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March 07, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-07

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Supreme Court Decides
O1n Southern Sit-in Case

Peace Corps Meets Doubts


Gold Flow
Plan Mee ts

House Block
President John F. Kennedy's
moves to reduce the dollar out-
flow was sidetracked yesterday for
fear of repercussions in Mexico,.
Canada and other friendly coun-
The. House Ways and Means
Committee postponed action on a
bill to cut from $500 to $100 the
value of goods a; tourist may bring
back to this country duty-free.
However, at a closed-door ses-
sion yesterday the committee de-
cided to hold off and hear more
op the subject from the State De-
Some congressional sources said
the department itself had asked
for reconsideration but the de-
partment denied this.

In Stabbin
COLUMBIA, S.C. (P)-A white
man stabbed a Negro yesterday
during a sit-in at a segregated,
lunch counter in Columbia, where
a recent wave of demonstrations
has resulted in disorders and ar-
The unidentified white man
melted away in the crowd and
the Negro college student was tak-
en to a hospital in critical condi-
The violence occurred at a
Woolworth lunch counter.
Police said Lehnie Glover, of
Adah, Pa., a student at Benedict
College, was sitting at the counter
when a white man approached and
"Are you having any fun?"
Glover said he did not reply and
the man stabbed him in the side.



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Ord ers fResul t
g of Negro
Columbia was the scene of a
mass Negro march on the state
house Thursday in which 190 per-
sons were arrested. All were re-
leased on bond.
There was a series of other ra-
cial developments yesterday.
A group of 12 Negro high school
girls ate. without incident at a
variety store lunch counter across
the street from the county court-
house in Bradenton, Fla..
A white citizens council chap-
ter in Birmingham objected to the
scheduled appearance of John Ci-
ardi, a Rutgers University facul-
ty member and poetry editor of
the Saturday Review, at a meet-
ing of the Alabama Education As-
sociation convention next week.
Eight Negro junior college stu-
dents and a member of the Con-
gress of Racial Equality said in
New York interviews that they
plan to continue demonstrating in
South Carolina. They recently
completed 30-day prison camp
sentences in York County, S.C.,
rather than post appeal bonds fol-
lowing conviction in sit-in demon-
Navy ToAsk
For Carrier
WASHINGTON {1P)-The Navy is
considering 'asking for another
new carrier as part of the buildup
of the nation's limited war capa-
The carrier presumably would
be included in an over-all ship-
building program for about -30
warships -directly or indirectly of
value for waging less-than-all-out
In addition to the carrier, the
shipbuilding list the Navy is re-
ported contemplating includes a
highly specialized cruiser, almost
a dozen destroyers and more than
15 nuclear powered submarines.
This building program, if ap-
proved by the Defense Depart-
ment, probably would begin to
show in the fiscal 1963 budget.
Groundwork for that budget will
commence this summer, with a
preliminary draft due late this
If the Navy's now tentative ship-
building suggestions should be
adopted in entirety by the Defense
Department and the Kennedy ad-
ministration, the cost might be
substantially more than a billion
This would not account for all
the requirements for improving
the Navy's capacity for fighting
limited as well as general war.

Negroes, Whites
Fined in Florida
WASHINGTON (AP)-In its first
action on a southern lunch coun-
ter "sit-in" case, the Supreme
Court yesterday refused a hear-
ing to eight Negroes and four
whites convicted in a Florida
lunchroom demonstration.
They were convicted in munici-
pal court in Tallahassee in con-
nection with sit-in demonstrations
at a Woolworth store Feb. 20 and
March 12 last year. Each receiv-
ed a sentence of 60 days in jaIl or
a $300 fine.
The import of the action was
not made clear. The court merely
said it would not hear the appeal.
Speculate on Basis
Court observers speculated the
refusal may have been based, at
least partially, on the fact that
the case had not gone through
Florida's highest courts. The ap-
peal came here from the circuit
court for Leon County, which af-
firmed the municipal court.
The Supreme Court now has be-
fore it a sit-in case involving 17
Louisiana Negroes. This case has
run the full course in state courts.
The high court has not yet said
whether it will hear arguments in
this case.
Convict Demonstrators
The Tallahassee demonstrators
were convicted under a city or-
dinance proscribing acts of disor-
derly conduct, breaches of the
peace, and unlawful assembly.
In New York, James Farmer,
national director of the Congress
of Racial Equality, said he hoped
the decision does not mean the
court intends to avoid the issues
raised by the sit-ins. Farmer's
group organized the Tallahassee
The NationalAssociation for the
Advancement r Colored People
said it had no immediate com-
Soviets Snub
Luncheon Held
By UN Head
Soviet Union yesterday snubbed a
high level diplomatic luncheon
given by Dag Hammarskjold for
Ghana President Kwame. Nkru-
It was a clear warning that the
Russians will continue to fight
any Congo peace plan in which
the United Nations Secretary-
General has a role-even at the
risk of displeasing many Asian-
African nations.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
A. Gromyko was joined in the
luncheon boycott by Bulgaria and
Romania, the only other Commu-
nist delegations invited.
Before the luncheon, Ham-
marskjold talked with Nkrumah
for an hour and late in the after-
noon Gromyko paid a call on
Nkrumah at the latter's suite at
his hotel, presumably to explain
the Soviet position on the Congo.

