IrME MICHIGAN DAILY CITE KENNEDY PLAN: Cuba Hits U.S. Sabotage South Africa Renounces UNITED NATIONS(M - Cuba put before the United Nations yes- terday a charge that President John F. Kennedy's administration is intensifying a United States campaign aimed at overthrowing Prime. Minister Fidel Castro's rev- olutionary regime. Raul Roa, Cuban foreign min- ister, made plain he was doing so in order to buttress Castio's So- viet-supported charges pending. before the General Assembly that the United States is planning armed aggression against Cuba, Roa sent a 'letter to Frederick H. Boland ,of Ireland, president of the General Assembly, linking the United States with an attack by an armed speed boat on the' nationalized American refinery at Santiago -on Monday. Roa said one sailor was killed and several soldiers and civilians wounded in what he described as "an act of international political piracy." U.S. Boat The Cuban foreign minister hinted that -the boat, similar to a United States naval torpedo President Cites 'Speed-Up' For Disarmament Talks, WASHINGTON (P) - President John F. Kennedy ,disclosed yes- terday that the United States--, after complaints by Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev of stalling- has speeded up by a month its timetable for reviving arms cut talks with/the Reds. The original Kennedy adminis- tration proposal for renewing dis- armament talks which broke up in the aftermath of the- U-2 inci- dent last spring called for a re- DS ees Aecord UNITED NATIONS (JP) - Adlai E. Stevenson said last night he thought the United States and the Soviet Union had "generally reached agreement as to the time" to resume disarmament negotia- tions, but he added that other details remained to be settled. Stevenson, 'chief United States delegate to the UN had an hour's private talk with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko yes- terday.-; Stevenson declined to tell re- porters what time had been agreed upon to resume negotiations dead- locked since last June. .._ sumption Sept. 11, United States sources said. Wants Review kennedy wanted the time to allow a review by his disarmament advisers headed by John J. Mc- Cloy. "Now we have suggested August at the latest," Kennedy told a news conference. With the United States negotia- tions on a treaty to outlaw atom- ic weapons tests leaving yester- day for resumption of that par- ley in Geneva, Kennedy said Mc- Cloy is now "working full time on developing an American position on disarmament .. we are going to concentrate our attention on disarmament now." Seeks Progress "We hqpe progress can be made," he added, "and we will- I will consider what usefully could be done to advance progress." Khrushchev was said to have charged during a talk in Siberia last week with United States Am- bassador Llewellyn Thompson that the United States was footdrag- ging on disarmament. Khrushchev's displeasure was made known also. through Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromy- ko who has been seeing United States Ambassador Adlai E. Stev- enson at the United Nations in New York. boat, may have come from the United States naval base at Guan- tanamo. United States naval offi- cials there denied it. Roa called the base "an active center of con- spiracy, subversion and espionage against the Cuban government and people." Roa said the incident was part of preparations by the United States for an invasion of Cuba, undertaken with the encourage- ment and support of Kennedy, Charges Harassment He said that the former admin- istration had used such devices as armed violence, economic aggres- sion and diplomatic harassment in a vain effort to topple Castro. "The present administration," he added, "has not only followed the aggressive interventionist pol- icy of. its predecessor, but has quite openly intensified it, using the most spurious and arbitrary means at its disposal, in clear violation of the fundamental prin- ciples of the charters of the UN and the Organization of Ameri- can States." Roa said the incident was fur- ther justification for the com- plaint now before the General Assembly that the United States is planning to invade Cuba. Relief Bill Fight Seen . WASHINGTON (M)-Legislation providing for an emergency ex- tension of unemployment benefits cleared the 'Senate finance com- mittee yesterday and headed into a threatened floor fight over this question: How will it be paid for? The Senate committee adopted a major change in the financing arrangements by voting -11-2 to accept