OPERATION ABOLITION' BRINGS UP QUESTIONS See- Page 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom ~Iaii4 COLDER ligh40 Low-.27 Rain turning to snow with more wind. r=mFMM I VOL. LXXI, No 112 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1961 FIVE CENTS SIX PA a . 1 -F a 1 a u a ccY u a t , C c C y sc s x e a C s t n n f 1 .a s n a i a a 4l t, 'c .t c s t Ni n to Congo, DemandsATI affde ATO I Rule of Bases Makes Control of Posts, Air Traffic Price of UN Return to Atlantic Port By The Associated Press s The Congo government last night demanded control of United Nations air traffic and strategic bases as the price for return of UN troops to Matadi, Atlantic supply port at the Congo River mouth. United Nations forces surrendered the port Sunday after a battlew'U'A ttacked Meet with H Umarskjold This came as Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold met privately with his 18-nation advisory committee on the Congo. Diplomats who By MICHAEL BURNS attended said he discussed current State Sen. Clarence F. Graebner UN negotiations with Congolese (R-Saginaw) leveled a blast at authorities, the size of the University yester- The Security Council Feb. 21 day in proposing a new four-year IVTCITTenlarged the UN mandate fot the state college. Congo by authorizing the UN com- "The University is too big now," mand to use force if nece'ssary to he charged , prevent civil war there. Graebner said the main reason k Far from agreeing to Congolese he was advocating the establish- 's ak~r B an terms in negotiations for return to the port, the UN reinforced its ment of a state-supported addi- By HARVEY MOLOTCH Leopoldville garrison. new two-year eroaomunity Special to The Daily Moroccans Arrive College, was to provide "a degree EAST LANSING - Sen. Barry About 800 Moroccans of the UN granting college" for those stu- Goldwater (R-Ariz) told a Michi- detachment in Katanga began ar- dents who are and will be over- gan State University audience last riving by air yesterday, and emer- crowding other state schools. night that Communists should be gency arrangements were made to "The University, Michigan State allowed to publicly defend their airlift 600 soldiers from Tunisia University and Wayne State Uni- system of government on tax-sup- today. The first of 3,000 Indian versity are too big for their ported campuses. troops probably will begin arriving britches," he emphasized. "They Answering a question raised by in the Congo in a week. don't have the proper supervision Ann Byerlein during a question These will boost UN strength in over students" that a smallervcol-n and answer period following his the Congo to 0,000 men and make le main address,-Goldwater asserted up for the 40 troops theSuda geswould. that "if 'people knew what Con- pulling out of the Congo., The Graebner said that the Univer- munism was, there would be no withdrawal order was in protest sity should be limited to 20-25,000 difficulty in maintaining allegi- against failure of the UN com- students. ance." mand to reinforce the outnum- Asks Cooperative Plan M iss Byerlein is currently cam- bered Sudanese garrison at Ma- The bill called for establishment paigning to reinstate a ban that tadi- of the four-year college on a co- would prevent Communists from Warning Underlined operative plan in which the pres- speaking at Wayne State Univer- Although the reinforcements of ent two-year Delta College, sched- sity. UN troops here seemed to under- uled to open in September, would Rebuttal Needed line the UN warning that it will continue under sole jurisdiction of "If you know what the man is, retake Matadi by force if neces- the community college district, and if counter his argument with sary, a UN spokesman denied the with the state providing support an equally strong rebuttal from troop movements were to put pres- only for the junior and senior the republican side, I don't see sure on the Congolese during nego- years. anything wrong with it. tiations for the port. The college district would pro- "But in the case of day-after- The Stanleyville regime of An- vide the mile-square site on which day preaching of Communism by toine Gizenga in a statement the college is now being construct- a faculty member-that's for the appealed to the UN General As- ed and would rent classrooms to colleges to settle for themselves," sembly to find a solution for the the state. Rental revenue would Goldwater added . Congo problem,teusta te.retlreenue wouled In his lecture, sponsored by the The Stanleyville diplomatic mis-f be used to retire the bonds Issued MSU Conservative Club, Gold- sion here, representing the political for classroom construction. water called for the rebirth of a heirs of slain Patrice Lumumba, Graebner said his bill, which "true liberal movement" to join accused Hammarskjold of prepar- was referred to the Senate educa- conservatives 4n their 'forward ing for a third world war by trying tion committee yesterday, does not march. to place the Congo under the set any time limit for conversion Those who today call themselves domination of imperialists, to the four-year program but that liberal are not following the lib- A roundtable conference of Con- it should be within three or four eralness of Thomas Jefferson, but go leaders will open today in Tan- years. Delta will open with an en- are instead "radical reactionaries," anarive, Malagasy Republic, with rollment of approximately 1,800 Goldwater protested, an address by President Moise students and 92 faculty members. Change Desired Tshombe of Katanga proposing a Board in Control Such men desire change for the detailed solution of the Congo's A 12-man board in control would sake of change itself and want problems. be established, with three members to take us back to the govern-beainedbyt teegmemrnr mental centralism of the British appointed by the governor. The monarchy which our forefathers ote R ssian remainingpositions would be f ill- fought against. 