Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Pevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FROM REP. WALTER Gives Views on House Committee )AY, MARCH 12, 1961 'NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN ROBERTS Illogie on Federal Policies Should Be Ignored SENATOR BARRY GOLDWATER proclaimed to his Michigan State University audience ast week that "power is the one thing that has kept pace." He thus urges an American foreign policy dedicated wholly to aggrandizing Ameri- can strength, with no considerations for the deleterious consequences which are bound to esult. He claims that the United States should apply he time-honored rules of the past in settling he world's problems today. Yet in other con- exts he warns of'the unique and unprecedent- d battle which the United States must wage' against the "godless philosophy" of Commu- nism. Communism wages total war, making offen- ives in every direction and at every level, Gold- rater no doubt agrees. Theoretically it is an in- ernational movement aimed at the "horrid" goal of breaking down national sovereignties. Communists urge subjugated peoples to revolt or their freedoms, and goads American allies nto balking against U.S. domination of their conomies. BUT TO FIGHT the' complex threat of Com- munism for the welfare of the entire world, Goldwater clings to his old inane attitude: "We an't let foreign countries influence what we 10. Instead, we must determine what is best or the world ourselves." The way to win allies, says Goldwater, is by naintaining military superiority over the So- viets. People want to be on the winning side, ays the flan who otherwise damns materialism. nd proclaims glories of American ideals. Yet for Goldwater, no other country has any ideals; or these nations, it is grubby old materialism hat matters. Arizona's junior Senator backs up his argu- rnent with these absurdities : "England, is way- ring, Canada is shaky, and there's a little ac- ion, in Germany. We can't be in the position f losing any more friends." AGAIr GOLDWATER misses the point. These countries are our "friends" because they 'ealize that their survival is' dependent upon ntimate cooperation with the United States. [hus they willingly subject themselves to mem- bership in the U.S.-dominated NATO alliance and the maintenance of foreign troops and RitesImp Responsibilit y FTIFTEEN REPRESENTATIVES of news- papers, government and Congress met in Washington Friday for three hours and twenty ninutes. Their discussion topic? "Freedom of infor- nation" True to the proclivites of elites and bureau- ,racies-even those of the nation's information centers-the meeting was closed to the press. -J. S. missile bases on their soil. This degree of peace- time cooperation between nations is unparallel- ed in any previous period of history. Goldwater's program would destroy, not aid, this high level of Western integration. With his insistence that each country maintain full national sovereignty, even the smallest' degree of supra-national government would be pre- cluded. It would be impossible for the United States ever to participate in a free trade pact, such as that practiced today by the European Com- mon Market. The six members of the agree- ment were urged on by the United States in their drive to create a United States of Europe. But now' the Europeans are beginning to see that any meaningful arrangement can only be realized through participation by the United States. But men like the conservative senator look upon such a proposition as blasphemous, thus casting the U.S. in a hypocritical light in the eyes of its European allies. THUS, GOLDWATER wholeheartedly sup- ports the Conolly Amendment-that in- stitution which in effect allows the United States to determine, which cases raised by Americans will or will not appear before the World Court. This arrangement works fine for ,the Soyiet Union and every other country which subjects its population to a constant de- nial of their human rights, but should it be necessary or desired by a democracy? It is this attitude of the United States and the Soviet Union which has made the World Court and to some degree every other international body completely ineffective. But the most serious aspect of all of Gold- water's contentions is the fact that his policies would automatically preclude any possibility of world disarmament., Not only is he against admitting Red China into the United Nations, but he claims that the United States should revoke recognition of Soviet Russia, presum- ably resuming diplomatic relations with the old Tsarist regime. Such action, no doubt, is con- sistent with Goldwater's "friend" winning scheme, and would allow the Western countries to play games with each other pretending that Communism didn't really exist. THE- BELIEF THAT nuclear weapons will never be used; the idea that the foreign. policy that worked for Teddy Roosevelt will work in the 1960's is not only fallacious but