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March 16, 1961 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-16

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BET BW HA To Battle aNAA Tourney Oens

ment. Tonight St. Lawrence and
Rensselaer square off for the du-
bious honor of meeting the west-
ern representative in the finals
Denver is expected to walk off
with their second consecutive title,
but Minnesota could upset the
apple cart.
"If the Gophers get outstanding
goaltending from Mike Larson
they could beat Denver-once,"

said Renfrew. "If the teams were
to meet in a six-game series,
though, Denver would win the
other five."
The Pioneers coasted through
the regular season, scattering rec-
ords along their march, with a
28-1-1 record. The only team to
beat them was Michigan Tech,
3-2, on Houghton ice.
Neither Eastern team is ex-
pected to provide much of a threat

to either western squad despite
the fine records of the eastern
St. Lawrence, 16-4, has beaten
Rensselaer, 16-3-1, twice, 4-3 and
5-4, but RPI is currently riding a
15-game winning streak. Earlier
this year the Laurries split with
WCHA also-ran Michigan State,
winning 6-2 and losing 8-5, in
their only test against western

Chicago, Detroit Battle to Tie

Another possibility would be re-
verting to the method used by the CHICAGO - Bobby Hull's 31st
>ld WIHL. This system, was also goal of the season gave the Chi-
based on points, but if a team cago Black Hawks a 2-2 tie with
schedules another only twice in- the Detroit Red Wings in a Na-
stead of the customary four times, tional Hockey League game at the
each game would be worth four Chicago Stadium last night.
points. The deadlock wound up the
"Certainly something has to be regular home season for the third
lons," commented Michigan Coach place Hawks. It was their 17th
Al Renfrew. "It's not fair the way tie of the year.
it is." Hull beat Detroit's alternate
Under the present system, Min- goalie Hank Bassen from close in
nesota refused to schedule Den- after taking a pass-out from line-
ver's powerhouse in the regular mate Red Hay late in the final
season and emerged with second period. Hay also had set up Mur-
place and home ice for the league ray Balfour for the Hawks other
playoffs. Michigan, though they score, a first period tally which
whipped the Gophers three of four off-set a Detroit score by Alex
times during the season, lost to Delvecchio.
the Pioneers four times.
With the home ice advantage l Fontsyne ut-th
last week, Minnesota outscored place Wings ahead 2-1 at 4.53 of
the Wolverines, 6-4, and gained the final period.
the NCAA bid.
Play Denver College Scores
The Gophers, however, run into NCAA Tournament
the Pioneers tomorrow night in Houston 77, Marquette 61
the second game of the tourna- Arizona state 72, Seattle 70
Sig Eps, SAE Triumph;
Gain Fraternity Finals
By GEORGE WANSTALL bounding and jump shooting of
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Hap Lyndell was sufficient, how-
Alpha Epsilon edged their way ever, to give the SAE's the margin
into the finals of the social frater- of victory.
nity I-M "B" basketball first-place Larry Morawa and John Lenge-
playoffs last night. Delta Chi, while Phi Sigma Delta's
The Sid Eps whipped Sigma Chi eight points, respectively. Lyn-
36-31 i, the first game and were dell finished the night with 13,
followed by SAE's 34-32 victory high for the winners.
over Delta Upsilon. Second Place
The Sig Eps, paced by Joe Mer- In the second place playoffs, Phi
ullo's 24 points and the rebound- Delta Theta, paced by Jim Harris'
ing strength of Russ Ott, led off 20 points and John Mans' 15,
the second half with ten straight gained a berth in the finals, whip-
points and were home to stay be- ping Psi Upsilon, 68-26. Theta Xi
fore the final period was three will oppose the Phi Delts on the
minutes old. strength of thir 47-15 trouncing
Tied 16-16 at the halfway point of hapless Phi Kappa Psi. Gerry
Merullo and company set a vigor- Bennington was high man for the
ous pace in 'spite of Ott's fourth winners with 21 points.
personal which. forced him to the Theta Delta Chi and Alpha Ep-
sidelines most of the period. Dave silon Pi will meet in the finals of
Drury filled the gap, however, the third-place playoffs as a result
completely erasing Sig Chi's bid of their victories over Kappa Sig-
for victory. ma and Tau Delta Phi, respective-
Closest Score Ay. The AE Pi's outscored the K
The final score was the closest Sigs 26-11 while the Theta Delts
the losers could come in the final qualified by a 25-21 margin.
15 minutes of play. A forfeit and a rout marked the
For the Sig Chis, varsity tackle semi-final action in fourth-place
John Schopf gained the rebound play. Phi Kappa Sigma was
honors while Friz Heineman led awarded a forfeit victory over the
the team scoring with ten points. Delta Chi, while Psi Sigma Delta's
The SAE's had similar difficul- 77-11 swamping of Delta Sigma
ties in overtaking DU to claim Phi was more than sufficient to
---------U--- 4--+1h a 1A ti insure them a final berth.

Bassen replaced Terry Sawehuck
in the Detroit goal midway in the
second period to enable Sawchuck
to rest an injured leg.
BOSTON - The Boston Bruins,
scoring twice while shorthanded,
beat New York 6-2 last night in
a National Hockey League game
in which nothing at all was at

The Rangers, solidly planted in
fifth place, were listless against
their favorite whipping boy. Bos-
ton, secure in last place, skated
surprisingly well in winning its
third game in 14 matches with
New York this season.
A three-goal burst in the middle
period by Murray Oliver, Charley
Burns and Johnny Bucky gave the
Bruins a 4-1 lead that was too
much for New York to overcome.

... gets tying goal


Capt. 6esv

Are there -times,
when you just feel
like screaming?
Like chucking
it all?
Well-take a
breather -


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