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March 15, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-15

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Overcast with no chance of rain;
winds from 15 to 25 mph.



Swainson Relates
State Loan Plan
Governor Speaks in Union
On Ann Arbor Research Park
Gov. John B. Swainson, speaking in the Michigan Union last
night on the Ann Arbor research park,.outlined This new state loan
plan for industrial development one day after the State Senate agreed
to put the measure on the April 3 ballot.
The bill, Swainson's first major legislative victory 'of his term,
will ask authorization of $5 million in public loans to new develop-
ments by industry to attract business to Michigan.
Local development corporations, such as the local research park
organization, governments, and other groups with "propects designed
Tto stimulate the economy," will be

eligible for financial aid.
Praises City
Swainson was on hand to praise
-the economic "self-help" of Ann
Arbor in independently forming
the first research park in the Mid-
The park was formally opened
for development by the nation's
industry at the annual meeting of
the local Chamber of Commerce.
"It is true that you had an
ideal location and the resources of
the University, but people were
needed to bring this. plan to ,real-
ity and help put Michigan on the
way to economic well-being.
For Strong Economy
"We can have a stronger, more
diversified economy if we provide'
projects such as the research park.
"Not every state can be inde-
pendent, but with greater diversi-
fication, we can minimize the ef-
fects here of national depression."
He noted the partnership of the
park development corporation with
"our great University and the
teaching and technical abilities of
its staff," ard listed a number of
"startling and dramatic" research
ideas the University has produced.
Opponent Speaks
Robert P. Briggs, President of
the Michigan State Chamber of
Commerce, which opposed Swain-
son's loan plan, thanked Ann Ar-
bor for its contribution to the
state's business climate.
Ie said that many University
graduates and industries have
been discouraged from settling in
the state because there' was no
industrial research center.
"The entire state is looking to
Ann Arbor for future guidance,"
Briggs said.
House Speaker Don R. Pears
(R-Buchanan) presented a legis-
lative resolution of March 10
which he authored, commending
the local initiative of Ann Arbor
without asking for "funds from
Lansing or Washington."

UK Group
To Tolerate
'Apart heid'
LONDON (A') -- South Africa's
partner nations. agreed last night
they would tolerate continued
membership for South Africa. as
a republic in the British Common-
But the unbending Afrikaner
Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd
blocked, temporarily at least,
their asserted right to publicly
snub his racial segregation poli-
Thus at the end of the second
successive day of acrid debate be-
hind the closed . doors of Lan-'
caster House, the multiracial Com-
monwealth leaders' r conference
failed to settle all its differences.
A new attempt will be made
tomorrow, with Verwoerd facing
the likelihood that a declaration
of disassociation from South Af-
rica's race policies, will be issued
whether he likes it or not.
In that case he would have to
choose a course of action that
could include his deciding to take,
South Africa out of the British-
led community of nations. This
would be exactly what Prime
Ministers Nehru of India, Sir Tan-
gku Abdul Rahman of Malaya,
John Diefenbaker of Canada and
President Mohammed Ayub Khan
of Pakistan and Kwame Kkru-
mah of Ghana want.
This was the situation, as de-
scribed by a participant in the
crucial talus:
"The question of South Africa's
future membership has been
settled. We have agreed to accept
-or rather to tolerate-her in our
Eleven of Dr. Verwoerd's col-
leagues want publicly to express
their opinion that the principles
and practices of the apartheid
(racial segregation) system.do not
conform with the commonwealth
conception of* human rights and
racial equality."
Defer Aid Bill
For Jobless-
Finance Committee today deferred
action on the $1 billion emergency
unemployment aid bill to give
members a chance to draft
Sen. 'Harry F. Byrd (D-Va),
chairman, said,1he and some other
members are completely dissatis-
fied with the financing arrange-
ments provided in the House-
passed bill.



