LLOYD LACKSk i MARKLEY'S SLACKS See Page * 4 Wnt i Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXI No. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1961 FIVE CENTS VARIABLE WINDS High-5Q Low--35 Fair and warmer, turning party cloudy tomorrow siX * * * * * * wslU Approvyes Reciprocal Plan Allows Class Work. At Both U's Expect Consideration At Regents' Meeting By CYNTHIA NEU Wayne State University Board of Governors yesterday approved a plan to allow students there and at the University to tale courses for credit at either institution. The proposal is expected to be considered by the Board of Re- gents at their meeting tomorrow. If approved, the plan would go into effect neit fall. Under the plan, students from either. university could. attend a limited number of classes at the other institution, after securing approval from the dean or depart- ment head of their respective schools or colleges. . Full Utility ; "The plan was designed to in- sure the fullest utilization of the. combined education resources, es- pecially in graduate, professional and highly specialized areas," WSU President Clarence B. Hil- berry said. University President Harlan Hatcher explained that represen- tatives from both universities have met for some time to plan the pro- gram.: "We have, I believe, developed a plan satisfactory to both Univer- sities," Hatcher said. Pay Tuition Winfred A. Harbison, WSU vice- president for' academic adminis- tration explained that under the plan, students would pay tuition at their home university, and ad- justments for differences in tuition would be made between the two schools.. SAlthough WSU does not have as many graduate students, he said, as it still offers courses "across the board." "The program would save money in both schools, because, they would not have to offer the same advanced courses. " Harbison cited the proposal as "more limited, but perhaps m~ore realistic" than the merger between the two institutions proposed by WSU in 1958. Combined Operations The University and WSU have combined other operations includ- ing a joint institute of labor and industrial relations,. a division of adult education, an institution for continuing legal education, and joint use of facilities at the Wayne County General Hospital and In- firmary. Regent Eugene B. Power pointed out that "this is another example of how, two institutions working together with mutual confidence and trust can better serve students and the state." "Since the matter will not come before the Regents until Friday, I cannot speak for the entire Board, but personally I'm in favor of the plan," Power said. Harbison said "other institutions could implement the plan but on a more limited basis, because their graduate and advanced schools are not as large." Shafer Quits Council Post Dennis Shafer, '63, resigned from Student Government Council last night. In a letter of resignation read at SGC last night, Shafer said his decision was necessitated by in- creased academic responsibilities. He noted that the Council was steadily becoming a political body and he expressed the hope that SGC would soon show an increas- ing concern for University affairs. He also said the Council must conduct Itself in a way that will Feldkarp Asks Revision Of Council Administration By PAT GOLDEN Student Government Council President John Peldkamp, '61, out- lined his proposals for revision of the administrative wing of SGC in his closing remarks to the Council last night. His suggestion, not yet in the form of a motion, would establish ,five major committees to streamline procedures: a committee on the University, an activities committee, a student organizations committee, ILLINOIS COLLEGE: Phi Delts Defy National MARTIN GLABERMAN ... sees capitalism's doom >an operations committee, and a student concerns committee. Revise Rush Earlier in the meeting, SGC calendared a reyised schedule for 1962 women's rush, placing the mixer set of parties the weekend before second semester classes be- gin. The new timing eliminates week-night rush parties for two out of the three weeks of rush. The Council also moved unani- mously to obtain the movie "Oper- ation Abolition" for campus pres- entation as soon as possible. It will be shown along with a "rebuttal" of equal length, probably next week. Film Condemned Last week the Council passed a resolution condemning the film, produced and distributed by the House Un - American Activities Committee, for unfairly accusing students of subversive activity. The resolution urged students to see both the film and .related materials in order to consider the issue fairly. A motion aby Roger Seasonwein, '61, to change the University re- quirement that student organiza- tions submit complete membership lists each semester, was postponed after lengthy debate. The rationale for the change is that students are sometimes subject to intimidation later in life for affiliations during their college careers. File Statements Seasonwein's plan allows organ- izations, pending Council permis- sion, to file a statement that they fulfill membership requirements. Interfraternity Council President Jon Trost, '61, argued that the lists are needed by the deans' offi- ces for various reasons, and elimi- nating them also causes consider- able administrative inconvenience. Richard Nohl, '62BAd., proposed an alternate solution in which a specific membership would not be placed on a student's permanent record if he so requested, and the organizations' filed membership lists would be destroyed annually. By MICHAEL OLINICK The Lake Forest College chapter of Phi Delta Theta yesterday an- nounced it would repledge