"We'll See How Tough the New Cop Is" Ghe ic tg t tl Seventy-First Year - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS th Wil Preval" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 itorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in.all reprints. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Students Must Expend Energy, To Learn )AY, MARCH 16, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS Cold War on the Hill: The Dress Regulations Issue NEW COLD .war is in effect, on a minor scale, admittedly, but fought with relent- Atermination and with Observatory Hill as e stakes. , The issue-the moral and social implications women wearing slacks. Up until this year, ie regulations about slacks were firm and nassailable. No slacks in the dining room, :cept Saturday morning and noon or Sunday orning breakfast, and no slacks in the co-ed iblic lounges. This year, a series of reforms begun at :arkley Hall have led to demands for equal ghts in Alice Lloyd and for further liberaliza- on at Markley. Markley Council voted to per- it residents to wear slacks and Bermudas to eakfast every day, to dinner Saturday night, id to dinner Sunday night. Markley residents ere extremely grateful for 'the change in gulations and have not abused -the privilege." FEW WEEKS ago, Alice Lloyd's council wanted to change its regulations and per- it slacks at breakfast and lunch every day, i Saturday evenings and in one of the public unges. At a meeting of the Lloyd Council with loyd resident directors and assistant deans women Elsie Fuller and Catherina Bergeon, ie girls explained their views and were ad- sed to reconsider their requests in the light fan overall guiding philosophy they would Ish to see-in effect in their dormitory. The next week, having established a philos- ihy which stressed the importance of neat- ess and consideration for other residents and nests, the council modified its proposal some- hat. The house presidents met again with the sistant deans and resident directors. In an Ktremely mature, co-operative session, they orked out a plan for permitting slacks to be orn to breakfast and to Sunday night sup- ers, because these are times when there are w if any guests, slacks were also innovated in ne of the main floor lounges so that girls who ear them on dates will have a place to sit :d talk with their escorts. ME NEXT BIG issue to be solved concerns one of Markley's main lounges. Since Sep- mber, the Markley Council has been trying, ith remarkably little success, to have its unge 3 made into an official "Bermuda ounge" where girls could study, visit, or bring .ests in slacks. The need for such a lounge is painfully ob- ous. After costing an astronomical sum, the arkley lounges are virtually empty at all times Kcept Friday and Saturday nights and Sun- ay afternoon. The reasons are twofold. Firstly, noking is forbidden in these lounges, al- iough other dormitories permit smoking in ieir main lounges and it would be an easy atter to obtain a few ash trays. Secondly, ad more important, it is strictly taboo to wear acks or bermudas in these lounges. It is such grave offense, as a matter of fact, that any xis caught in one of the lounges in slacks subject to one half hour's worth of late inutes, a dormitory's most effective weapon. COMMITTEE OF Markley residents and counselors, about a semester and a half rerdue, has at last been set up to consider 1e situation of the Markley lounge, and since the council, if it had ever been given a chance to vote on the matter, would probably have approved the change almost unanimously, it seems likely that by the end of the year, after the question has been examined and re- examined in every shade of natural and artifi- cial light which can possibly be brought to bear on it, the lounge will eventually become "in- formal." The reasons the girls have for desiring a place where they may sit in slacks are so logical and so self-evident it is almost ridi- culous to state them. Girls do like to study in the lounges with dates on weekend afternoons. Girls find it much more comfortable to study in slacks or bermudas than in skirts or dresses. Girls do go on dates for which slacks and ber- mudas are the proper attire. When they return from these dates they like to sit in the lounges and talk with their escorts until the dormitory closes. Girls sometimes have visitors who come dressed in shorts or slacks. They would like to entertain these visitors in the lounge since the lounges theoretically belong to them as residents of the dormitory, and it is much more pleasant to sit in a lounge and talk than in a tiny room where no