THE It CHIGAN DAILY .dents Interviewed Criticize Houses ing questions and re- esent a sampling from vered by the Survey pinion in East Quad- 1 T .I rangle, June 1960. The section on study opportu- nites ascertained that most of the students interviewed did their studying in their rooms and were in favor of quiet hours, although they differed as to who should enforce quiet hours-staff, stu- dents or a combination. Do you feel that it is impor- tant for a house to attempt to create an atmosphere in which study can take place? Respondent 1: It's not that im- portant. The general atmosphere in the quad is not that conducive to. study. Quiet hours is a farce. The residence halls are to live in. Study is not one of the important functions of the quad. Respondent 28: Definitely. But the atmosphere for study should not shut out other things. There should be balance. Respondent 34: Yes, very impor- tant. Something is lacking in this University system, there's not enough' intellectual- atmosphere.; There are too many distractions. Scholastic achievement is not en- couraged. Students are not chal- lenged. There is no incentive to study. Atmosphere is important, and there is a lot more to this than atmosphere ... * , * In the section on house and quadrangle facilities, the students commented negatively on dining facilities, dress regulations, Ben- zinger Library, 'the phone system, laundry facilities, the vending room, the recreation room, maid service, general maintenance and restrictions on Women guests in the residence halls. Do you have any comments, about the dining room? Food. Dress XRegulations. The Gen- eral Environment. Respondent 3: The food can be improved mainly with food plan- ning . . . Have a questionnaire once each month to plan the menus closer to what the. men want. The .general attitude of the dietitian should, be directed more to the men and their likes. Now the dietitians are just doing things that we have to put up with. Respondent 28: The people in the business 'office are a bunch of idiots. They don't know what's going on. They have their noses Quad Residens Find Fault With Living' Experience' buried so far in the rule books that they don't know a damned thing about the students - and they care less. The food Is pretty good as institutionalized food goes - .'. The people who run the kitchen are incompetent-I know, I've worked there, and I've eaten in the dining rooms . . . The din- ing room is not really homey; it's a cafeteria. Respondent 31: It's the little ,things that get me. Dirty silver- ware, dirty coffee cups, dirty din- nerware in general . . . The main thing about the dining room is really the main thing that's wrong with the quad business people: they just don't give one damn about the student. The students, they seem to feel, are here for the business office-all they seem to do- is smile and smack the stu- dents in the face at the same time .. Respondent 33:.The food is fine. I don't agree with the dress regu- lations, they don't go with an aca- demic institution in which study should take place. Who are we getting dressed up for?. Respondent 40: My main com- plaint about the dining room is the lack of sanitary considerations .. . The only sanitation they know is boiling the devil out of food so that the ,germs are gone and so, is the taste. The dining room has the facilities, the money, the help -the 'only thing that's wrong, is the managing of it-the business office in this quad is completely' incompetent-the 500 men com- plaining about the food can't be that negative that their com-' plaints don't mean anything to a business manager who seems to be eating good enough elsewhere, * * * Only one of the interviewees said he used Benzinger Library "fairly often." Some 73 per cent, of, the respondents had never used it, and 25 per cent used it seldom or infrequently. Students interviewed generally thought some change could im- prove the quad phone system, and that operators were poor; that the too-few laundry facilities broke down too often; that the recrea- tion room was inadequate and un- inviting ("not the place I'd bring a date"); that maid service was of questionable value, and that regulations governing women guests were too stringent. Do you have any comments about restrictions governing women guests in the men's residence halls? Respondent 4: As it .is now, it's quite fine . . . Nothing improper has or will go on. There's too much, anxiety about this around here. The hours as they are now are reasonable. Respondent 20 With this SThe Respondents For the Student Opinion Survey of the East Quadrangle, five resident advisers were asked to select eight students in their houses. Each resident adviser judged the student's attitude toward the residence halls, his activity in the house, the relative posi- tiveness or negativeness of -his opinion and whether or not his opinion was to be respected. For each of the five areas'of consideration the large major- ity of the students were judged to have characteristics which would insure the validity of the responses. More than half of those interviewed were either active or fairly active in house activities. Greater than 65 per cent were judged by their resident advisers to criticize positively, and the student's opinions were respected by the resident adviser in more than 75 per cent of the cases. Most of the interviewees were unsure of their future oc- cupational aims; about half were in the literary college and a fourth in engineering school. Sixteen were freshmen, 12 sopho- mores, 7 juniors and five seniors. . (Continued from P-ge 1) I- , -- wrap the students not in swad- dling clothes but rather in num- erous restrictions-perhaps all de- signed to make life more conven- ient and comfortablehfor the stu- dent, but many of them boomer- ang and leave the student feeling. guarded, unhappy and limp." The students "responded vigor- ously" to the questions asked on the survey. Scheub described their