Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN here Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Wil Prevail STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. RSDAY, MARCH 9, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN Devaluation of Mark And U.S. Gold Flow PPRQXIMATELY six mon~ths ago the United States government came to the startling lization that the balance of trade, which is mportant in the bookkeeping of nations, had denly shifted to the favor of the foreign utries with whom we had been dealing. The ult? A new topic of daily American con-_ sation on the "gold flow." knd in the midst of this realization, various >posals were presented for the solution of s national fiscal dilemma. While some dis- led the situation as merely temporary and bout meaning in terms of national economic bility, others proposed radical and hastily ceived plans to alleviate the problem. 'hese measures included the immediate recall dependents of United States military forces mn abroad and the complete slashing of all n-essential" (non-military) foreign aid. An rease in limitations on counterpart foreign funds was proposed, which would have ced nations to spend more of these grants the United States. Restrictions on personal ital outflow from the United States and lim- ions on foreign investments were also sug- ted. N THE OTHER HAND; the individual efforts of Americans were utilized to prevent the essity of drastic governments actions. Private ustries were exhorted to concentrate more their expansion at home and to stimulate te trade with the United States. Even the 'ernment took steps to explain the need for ividual initiative in solving the financial 3cit, and government efforts were made to elerate U.S. exports. Chen-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, act- with calm resolution, sent U.S. Treasury, cials overseas to consult with foreign gov- ments to determine a mutually satisfactory ution to the gold flow from our country. The ilts at first were disheartening and it sp- EXpert HE ARTICULATE Barry Goldwater drew heavy applause in an otherwise calm ad- ss at Michigan State University Tuesday en he told delighted conservatives that Soapy lihams "can't possibly get Africa into the ne type of trouble it took him 12 years to Michigan I." Zeferring to Williams "Africa for Africans" tement, conservatism's primary spokesman ed that Kennedy now has to send a peace ps to help the former Michigan governor. lontinuing in his all-American fun-loving rit, Goldwater noted that Williams should re had no doubt about his future prior to the etion, because "Dick Nixon was going to d Mennen to Africa, anyway." rSt when his statements were exposed to uttal from the always "surprising" number liberals who attend his lectures, once again dwater collapsed. questioner who identified himself as a ident of a British colony asked the Sena- just who he thought Africa should be for- British? the Dutch? the Americans? Who?' fr. Conservatism could "answer" the ques- n only by ignoring it and by stating that "couldn't comment intelligently" on a ques- n about which 20 minutes before he was ex- t enough to ridicule an American assistant retary of State. -HARVEY MOLOTCH peared stronger and more radical measures might be taken. Eisenhower spurned these al- ternatives, although recall of military depend- ents did appear imminent. WHEN JOHN F. KENNEDY took office as President, he affirmed that he would con- tinue the Eisenhower policies in stopping the gold shortage and would continue rational con- sultation with foreign nations. The North At- lantic Treaty Organization members were the primary targets for United States pleas but rebuff followed rebuff and one nebulous prom- ise of future action after another fell upon the ears of officials and our ambassadors. France, Britain and Germany . . . all either rejected the pleas or proposed unworkable solutions. THEN, WHEN MUCH of the national emo- tional hysteria that accompanied the first stories of the shortage had cleared away, ra- tional consultation began to make its point. While there was no action forthcoming from our allies immediately, now West Germany reacts with a revaluation of the mark which according to economists, will ease the pressure on the American dollar and help the Untied States gold shortage. It raises the value of the mark from 23.8 cents to 25 cents. T HE CHANGE would make an American dol- lar worth less in terms of German marks and thus Americans would have to spend more to buy a German-made article than before, providing German manufacturers do not pro- portionately reduce their prices. The mark re- valuation, of course, mean fewer imports on the part of U.S. citizens, while increasing the purchasing power of Germans buying American-made goods. The increase in trade may return the United States to a favorable trade balance and greater economic stability. Only several days ago, Kennedy announced that the United States had not suffered a net gold outflow in trade with foreign countries, another indication of