more than four or five people may visit comfortably and where there is always the chance that one's roommate may be studying or sleeping, which of course she has a perfect right to do. FOR A PLACE like Lloyd, the problem ends here. The officials have no answer. In Markley, it is countered with, "Well, why don't you take your guests down to the snack bar?" This is a fine idea unless you want to study or talk. Then it becomes absurd. At the far end of the Markley snack bar is a television set with a tremendous range of volume. At the near end are two ping pong tables. In the middle is a well-used juke box. Study? Have a conversation? Try it! But even these considerations, whose logic needs no defense other than statement, are not the primary issue. Inherent in all the reservations which the deans and resident directors have about dormitory reforms seems to be the notion that we must encourage neat- ness and good grooming because this is all a part of becoming socially acceptable young ladies and making our residence halls the sort of place in which girls are proud to live and bring guests. AGREE WITH this philosophy whole- heartedly. By all means let us try to make Mary Markley a pleasant place in which to live. Let us even try to make it homey (to the extent that one can do this with an edifice which houses nearly 1200 girls). The more warmth and courtesy and consideration that can become a part of formula dormitory living the better. But the next mental step which the officials seem to take is that truly gracious living, good manners and dignified behavior are mutually incompatible with the wearing of slacks. They seem to feel that when a girl puts on a pair of slacks she automatically adopts, or is tempt- ed to adopt an unladylike attitude and behave accordingly. What I want to know is, what is there in the physical and philosophical makeup of slacks which make them unacceptable for Young ladies according to the absolute moral laws of the universe? Looking at it objectively, slacks are made of the same material as skirts; they have the same patterns as skirts; they serve the same function as any clothes, and they are more comfortable, servicable, and practical to boot. As to whether they LOOK better than skirts, this is a question of aesthe- tics on which, I believe, it is only fair' to admit that people may hold differing opinions without one view or the other being right or wrong. SUPPOSE, AS IN several Eastern cultures, American women had traditionally worn slacks instead of skirts and now wanted to change to skirts? There would probably be the same' reaction as there is now to slacks, by those who defend the status quo simply be- cause it has become at tradition. Freely granted that there are certain oc- casions, not even necessarily formal, when, according to our society's dictates, skirts are the proper attire. Perhaps dinner in the dining room rightly falls into this category--it prob- ably does. But if professors have no objection to girls wearing slacks to their classes, what objection should the residence halls have to their wearing them to lunch? Any restaurant in America, except the very very select will permit slacks to lunch even if not to dinner. A pair of slacks, well pressed and worn with a neat blouse and sweater, are infinitely prettier, and yes, even more ladylike, than the standard cotton "dinner dress" unwashed and unironed, which hundreds of girls throw on in a rush for meals and take off immediately afterward when they change into the clothes, they wear for attending class, studying, going to the library, or even meeting a date for coffee. F ( I WALTER LIPPMAN: The Religious Peace To the Editor H AVING READ MISS Dow's re- cent comments on large lec- ture classes, I would like to raise some rather unpleasant but neces- sary questions. I suspect that hu- man biologists are as aware of the conditions of change involved in most aspects of man's life as any other discipline. I also suspect that part of Miss Dow's unrest is attributable to the outlook of many students when required courses are concerned. When a student is faced with required courses there is more than one possibility available. There is seldom (if ever) only one course which he can take.hThere- fore, we must assume that the choice made is partially based on interest. When a course is ap- proached with an underlying at- titude that one is really taking it because it is required; when this attitude is strengthened by an in- terest which seldom extends far- ther than "psyching out" the in- structor as to whether or not greater emphasis is placed on lec- ture or text, what kind