SAY, MARCH 11, 1961' THE MICHIGAN DAILY AT, MARCH 11, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . .. . Ask'Revision Of Rushing At Oklahoma NORMAN, Okla.-The Regents of the University of Oklahoma recently sent letters to the presi- dents of the Interfraternity Coun- cil and the Panhellenic Associa- tion at the school informing them that the regents are unanimously in favor of abolishing formal rush. This proposal, according to the letters, was discussed informally by the regents before their regular monthly meeting in February. The next step is for the regents to vote on the matter at their April meeting. Jerry Tubb and Mary Rahhal, presidents of IFC and Panhel re- spectively, were asked to assist the university administration and re- gents in developing a new method of pledging students. When the contents of the let- ters wer'e made public, students k $lled outside the president's home chanting, "We want rush week." "The idea of abolishing formal rush is not unique at the univer- sity," Oklahoma President George L. Cross said in the letter. "Infor- mal rush programs have been used, effectively' at many major colleges and universities for a number of years." Cross added that it is his belief that open rush will not only strengthen the university's ,edu- cational system but will strength- en the Greek system as well. The decision of the regents had been kept quiet for almost a week. Tubb learned of the letters last Monday and Rahhal on Tuesday. MORAL FEELINGS: Rawls AnalyzesShame, Guilt For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday throughFriday, and Saturday 9 :0 'tit 11:30 A.M. By JEFFERY HEUER The existance of certain analy- tical connections between moral feelings and natural attitudes was proposed by Prof. John Rawls of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thursday. The study of the moral feelings -- shame, remorse, and guilt, and their relationship to attitudes such as self-esteem, love and mu- tual trust could create a limitation on the content of morality. "Shame," Prof. Rawls said, "im- plies the existence of certain standards of excellence in regard to one's self. A person has nothing to be ashamed of if he has no pride of self-esteem. , Brings Harm "If the shame is caused by a careless act that brings harm to the individual, it is not really a moral feeling, as such," he said. Prof. Rawls applied this phe- nomenon to other feelings. Re- morse, for instance, always a Michigan Lagging In Appropriations Michigan's $987 appropriation per student for higher education ranks below the average of 21 states according to a University study. Based on enrollment statistics and appropriations for 1959-60, Michigan funds averaged $49 be- low the weighted average of these states. Highest was Illinois with a $1,710 average per student. Low-, est was Arizona with $533. moral feeling, could not occur without correlating natural atti- tudes. He listed two main types of remorse, both of which require extreme situations to be valid. One classification consists of re- morse e resulting from the careless act that brings dreadful conse- quences upon another. In this type, a relationship. of strong af- fection must be present between the two parties. The strength of the affection determines the in- tensity of the remorse felt. If Love Exists If no attitude of love exists, there will be no feeling pf remorse Prof. Rawls said. This explains the lack of remorse or guilt in- curred by the psychopath. He has no feeling toward his victim. The second case of remorse is an act caused by jealousy, anger, or some aggressive feeling. Here, too, the amount of re- morse is governed by the degree of attachment between the two par- ties. If none exists, no remorse will be felt, he said. Prof. Rawls divided guilt into two categories. Authority guilt stems from a violation of defined principles. In this case, a relation- ship of respect must exist between the individual and the authority. This respect develops from a parent-child type relationahip. Here again the parallel between moral feelings and natural atti- tudes holds. Association guilt occurs when the individual fails in his responsibil- ity to a group. Mutual trust within the group must be present here. MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS MARCH Progress Sale now ;in full swing at GRINNELL'S. Savings in all departments; High quality stereo records, buy one and get the second one for I c. Pianos $399 and up. A new model Hammond organ at only $595. GRI NNELL'S 323 S. Main NO 2-5667 X5 PROF. JOHN RAWLS ... attitude on morality' All these feelings can be alleviated in some way. Shame and remorse can be overcome by later actions while guilt can be forgiven and atoned for. Prof. Rawls also said that a di- vision of remorse and guilt feelings occur when an object of beauty or a person's talent is thought to be wasted. "A system of classification like this one, only on a more extensive basis, could limit the content of morality, but this is an ambitious goal and might not be feasible," he said. ANN ARBOR HI FI and TV CENTER. 