feelings:' "We can study in. the residence halls, they said, and we think that it's important for the residen9e halls to maintain a good study atmosphere. But the food is not especially good, and facilities in general are not what they could be; maid service, for example, is bad, and maintenance leaves much to be desired. Programs Ineffective "Student government is not what it could be; ,even though we do' not feel the staff intervenes too much, the programs, while necessary, are ineffective," , he continues. "There should be more faculty-student contact in the res- idence halls and, while bull ses- sions are valuable, the residence halls have not contributed that much to cur education. "While we generally agree that freshmen should remain in the residence halls for their first year at college, we do feel that things could be made more pleasant - like allowing women in the dorms frequently." Students Unheard Scheub noted that students do not have enough to say about the running of the residence halls, and that the administration "is quite pleased with student opinion so long as student opinion does :not cross administrative opinion." As an example of how student opinion may prove helpful, he pointed out that of the 40 stu- dents interviewed only one fre- quently used Benzinger Library, and 29 have never used it.". .. One may be caused to wonder about the wisdom of pouring $10,- 000 into that enterprise in the next three years." Concluding, he says: ". . . if the residence halls are indeed stifling individual initiative by choking student opposition, student criti- cism, student protest, student sug- gestion, then the residence halls, have indeed become oppressive, paternalistic, domineering." younger generation has come a loosening of moral concepts, a much more liberal 'attitude than that possessed by the people who are imposing the restrictions.) There is a great difference, for example, between our director and many students in East Quad . .. I would favor a lessening of regula- tions as they exist-allowing more freedom . . . Certain minimum must be set by the staff and enforced. The minimum should be lowered. Respondent 31: Strictly from the nineteenth century. The fra- ternities are feudal, the residence halls are Victorian-this is an anachronism that can be avoided only by moving into an apart- ment. * * *. Under the section on student government, attitudes toward house government and judic and other student organizations were sampled. An approximate 50-50 split marked student evaluations of the effectiveness or ineffec- tiveness of house student govern- ment, with a higher effectiveness attributed to judic. It was gen- erally felt that there is not too much staff intervention in these governing bodies, with a few vio- lent dissents. Do you feel that there has been too much staff interven- tion in the house student gov- ernment? In activities? In Ju- diciary?' Respondent 8: No staff inter- vention at all. Respondent 9: The staff does not intrude. There are bounds as to what the council can do, and the staff sees to it that the stu- dents' do not exceed those bounds. The staff helps the council more than it hinders it. Respondent 16: Judic is a pup- pet of the staff. Respondent 22: There is much too much staff intervention in everything. The staff doesn't take enough; things to judic. Discipli- nary cases are too much handled by the staff without giving this responsibility to the students. In other areas, no, there is not much staff intervention; if there is, it has certainly been subtle enough. * * * Respondent 30: There is defi- nitely too much staff intervention in student judiciary. There is not enough staff intervention in the house activities. Responses regarding house pro- grams mainly stressed the freedom of choice of participants, but in- dicated a feeling that these pro- grams are necessary. A need for more faculty contact with quad residents emerged, and bull ses- sions were endorsed. Do you feel that there is too much "gungho-ism" in the, residence halls? Too much apathy? What are your feel- ings about house programs? Essential? Mickey Mouse? Do you have any specific feelings about, the major program areas inthe house-social, academic and cultural, ath- letic? Respondent 30: There are two extremes of gunho-ism in the res- idence halls: there is no gungho- ism among those who will not be coming back; and those who are coming back are obnoxious in the extent of it . . . The guys who could carry the residence halls look elsewhere because of all the restrictions, because new ideas are limited and discouraged-so you get discouraged, you give up be- cause you have to fight too much here to get anything, and it's not worth it. Respondent 31. There's not enough spirit in the residence halls-and the main reason for the lack of spirit is that the stu- dents do not have any strong identification for the residence halls and the programs . . . the students have very little say in the running of their residence halls. They've become the victims of staff people who become petty in carrying out regulations and the business office which exists for its own purposes-and not for the student. Whether you like it or not, the residence halls have the air of being hotels-and not much more. Respondent 36: The residence halls are too jail-like. I feel hedg- ed in; there are regulations con- stantly held over my head. I had twice as much freedom at home as I do here... Interviewees' comments gener- ally favored the requirement that freshmen live in residence halls. One of the philosophies of forcing freshmen to reside in the residence halls is that for at least nine months out of his college career, the student will be forced to live with peo- ,' 1 i 1 , j E 1 t Xt a s 8 f T f c I f z C :t i E 6 E t t E t B C E 7 t 9 t', tl T d b B Y 9 e: , 3 .. 'l eC.Jue PTTICO T BRIGF N T IN THE MOST DELuCIO ~- US COLORS OF THE SEASON: , . " . 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