Aid Plan. for Latin Nations

'UTo Investigate
PeceCorps Plan
The University is investigating the possibilities of setting up a
peace corps training program here, Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin Niehuss said yesterday.
Niehuss recently assigned Harold Dorr, dean of statewide educa-
tion, to form a group which would gather and coordinate ideas on
kinds of programs the University could develop, and how it would
develop them.
"The University has no official proposal to consider as yet," Dorr
said, "so I'm just sort of holding on until we hear something about our
possible role."
Dorr was confident that the University would at least be con-
sidered as a training center. James M. Davis, director of the Interna-
tional Center, agreed. "It seems
inconceivable that the University,
W a ts with its enormous resources, would
not be so considered. If teaching
" * English as a foreign language is
R ev s o n involved,the place to learn is
here at the English Language In-
By RALPH KAPLAN stitute.
Group Meets
Student Government Council Dorr's group of University ad-
President John Feldkamp, '61, will ministrators and professors in per-
present a proposal for revision of tinent fields, has already met once
the Council's committee structure and will meet again this week to
at the SGC meeting tonight. formulate soepreliminary pro-
The proposal would establish five posals for a University program-
major Council committees-coi- proposals which would be used as
mittee on the University, a revised the basis for future University po-
student activities committee, com-
mittee on student organizations, icy.
committe on student opinion, and "At -this point, plans are very
an operations committee.. tenuous," Niehuss noted. Since the
"This revision will enable the corps was established, University
Council to fulfill its responsibilities representatives have been coming
as the University agency whibt back to campus with tentative in-
regulates and coordinates student quiries from Washington, asking
activities." Feldkamp said yester- "whether any institution would
day. be interested in administering
The committee on the University some training relevant to the
would study appropriations, cur- peace corps.
riculum and would regulate the "Sure we're interested," Nie-
Conference on the University. huss declared, "but we've got to
Revision of calendaring proced- figure out what we're supposed to
ures would be a main function administer."
of the new student activities com- Favors Other Groups
mittee. The committee would' in- Dorr indicated that as his group
elude the' presidents of the Michi- "o esiw hn twudb
gan Union and Women's League "now sees it, we think it would be
as ex-officio members. smarter for the government to at-
Recognition and financial status tach the people we train to al-
of student organizations would be ready established, ongoing orga-
the main concern of the organiza- nizations, rather than new proj-
tions committee. The presidents ects set up especially for the peace
of the Interfraternity Council and corps." He suggested the English
Panhellenic Association and ad- Language Institute's unit in
ministrative advisors of fraterni- Southeast Asia as an example of
ties and sororities would be mem- an "oncoming program."
bers of the committee. According to the reaction of
The committee on student opin- his group to the idea of a Univer-
ion would work with the National sity training program has been "as
Students Association and campus positive as our knowledge of the'
political clubs to investigate pro- information would permit.
posals for the expression of stu- "I was quite surprised that there
dent opinion. The editor of The was as much positive interest and
Daily would be a member of this as many definite suggestions as
group. there were," he said.

-Daily-Larry vanice
REAL ESTATE PROBLEM - State Rep. Robert E. Waldron
(left) debates Rule Nine with Arthur Johnson, of the, Detroit
NAACP during a panel discussion last night.
Panel Vie ws Ethics,
Leg"ality of Rul'e 1NiTtne


... lauds research park
Enter s louse
med-down minimum wage bill
backed by a coalition of Repub-
licans and southern Democrats
was introduced in the House yes-
It promptly won the support of
the 33-member Republican Policy
The measure would provide a
15-cent increase ,n the present $1-
an-hour minimum and fix a $1
minimum for about 1.5 million
newly covered workers.
It was offered by Reps. William
H. Ayres (R-Ohio) and A. Paul
Kitchin (D-NC) as a substitute
for a broader, Administration-
backed bill which comes up in
the House next week.
A similar bill by the same two
sponsors' won approval in the
House last year. The House and
Senate coild not compromise
their differences, however, and no
legislation was enacted.
The Administration's bill, in-
troduced by Rep. James Roosevelt
(D-Calif) would raise the wage
minimum to $1.15 now and $1.25
two years later. It would take in
about 4.3 million more workers.
Roosevelt offered similar pro-
posal last. year.
With the introduction of the
Kitchin-Ayres bill the situation in
the House now closely parallels
that of last year. The Republican-
southern Democratic coalition at
that time succeeded in substitut-
ing the Kitchin-Ayres bill for
Roosevelt's by an 8-vote margin.
There will be .a major' differ-
ence, however, if a House-Senate
conference is needed once again
to iron out differences between the
bills of the two bodies.