dangerous as well. Today, it is estimated that twelve countries possess the capabilities for pro- ducing atomic weapons. As technological ad- vances are made, the number will increase and the odds that the bomb will explode, either through accident or through insane plotting, multiply proportionately. As long as there is a glimmer of hope that world order can be ef- fectively created out of what will otherwise be a chaotic shell, Goldwater's views must be ig- nored. And even if there ceases to be any hope of world order, the complete lack of logic and reactionary nature of his attitudes, make Gold- waterism equally ignorable.. -HARVEY MOLOTCH (The following observations from Rep. Francis Waiter (D-Pa), Chair- man of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, were elicit- ed by a letter from Ruth Even- huis, former Daily staff writer, who asked himeto discuss the back- ground, methods and practices of the committee.) I MUST EXPRESS my regret for the delay in responding to your request for an article on the sub- ject of this Committee. The past two months have been, as you may imagine, very busy ones and I have not been able to give your request prompt attention. It is perhaps impossible to de- scribe fully the background, meth- ods, and practices of this Com- mittee in a short article. I shall; therefore have to confine myself to certain fundamental observa- tions. We, in Congress, have a sworn oath to preserve, protect, and de- fend the Constitution. It is our de- sire to maintain democratic pro- cesses and to preserve the free- doms established and guaranteed by our Constitution. This rests up- on the more fundamental basis of preserving that form of Govern- ment which makes possible the continued existence of that Con- stitution and the freedoms estab- lished by it. It must be recognized that the Communist movement is a crimi- nal conspiracy, which has as its goals the total destruction of our free society, and domination of the world. To achieve this objec- tive, it employs as its means in the United States, as elsewhere in the world, espionage, sabotage, deceit, and terrorism. These are not questions of "beliefs;" "dis- sent," or "unpopular views," but criminal acts and conduct that no civilized or humane society can tolerate or endure. We in Congress would be delinquent in our duties should we fail to meet the chal- lenge presented by this criminal conspiracy.. TO COPE WITH these facts effectively requires the base of legislative action. It is not enough to say that the Communist con- spiracy can be dealt with solely through the courts or by the Fed- eral Bureau of Investigation. This would be totally to misconceive the structure and organization of our Government. The courts are a part of the Judicial Branch, which have no legislative function, and merely serve to administer and promulgate laws made or which may be made by the Congress. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a division of the Department of Justice, which is in the Executive Branch of the Government, and has the primary -function of en- forcing laws enacted by Congress. The courts and Department of Justice, therefore, have no legis- lative or policy-making function. This is all in accordance with the. well-known principle of separation of powers. The House Committee on Un- American Activities, as a com- mittee of Congress, is a necessary instrument or agency of the legis- lative power, and performs basi- cally the work of any committee of Congress, be it the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Judiciary, Armed Services, Appropriations, or any of the 20 several standing com-' mittees. A committee is in effect a study group which deals with legislation on particular subjects within the area of its responsi- bilities. It is a parliamentary in- stitution of ancient origin, whose function is to study, analyze, and report on bills introduced in the House upon those subjects within the area of its responsibility. It has also a legislative oversight function, to oversee the adminis- tration of laws with a view toward remedial legislation where neces- sary. These duties entail the exer- cise of investigative powers and the conduct of hearings, for the purpose of informing the Congress in connection with its law-making function. This Committee has as its law- ful responsibility Communist ac- tivities in the domain of national security. Its charter does not em- brace either a judicial or prosecu- tive function but the Committee serves fundamentally to study Communist activities as an ad- visory, investigatory, and adminis- trative body of the Congress. This is the only committee of the House which has that specific area of study assigned to it by the Rules of the Congress. The rule estab- lishing this Committee has a Con- stitutional basis, and is authorized by virtue of Article I, Sec. 5, of the United States Constitution. * * * MOREOVER, the power of Con- gress to legislate in the field of Communist