a Jew- ish student against the orders of the national fraternity and would fight in court, if necessary, to insure its right to do so. The local group at the Presby- terian-affiliated college said it was prepared to "take this matter to court in the form of an injunction against the national fraternity to prevent the removal or suspensiort of our charter." The Lake Forest group made ILeo R eports Negotiation LEOPOLDVILLE W) - Premier Joseph Ileo said yesterday nego- tiations are under way to bring rebel Oriental Province into the proposed Congolese confederation. He also told the United Nations there is no longer any need for an international military force in the Congo and said that UN rein- forcements on the way would be better advised to stay home. The vanguard of an Indian contingent of 4,700 troops is scheduled to arrive today. (At the UN, the Ghana govern- ment in a statement said Joseph Kasavubu stopped being president of the Congo when he accepted the presidency of the proposed confederation. Ghana said Kasa- vubu's decision "requires= urgent action by the UN.") At a news conference held to discuss the decision of the con- ference of Congo leaders on a Congolese confederation, Ileo said there is no question of splitting off the rebel provinces of Oriental and Kivu from the rest of the former Belgian Congo. He said he had reviewed a ;tele- gram from rebel army commander Gen. Victor Lundula expressing a desire to meet with "certain per- sons"--Ileo declined to name them -to reach an amicable settlement. Ileo said the persons, presum- ably in his government, had agreed to meet Lundula, but refused to name the tirie or place. clear their desire to remain within ,the structure of the nation- al fraternity. "Every man in this chapter wishes to remain a mem- ber of Phi Delta Theta and to be able, to keep the chapter at Lake Forest College. We do not wish to abandon the national fraternity, but hope to improve it." The Lake Forest group (Illinois Theta chapter) had debated what position to take ever since the national ordered the depledging of freshman Donald C. Schiller at the beginning of February. Long Discussion "We have taken this action as a result of many hours of discus- sion and as a result of our per- sonal feelings as a group of Young Americans . . . After discussing this situation at great length with many qualified and intelligent in- dividuals, we have decided to take action toward local autonomy with respect to the choice of members of Phi Delta Theta," the local chapter said. William Graham Cole, president of Lake Forest College, said the school is in "full accord" with the local Phi Delts' "desire to choose their own members." Cole said than an ad hoc com- mittee. of students, administrators, faculty, trustees and alumni was re-exa nining the situation of membership selection in all cam- pus organizations. The present policy against dis- crimination at Lake Forest bars racial and religious bias in select- ing fraternity members, but does not set a time limit for the re- TracesView Of Marxism By HARVEY MOLOTCH In capitalist society, the working force is a "commodity, to, be boughtsand sold like any other commodity," with its value de- termined by the amount of labor necessary to produce it, Martin Glaberman said last night during the second in a four-part series of lectures on Marxism. The value of labor is thus de- fined in terms of what is necessary for the "subsistence" of the worker and his family. The crucial prob- lem is that what is judged "sub- sistence" varies with time, Glaber- man, managing editor of the newspaper "Correspondance," told his Michigan Union audience. ConstantStruggle Thus, there is a constant strug- gle between the working class and the capitalist for control of this "surplus value of production" - the quantitative difference between value of the worker and the higher value, of the commodity which he produces. Under the capitalist system, the worker is at all times being paid his full value. Within the context of society as it now exists, every time the worker asks for another nickel, he is unjustified, but after he gain that nickel raise, it be- comes a part of his value, 'New Society' In the Marxist view, Glaberman asserted, a better life for the worker can only come about in a "new society" where surplus value as it now exists will disappear and the worker himself will determine how the total fruits of his labor will be utilized. Meanwhile, this "alienation" of the worker from his product is causing a bitter personal struggle in the factory-a problem which is aggravated by increasing auto- mation and capitalistic centraliza- tion. The factory becomes admin- istered as a huge impersonal force, run by technicians and supervisors whose role is mere discipline and not creativity. Growing dissatisfaction of the working class under these condi- tions is one of the inherent factors within capitalism which will ulti- mately lead it to self-destruction, Glaberman said. Depressed Area Measure WASHINGTON UP)-The Senate last night passed President John F. Kennedy's $394 million bill designed to bring new jobs to commu- nities long suffering from depression. i The depressed areas bill cleared the Senate on a 63-27 roll call vote in almost exactly the form asked by the President. It now goes to the House, where a banking subcommittee earlier yesterday approved a similar bill. Leaders there hoped to get it through before the end of next week. The measure appears to have more strength in the House this year than in the past. The House has cut down previous Senate ver- sions substantially. FIRST SECTION: Cyclotron Magnet Installed