304 S. Thayer, next to Hill. Ann Ar- bor's greatest hi fidelity outlet. Listen in comfort to the great lines in Hi Fi. This week's feature, "SONY." Re- pairs & Service. Phone NO 5-8607. X7 A-i New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS and BONGTOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. washington NO 2-1834 X1 BUSINESS PERSONAL BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat- terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni- versity, NO 8-8887. FF2 BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39c; shorts 69c;' military supplies. SAM'S STORE, 122 E. Washington Wl BLONDE TABLES, Danish dining set Haywood-Wakefield birch, Oriental) rugs, gentleman's desk, awaiting you at the Treasure Mart, 529 Detroit, NO 2-1363. Open Mon. & Fri. nites 'til 9. Wl PHOTO SUPPLIES LEICA, 3F, .Summicron F2, case, $99, almost new. NO 5-8188 after 6. Di MOVIE CAMERA Canon ZM8, F1.4, w/case. Trans. radio, 6&7 Trs. All brand new. Bargain. Call NO 3-2684 or leave message With NO 3-4288. 1378 PERSONAL SOME PEOPLE register early for classes. You can be one of the same. Come to W.U.S. auction March 14th. F$9 EVERYONE'S INVITED to meet our pledges! D Phi E Open House. Sun- day, March 12, 7:30-11:00. 1811 Wash- tenaw. P88 ADVENTURE IN EUROPE! Is designed to be as unlike a typical tour as possible. We shall take over, 2111 months for leisurely travel along' a fascinating itinerary, concentrating' on France, Spain, and Italy. Members are from Harvard, Radcliffe and Mich. Coed. $1,250. A few places still open. Deadline March 15. More info NO 2-0592. P85 SIGN UP NOW for block tickets for Ray Charles Concert. P82 Join the DAILY and see the world - through an Associated Press Teletype Machine. F11 MAIL ORDERS for Ray Charles Concert should be sent to Ray Charles Concert Student Offices Michigan Union Make all checks payable to the Uni- versity Development Council. F81 ON APRIL 12, t he first annual Develop- ment Council Concert will feature Ray Charles. P71 YOU GET the finest KOSHER, HOT DOG with sauerkraut, 'only 35c at the Cafe Promethean. Open for lunches 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. every day. F20 THE BOLL-WEEVIL JAZZ BAND is noweaccepting bookings for spring dances. Phone the Bud-Mor Agency, fNO 2-6352. 1F18' MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES1 LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .80 2.00 2.96 3 .96 2.40 3.55 4 1.12 2.80 4.14 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily Phone NO 2-4786 HELP WANTED WAITER for 3 meals a day in frat 6 days a week. NO 2-0994. H18 WANTED - Medical Editorial Assistant capable of revision and'correction of manuscripts. Proof reading and gen- eral make up desirable. Contact Mich- igan Daily, Box 9. H9 PART-TIME E.E. student for Industrial electronics development program. 15- 20 hrs. per week. Call immediately for further information. Robotron Corp. Research Division, 5-4015 between 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. H15 WOMAN GRADUATE STUDENT to earn small apt. for serving as House Direc- tor for University girls. Good' loca- tion. Call NO 2-8410. H17 DO YOU qualify? Neat, intelligent, afm- bitious. 3 college students needed to work part time, for top paying sales promotions positions. Call NO 5-8958 for interview. H9 USED CARS 1954 FORD, four door. Call NO 3-3554 after' 6 pm.