activity has been con- firmed and never doubted. As was said by Mr. Justice Harlan, speak- ing for the Supreme Court in Bar- enblatt v. United States, 360 U.S. 109p at page 127, which was a deci- sion involving this Committee: "That Congress has wide pow- er to legislate in the field of Communist activity in this Country, and to conduct appro- priate investigations in aid thereof, is hardly debatable. The existence of such power has never been questioned by this Court, and it is sufficient to say, without particularization, that Congress has enacted or con- sidered in this field a wide range of legislative measures, not a few of which have stemmed from recommendations of the very Committee whose actions have been drawn in question here. In the last analysis this power rests. on the right of self-preservation, 'the ultimate value of any soci- ety,' Dennis vs. United States, 341 U.S. 494,509. Justification. for its exercise in turn rests on the long and widely accepted view that the tenets of the Com- munist Party include the ulti- mate overthrow of the Govern- ment of the United States by force and violence, a view which has been given formal expression by the Congress." On January 3d, in this 87th Con- gress of 437 Members, the House Resolution continuing the exis- tence of this Committee, as a standing committee, was adopted. without a single dissenting vote. Thus it may be noted that the House has clear views concerning the necessity, utility, and wisdom of maintaining this Committee in connection with the legislative functions of the House of Repre- sentatives. In view of the World situation today, would it not ap- pear to,'you to be the height of folly to discontinue the study of a movement which has as its ob- jective the domination of the world by totalitarian dictatorship, and numbers the United States among its planned victims? * 9 * THIS COMMITTEE, therefore, is one of the prime targets of the international Communist conspir- acy. The program to abolish this Committee was reiterated at the secret convention of the Commun- ist Party, U.S.A., held December 10, 1959, at a hotel in New York City. Their "Resolution on the 1960 Elections" set forth this pro- gram in these words: "To advance the cause of peace and progress, the Com- munist Party will enlist support of the following immediate pro- gram: . . . Abolish the witch- hunting House Un-American Ac- tivities Committee and the Sen- ate Internal Security Commit- tee.". You will note the use of the words "peace" and "progress," which is typical Communist dou- ble-talk. Such liberal terminology is employed here, as elsewhere by them, to deceive the ignorant and to make attractive the totalitarian, objectives of the Communist Party. You will also, observe their em- ployment of the typical Commun- ist'smear phrase, "witchhunting," which is language you will remem- ber appears in the Manifesto of the 81 Communist Parties that met. in Moscow, November, 1960, when speaking of anti-Communist activities. Of course I need not state that the Salem witches were the product of imagination. But the Communist "witches" are very much alive today in all parts of the world. In their efforts to discredit this Committee, the Communists have not hesitated to employ both false- hood and slander. Even their smear tactics-utilized, in an at- tempt to destroy this Committee- have doctrinal basis in the writ- ings of Lenin. Lenin has set forth the standard method of Commun- ist propaganda. His words are as follows: "...The wording (of our press campaign against our poli- tical foe) is calculated to pro- voke in the reader hatred, dis- gust, contempt... The phrasing must be calculated not to con- vince but to destroy the ranks (of the enemy)--not to correct the adversary's mistake, but to annihilate, to raze to the ground, his organization. This wording must really be of such a kind as to provoke the worst notions, the worst suspicions about the ad- versary; it must sow discord in the ranks of the proletariat and be the opposite of pa0hrasng which would convince and cor- rect . ." It is entirely accurate to sa that the attacks on this Comittee have been fathered in the main by that Party which seeks to re- move the bulwark of freedom that this Committee presents to it. * * * I MIGHT NOTE that the Amer. . can Bar Association appintedt a Special Committee on Comm unt Tactics, Strategy, and t bJectives' which made a very thorough re- view of the work of this House Committee, including the reading by each member of that Bar Com- mittee of hearings conducted by us over a period of at least six months. On February 25, 1952, that group of the American Bar Association made a report which included the following language; "The Congressional Commit- tees investigating Communism, and in particular the House Un- American Activities Committee, have been attacked on the ground that they have engaged in smear campaigns and have invaded the constitutiontal rights of persons