recovery. There is mixed and generally cautious opin- ion among economists on the ultimate value of the revaluation by Germany. Perhaps in terms of the entire complicated structure of world trade and national economic stability,\ the act is insignificant. However, many experts seem to feel that it will help stem our gold outflow. The move on the part of the German government should prove that our allies can, be receptive to our problems after many years of being on, the other end of the economic squeeze. AMERICAN concern over the effectiveness of Inter-nation cooperation and consultation. has been apparent. The results have in the, majority of cases proven disappointing for the U.S. However, this decision on the part of Germany to increase the value of the mark by five per cent has demonstrated a receptiveness to U.S. problems that cannot entirely be dis- missed on the grounds of German self-interest. While it may be true that revaluation will serve to hold down Germany's inflationary economy, consideration of the United States trade im- balance also played a significant part in the decision. Should other European allies follow the move of Germany, the cooperation between nations in the North Atlantic community would be -a certainty and would prove that. inter-na- tion consultation can be fruitful in combatting a domestic crisis. -MICHAEL BURNS "Hi, Cousin-How Are Things At The Club?" IJiI-I ST4 K, r2 E ' "f7 yfryyf 971{ §u$!]ti'°. ~ ~~~ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Quakers Protest Ball with Peace Vigil S r., ' .. . :- *riyy . 'all THE ASIAN STUDENT: India and Communist China While the latest word from Mos- cow is heartening to countries outside the Communist orbit, the subsequent actions of the Com- munist countries, including Coin- munist China, will be watched with interest. This is particularly true of India, where last week the problems of relations with her neighbor were brought out in the open despite the reluctance of the government to discuss them. Speaking in the Lok Sabha (Lower House), Prime Minister INTERPRETING THE NEWS: - Nehru returns to UN Pressed, Uncommitted, By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst INDIA RETURNS TO the United Nations General Assembly with an enhanced aura of leadership among the ex-colonial and un- committed nations. She has spurned the blandish- ments of the Soviet Union and made one powerful commitment--- to the United Nations way. Just how much pressure Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru has been under from Premier Nikita Khrushchev is not known, except that it has been considerable. To whatever degree the pressure was on in the recent, correspondence between the two, to that degree is the Indian offer of 3,000 troops to the UN Congo force a defeat for the Communist leader. Lecture Courses Sterile IAT THE NOTE-TAKING service was a symptom of the sterility of large lecture sec-' .s has been pretty well hashed over. hat cheatng occurs in large lectures of re- ed underclass courses has been ascertained. 1, if the course is organized and reasonably resting, students manage to struggle their ed way through. They recognize that these rses are a necessary price for attending a e university. nthropology 31 (biological anthropology) fenced all the symptoms of a large sterile ure early in the semester. Attendance was note-taking services raked in cash hand r first and cheating was rampant. IE PROBLEM? The lecturer, admittedly an expert research man in the field, was incap- of communicating with many beginning lents. He was so far above the layman that n the teaching fellows found the course cult to explain in recitation. here seemed to be no common ground in, course as taught by the lecturer and the :hing fellows, let alone meaningful com- iication with the student. Yet tests covered I~3* *3a I~ the points in lecture; one guessed or argued and hopefully passed the exams. The crime lay in the fact, that the majority of people in the course were forever turned away from the interesting and valuable fields of anthropology and genetics. In addition, four. hours a week of over six hupdred students were wasted, if they went. ARE SUCH COURSES really a necessary evil in a large University? Cannot the University see that some courses are sterile as they are and must be changed? The evaluation sheets passed out last semester did no good in this case, as few students attended recitation to do them. Individual students meet the problem of course evaluation through individual courses. They gripe in Astronomy 11 and 12, in geology, in zoology,, in political science, sociology and psychology. They do not register organized disapproval for fear of a harder course. They fear a harder course because they are not challenged and therefore dislike the discipline. INTRODUCTORY COURSES MAY be a stu- dent's only contact with an area of study. It' should be personal and searching to leave an impression on a student. A lecture of 700 does not attain this, especially when its impact depends on one man and his personality. Neither