an amendment sponsored by Chairman Harry F. Byrd (D- Va). Byrd's amendment would re- quire the employers in each state to pay the bill for that state's benefit. Wyithout waiting for the out- come, President John F. Kennedy asked Congress to advance $1 bil- lion to the labor departient to finance the added benefits dur- ing the rest of the fiscal year end- ing June 30. The statement said this money would be used during the "pre- sent recession period to provide additional benefits for workers who have exhausted their regular benefits under state laws." Under the legislation, an esti- mated $927 million in emergency payments would be made avail- able to jobless persons who have been out of work so long they have used up their regular unem- ployment compensation rights. As passed by the House two weeks ago, the cost would be fi- nanced on a nationwide basis through a four-tenths of one per cent increase in the payroll tax in 1962 and 1963. The basic rate now is 3.1 per cent. The increase would yield an es- timated $984 million which would be used to reimburse the Treasury for money advanced to all the states to cover the emergency benefit payments. Rift Occurs Over Racial Segregation Verwoerd Blames Afro-Asian Nations LONDON (AP) - With a stern warning, South Africa decided last night to quit the British Com- monwealth. The rupture, threatening eco- nomic repercussions in the multi- racial group of nations, came over South Africa's racial segregation policies. The nation's white supremist prime minister, Henrik Verwoerd, was quoted as telling a Common- wealth conference: "The proceedings at today's meeting which have obligated me to take this regrettable step, in my bpinion, mark the beginning of the disintegration of the Com- monwealth." Blames Afro-Asians Blaming Asian-African mem- bers of the Commonwealth for raising the apartheid issue, Ver- woerd mentioned India, Ghana, Malaya and Ceylon. Verwoerd took the step when the other members insisted on their right to denounce South Af- rica's apartheid policy. The decision came after three days of argument by the 11 prime WASHINGTON M) - President John F. Kennedy yesterday ap- pealed for restraint in the debate over federal aid to schools-public or private-in order to keep the nation and its religious groups united. Kennedy said he hopes harmony will prevail "when the smoke is cleared" because harmony forms an important ingredient of nation- al strength. "So I am confident," he told, his news conference, "that the people who are involved outside the government, and members of Congress and the administration, will attempt to conduct the dis- cussion on this sensitive issue inI such a way as to maintain the John C. Hays, president of the challenged members of Con strength of the country and not Council of Catholic Men, told a to stand and be counted. divide it." Senate education subcommittee Kennedy mentioned incre Promises Effort yesterday that loans to private the minimum wage, prow Kennedy promised "to do every- schools should be tied into the medical care for the aged, thing that I can" to cool off the Pes n grants topublic ele- responsibility and highway controversy ignited by his pro- mentary and high schools- farm bills as well as his s posal to distribute $2.3 billion of Constitutionality Test program. federal money among public grade He said the constitutional ques- "Powerful and well orga and high schools only. tion could be tested quickly by interest groups" oppose then The President, a Roman Cath- putting into the legislation a pro-, said, and have sought to si olic, has declared grants on across- vision authorizing any taxpayer the impression that the oppos the-board loans to church-related to initiate a court suit, is widespread. Yet, added to schools would be unconstitutional. Kennedy urged passage of his port his stand, tlhe Gallup po Leaders of the Catholic Church in education aid bill without con- dicated most persons favor ra the United States have charged sidering the question of aid to pri- the minimum wage. Kennedy's program would dis- vate schools. He refused to be Claiming public support criminate against their schools. ninned nw nn the isse hut nredicting nnroval of his with C ommonwe alt. [Kennedy Asks School Aid Unit National Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Government agents yesterday raided a $500,- 000 a year numbers ring in the Pentagon and arrested 35 employes. Joseph S. Bambacus, United States attorney for Eastern Vir- ginia, said the gambling operation