The constitutionality of Michi-
gan's controversial "Rule Nine", a
state regulation banning discrimi-
nation in real estate transactions,!
versus its ethical implications was
the core' problem of a panel dis-
cussion presented last night by a
group of Ann Arbor social agen-
"'Rule Nine' goes way beyond
UN ToSupply
Rebel Areas
Nations experts disregarded the
Congolese government yesterday
and authorized the shipment of,
money and gasoline to the block-
aded rebel provinces of Oriental
and Kivu to stave off famine and
economic disaster.
Victor Umbrichtj Swiss presi-
dent of the Congo Monetary
Council, said he went over the
head of president Joseph Kasa-
vubu's Leopoldville government,
which has been trying to bring
down the Communist-backed re-
gime of Antoine Gizenga by cut-
ting off supplies and strangling

New York Approves Aid
To Private College Students
ALBANY () - Newfork state's legislature approved yesterday a
unique, $26-million program offering nearly every New Yorker at-
tending private colleges in the state from $100 to $800 a year to help
pay his tuition.
The program, steeped in a church-state controversy since Gov.
Nelson A. Rockefeller proposed it last Jan. 31, was passed by the
assembly, 120-26, and sent to Rockefeller for his signature. Both
Republicans and Democrats join-t>

what is constitutional," Rep. Ro-
bert E. Waldron (R -Grosse
Pointe) said. "I have introduced
a bill which will make it absolutely
unconstitutional. I think it is al-,
ready unconstitutional."
His point of view was countered
by Arthur Johnson, executive sec-
retary of the Detroit branch of the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People. "The
problem is not whether 'Rule Nine'
is constitutional . . . Is is the
problem of segregation."
Question of Authority
The "most meritorious question"
raised by "Rule Nine," Prof. Paul
G. Kauper of the Law School
said, is whether the rule is within
the limits of the legislative statute
which.rauthorizes the Michigan
Corporation and Securities Com-
mission, originator of the rule, -to
establish standards of "faircon-
duct" for real estate brokers.
He criticized the rule on the
basis of its being an administra-
tive, rather than a legislative rul-
Lawrence Gubow, head of the
Commission, emphasized that
"equality in all aspects is an im-
portant responsibility of the state
of Michigan." He emphasized the
"point system" used by brokers
in Grosse Pointe as "a screenin'g
system to winnow out undesirable
people" who sought residence
Dual Unfairness
Gubow used the Grosse Pointe
system as an example of a dual
unfairness apparent in many
Michigan communities including
Ann Arbor:
1) Unfairness to those seeking
residence in the area.
2) Unfairness to non-discrImi-
nating brokers who are denied the
right to belong to the brokers as-
But "'Rule Nine,'" he adds,
"deals with the right of licensed
salesmen to limit trade," not with
who should be allowed to live in
a given place.
He further asserted that "we are
answerable only to God for (our'
own) discriminatory practices."
"60 per cent of the non-white'
population of America live in sub-
standard housing,' Johnson said.
"Negroes are unable to move out'
of the social ghetto . . . because
of discrimination such as the
Grosse Pointe screening system.
No one can be said to be free un-
less he can freely choose where
he will live," Johnson said.