of and how many tests will be given, and what points from lecture will ap- pear on the exam; then the stu- dent becomes so preoccupied with assuring himself that he follows the correctritual for obtaining a pasing grade (or better) that he loses in terms of energy and time invested. - * * THERE ARE STUDENTS who have become accustomed to not worrying about the grade. They keep an open mind, and by reading the text and listening to the lec- ture rather than attempting a ritualistic approach they are able to generate a considerable amount of interest in the subject. Once they have reached this plateau, the course material becomes more cohesive and interesting. In the long run, they really don't expend any more energy with this ap- proach, they learn more, and rather automatically the course grade they receive is a good one. I seriously doubt that anyone short of a genius could profit from coursework - even if under excep- tionally competent private tutelage - unless he expended a consider- able amount of energy. You have to build you own interest and stimulate yourself; otherwise you become somewhat similar to a computer, waiting for someone to program you, feed you data, and furthermore to provide you with pleasurable sensations during the entire process. * * * . IT IS MY personal opinion (bas- ed on a small and perhaps inade- quate sample) that many students are so immersed in the less de-' sirable approach mentioned above that they eventually suffer from some form of mental atrophy. This is completely manifest when they can think of no questions to ask in recitation and gripe instead about how difficult the course work is. When an occasional ques- tion is raised, it'is met with bland indifference by the rest of the group. Furthermore, when exams are given the complaints are un- failingly that the test was ob- scure, too difficult, ambiguous; and that the graders were in- correct in the answers they mark- ed as wrong. Suddenly every btu- dent in an introductory course be- comes an intellectual giant who is being martyred by the System. To my knowledge each teaching fellow is a graduate student. Many have taken their undergraduate training at other universities and have worked in their fields in non-academic positions to boot. Thus it seems rather apparent that individual teaching fellows may have speciality areas upon which they can draw to illustrate course concepts in a manner different from the one used by the lecturer. Admittedly this cuts out much of the repetition that the student rituallyexpects, but at least it saves the teaching fellow from feeling like a complete automaton -and thus he can feel that he is different from the robots in his sections. s* " TO DRAW SOMEWHAT on paleoanthropological evidence, I am sure that in many ways think- ing must have been a chore for the Australopithecinae; after all, they were closer to our simian re- lations than we. Nonetheless, they confronted their mental stumbling blocls squarely, like men (in this case rather primitive ones), and THOUGHT. Their interest in their external wrld-in learning-must have been high, no matter how painful the thinking and reason- ing part of it was. They tried, with- out benefit of precedent, ritual processes whereby they could de- lude themselves, and without lec- turers. From the piteous Australopithe- cine mental strugglings Homo has plodded on up through the Pleis- tocene to us. Here we are, the Rulers. We don't have to really think if we don't want to, because everything is too convenient and there is always a comput r to care for that which might cause any real mental effort on our part. There always will be-won't there? --C. E. Eyman Students, Arise .. . To the Editor: IN AN AGE that will be remem- bered for its vigorous efforts to solve the problems facing man- kind, we have uncovered a problem that has been plaguing man, driv- ing him to frustration and worse. Whether Lumumba was God or a Communist dupe has over- shadowed the real issue of the century. The Pope's army sneak- ing in our back door while the .Communists are banging at the front is but a minor disaster next to this one. Even the undeniable Tight of students to riot at witch- hunts is receiving more attention than our country's greatest prob- lem. There is a most evil conspiracy going on in this great country of ours. Have you ever sat around drinking beer and eating pretzels? Did you ever notice how dry and salty the pretzels have tasted, how thirsty they leave you? Have you, the students of America, realized that this is part of the worldwide Beer and Pretzel Plot? The Brew- ers and Pretzelmakers of the world