11iedbyrelections within the college Goldwater praised the House Un- district and will be members of American Activities Committee as Io Give Tal"the " community college board. a "good thing." Elliciting loud ap- Delta's operating funds are ex- plause from his audience of 3,000 Prof. Julian Saushkin, one of pected to come from the following students, legislators, and faculty the ovt Un 's top 'sources: $420,000 from tuitions at members, the Arizona Senator ph ill de lectgeon $100 per student per term; $605,- said: "Lrg rea Cmex e on 380 from the district's half-mill "McCarthy was a good friend of ductive oreComplexhe sovet operating levy; and $430,500 from mine. People were critical of the Union" at 4:15 p.m. March 17 i state funds on the basis of $205 way Joe ran the committee," but Aud A, Angell Hall. per full-time equated student. in Congressional investigations The Russian geographer is in Graebner explained that future there is no way criticism can be the United States under a pro- operating funds for the school avoided, gram for the exchange of profes- would come from state funds as Goldwater added that he was sors between Moscow State Uni- they do for other state schools. "shocked but not surprised" when versity and Columbia University. The cost of expanding Delta to a he saw HUAC's film "Operation His visit includes lectures at the four-year institution would not be Abolition." "I know what Com- universities of Chicago, Wisconsin substantially higher than the cost munism cap do to people e r ei Illinois, Syracuse and Yale Uni- of expanding present degree- people who afterwards realize they versity. granting schools, he said. bave been duped." Voices Support Responding to a reporter's ques- HOOSIER COMEDIAN: tion at an earlier press conference, Goldwater voiced support for a technologically oriented peace corps "as long as it is not justn gonig t. be a haven for beatniks." - But the peace can best be kept through a position of power, Gold- water said. By JUDITH BLEIER; "We can't let foreign countries and MICHAEL HARRAH nfluence what we do-we must in- "I work more with the young stead determine what is best for people, these days; they're the ones he world ourselves." {= who are up and at 'em." Hoosier humorist Herb Shriner hopped off the stage in Hill Aud. V ; } => ::. and sat down. "The older folks W est G ermare TV watchers nowadays," he #::::u?:d.Arm s said. "Only the young folks are . ¢SS'" :rIRstill going out. Entertaining them1 makes me feel like I'm going to BONN (A) -Diplomatic sources } .school again." aid last night W. Averell Harri- Shiner said that in playing to nan has assured West Germany a college audience he has found a hat nuclear weapons will continue )~ X~tjjli,.on, -.i~:..vi preference for three things: (TION AT RDIZES 'U' STI FORD PTER ST, TO PEACE CORPS: Can Place 5,000 Volunteers By JUDITH OPPENHEIM "If qualified members of the peace corps could fill every position in the world where they are needed, we could easily place 5,000 corps- men by July 1962," Prof. Maurice Albertson of Colorado State Uni- versity told the Americans Committed to World Responsibility last night. Prof. Albertson, author of a report to Congress on the peace corps, discussed the results of a questionnaire on need and possibilities for the program which he sent to groups and individuals in the United States and several foreign countries. He emphasized the fact that the ideas he expressed were mere- ly recommendations based on the results of the questionnaire and National Expels i Ul For Pledging Jews Lewis, Trost Examine Possibilitie Of Conflict with M3embership Rul By MICHAEL OLINICK The University chapter of Alpha Tau Omega faces pc sible loss of recognition in the wake of action taken yesterd against the fraternity's Stanford unit. ATO's national office revoked ,the charter of the Califc nia group because it pledged four Jewish students last fall. A high council of the fraternity unanimously decided ti the Stanford students had violated the organization's co stitution which limits members to those of "the white ra who have accepted the Christian faith." If the University chapter must adhere to- the nationa policies on membership selection, the ATO's here would in violation of the Student ; LOCA Legislature Receives Bill On Education WASHINGTON (R)-- President John F. Kennedy's bill to provide loans and scholarships for the nation's colleges went to Congress yesterday. It was introduced immediately in the House by Rep. Edith Green (D-Ore), and in the Senate by Sen. Lister Hill (D-Ala). Proposal Explained The President's proposals were in two parts: 1) 212,500 four-year college scholarships. 