J.S. move
$600 Million Reque
Fails to Increase
Eisenhower's Plan
move toward his heralded '
liance for progress," Presid
John F. Kennedy asked Cong
yesterday to vote .$600 million
aid for Latin America.
The reaction from Latin Am
ca: apparent disappointment.
In his message to Congr
Kennedy cautioned that if
United States does not help
neighbors "we face a gravet I
imminent danger that despe
peoples will turn to Conimun
or other forms of tyranny a ti
only hope for change."
His specific proposals, howev
asked only that Congess h9
priate funds it already had
thorized last year At the reqt
of President Dwight D. Ris
hower, Congress had authori
$500 million for the United St
share of a Pan-American aid 7
gram set up by the Treaty
Bogota and $100 million for
habilitation of areas in 'C)
ravaged by earthquakes and fi
Latin American govenme
withheld comment after Ken
sent his message to Congress.-
an undertone of disappointm
was evident.
In Buenos Aires, Argentine
ficials privately complained o
letdown. They said' Kenne
speech last night had led then
expect a Marshall Plan for al
America-with the President'it
izing the dollars and cents
United States would put int
massive program.
At a White House receptin
onight, Kennedy unveiled fr Li
American diplomats a 10-year
operative' aid program for3
hemisphere. He said the progi
was of "towerinig dimension,"
he put no price tags on it.
Perhaps mindful of the LI
criticism, United States offi
.privately said there was a gv
deal more in the President's i
gram and message than met
The officials said the 10-0
Latin American program could
be compared with the Mars
Plan, which rehabilitated Eur
after World War II.
The Latin AmericarK plai, o
cials said, involves a job that
be harder, longer, and more c
plex than rebuilding industry
once powerful lands.
In some cases, the program ii
even be hampered by the tri
tional attitudes of big land o
ers, who often have a domin
voice in their country's affairs.
Senate Alters'
Bill for Areas
Of Depressior
amended the depressed areas
yesterday to give Secretary
Commerce Luther H. Hodges
rect control of the $394 mill
But, after approving this ame
ment and voting on others,
Senate put off a final vote on
bill. Democratic leader M:
Mansfield of Montana said
Senate would try to pass it by
The bill, which would prov

federal grants and loans to chro
ically depressed areas, came out
the Senate Banking Commits
with a provision setting up an
dependent administration in
commerce department to dir
the program.
President John F. Kennedy h
,.nrnmm nd on ta +14tT-nd nac nnd


ed in opposition. The Senate had
approved the bill, 47-7.
Costs $26' Million
The plan, which would cost $26-
million a year in its first full year
of operation and more annually as
college enrollments grew, drew op-
position from groups that claimed
it was an effort to circumvent a
constitutional ban on state aid to
sectarian schools.
Students at church-affiliated
schools would be eligible for the
grants, along with students at
non-secretarian private schools.
Under the plan, the first pay-
ments would be made next Feb-
ruary and March and would apply
to the second semester of the
1961-62 schol year.
Wanted Flat Grants,
Rockefeller's original proposal
would have provided flat, annual
grants of $200 each to New York
students at private colleges in the
state regardless of need.
Protestants, Jews and other
groups objected that the plan
amounted to aid to Roman Catho-
lic colleges, contrary to the con-
stitutional ban on use of public
money for sectarian institutions.
Rockefeller revised the plan to
include a need factor. under which

Rathbone Notes Neglect of Poetry in World Writing



"Poetry is a neglected portion of international literature," Basil
Rathbone lamented during his Ann Arbor visit yesterday.
The British actor who appeared here in a one-man presentation,
"The Best from My Brookshelf," expressed surprise at the lack of
knowledge most people have about poetry.
"Each age produced its great poets: from Chaucer and Shake-
speare through Shelley and Keats to Dylan Thomas, he said. "In fact,
I believe that Thomas will be known as the greatest poeet of the 20th
"However, just because I read poetry, I am by no means an intel-
lectual. I loathe intellectuals."
Students Know Little
College students in particular seem to know very little about
poetry, Rathbone added. "One of the main reasons I like to perform
for college audiences is that I feel I can impart some of this glorious
literature to them."
Rathbone believes that audience identification is the ultimate.
determinant of whether a performance will succeed or fail. "I try to
create the intimate atmosphere I want by asking the audience to help
me," he explained.
One method of achieving this desired mood is by using as few
props as possible. Rathbone employs'only a candle, a table, a chair,
and a music stand.
Prefers Live Stage
The actor said that he prefers the live stage to the motion picture

Likely Defeat
For Aid Bill
WASHINGTON (Am)-A spokes-
man for Roman Catholic paro-
chial schools testified yesterday
that separate legislation for fed-
eral aid to private' schools
"wouldn't have much of a chance"
in Congress.

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