do the multiple guess and objective amai w.a,'l-rl y ana macin 'a IT IS IN similar degree a vic- tory for Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold and for that group of nations which cling to the United Nations as their agency for peace and seek to hold it above the cold war. It will be interesting now to see whether the Soviet Union will continue to fly in the face of these nations with her campaign against Hammarskjold and her attempt to replace the Secretary- General's office with an adminis trative committee of three, one of whom would have veto power over methods of implementing the will of the general assembly. To the extent which the Indian action will solidify the opposition. to such a proposal, to that extent does it become more far reaching than its direct effect in the Con- go. NEHRU ALREADY had indicat- ed willingness to send a few hun- dred combat troops in addition to the staff -and organizational force already there. Khrushcheb is be- lieved to have complained. He got one of the nost positive replies ever given by :one the neutrals. For a nation like India, engaged Escape RAFT EXEMPTION for service in a peace corps would "un- dermine our Selective Service sys- disrepute" and would be "com- pletely alien to our heritage" as it Certainly, we do not have to wrecC our whole concept of a in disputes with Red China and Pakistan, committed to the de- fense of small countries lying be- tween her and Red China, sending away 3,000 troops merely to back a principle is a major act. It represents an important ten- dency among the uncommitted nations to form a third force, to be interposed in the United Na- tions, between the two cold'-war forces which might get the world into a war. TAYLOR: Youth And th 'U' "OfUR PROBLEM AS educators in the 1960s, in relating the individual to his world, is to deal directly with the going concerns of contemporary youth. We must take seriously the kind of truth these young people are bringing to us, even though in larme areas it is a negative truth which to many people seems to be the symbol of apathy and the sign of failure of American youth. If this be the case, what are some of the values and ideas which can be used to move educa- tion and American culture in a different direction? The present state of the aca- demic organization is something which I deplore. I believe sincerely that the universities--those hav- ing 25,000-40,000 students-are simply organizations for dissemi- nating information. I see the con- temporary American university as a huge lecture room furnished with a corporation desk behind which sits the academic man, dis- pensing subject matter to the student at as high a salary as he can command. * * *- THE STUDENT, IN turn, is soaking up information like a sponge, then is researched by psy- chologists, then becomes a symbol in a national testing program, but is never taken seriously as an in- dividual human being. This pro- duces certain consequences in terms of what is learned. Sometimes I feel that we are teaching students now not to be themselves but how to cover it up. It is like the aspect of real life where people read only the book reviews and then talk to each other about the books. Most education is like that-- Jawaharlal Nehru had some very harsh things to say about the Peiping regime. But not, appar- ently, because he wished to at this time. Rather, he was forced into the situation. *, * * MR. NEHRU'S remarks came in the course of a debate from which Communist China had been delib- erately excluded. Once in every session of Parliament, the govern- ment initiates a debate on foreign affairs when every subject bearing on international relations is in- cluded. During the current session, however, the government motion was, for the first time, differently worded to, limit discussion to the recent United Nations General As- sembly session in which India worked for an early meeting be- tween the United States and So- viet heads of government. The question of India's relations with her gargantuan neighbor was ig- nored. Mr. Nehru himself, in his opening speech, turned the spot- light on the Congo. But the government attempt to exclude Communist China 'from the debate failed. Both Congress and opposition iembers referred again and again to the growing number of border incidents, in- cluding unauthorized flights over Indian territory. On the second day of the debate, Defense Minister Krishna Mennon brought the red herring out again by a long speech on the cross- currents in the UN. Mr. Nehru himself began with another log reference to the Congo and ad- mitted that the government had deliberately kept Communist China out. of the debate in view of the 1'delicate" situation. Then, quite suddenly, the whole picture changed. The Prime Minister brushed aside the references to Tibet and border incidents and got to what he felt was the core of the matter. THE REAL PROBLEM, Mr. Ne- hru said, was Communist China's "attitude." "The Chinese govern- ment's policy basically does not accept the concepts of