investigated. Your committee is impressed with the fairness with which hearings be- fore that Committee have been conducted during the period of time indicated by our study of the published testimony. We are satisfied that the witnesses called to testify before the Committee are being treated fairly and properly in all respects and we also feel satisfied that each wit- ness is accorded full protection so far as his constitutional or other legal rights are involved; moreover, the confidential com- munications between attorneys and clients have been fully re- spected. "It is the view of your com- mittee that current attacks on the House Un-American Activi- ties Committee are unjustified. Whether deliberate, or mis-. guided, such unwarranted at- tacks result in reducing the ef- fectiveness of that Committee's great service to the American people." Since the above report was made, this House Committee has con-- tinued to respect the civil rights of witnesses. It must be under- stood that this House Committee proceeds discreetly in accordance with strict rules of procedure, ong adopted and which have served as the model for the standing rules of the House, now governing all committees, and embodied in parts of Rule I. Indeed, this Committee was the first committee of the House of Representatives to adopt written rules of procedure. Then on July 1, 1960, that com- mittee of the American Bar As- sociation made the following ob- servation with reference to this Committee's legislative work: "The record of the HCUJA and the Senate Subcommittee on In- ternal security is one of accom- plishments and achievements despite the fact that they have been the - targets of inspiredi propaganda attacks designed to curb their effectiveness. Contin- uation of these committees is es- sential to the enactment of sound security legislation." --Francis E. Walter, Chairma House Committee ot Un-American Activities BRADEN, WILKINSON: HUAC and the Supreme Court Cases 'ROM OTHER CAMPUSES: Protests Book Banning ABOUT THREE YEARS ago a grave injustice was dealt to Tech in the form of banning a book on this ampus. The book, Huxley's "Brave New World" met with agitation from an outside force which finally resulted in in be- HUSAC? - ITTlLE SWEDEN IS in big trouble. For years this socialist, neutral demo- cracy has let the insidious alien philosophy of capitalism, spread like a disease through Ameri- ican tourists and businessmen, infiltrate its government and undermine the spirts of its well-meaning but duped youth. The Swedish legislature must check this growing menace to every God-fearin'-country- lovin' blond haired citizen and immediately establish a House Un-Swedish Activities Com- mittee to route out the infection before it robs every Swede of his socialistic, democratic and peaceful heritage. --H. MOLOTCH ~1ygAi rt altn hil Editorial Staff THOM"S HAYDEN, Editor" NAN MARKEL JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director KENNETH McELDOWNEY........Associate City Editor JUDITH DONER......... .........Personnel Director THOMAS KABAKER ................Magazine Editor HAROLD APPLEBAM .. Associate Editorial Director THOMAS WITECKI.................Sports Editor ing removed from the requirements in Fresh- man English. The book typified how a mechanized engi- neering society could ultimately be forced into extremes by toomuch control and science and although, it represented a hypothetical case it nevertheless induced many creative and imag- inative thought provoking ideas and questions. Why was it banned? Well, it was deemed im- moral reading for the members of a certain religious faction. The reasons why-hazy. NOW THE QUESTION is, should the church enter into local affairs? Should freedom of thought and expression be suppressed in an institution of higher learning by religious force? Must we cater to a group who are hamstrung as to what they read, see; and think? You are paying for your education which en- titles you to voice opposition to certain poli- cies and affairs, taking place here on campus to both give and receive freedom of expression and thoughts only to find you have entered into a glorified pseudo-high school where out- side forces are the rule and not the exception. Permit me to quote from a speech orr "Loyal- ty Oaths and Academic Freedom" given by L. Brent Bozell, Washington editor of the National Review, "Liberal professors today insist that educational institutions should be open forums for the competition of all ideas so that TRUTH MAY BECOME VICTOR OVER ERROR." Are we meeting this obligation here at Tech? ALTHOUGH THIS IS an old example quite a bit of controversy is still raised over the rights of this oppression. The book is still on IT WOULD' BE exaggerating to say that the Supreme Court's decision in the Braden and Wil- kinson cases give the Un-American Activities Committee an almost limitless grant of power to act as a roving national pillory. The majority, speaking through Mr. Justice Stewart, feels