have united in a plot to increase consumption of their products. We can still fight this, however. If we had a Congressional Committee to investigate them, if the students picketed Breweries and Bakeries, if the United Nations would step in, these scoundrels could be dealt with. It is up to you, the students of the big "U" to arise for the Cause ... -Leander L. Valdes III ON MARCH 3 Archbishop Alter of Cincinnati issued a state- ment on Federal aid to education. He summarized the views of the Administrative Board of the Na- tional Catholic Welfare Confer- ence which speaks in the name of the Roman Catholic bishops of the United States. The statement says that "in the event that there is Federal aid to education we are convinced that in justice Catholic school children should be given the right to participate. Respect- ing the form of participation, we hold it to be strictly within the framework of the constitution that long-term, low-interest loans to private institutions could be part of the Federal aid program." This opinion on the constitu- tionality of such loans differs, as we know, from the expressed views of President Kennedy. The difference is very important in- deed. But the difference is not so important that it should be al- lowed to prevent the enactment Of the President's program to give Federal aid to the public schools. Whether, as the bishops contend, there should also be Federal aid to private schools, is a separate question. It is a question that can be settled conclusively only by the Congress and the Supreme Court. In, the first instance the Congress must decide whether as a matter of national interest it is willing to grant long-term; low-interest loans to private schools. The Presi- dent, it is fair to assume, would not veto the bill if Congress passed it. Then the Supreme Court would probably have to pass on its constitutionality. OVER THIS practical solution of the controversy a cloud has been cast by ' the final sentence in Archibshop Alter's statement. The sentence says that "in the event a Federal aid program is enacted which excludes children in private schools, these children will be the victims of discrimina-. tory legislation. There will be no alternative but to oppose such discrimination." 'This seems to say that if Con- gress refuses to authorize the loans to the parochial schools, the bish- ops will seek to defeat the Fed- eral aid program. If this is what they mean, then with great re- spect it must be said that they are entering upon ,dangerous ground. * * * THIS GROUND is the assertion that to use public money for the public schools and to deny it to private schools is "discrimina- tion." Why? Because the Catho- lic parent, or for that matter any parent who sends his child to a private school, is paying twice over-once as a taxpayer for the public school, which his child does not attend, and once as tuition fees to the private school which his child does attend. Whether it is fair to describe as "discrimination" such double payments for education can best be tested by asking what would be the situation if private schools were supported by the taxpayer. In that case the parent who' child goes to the public school will be paying twice over--once to support the public school which hi hi aanii+ ati na #n a nn American doctrine, enacted in the First Amendment and in all the state 'constitutions, which holds that religious freedom can most surely be combined with religious peace by making it unlawful to grant public money to t h e churches. This venerable Ameri- can principle has never been interpreted h a r s h ly. For the churches and their educational in- stitutions, though they are de- barred from receiving 'public mon- ey directly, enjoy the privilege of tax exemptions. The origin of the First Amend- ment is in the controversy of 1785-1786 over the Virginia tax levy for the support of the estab-- lished (Episcopalian) church. It was then that Madison and Jef- ferson made articulate what is now the American doctrine. This doctrine is, as the Supreme Court held in 1947 in the Everson case, that "no tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institu- tions, whatever they may be called, or whatever form they may adopt to teach 'or practice reli- gion." These words are quoted from the majority opinion of the Su- preme Court handed down by Mr. Justice Black. The majority spoke these words in a decision which upheld the right of the State of New Jersey to spend public money to reimburse parents for the bus fares of their children attending parochial schools. The dissenting Justices argued that bus fares are unconstitutional, so