co-exist- ence even though they say they accept it. If they think that war is more or less inevitable in a world which is part capitalist and part socialist or communist, then that presents a type of picture which is rather alarming. That means our living in a state of semi-war all the time, in intense cold war, with the prospect some- times or other of its breaking into a full war. As I understand it, that is not the attitude of the Soviet government." This was a "dangerous ideologi- cal attitude" on the part of Pei- ping, Mr. Nehru said. "Therefore, this dangerous situation arises against which we have to be pre- pared whatever the cost we may have to pay for it. DEFINING POLICY in these terms the Prime Minister dis- closed that India had already started work on a big program of improving border communications from the strategic point of view. Mr. Nehru stopped there, but re- ports have appeared in the Indian To the Editor: A YEAR AGO on the occasion of the Military Ball, the Peace- maker's Prance was held to give the expression of the view that force and violent power is not the way to bring world peace. Events over the past year give cause for a more serious response to the military ideology which continues to fail as a path to a better 'world. With this in mind, a traditional Quaker silent meeting will be held on Friday night for those who support the belief that peace can only be achieved through peace- ful, loving means. There are no religious restrictions. The time will be 9:30 p.m. at the Guild House, 524 Thompson (behind the Union) and will last for one hour. AN HOUR OF silence at this time in history, I believe, is in- deed appropriate. Peace cannot be achieved by casual lip service and to consider deeply the actions and motives which will lead to a les- sening of fear and hate between nations and between neighbors. It is not possible for braid, brass and bullets to bring about this end. From a deep and serious self ap- praisal of the individual's con- tribution can come creative and positive steps to speed the develop- ment of a world free from the, threats of war and hate. An hour of silence is but one investment in this self appraisal. Will you join me? --David Giltrow, '61Ed. All-Fired . . . To the Editor: IN the Saturday, Feb. 25 issue of the Daily, it was reported that a group of Harvard students were protesting a story in Time maga- zine which stated that they were (horrors) conservative. If they are so all-fired liberal, they should know better than to even admit to reading Time. Such a piece of gaucherie from the supposed in- tellectual center of the nation is really shocking. The most effective' snub would have been ignoring the story altogether. -Andrew Sabersky '63 Cops 'n Robbers., To the Editor: REGARDING Mr. Ostling's well- stated editorial on jaywalking in Thursday's Michigan Daily, I should like to add a recent ex- perience of two friends and my- self. Last Wednesday night at eleven oclock we were walking north on almost deserted State Street. As we walked past Liberty Street, we noticed a patrolman just around the corner of the building at Lib- erty and State. We were amazed to. see him flattened against the wall, as if between it and an ex- press train. Several times , he stealthily poked his head around the corner for a second or two, and tlen withdrew it quickly to the safety of the north side of the building. Meanwhile, we continued to walk slowly north on State Street. After a minute or two we heard him run from his position off to the south, blowing his whistle madly at each step. Ap- parently he had caught someone jaywalking at' the intersection of State Street and North University. * * * THE PATROLMAN'S actions were bizarre enough to give us a good laugh, but upon considering the matter further,, we began to wonder what the aim of the citi- zeni' of Ann Arbor was in hiring a person for such a duty. If the law was to be strictly and blindly upheld, then the po- liceman should have given him- self a ticket, for I assume, running diagonally the wrong way down a one-way street. If rational law' tempered with reasonable justice was to be served, he was certainly opposing it, since no traffic was n sight in any direction. If increased tax monies were sought, he would have been more productive chas- ing speeders, on Washtenaw Ave- nue, although it is true that he' could not have been doing that on foot. But when all is said and done, I think the man was really play-, ing cops and robbers. -David B. Lellinger Out of my Mind «.. To the Editor: I THINK I'm going nuts,.. real- ly! I'm turning paranoid. Peo- ple seem like they're out, to get me. In Michigan especially they are working' hard . . . man are they working.. . and I'm scared, man . . . really scared. Don't call me a hedonist or anything . . but . . . well.. .Ihate to be hurt and if it has to be done first I sweat . . . see . . . then I become resigned . . . really! I get so re- signed that I just hope they do it gracefully. Grace is really impor- tant. . . especially in college. Yes- terday and the