was centered in the Defense Supply Service, an army agency that handles office supplies for the military departments. He said some of the messengers who ride through the Pentagon corridors in bicycle carts picked up bets for the lottery. "The significance of today's raid," Bambacus said, "is organized crime's ability to make such unbelievable inroads into the nerve renter of our nation's defense establishment." * * * * CINCINNATI -- A price tag 10 times too high has been placed on oral polio vaccine by the Public Health Service, Dr. Albert B. Sabin declared yesterday. The developer of the vaccine in question based his assertion on information accompaying President' John F. Kennedy's request to Congress for a $1 million appropriation with which to purchase sup- plies of the live virus vaccine. * * * WASHINGTON - President John F. Kennedy yesterday chose J. Kenneth Galbraith, Harvard economics professor, to be ambassador to India. Galbraith, born in Ontario, Canada, served during World War II as a deputy administrator of the Office of Price Administration and as a director of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey. WASHINGTON - The Justice Department said yesterday it would take civil rights cases to court -only after giving states a last chance to act. The policy was outlined by Burke Marshall as he testified at a Senate hearing on his nomination to head the department's civil rights division. Attorney-General Robert F. Kennedy later confirmed the policy to newsmen. He said, in fact, that the department already had used it. NEW YORK - Henry Cabot Lodge, a newspaperman before he entered politics, was appointed yesterday as general consultant to Time, Life and Fortune magazines. He will serve in the field of international relations. It 'I Delicious Hamburgers.. 15c Hot Tasty French Fries... 10c Triple Thick Shakes... 20c 2000 WEST STADIUM MERCEDES- BENZ Factory authorized sales and serv- ice. Good selection to choose from. Now taking orders for European delivery. Be assured of delivery by placing your order now for the coming summer. ARCURE MOTOR SALES NO 3-3309 617 Detroit St. Ann Arbor TI 1 TONIGHT j t i F HENRIK VERWOERD . withdraws South Africa ministers and presidents behind locked doors. It was a bitter blow to Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, Aware of the consequences of South Africa's withdrawal, Mac- millan had toiled in and out of the conference to get a formula acceptable to everyone. But three leaders of the opposi- tion stood firm-Prime Ministers Jaharwal Nehru of India, John Diefenbaker of Canada and Ton- ku Abdul Rahman of Malaya. Quiet Announcement Verwoerd, a mild-mannered man of 66, made the announcement in a quiet way and no voices were raised from any side at the closed meeting. Informants quoted Ver- woerd as saying: "This free association of states cannot hope to survive if instead of devoting itself to cooperation on matters of common concern, Commonwealth prime ministers are going to continue the practice of interfering in each other's do- mestic affairs, and if their meet- ings are to be made the occasion for attacks on fellow members." Laotian Begins Tour for Peace P"NOM PENH, Cambodia ;A) Former Premier Souvanna Phou- ma of Laos left on'a world tour yesterday to sell a Communist- backed plan for a 14-nation con-. ference to end the Laotian civil war. A representative, of the pro- Western government in Vientiane said his side favors a different approach-forming a commission of neutral nations to end the fight- ing and stop foreign intervention as soon as possible. CANOE TRIPS Into Minnesota-Quetico wilderness area. Adventure, thrills, fine fishing. Easy access to remote wilderness. Lo- cated on the Canadian border, Friendly, personal help for families, beginners and experts. Cost: $6 per day, each. Gunflint Northwoods Outfitters Grand Marais 64, Minnesota Read the Classifieds 11 r i I STADIUM Automatic CAR WASH 142 E. Hoover (One Block East of 1000 S. Main) COMPLETE CAR WASH ......... $1.50 SIMONIZING .................$12.95 We wash all foreign and small cars Wolverine Club Petitioning for Chairmanships and Sub-chairman BLOCK-M PEP RALLIES PUBLICITY SPECIAL PROJECTS MARCH 13-17 Petitions available . . . 2547 SAB .ZINDELL OLDSMOBILE and G.M.C. TRUCKS Ann Arbor, NO 3-0507 I MADNESS REIGNS SUPREME! the: Gilbert and Sullivan Society's = DOUBLE FEATURE "TRIAL BY JURY" and 1W IT UIMEI u I ~in W~ BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUES AMMVENICEA THE DnALMATIAN, RIVIERA I I I I I