strong was their feeling that what Jefferson called "the wall of separation" be- tween church and state must not be lowered. In effect, the bishops maintain that despite the strong language of the Everson case, the court would hold that long-term, low- interest loans to private schools are, like bus fares, constitutional. Whether the bishops are right in their views on the constitution can best be tested by submitting the question to Congress and, if Congress agrees with the bishops, to the courts. IN CANDOR itmust,.however, be said that the chances of Con- gress and of the courts upholding such a loan bill appear to be very small.. The chances would not be increased by threatening to de- feat the measures to give Federal aid to the public schools. The defeat of the President's program under such conditions would have grave consequences for it would introduce, into the center of American public life the profoundly troubling issue of clericalism. Under the rule of the First Amendment we have been happily free of this issue. We have been free' of it, thanks to the principle built into the constitu- tion by Madison and Jefferson. If we are to maintain the reli- gious freedom which we enjoy, we must preserve the religious peace and tranquility which is the air that freedom breathes. (c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc. I I Patriotism DAILYOFF ICIA(L BU LLETIN .:SW A 'l7ft V.~fr.'..... ~tl'W '. V' ~l W . SIXTY-THREE OF 64 students arrested in the House UnrAmerican Activities riot in San Francisco May 13 were dismissed; one, Robert Meisenbach, 22, stands trial this week. The HUAC probably can start a riot- any time it wants from now on as it did before. Episcopal- ian,, Quaker, Unitarian, Jewish pastors urged it to stay away, as did labor councils and stu- dent groups. It came, sending in to investigate subversion Rep. Edwin Willis (D-La), who him- self preaches defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court on integration. The HUAC and Comnu- nists work together, they are what biologists call symbiotic. When students rioted both HUAC and Reds cashed in on the publicity. The HUAC subpoenaed motion picture riot films from local stations without pay, turned them over free to a small local Washington studio which pasted them up, often with se- quences reversed, into a committee-sponsored show, Operation Abolition. With inflammatory commentary by committee chairman Francis Walter (D-Pa) and committee analyst Fulton Lewis III, son of the announcer, the local stu- dio vends the product at $100 a print. WHY HAS THE' NATIONAL board of the4 Council of Churches just warned against this film? Because it is admittedly inaccurate and distorted. When charged with this in a taped debate, committee investigator William Wheeler frankly agreed. "All right, we've ad- mitted'that," he said impatiently. "Lets go on to another subject." The HUAC has so far subpoenaed only 6 of 40 a11vTrA frnmmi +,. 'Thnc nn . 4+ .ai alo ,.a (Continued from Page 2) Orangeburg, N. Y.-Elem.; Bus Ed;' Jr. Core, Ind Arts, Fre/Span, Math, Sci, SS; HS Eng. Wyandotte, Mich.-Elem.; Sp Corr, Emot Dist; El Library; Visiting Tchr; Jr. HS Span. TUESDAY,MARCH 21 Dowagiac, Mich.-Read. Spec.; Math, Art, Library, PE, Eng, SS Shop, Guid., Voc Mus; Elem.; Sp Corr, Ment Hdcp; Sci Cons. Frankenmuth, Mich.- Hist/Eng, Li- brary, Instr. Music. Lansing, Mich. (Waverly Schs)-Elem; Jr. HS Eng, SS, Math, Sci, Library, Girls PE. Utica, Mich.-Elem; Jr. HS Span/Eng, Latin/Civ, Math, PE, Eng/Hist; HS Li- brary, Eng, SS/Geog, Chem/Phys, Phys Sci/Math; Spec. Educ.; Wrest, and Swim Coach. Warren, Mich.-Elem., Voc.; Sp Corr, Visiting Tchr; Art, Biol, Girls PE, Shop, Home Ec., Jr. HS Art. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 Albion, Mich.-Elem.; Jr. HS SS, Gen Sci, Coach with other field; for Lang/ Eng.; Guid., Psych., Ment Hdcp. Battle Creek, Mich-Elem.; Jr. HS Eng/SS, Gen Sci; HS5 of Jr 118 Math, Eng, Sci, Home Ec, Ind Arts, Bus Ed, Girls PE, Library; Sp Corr,' Ment Ret, Deaf, Blind, Occup. Therapy, Diag. Warren, Mich.-Same as above. Warren Woods, Mich.-Elementary. THURSDAY, MARCH 23 Detroit, Mich.-All fields. Gary, Ind.-Elem (K-6), Math, Span, Pre, Guid. Novi, Mich.-Elementary. FRIDAY, MARCH 24 Clarkston, Mich.- Elem.; Eng, SS, .Math, Sci, Sp Corr, Ment Hdcp. Detroit, Mich. (Bates School, Browns- town Twp., Wayne Co.)-Elementary. Harbor Beach, Mich.-HS Library, Eng, French, SS, Girls E. St. Louis, Mo. (La Due Schools) .-.