that it has imposed certain restrictions. Un- der these it is doubtful that the Committeevcould forcer a dis- closure of views from Barry Gold- water or investigate the White Citizens Councils. They retain in- tact their full First Amendment rights. The standards set by the new 5-to-4 decisions are twofold. The Committee must either have some "reason to believe" that the witness summoned for interro- gation is a Communist or that Communists were utilizing some legitimate. cause 'in which he was engaged. But these limits are broad enough to bring the whole spectrum of left-liberal activities within the Committee's inquisi- torial orbit. What the majority may com- placently regard as a restriction will seem to others the broadest invitation the Committee has ever LETTERS to the Editor Aboltion .. Tp the Editor: 1 HAT little item on the front page of Saturday's Daily, in bold 'face type, and headlined. "Abolition?" contained two very misleading implications. First, it almost outrightly stated that the "campus liberals" were responsible for the disappearance of the con- troversial film, Operation Aboli- tion. This may or may not be true, but until there is evidence, no ac- cusations or implied accusations should be made. The second im- plication, more profound than the first was that the "campus liber- als" (a mildly antagonistic term in itself) favor and are striving for the abolition of this film. It is my opinion that the showing of this film followed by free discus- sion can do considerably more good than destroying the film. public airing of this perverted film especially on a 'college campus, can serve to expose the dangerous fallacies in the mental bipolariza- tion of communism vs. goodness, purity, Americanism (whatever that may be), HUAC, etc. We must not allow ourselves to use any means whatever to stamp received from the Supreme Court. This appears clearly in the Braden decision where the majority said "information as to the extent to which the Communist Party was utilizing legitimate organizations and causes in that region (the South) was surely not constitul- tionally beyond the reach of the subcommittee's inquiry." Since the Communists support virtually' every social reform and particu- larly the Negro's struggle against segregation, this invites the Com- mittee to look into every liberal organization from the ADA to the NAACP on the ground that the Communists may be "utilizing" them, whatever that means. * * i Chief Justice Hughes' decision in Chief Justice Huges' decision in the de Jonge case in 1937 and as recently as Mr. Justice Harlan's' decision in the Yates Smith Act case of 1957,, the Court declined to remove First Amendment pro- tection from lawful political ex- pression even though these might in some way be associated with Communist activity. Now we have Mr. Justice Stewart saying for the majority in the Wilkinson case that what establishes a Govern- ment interest "overbalancing"' First Amendment guarantees "is the nature of the Communist ac- tivity involved, whether the mo- mentary conduct is legitimate or, illegitimate". The bold-face is ours, and points up a doctrine which can be used to inhibit and discourage a wide range of nor- mal democratic, activity. Even Speaker Sam Rayburn, speaking on TV the day before the Court's decisions, said of the changes which had occurred during his 49 years in Congress, "Nearly every step that's made in the in- terest of the folks . . . somebody gets up and calls it socialism." The Committee and its close ally, the FBI, see plots everywhere. To interpret the Committee's power so generously is especially dan- gerous in the South where little un-American committees in sever- al states are already treating the movement for integration as a Communist conspiracy whose fountainhead is in the Supreme Court itself. Efforts in the South to terrorize the Negro and his white friends in this way give a pointed im- mediacy to Mr. Justice Black's dissent' in Wilkinson. There he scornfully rejects the majority view that it is protecting witness- es by requiring that the Commit- tee have some reason to believe them Communists. The charge, Mr. Justice Black said, "is so common that hardly anyone in public life escapes it. Every mem- ber of this Court has, on one done. Both took the First amend- ment and refused to answer on principle, as have some. two dozen other intellectuals. * '9 C IF THERE IS a conspiracy here, Braden and Wilkinson are its vic-' tims. Braden has been a hated target of the segregationists ever since he 'helped a Negro buy a home in a white section of Louis-' yule, Kentucky. The last day of ,.his trial for State sedition because of this. when it looked as if Bra- den might be acquitted, the FBI. pulled a surprise and made avail- able to the prosecution a' secret paid operative, Alberta Ahearn, who had wormed her way into the, friendship of the' Bradens., Her, testimony swung the fury, though Braden took the stand to deny under oath