2) Long-term, low interest loans to construct classrooms and other buildings.. The total cost of the five-year program, including loans, is esti- mated at well over $3 billion. This help to colleges is separate, from a proposal sent to Congress earlier to provide about $2.3 bil- lion in outright grants to the states over a three-year period for public elementary and secondary schools. Described as Vital In sending his proposals to Con- gress, President Kennedy described them as vital in the years ahead when he said there will be great increases in the number of stu- dents seeking to get college de- grees. "If our youth are to have an opportunity to develop their intel- lectual capacities to the fullest, steps must be taken immediately to increase the, available facilities for higher education and to re- lieve both the students and the universities from impossible finan- cial burdens. This program is de- signed to do this." Hill is chairman of the Senate public welfare committee which will conduct hearings on the meas- ure. Mrs. Green is a member of the House Education Committee. She said the House committee will begin three days of hearings on March 15. Secretary of Welfare' Abraham Ribicoff will be the first witness, Mrs. Green said. Meanwhile, the President stood' firm on his insistence that federal aid to parochial and private ele- mentary and secondary schools would be unconstitutional, al- though Sen. John W. McCormack (D-Mass), House majority leader,1 opposes him on this issue. not necessarily the procedure the peace corps will follow. Demand Enormous Although the demand expressed for the peace corps is enormous, President John F. Kennedy has ex- pressed a desire to place 500 to 1,000 corpsmnen by next Decem- ber. He has emphasized the im- portance of conducting the pro- gram on a reduced scale until we can be more certain about its re- sults. Prof. Albertson said the primary aim of the peace corps should be an attempt to assist the accelera- tion of economic and social devel- opment in underdeveloped areas of the world by means of "person- al contact at the operational lev- el," More than half the peace corps work will involve teaching Eng- lish as a second language. Three quarters will fall under the gen- eral heading of formal teaching which will include, in adlition to English, agriculture, vocational and technical skills, sciences and adult education. Mainly Men Most peace corps positions will be occupied by men, Prof. Albert- son said. However, there will be several opportunities for women and a few for married couples, providing both the husband and wife are qualified to work in the same general area. Most corpsmen will spend two years in the countries to which they will be assigned. They under- go a two to three month training, period in the United States and additional training for three to six monthsin the area where they will work. Corpsmen will receive no salar- ies except subsistence wages and a small allowance. They will be expected to live under the same conditions as the people with whom they work. Qualifications Listed To qualify for the peace corps, applicants must have completed, high school and had additional training in areas which will be of use to the corps. Prof. Albertson said it is vital for them to have "both a humanistic desire to help others less fortunate than they and a pioneering spirit of adven- ture." Corpsmen will receive instruc- tion before being sent abroad un- der the government plan headed by R. Sargent Shriver, President Kennedy's brother-in-law.' PROF. MAURICE ALBERTSON, ... peace corps AT MSU: Ask Voice In Choilce, By WILFRED ROY Students and faculty of Michi- gan State University are currently circulating petitions asking for a voice in the selection of the next dean of students. The student petition already has approximately 2000 signatures,, Dan Reidel, MSU student. govern- ment president, said last night. The students have formed a three point program which in- cludes a request that the presi- dent consult faculty members and representatives of the student body before making his choice. The petition also asks that the next dean "be a person fully in sympathy with the educational functions of the University," (which means a faculty member, Reidel said), and that a committee of students and faculty be formed to study the organization and ac-, tivities of the dean's office and to make recommendations for its future operation. The faculty petition closely par- allels this, but specifically asks that the appointment be a faculty member. There is no existing rule to this effect now, and the retiring dean is not and has never been a faculty member. The student government also has a motion supporting the petitions and seeking the same ends, but it has been tabled pending MSU President John Hannah's "return this week from a trip to Asia. Government Council ruling on discrimination in student or- gaizations, Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lew- is said last night. Discrimination Banned SGC adopted a motion last May banning racial and religious dis- crimination in student organiza- tions. The council also required all fraternities and sororities to sub- mit statements detailing their