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 Burroughs Corp., Detroit-Location: Det. and anywhere in U.S. Men with degree in Lib. Arts, Bus.Ad., math, or Econ. for Salaries Sales-new products. Bank of America, San Francisco--Lo- cation: Throughout Calif. Men with de- gree in Lib. Arts, Law, or Bus. Ad., for General Banking Trng; Prog. Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. for Trust Trng. Prog, or International Trng. Prog. Location: All divisions-countrywide; most openings Detroit area. Men, BA, BS, MS, PhD, in Chem., Physics, Math., Econ., Psych., Law and Journ., for Industrial Rels., Purchasing, Mfgr. Operations, Traffic, Mkt. Res., Program- ming, Transportation, Prod. Supervi- sion, & Sales.\ Direct Placement or Grad. Trng. Prog. THURS., MARCH 23- Bank of America-See Wed. Ford Motor Co.-See Wed. Magnet Hills, Inc., Clinton,; Tenn,- Grads, in retailing, mktg., or related fields for Sales Rep. positions. Vari- ous sales offices. FRI., MARCH 24- General Foods Corp., White Plains, N.Y.-Marketing (Advertising, Product Planning, Mkt. Res.)- Battle Creek, Mich. or White Plains. Sales-Battle Creek & throughout U.S. Men, BA or MA, in Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad., Econ., Mktg. John Hopkins Univ., Operations Re- search Office, Bethesda, Md.-Location: Offices, Wash., D.C. area. Research Pro- grams in Tactics, Strategy, Weapons, Systems, Intelligence, Communications & Logistics. Men with MS or PhD in Physics or Math. for Operations Res. positions. Administrative Survey Detachment, Fort Holabird, Baltimore, Md.-Highly specialized positions in Intelligence Civilian Career Program for qualified grads. U.S. citizenship req. Must pos- sess fluency in at least 1 foreign lang. MARCH 17- Abbott Labs., N. Chicago, Main Plaint & Genl. ;Offices, 40 miles north of Chicago along Lake Michigan-(a.m)- BS : CHe '& ME. Res. & Dev., Trng. Prog. Chemstrand Corp., See Placement Bulletin Board for Locations-All De- grees:. ChE. MS-PhD: EM. BS: E. Phys- ics. BS-MS: ME. Des., Res., Engrg. & Dev. Commonwealth Edison Co., Various locations in Chicago, Joliet, Maywood & Northbrook-BS: EE & ME. 1 Yr. trng. & orientation prog. Corning Glass Works, Company-wide -All Degrees: ChE, EE, ME. BS-MS: EM, IE, Met. MS: Instru. BS: E. Phys. & Sci. Men & WOMEN. Des., R. & D., Sales & Prod. Manning Maxwell & Moore, Shaw-Box Crane & Hoist Div.-BS-MS: CE, EE, ME. Des., & Sales. Mass: Inst. of Tech., Lincoln Lap., Cambridge, Mass.-Al Degrees: BE Instru. PhD: Physics & Met. MS: 'AE & ME. R. & D., microwave, solid state & Plasma-(PhD. Physics).. Procter'& Gamble Co., Overseas Div., Cinci., Ohio; Belgium, France, Ger- many, Mevico, Italy, Philippines, Vene- zuela-BS-MS: ChE, EE, ME & Met. Must be citizen of location where em- ployed. Des., R. & D. Sealed Power Corp., Muskegon, Mich. --BS: ME & Met. R. & D., Prod. SUMMER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: MARCH 16- Camp Nahelu-Mich. Coed camp. Stan Michaels interviewing today from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m. MARCH 16, 17- Camp Sequoia-New York coed camp. Mr. Shapiro interviewing today & Fri. from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m. MARCH 17- Camp Birch Knoll-Wisconsin girls' camp. Morton E. Levin will be inter- viewing on Fri. from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m. Clevite Corp., Cleveland, Ohio -- Tax Accountant for Central Staff. BBA Ii Acetg. Minimum of 2 yrs. tax acetg. exper. & 3 yrs. general acctg. prefer. Social, Security Admin., Baltimore, Md.-Seniors, recent grads in Social Sciences as Research Analyst, Statisti- cian, Economist (eithers Business, Fl- nancial, General, or Labor), Actuary. Law grads as Claims Authorizer, Dis- ability Examiner. Technical Operations, Inc., Wash., D.C.-Grads with advanced degrees or equiv. exper. in math, statistics, com- puter programming, physics, physical chemistry, communication engrg. for positions in Burlington, Mass.; Monroe, Va.; & Wash., D.C. Please contact Bureau of Appts., 4021 Admin., Ext. 3371 for further Informa- tion. Par t-Time Employment The i following, part - time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non-Academic Personnel Office Room 1020 Administra- tion Building, during the following' hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring part- time or temporary employes should contact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, ext. 2939. Students desiring miscellaneous jobs should consult the bulletin board In Rm. 1020 daily. MALE 2-Experienced salesmen, for men's wear Monday thru Thursday 1-6 p.m., Friday 1-9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. til 6 p.m. 1-Experienced Golf instructor, prefer grad. student afternoons & eve- sings, hours flexible, 1-Salesman, commission basis, must