-Am leaving country, must sell. Nil MUST SELL NOW-MG Roadster, $695 hurry, Good condition. Call 8-7519. X108 ROOM AND BOARD MALE STUDENT needs roommate to share nice campus apartment n- mediately, NO 3-8316. ES BIKES and SCOOTERS LITTLE BEAVER SAYS: Get ready for Spring. Buy or Repair your Bike Now BEAVER'S BIKE AND HARWARE 605 Church NO 5-E BUSINESS SERVICES We're on Packard just arounid the corner from State St Stop in anytime 'til 12 P.M. RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard NO 5-7 "Open every night 'til Mdnigh REWEAVING-Burns, tears, moth rewoven. Let us save your co Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Ac NO 2-4647. CAR SERVICE, ACCESSOR FOREiGN CAR SERVIC We service all makes and model of Foreign and Sports Cars. Lubrication $1.50 PERSONAL PERSONAL .. _ WANTED.. . Students of the University of Michigan both Men and Women FQR PART TIME EMPLOYMENT- IN AND AROUND ANN ARBOR Set your own time and hours pay above average Interviews: 4 Monday and Tuesday, March 13th & 14th 1:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Room 3B, Michigan Union, ASK FOR MR. O'DONNELL H2O MATH E ATICIANS - The Electronic Equipments Division of Litton Systems, Inc.,with laboratories in the Beverly Hills, Woodland Hills, and Canoga Park suburbs of Los Angeles; and in Waltham, Massachusetts, has positions available now for Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. candidates in these fields: INERTIAL GUIDANCE AND CONTROL TACTICAL DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS COMPUTER AND CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNICAL/SUPPORT ENGINEERING, ADVANCED COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES, Areas of endeavor include: Nye Motor Sale 514 E. Washington Phone NO 3-4858 C-TED STANDARD SERVI Friendly service Is our business, Atlas tires, batteries and accessor Complete Automotive Service-A products and services guarantee< Road Service "You expect more from Standard and you get it." 1220 'South University NO 8-9168 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Longin watch,black band.< tact Lucy Cha, Betsy Barbour, 2-2591; FOR SALE-Electronic flash, reason price. Braun Hobby. NO 2-9431.' LOST-Gold fraternity pin, Prinp seal on keeper. Reward, call 5-941 FOUND: Girl's blue scarf, Thom street, Monday. NO 2-6646. FOUND: 15 weeks (a full semester interesting, newsy reading. This found on the Diag., Jan. 28,.1961 the owner is Wanted despera Please call NO 2-3241 for informs and fin da semester's DAILY S scription as a reward (only $4.00 I FOR SALE MEN'S & WOMEN'S handknlt wegian ski sweaters. Call NO 5-i FOR SALE-Viking 85 quarter t stereo tape recorder and a Vikin quarter track playback deck, 2-7409. Ask for Jim. 1.03 K DIAMOND, value $1,175. sel for $675. NO -6490 evenings. '56 VW, good condition $700. al 9703. FOR SALE:Microscope, oil immri Cail 8-7927. 0 ESTATE DIAMOND for sale. Call 5-6490 after p.m. 1957 SCHULT Mobile Home, bedr Call HU 2-3532. INCOME HOUSE: by a student on Gross inconie $300 per coth. Can location. Call. NO 2-6094 eveings FOR RENT RENT 'a ,frozen food locker, $2 mont $15 yearly, assistance on who)e meat, and frozen food buying. Ce1 location, NO 2-3476. WNTED-One-anefficiency apt. 5-7031. Jerry, after 5. THIRD MAN wanted to share larg nished apartment (blockafromler c pu). Kitchen, two private etrar $35 a mo. Call Ron Pivnick, NO 34 Ext. 2371, 10-4 weektlays; NO 2- nites, weekends. GARAGE-Huron across from Ri ham. $7.50 a month. NO 3-2800. BEAUTIFUL 5 rm. apt., 2 bedrooms, furnished. Available Immed1IAl Close to campus. NO 2-525, 25 ROOMS. FOR RENT, 1502 Cambr Single or double men, linens phone. Call 2-2372. SINGLE ROOM for men. Clean q linen furnished, near campus and sport areas. Refrigerator, NO 2- LARGE ROOM-was double, will21 as single. 1315 Cambridge Rd. 2-8718. CAMPUS ONE BLOCK-Modern Ap mtents, 514 South Forest. NO 2-1 C TWO BEDROOM HOME. Unfurnia except for stove and refrigerator.1 mediate occupancy available. Leas desired. Reasonable. Whitmore Li HI 9-9581. WANTED, working girl or part-t student to share apartment close campus and hospital. Call NO 2- evenings.( SUMMER APARTMENT available June to September. Ideally locate the hill, reasonable and provisions air-conditioning. For information NO 2-7776. Phone NO 2-4786 for Classified Advertisir ,, ADVANCED CIRCUIT DESIGN SERVOMECHANISMS INFORMATION THEORY FIELD ENGINEERING MAGNETICS MICROMINIATURIZATION PLATING INVESTIGATIONS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ELECTROMECHANICAL DEVELOPMENT COMPUTER PROGRAMMING PRODUCT ENGINEERING. ENGINEERING WRITING SOLID STATE INVESTIGATIONS ELECTRONIC PACKAGING MATERIALS AND PROCESSES DEVELOPMENT MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS LOGIC DESIGN SYSTEMS ANALYSIS DIGITAL AND ANALOG CIRCUITRY SYSTEM CHECK-OUT PRODUCTION TEST A limited number of Litton Study-Work Fellowships are available to B.,S. graduates of high academics achievement. Interviews will be conducted by visiting members from Wiseonsin. Florida and Virginia must be on official entry w