that he had ever been a Communist. It is significant that though his conviction was finally reversed, no effort has been made to prosecute him for perjury. Wil- kinson has made himself a target of the Committee and the FBI by his steadfast defense of civil liberties and by his campaign for abolition of the House Committee. The only witness who ever named him as a Communist is a woman named Anita Schneider who talk- ed to him only once, and then to try and arrange a meeting against the Un-American Activities Com- mittee! She was playing a role of double deception-an FBI paid operative who joined the Com- munists to spy on them and then, of course without disclosing her Communist party membership became a leading figure in the Democratic party in San Diego where she led the fight against the House Committee. Such are now the flora and fauna of our free society. * * * WHEN WILKINSON was called before the House Committee in Atlanta in July, 1958, he was told he had been summoned because he was a part of a plot "to des- troy the FBI and discredit the. .director of the FBI and to under- take to hamstring the work of the Committee on Un-American Activities." The FBI could hardly: do more to discredit itself than to use secret operatives like Mrs. Schneider to infiltrate the Demo- cratic party as well as the Com- munists, and then help organize agitation against the House Com- mittee, presumably reporting to the FBI those she had herself re- cruited in to this campaign! Bra- den and Wilkinson are being sent to jail for 12 months because the paranoid underground of our so- ciety, sick minds which see con- spiracy in every movement for social reform, are determined to make the FBI and the House As students of Soviet law know, its crucial point is the vague way it .defines "counter revolutionary" activity: this is so wide as to make any criticism of the existing or- der hazardous. A similar role is being played in our society by the vague' standard of "un-American- ism," to which the new decision's give added power. Our best tra- ditions cannot 'long survive in a society half free, half intimidated. FreedomC requires courage, and fear of Communism has led the majority under the influence of Mr. Justice 'Frankfurter's legal sophistries,'to balance away the clear mandate of the First Amend- ment. The law 'establishing the. un-American committee has all too clearly abridged freedom of speech. Braden and Wilkinson are martyrs in the cause of liberty, and' Mr. Justice Black could have found no more magnificent way to celebrate his 75th birthday than in the memorable dissents with. which he protested their imprison- ment. Though only Roosevelt, Ryan and Kastenmeler were pre- pared to vote against new funds for the Committee as we went to press, we are hopeful that a fresh ' generation, worthy of Jefferson and Lincoln, will wipe out this monstrous excrescence, itself the most un-American of all un- American activities. -i. F. Stone's Weekly .1.1 1 " I I --. - - - - I - I I I I mmm , is I DAILY, OFFICIAL ,BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publicatioi of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN forth to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days' preceding publication. / SUNDAY, MARCH 12 General Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The freshman five-week progress reports will be due Fri., March 17, in the Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1213 Angell Hall. Philosoph3y 4 make-up exam will be given Tues., Mar. 14, from 12 to 3 p.m. in Angell Hall 2208. Brandeis Co-operative House, 803 Aingsley, is; now accepting applications from married students for summer and fall vacancies. For more information call NO 3-9137. Tickets now available by mail for Moliere's "School for Husbands," to be presented Wed. through Sat., Apr. 12-15, and Duerrenmatt's "The Visit,,' Wed. through Sat., Apr. 26-29 by the University Players (Dept. of Speech dents are offered a special reduced rate on all tickets. Events Monday Recital: Mary Ellen Henkel, me__ soprano,' will present a degree recital on Mon., March 13 at 8:30 p.m. In the Rackham Assembly Hall. Lecture: Wiiliam Malm, Assistant Professor of Music Literature, will speak on "Form in Japanese Kabuki Music" onMon., March 13 at 4:15 p.m. In Aucd. A. Radiation Laboratory Lecture Series: "Geometric Methods'of Network Analy- sys" is the title of the lecture to be given. by Prof. Georges A. Deschamps of the Antenna Laboratory, University of flinois, on Mon., March 13 at- 4 p.m. in E. Engineering, 2084. Engineering Mechanics and Civil En- gineering Seminar: Mon., March 13, at 4:00 p.m. in 305 West Engineering Bldg. Prof. Bruce G. Johnston, Civil En- gineering, will speak on "Relation be- tween the Tangent Modulus and Shan- ley Loads in an Inelastic Buckling Model." Coffee in the Faculty Lounge at 3:30 p.m. Zoology Seminar: Dr. R. A. Booloot- Ian, Prof. of Zoology, University of California (Los Angeles), will speak on