weeks before I was really sweating . . . man did I pour! What happened was that he's coming to Michigan to get us college kids . . . operation aboli- tion * . . he'l get us all. I don't mean to be a burden .. . but man I scared!! * * * AND THAT OTHER guy,., wow! ,. .. talk about sweating and in the Union tool He's some man . I guess he's going to get right into college to get us. I mean he's not gonna be a student or any- thing . . . but he's gonna be a trustee or , something , . . you know .,. . Like they have in pris- ons . . . his name I can't forget, but I can't say it . . cause I'll be next . . . I'm serious! I can say one thing, though ... he -made me stop sweating .. . yeh .. . I really stopped when he said that Com- munism "should be taught on a biased basis, biased in our favor." . .. You know what that means, don't you . . . it means they're going to do it gracefully .. . when I knew he was goingto ge a grace- ful trustee .. . I stopped pouritg. That means he's gonna be nice about it , . . no violence .. . no firehoses . . . no sliding down the city hall steps . .. full of water. Really it was nice to stop all that pouring ... the only thing I wish now is that I could get out of here! I mean.., if I could be In some PTA or some Moose lodge then I'd be O.K. Maybe if I joined the Kiwanis . . . in Tem- perance, Michigan ... maybe then I could live a normal life. --J. A. Kroth, '63 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily official Enuetin is 11A official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editori, responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519'Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. THURSDAY, 1MARCH 9, College of Literature, science and the Arts, and Schools of Business' Ad- ministration, Education, Music, Natural Resources, Nursing, and Public Health: ,Students who received' marks of 1;XI, ; or 'no report' at the end of their last semester or summer session of attend- ance will receive a grade of "E" In the course or courses unless this work is made ip by March 13, 1961. StudentS wishing an extension o time -beyond this date should fie a petition with the appropriate official of their school. In the School of Nursing, 'the above n- formation refers toon-Nursing courses only. The General Library will be open ad- ditional hours on weekends beginning Fri., March 10. The following. hours have been added to the schedule: 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, I to 6 p.m.. Saturday, and 6 to 10 p.m. Sunday. Duing these added 'hous, the library cannot offer professional library service. The new schedule of hours for the General Library will be 8 a. to ,10 pam. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and 2 to 10 p.m. Sunday. Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The freshmann flve-weep progress reports will be due Fri. March' 17, in the Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen and Sophomores, 1213 Angell Ball. Burton Holmes Travelogue "The Orient" Tonight. A new color motion, picture travelogue covering urma Singapore, Japan and Thailand will be presented, tonight 8:30 p.m. In Hill Aud. World traveler Robert McKeown will'narrate the films which e took on his recent visit. Tickets are on sale at the Aud. box office today 10-8:30. Events Thursday Lecture: Dr. Paul Boyer, Department of Biochemistry, University of Minn- sota, will speak on "The Nature and Diversity of Catalytic Proteins" on Thur. March 9 at 4 p.m. in the Natural Sci- ence Aud, Lecture: "Actuarial Research and Planning" will be discussed by John Taylor, Bankers Life Insurance Co., on Thurs., March 9 at 4 p.m. in 165 Busi-. ness Admin. Bldg. Events Friday William Cook Lecture: Dr. Luther Gu- lick, President, Institute of Public Ad- ministration, New York, will speak on "The Metropolitan Problem and Ameri- can Governmental, Ideas: Action Pro- gram" on Fri., March 10 at 4:13 p.m. In the Rackhamn Amphitheatre. Lecture: Prof. Victor Erlich, Unt- versity of Washington, will discuss "The Modern Poet's Dilemma: Blok, Maya- kovsky and Pasternak" on ri., March Psychology Colloquium: Henry F. Kaiser, Assistant Prof. of Education, University of Illinois, will ispeak on "Relating Factors Between Studies" on Fri., March 10 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B. Coffee at 3:45 in Mason Hall Lounge. Doctoral Examination for Calvin James Hallada, Chemistry: thesis: "The Conductance of Sore High Valence Type Electrolytes," Fri., March 10, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 1:30 pm. Chairman, Gordon Atkinson. lacement Beginning Mon., March 13, the fol, lowing schools will have representa- tives at the Bureau to interview for the 1961-1962 school year. MON., MARCH 13 Grand Rapids, Midh. (Godwin Hgts. Schools)-Elem., El. Library; Arts/Crafts (man), Latin/Fre or Germ., English. Grass Lake, Mich.-Elem.; Sc/Math. Mt. Clemens, Mich (L'Anse Cruise Schs)-Elem., Spec. Ed.; Jr. HS Math/ Sci, Read; Home Ec., Ind. Art, Eng/ '1.. a -1 '1 I -1 Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor