THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARc ACWR on Film I 9 DAILY OFFICIAL .d's " ."? lcn' li:t:..n.% ., , . . r- ...3":e: ... . ~ s.....k.....tflA.WW fc . f~v fir~W~.t,*... . *fl 4~ a9. sa 4svS . (Continued from Page 4) -Daily-David Giltrow ACWR 'PERFORMS' - The American Broadcasting Company yesterday filmed a meeting of 'Americans Committed to World Responsibility for presentation on the television program "Round- up U.S.A." The program, which will be shown at 3:30 p.m. this Sunday on WXYZ-TV, Detroit, will deal with the national re- sponse to President John F. Kennedy's creation of a youth corps. Approximately six minutes of the half-hour show will be devoted to the University group. An ACWR discussion of Basutoland was filmed. [FC Committee Announces . ominations for,-ficers March 8, 1961 Approved: Minutes' of the previous meeting, as corrected. Approved: The following appoint- ments: Michigan Regional Assembly to be held at Alma College o Mar. 24, 25. Delegates: Per Hanson, Dick Nohl, Den- nis Shafer, M. A. Hyder Shah, Ken McEldowney, Kay Warman, Barbara Greenberg. Alternates: Eugenia Pann, -Mike Zimmerman, Roger Seasonwein. Joint Judiciary Study Committee: Frank Mabley, Roger Seasonwein, James Hadley, Jane Glick, Mary Wheeler. SGC Wolverine Club Nominating Committee: Roger Seasonwein, Mary Wheeler. Interim§ Action Announced: Mar. 2 Voice Political Party, "Tennessee For- um," Union room 3-C, 8:00 p.m., Mar. 7 Americans Committed to World Re- sponsibility, speaker Dr. Maurice Al- bertson, speaking on the Peace Corps, Union room 3R-S, 8:00 p.m., Mar..8 Young Republicans, speaker James C. Zeder, a candidate for Regent, Union room' 3R-S, 7:30 p.m., Mar. 8, 15, 22, 29 Democratic Socialist Club, speaker Mar- tin Glaberman, series of lectures and discussions on "Modern Marxism," Union, 7:30 p.m., Mar. 9 Voice Political Party, general meeting to discuss -SGC elections, Union room 30, 8:00 p.m., Mar. l21 Challenge, lecture and discus- sion, "Economic Development, Aud. B, 2:30 p.m., Mar. 16 Voice Political Party, membership meeting, Union .room 30, 8:00 p.m., Mar. 19 Challenge, lecture and discussion, "Ideological Struggle: Communism and Democracy," Aud. B, 2:30 p.m., Mar. 23 Women's League, "Senior Night," League Ballroom, 6:00 p.m., Mar. 24 Lambda Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Chi, American Pharm. As- soc., "Apothecary Ball," League Ball- room, 9:00 p.m., Mar. 24, 125 Junior Girls' Play, Lydia Mendolssohn Theatre, 8:00 p.m., Mar. 26 Challenge, lecture and discussion, "Neutralism," Aud. B, 2:30 p.m., Apr. 12 Univ. Development Council-Student Relations Board, Michigan Union; Student Relations Board Jazz Concert, Hill Aud., 8:00 p.m., Apr. 28, 29 Pershing Rifles, Arnold Air Society; 6th Annual Michigan In- vitational Drill Meet; Yost Field House, Nrth Hall, TOE., Apr. 29 Barristers' So- ciety, "Grease Bali,"' Lawyers Club, 9:00 p.m., May 6, 7 Engineering Council,; "Engineering Week-end," North Cam- pus Labs, 9:00-5:30 (May 6), 2;00-5:30 (May 7). Approved: Temporary recognition of the University of Michigan Citizenship Clearing House, pending the submission of the constitution of the state or- ganization with which they plan to affiliate. Approved: A change in the constitu- tion of the Wolverine Club. Approved: After amending the mo- tion -in Vol. 6, p. 78, the Council ap- proved a statement of opinion on the film "Operation Abolition." Approved: The interim appointment of Dr. William Cave to the Committee on Membership Selection, to serve in the place of Dr. Samuel Eldersveld until his return to the Committee. Approved: That the Council -re-apply for membership in the Collegiate Council for United Nations. Approved: Revision of Section 4 (Ac- tivities) of the "University Regulations Concerning Student #Affairs, Conduct, and Discipline". Approved: That Student Government Council endorses the idea of a Con- ference on the University, and will as- sist the planning and organization of such a Conference. The Council man- dates its President to send a letter to the Board of Regents containing this endorsement, the original Council mo- tion (Vol. 6, p. 46), the March 8 Michi- gan Daily article discussion of the Conference, and a request that the Re- gents endorse the Conference. This action of the Student Govern- ment Council will, become effective Tuesday morning, March 14, unless a meeting of the committee on referral is called before that date. Events Interdisciplinary Seminar on Atmo- spheric Sciences: Fri., March 10, 4 p.m., 5500 East Engineering Bldg. R. A. Mc- Cormick, Chief, Meteorology Section, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, will steak on "Ap- plication of Atmospheric Turbidity Measurements to Air Pollution Stu- dies." Workshop on Science and Religion, Sat., March 11. Lecturer: Dr. Harold K. Schilling, Dean, Graduate School, Pennsylvania State University. Lec- tures: 1:30 p.m., Aud. A, 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Room R and S, Third floor Michigan Union. Seminars-2:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Rooms K, L, M, N, X, Y, Z, Third Floor, Michigan Union. Chair- man of Workshop, Lawrence 0. Brock- way. Open to anyone. Student Recital: Barbara Carruth will present a recital on Sun., March 12, at 4:30' p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall, inE partial fullment of the requirements for the degree Master of Music, Miss Carruth will include compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Bartok, Debussy and Chopin. Open to the public. Program of American Music: The Alpha Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota will present its annual program of Ameri- can Music n Sun., March 12, 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Students par- ticipating are Susan Chatfield, mezzo- soprano; Susan Walker, pianist; Patri- cia. Noffsinger, clarinetist; Kathryn King Carrow, pianist; Jocelyn Mackey, soprano; Martha Rearick, Patricia Mil- ler, Libby Jb Syder and Connie Cowan, flutists. Roger Reynolds will lead a dis- cussion with musical examples and the Sigma Alpha Iota Choir, directed by Gail Burlingame and accompanied by Carolyn Foltz, will present several selections. Open to the general public. Placement Placement Interview-Tues., Mar. 14 - (West Engrg. Bldg.) Pittsburg Coke & Chemical Co., Pitts- burg, Pa.-interviewing MEN graduat- ing in- Engrg., Lib. Arts or BusAdmin for SALES TRAINEE position with U.S. Concrete Pipe Co., a new subsidiary. Two-yr. training program in plant & office depts., & sales correspondence work prior to assignment to a territory. Interested seniors & grad students please sign schedule posted at 128-H West Engrg. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-128 West Engrg Bldg., Ext. 2182. For seniors & grad. students. MARCH 13-- Aluminum C. of Amer., throughout U.S.-BS: ChE, CE, EE, IE, ME & Met. Des., Sales & Prod. Amoco Chemicals Corp. Mkt.-Chica- go. Mfg.-Joliet, Ill. (a.m)-BS-MS: ChE. Sales & Prod. Calif. Univ. of Los Alamos Scientific Lab., Los Alamos, N.M.-All Degrees: ChE, EE, EM, ME, Met. & Nuclear. BS: E. Math & E. Physics. R. & D. Ford Motor Co., Aeronutronic, New- port Beach, Calif.-All Degrees: AE, ChE, BE, ME, Physics, Math & Physi- cal Chem. R. & D. General Dynamics Corp., Electric Boat r I BY MICHAEL ()LINICK v The Interfraternity-Council Ex- cutive Committee has announced ts nominations for next year's FC officers. IFC nominated Robert Peterson, 62, Chi Psi, for president; Michael landwirth, '62, Zeta Beta Tau, for xecutive vice-president; Mark Iladstein, '62, Zeta Beta Tau, ad- ninistrative vice-president; Doug- as Rasmussen, '62BAd., Phi Kappa Psi, for treasurer; Dennis Hirota, 62, Delta Upsilon, Richard Rod- ers, '62, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Bruce Thompson, '62, Phi Delta Although nominations were nade only to the specific post ap- >hed for, the executive committee also ranked soime of the petition- rs as "qualified" for other offices. * It named Peterson qualified for xecutive vice - president, Land- virth for administrative vice-pres- dent and secretary, Gladstein for. ecretary, Rasmussen for adminis- rative vice-president_ and secre- tary, Rodgers for treasurer and Thompson for treasurer. ' The Fraternity Presidents As- sembly will elect IFC officers at their March meeting. The FPA is made up of the 43 presidents of the local chapters. Other frater- nity men may be nominated for officers at the FPA meeting, IFC executive vice - president Howard Mueller, '61E, said. The five IFC officers serve on the executive committee as do the five district representatives. GulickT o .Discuss 'Action PrograM' Luther Gulick, president of the Institute of Public Administration, will speak on "The Action Pro- gram" at 4:15 p.m. today in Rack- ham Amphitheatre. This is the fifth in the William W. Cook lec- ture series concerning "The Met- ropolitan Problem and American Governmental Ideas." Don't Miss The DUTCH AUCTION .3 BOWLING Now Going On ANN ARBOR RECREATIO3N at STUDENT RATES MODERN -AUTOMATIC FO LLETT'S Photo Dept. 605 E. Huron, NO 2-0103 322 S. State NO 3-3371 E' --- w wrrM r Iri .r I1 WHERE o9 DINE ... Good food ...expertly served, in pleasant surroundings, to the most exacting taste. 97.VIRGII/I RESTAURANT 315 South State Street-- NO 3-3441 Featuring the Following SPECIALS his Weekend with a Cup of the Best Coffee on State Street * GOLDEN FRIED FISH & CHIPS Tartar Sauce, Creamy Cole Slaw........... .85c " REAL SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN SShoe string potatoes, tossed garden salad.... 1.25 * BROILED CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAK Crisp onion rings, french fried potatoes, tossed garden salad .....:.. .....:.... ..1.75 Luncheons, 11:30 to 2:00 Dinners 5:30 to 7:30 Sunday: Dinners, 12:00 to 3:00 Closed Mondays We suggest that you telephone for reservations. I bite Corner flouie B S. Thayer at Washington in Ann Arbor .... -A block west of Rtackham 3ldg.-NO 8-8456 *~1 ., E- C C .Continental Dining 341 South Main NO .3-2701 You can now have your favorite cocktails or liquors with your dinner in our intimate dining room or at the bar. BANQUET FACILITIES h il CHUCK WA GON LUNCH and DINNERS Fine Salads & Sandwiches FAMOUS FOR ROAST BEEF serving WINES and BEERS from all over the world Recommended by DUNCAN HINES and GOURMET BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE Rolls & Butter and Coffee, Tea or Milk served with the above I I CLOSED TUESDAYS 2045 PACKARD Hours 11 A.M. - 9 P.M. NO 2-14 Catering at Your Home or Hall - Picnics Henry Turner, 661 Prop. TENDERLOIN STEAK skillfully broiled to per- fection, crisp, seared on; the outside, tender with- in, covered with French ~ fried onion rigs, French fried or baked potato, served with sour cream and chive dressing, homemade rolls and butter and our colorful All LEO PING S4Y: We don't serve liquor or shish-kabob. o We have just wholesome Chinese food. We have a special meatless menu featuring .... ° Ilia 0 Vegetable chop suey or chow mein ° M eatless egg foo young ItSetso rs rm Lobster - Cantonese style Abalone buck toyA MICHIGAN UNION DINING ROOM features excellent service, delicious food-at prices you'll like Our Steaks . are the finest TRY OUR FEATURED SPECIALS FOR A REAL MEAL TREAT !