membership selections practices. "Each chapter has to file a statement about its membership practices. If it can't say that it; chooses members without regard to race or religion, that group is in jeopardy," Lewis said. Interfraternity President Jon Trost, '61, agreed with Lewis. "It would look as if AtO here could not be in accord with our ruling and still follow its national's poli- cies." No Prediction Richard Clark, '62BusAd, ATO president here, hesitated to pre- dict the outcome of the Stanford action for his chapter. "It is at this time impossible to tell just repercussions the Stanford affair will have on this chapter. "The complete details of this situation and also the membership committee's interpretation of the affair are not clearly defined -at this time. "These and all other pertinent. points will be discussed with the University and the committee." Clark said his chapter had not yet filed its statement which would be used by the SGC Committee on Membership in Student Organiza- tions to evaluate the situation here. 'No Alternative, The five man ATO council said the Stanford group declared it would continue to violate the con- stitutional clause on membership restrictions. "Under these circum- stances, the chapter leaves the fraternity no alternative but to place its charter in escrow," the council stated. Religious bias, the council said, did not influence its decision. It pointed out that ATO has alumni of Hebrew origin and clergymen of various denominations. The Stanford chapter decided in December to continue on cam- pus as a strictly local group if it were ousted by the national, Michael Kavanaugh, ATO presi- dent there said last night. SGC Action .. May Oppose By PAT GOLDEN A motion to condemn the flu "Operation' Abolition" will pro ably come to a vote tonight at t Student Government Coun meeting. The Council saw the film ai discussed the ixotion last wee but postponed action because Ct ema Guild has scheduled a pre entation for the. campus. T showing was ,ater cancelled a no other showing is planned present. HUAC Support "Operation Abolition" was ma with the support of the House U American Activities Committ and concerns the student ric surrounding the HUAC hearin last May in San Francisco. SGC motion claims the film conta distortions and attempts to lix the student demonstration wi the Communist movement. T motion explicitly states that SC does not condone any violen committed by the students, b objects to' the film's implicatio and misrepresentations. Should a public showing of t film seem imminent, SGo mIg again postpone its final consi eration of the motion. Propose Changes Considerable changes in the a tivities section, of the Universi regulations booklet will also cor before the Council. SGC membe and administrators have discuss the proposed, changes which i elude changing the interim actic procedure for calendaring, into regular function of the preside Such a change would enable t president to officially approve a tivities between SGC meeting The present procedure allows t executive vice-president to gi temporary approval to activitie but they are not officially cale dared until the whole Council a proves the interim action. To Present Motion Philip Power, Spec., will prese a motion to endorse a Conferen on the University for this sprinr He and a committee were autho ized in December to study the idi of the conference and report ba4 to SGC. The motion proposes th. further planning for the confe ence be done by an all-Universi committee. New Petitions For Positions InG Creulation Per Hanson, '62, executive vie president of Studept Governme Council, took out a petition ,f4 SGC yesterday. Nick Spewock, '62E, petition for senior class president. Edwa r~o Play to Young People t] t{ and Mort Sahl. "Their humor , is much the same as mine," he said. "It's just in a different package. Only the outward wrapping has been changed. "They touch on topical things, just as I do. We all do a sort of monologue-and that's as old as vaudeville. It dates back to Chau- tauqua (a touring carnival around the turn of the century.)" Heyday for Humor The Hoosier entertainer said that the present is a heyday for the humorous speaker. "The art of talking is coming back. For awhile weekly TV show anymore. It's like Russian roulette with all the bar- rels loaded." $2 Prop, Shriner then pointed out the "two dollar kitchen chair," which was then occupied by guitarist George Alexander, a baritone bal- ladeer who accompanies him on his tours. "That chair is the least ex- pensive, most effective piece of scenery. It's just a place to sit back and talk. More than that, everyone gets a laugh out of it." Meanwhile the electrical crews focused multi-colored spotlights Decision Expected Kavanaugh had been awaiting a decision from the council this month and was expecting a revo- cation of the charter. "There is no feeling of distaste- fulness or unhappiness on our part. Our ideas about selecting members dQ not agree with the national's and we do not want to remain in an organization that has those membership criteria," he said. The action of the council was based on a hearing with the Stan- ford chapter on Jan. 28 when chapter officers admitted they had pledged and initiated non- Christians. the council said. '=,,U