church schools
would be unconstitutional. But he
has suggested that the matter be
taken up in a separate bill rather
than being tied into his pending
Keep Hands Off
Meanwhile, t h e Republican
leadership in Congress pursued a
hands-off course in the mounting
debate. Sen. Everett M. Dirksen
of Illinois, Senate minority lead-
er, told newsmen the loan pro-
posal was not even discussed in a
meeting of Senate and House GOP
leaders yesterday. Nor, he added,
has it been considered in any oth-
er leadership meeting.
Blanshard's testimony was part
of a day-long debate before a
House subcommittee in which a
uonsTrucion is expeced to e-
gin this fall.
The coeducational institution,
as yet unnamed and without a
president, will provide Juniorucol-
lege courses on the freshman and
sophomore level. The majority of
students will train as pastors,
Lutheran high school teachers and
deaconesses of the church, Strie-
ter explained.
The, church's 2.3 million synod
supports three senior colleges,
where the students may transfer
for advanced work, two seminar-
ies and nine other junior colleges.
Housing for approximately 400
students will be provided initially.
Site Adviser
Prof. John W. Hyde, of the
architecture college, acted as con-
tinuing adviser on site selection.
for the church group. He said, he
knew of no official plans for any
official connection with the Uni-
However, the Ann Arbor site
was chosen partially because of
"the possibility of interchange in
scholarly and research areas" be-
tween the two institutions, Prof.
Hyde said.
Site selection was made by a
higher education board consisting
of Samuel J. Roth, superintendent
of Michigan Lutheran schools, and
Prof. Louis A. Wolfanger of Mich-
igan State' University.
ApoinTW TO
Of .'U', Staff'
Two members of the University
faculty have been named to gov-
ernmental posts.
Wray Smith,. assistant 'director
of the Institute of Science and
Technology, was appointed chief
of the, education staff of the
House-Educationaland Labor
Committee by Chairman Adam
Clayton Powell (D-NY) yester-
Prof. Myron E. Wegman, dean
of the public health school, was
chosen as one of a group of 25
experts who will advise President'
John F. Kennedy on federal ac-
tion in a national attack on can-
cer and heart disease.
Kennedy announced appoint-
ment of the group at his Wednes-
day press conference.
Wegman is awaiting further de-
tails of Kennedy's charge, but
says that the group will be di-
vided into several smaller groups
to consider such problems as ba-
sic and clinical research, man-
power and community service and
public education. Wegman will
serve with the latter unit.
The entire group will meet at
the end of the month in New York.
After further meetings, it will pre-
sent recommendations to Kenne-
dy on April 22.
Regents To View.
sU WUCourses,
The proposed agreement between the University and Wayne
State University to allow students at either school to take courses
for credit at the other school will head the list of items to be con-
sidered' by the Regents at their meeting at 2 p.m. today in the
Regents Room of the Administration Bldg.
Under the program passed by the WSU Board of Governors
Wednesday, students would pay tuition at one school and, with the
dean or department head's permission, take graduate, advanced
wand special courses at the other
Meteor Holds
Life Signs
NEW YORK WP)-New signs of
life from somewhere in space
have been found in chips of a
meteorite that fell to earth 97
years ago, scientists reported yes-
This may be the first concrete
evidence that life exists or did
exist on some other planet than
Traces of wax-like substances
were found in the meteorite -
substances which had their origin
in living matter, the scientists
High Carbon
The meteorite sample also
showed a high content of organ-
ic carbon-a raw material of life.
The wax-like substances-hy-
drocarbons-amounted to a few
parts per thousand in the meteor-
ite chips. In most earth soils it is
measured as less than 50 parts
per million. Other hydrocarbons
similar to those found in plants
and animals were also detected.
Where on earth would amounts
of the hydrocarbons be similar to
the amounts measured in the me-
teorite? Perhaps in swampy areas.
One swamp in Sumatra has soil
with a hydrocarbon content of
two parts per thousand.
Fell in France
The meteorite fell near Orgueil,
France, May 14, 1864. It was seen'
,by many people as it entered the
earth's atmosphere and exploded.
Chips from one fragment were
obtained from the American Mu-
seum of Natural History in New
York City by Prof. Bartholomew'
Nagy, a 34-year-old Hungarian-
born member of the chemistry de-
partment of Fordham University.
Grant Funds
For 'U'Study
A five-year grant for virus study
has been awarded to a research
team to be directed by Prof.
Thomas Francis, Jr., chairman of
the University's epidemeology de-
The award, made by the Na-l
tional Foundation, grants $178,-l
969 for the first year of study.
school. Regent Charles Kennedy
of Detroit gave his tentative per-
sonal support to the plan as did
Regent Eugene Power of Ann Ar-
bor and Regent Donald Thurber
of Detroit.
Kennedy Favors
"So far as my knowledge goes,
I am in favor of the proposal,"
Kennedy said. "I, however, could
not definitely state my opinion
until after further discussion.
"WSU and the University both
have fields of special interest and
the exchange of these ideas is
good. In fact, the exchange of
ideas is the purpose of any uni-
Power said Wednesday he was
personally in favor of the plan
and cited it as "another example
of how two universities working
together with mutual trust and
cooperation could better serve stu-
dents and the state."
Thurber Approves
Thurber said yesterday that he
was "generally favorable to such
arrangements," and believed it
would be of "mutual benefit to the
students, institutions and, stan-
dards," of the two universities.
Another item on the Regents'
agenda will be the acceptance of
the annual report on the Board
of Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics from Herbert O. Crisler,
athletic director.
The Regents will also consider
a proposal to change the depart-
mental structure in the public
health school.
Better Focus
"The plan is designed to put
into better focus the nine sub-
units of the present public health
practice department, one of five
departments within the school,"
Prof. Myron Wegman, Dean of the
school, explained.
The proposal would divide the
present department into two
separate but related departments.
The first would be community
health services, which would work
mainly with problems of providing
direct services to the population,
Prof. Wegman said.
Health Development
The other division would , be
health development, and would be
concerned with those problems of
specific areas, such as maternal
and child health nutrition, mental
health, health education of the
public and dental health, Prof.
Wegman said.
Russian Professor Fascinated by Siberian Area
"If I were young again, I would
want to go to Siberia," Prof. Julian
Saushkin, head of the department
of economic geography of Moscow
University, said,. "because there
are so many possibilities for the
future there."
As an economic geographer,
Prof. Saushkin's ultimate concern
is with regional and inter-regional
development problems.
The young professor, who visited
the University yesterday, declined
to reveal his age, but has been
teaching at Moscow University for
"many, many years."
Visited as Student
change with Columbia University,
Prof. Saushkin's busy itinerary
includes lectures at Columbia,
Yale University, the universities
of Illinois, Wisconsin, Chicago and
two lectures at the United Nations
for geography experts, before his
return to Russia March 23.
Invited Here
Prof. Shaushkin attributes his
visit to the University to Prof.
George Kish of the geography de-
partment. "He invited me to lec-
ture here when he heard of my
trip. We met five years ago at
the International Geography Con-
ference in Rio de Janeiro and have
remaned riens evr sic,,