"The idea of a Peace Corps is
very easy to set forth on paper,
but it is another thing to execute
it with people who are untrained,"
Elford Cederberg, (R-Mich) wrote
in answer to a letter he received
from the campus Young Republi-
can Club.
The letter, which was sent to
all Republican congressmen, re-
quested their opinions on the
theoretical and practical aspects
of a Peace Corps. It also asked
about the advisability of YR's
forming a group to encourage the
implementation of the Corps.
Express Reservations
Many of the congressmen, while
agreeing with the basic idea of a
Peace Corps had reservations
about its execution and financing.
Halmar C. Nuggard (N Dak) said,
"It would seem to me that this
is one of those plans which would
depend to an overwhelming de-
gree on the kind of administration
it was given."
Rep. Jackson E. Betts (O) re-
plied, "As one who believes very
strongly in economy and efficien-
cy in government, I approach
such rchemes cautiously and skep-
'Fuzzy Thinking'
Rep. Charles Mathias, Jr. (Md)
called the Peace Corps an exam-
ple of the kind of fuzzy thinking
of which we must be careful. "I
question whether any group of
young men and women entering a
form of foreign service on an ama-
teur basis for a limitel period of
time could justify the expense that
would be involved in the progress,"
he said.
Rep. Katherine St. George (NY)
wrote that the corps should have
some Republican representation.
"This will be extremely difficult
to achieve, as we can already see
that appointments are going to be
dispensed and favors granted on
very strict party lines."
She advised youn Americans
who want to work abroad to go
Dozen Nations
Show Interest
In New Corps
WASHINGTON () - The new
head of the Peace Corps said
yesterday that 10 or 12 foreign
countries already have indicated
some interest in the program of
sending volunteer Americans over-
seas tohelp where they are need-
ed and wanted.
Sargent R. Shriver, Peace Corps
director, told a news conference
the countries were from all con-
tinents,'including Asia, Africa and
Latin America.
Shriver also said that Lt. Gen.
Lewis B. Hershey, head of Selec-
tive Service, had authorized him
to say that it was Hershey's con-
sidered opinion and judgment.that
one who served in the Peace Corps
for two years would be eligible for
further deferment from military
service. Shriver added that no ex-
emptions from military service had
been proposed and none had been
Of course, he said, a young per-
son couldn't come back and be-
come a beachcomber and expect
to get deferment. And, he added,
those who were deferred would al-
ways be subject to general mobil-
ization if it came.
Shiver reported that the pro-
gram, launched last week by Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy, was on its
way. He said the headquarters of-
fice was working now on appli-
cation forms for the volunteers
who want to go overseas and also
was working with various univer-
sities that already have proposed
ways they could help.
The selection people will go to
work too, Shriver said, and added

that Dr. Lawrence E. Dennis, vice-
president for Academic Affairs at
Pennsylvania State University
would arrive today to set up the
training program.

into already existing agencies
rather than starting a new one.
Real Need
Another point was raised by
Rep. Clark MacGregor, (Minn).
Noting that the real need abroad
would probably be for specialists
rather than unskilled but eager
young people, he urged the forma-
tion of a "freedom" or "foreign
service" academy to train young
persons in foreign work.
This course of action was sup-
ported by Sen. Hugh Scott (Penn)
among many others. Sen. Scott
made reference in his reply to a
bill introduced in the Senate Jan.
13, calling for a United States
Foreign Service Academy for the
instruction and training of for-
eign representatives of the Unit-
ed States government.
Sen. Jacob Javits (NY) said he
had been working "for just this
kind of opportunity for years for
the youth of our nation to be ade-
quately trained."
Method of Implementation
"the idea is an excellent one,"
commented Sen. John Sherman
Cooper (Ky). "The problem of
course arises in finding the best
method of implementing the con-
cept. In this respect I think we
must be very careful to make
sure that only the best young
people are chosen and that their
talents are properly matched with
the country to which they are
Declaring that the program will
GOP, Attacks
Finance Plan
Many Republican leaders in the
Legislature dislike Gov. John B.
Swainson's plan to create a state
authority to help finance indus-
trial redevelopment projects.
Some legislators believe that the
cost of the program would be pro-
hibitive in view of the present
Michigan financial situation.
Local Groups Helping
The availability of funds from
private sources to "any sound
operation" led others to suggest
that the state not engage in oper-
ating a loan agency. Some local
development groups are said to be
already helping finance industry.
The plan, which Gov. Swainson
outlined recently, calls for a
"Greater Michigan Authority"
which would make loans to local
or regional industrial groups. For
this he requested a $1.5 million
initial appropriation.
Main Point
The proposed authority Is the
main point of the Governor's pro-
gram to encourage economic
growth in the state. It could make
loans of up to 20 per cent of the
cost of a development; up to 30
per cent in critical economic areas.
There were some who objected
to the practicality of the reform
measure. They said that it is too
late to put the proposal on the
April 3 election ballot as a Con-
stitiltional amendment.
The deadline for getting absen-
tee ballots in the hands of local
election officials is March 14.
State elections authorities said it
would be possible to get the pro-
posal on the ballot only if it clears
the Legislature next week, and
then some absentee voters might
not get to vote on it.
Rep. Wilfred G. Bassett (R-
Jackson) said "it is a very ques-
tionable public policy to have the
state entering the financing of
business. "The plan is loaded with
all kinds of possibilities of pork-
barreling and log-rolling."
In the same vein Rep. John J.
Rhodes (Ariz) commented that,
"Unless the work of such a Corps
were well-planned and its person-
nel well-trained, I can see how

such a movement might result in
disillusionment, to the individual
involved, and disappointment for
the country toward which the help
might be extended."


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