LEGAL GAMBLING:s FUND SOURCE? see page 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom iE3 aii4y SHOWERS HI gh-5b Law-36 Clearing and cooler tonight. VOL. LXXI, No. 111 ANN ARBOR ,MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1961 FIVE CENTS SIX PAG] UN To Use Force If Needed at Matadi U.S. Task Force Heads f or Area Of Congo Victory over Sudanese LEOPOLDVILLE fl)-The United Nations command warned yes- terday it will recapture the key port of Matadi from the Congolese army -by force if negotiations fail.. A United States Navy task force sped toward the area to help the UN if needed. UN officials said privately UN headquarters in New York had ordered a standstill in any military operations to retake Matadi until 8 p.m. tonight at the earliest. A spokesman denied reports published abroad that Moroccan troops were marching on Matadi, pointing out that most Moroccans already have left the Congo. In the most humiliating defeat the Congo mission has suffered, the 135 Sudanese soldiers garrisoning Matadi laid down their arms President Creates Committee To End job Discriminatio TO CONFER ON PEACE CORPS: 'U' Representatives Aid In Planning of Meeting By ROBERT FARRELL Two University representatives attended a meeting in Washing- ton, D.C., over the weekend to plan for the National Conference on Youth Service Abroad this spring. Alan and Judith Guskin, both graduate students, said that the conference, to be held at American University in Washington from March 29-31, was intended primarily to allow students to get their ra: ^ k: Ctil ?y41 ';ti.', :.541' : ]fts's :'n% ?"s.... " ._h ::r ;'a i1 «Nwwww..A ..,E ... Matadi and Banana City To Build Parking Lot Downtown By RICHARD OSTLING The Ann Arbor City Council moved to provide an estimated need of 500 parking spaces in the city by creating a new downtown lot. They also passed a new two-way traffic pattern for Liberty St. Both were part of long-range programs to rehabilitate the downtown area and bring shoppers into the city. An ordinance proposed by Coun- cilman John Dowson to prohibit unpermitted parking on private property, backed by police enforce- ment, will act against violators on fraternity and sorority lots and on the West-South Quadrangle tri- angle, Mayor Cecil 0. Creal said, Seek Money The procedure for seeking money from non - assessable landowners (such as the University) to help city projects was formalized in a new ordinance which will re- quire the exempted owners to state how much they will help projects before the Council passes on them. The parking' problem near St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, which had forced the Council to rescind an earlier action, may be solved. Private investors are planning a new parking structure in which the top two floors would be apart- ments. It would cost a minimum of city money, and could lead to city profits which would be used for other parking facilities. Improve Downtown The apartments will not be for "student housing, but will be the type of housing which will bring professional families back to the center of the city," one spokesman said. Councilman Harold McKercher said that the parking ,hassles at the University Hospital and cen- tral campus are as acute as the one at St. Josephs. It was reported that lettgrs to " the Department of Defense have failed to bring new business to a local factory which is planning on moving out of the city, and that the council-created bus line is con- tinuing to show a profit. New Project Local labor will be employed on a new city project, after a directive to the City Administrator from the Mayor and Council. The 1960 census will allow 45 taverns in Ann Arbor, it was an- nounced. Engineers for the Ann Arbor Research Park were hired by the Council as part of what Adminis- trator Guy Larcom estimates will be a $400,000 expenditure by the city by fall. bill Approved F Tn Acir Ar auv " Sunday after more than 24 hours' of battling with rifles, machine guns and mortars with more than 1,000 Congolese soldiers. Kill Soldiers Two Sudanese soldiers were killed, 13 were wounded and 12 are missing. Congolese casulties were not known. The defeat was a crushing blow to UN prestige at a time when Congelese forces appear itching for a showdown against the troops they accuse of seeking to disarm them. Since UN forces first came to the Congo, Congolese' officials have been trying to establish con- trol over Matadi, 'the Congo River' port where most of the nation's supplies are landed. Without con- trol there, the UN operation is at the mercy of Congolese authori- ties. Cease-Fire Terms The terms of the cease-fire im- posed by the Congolese troops acknowledged that.UN troops had the right to return but said the Congolese should be consulted on the nationality of troops sent there. A UN spokesman said negotia- tions are now going on but added: "If the United Nations fail to get back by peaceful means it is empowered to use force as a last resort If necessary." Without waiting for a UN re- quest, the United States turned around a goodwill task force of four ships bound for Cape Town and sent it back toward Congolese waters; The task force, which aided last month in the withdrawal of Guin- ean soldiers from the UN Congo command, is made'up of the de- stroyer Gearing, the dock landing ship Hermitage, the tank landing ship Graham County and the oiler Nespelen. Foreign Minister Justin Bombo- ko issued a statement accusing UN troops of causing the trouble at Matadi. Plans Address For ACWR Prof. Maurice Albertson, direc- tor of the Colorado State Univer- sity Research Foundation and au- thor of the report to Congress on the Peace Corps, will speak at an open meeting of Americans Com- mitted to World Responsibility at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 3RS of the Union. Albertson, whose complete final report on the Corps has not yet been given to Congress, spoke with Alan Guskin, Grad, spokesman for ACWR, during Guskin's visit to Washington, D.C., this weekend for a planning conference on the spring meeting there on "Youth Service Abroad." SCOTT MAENTZ . hooks for basket M' Cagers, Win, 74-66, Over Illinois By CLIFF MARKS Michigan won its second Big Ten basketball game last night by running up a 17 point second half lead and outlasting visiting Illi- nois, 74-66, as John Tidwell closed out his home career with 24 points. Michigan has one game left, Saturday at Indiana. When Tidwell came off the floor with 42 seconds left in the game and the score 74-62, the slim crowd roared its approval as they stood clapping for several minutes in honor of the highest scorer in Michigan history. Senior Dick Dowley also played his last home game. It was Tidwell who led his team to a 35-29 halftime lead, then hit the first basket of the second 20 minutes to start the Wolverines off on a scoring binge. Not Whole Show However, the Herin, Ill. star was not the whole show as he was Saturday with his record 43 points against Minnesota, although he scored 12 of Michigan's last 13 first half points. Tom Cole, a Springfield product, aided Tidwell against their home state foes with 13 first half markers. Tidwell even hit a jump shot to give Michigan its first of three 17 point margins, 53-36. After Tidwell's opening jumper, Scott Maentz began his eight bas- ket second half barrage by hitting three straight. Illinois then managed to score twice, before Jon Hall cut the brief rally short with a jumper, fol- lowed by two more Maentz bas- kets. Cole then added a lay-up before Tidwell extended the lead to 17 for the first time, with a lay- up against Illinois' slow-footed de- fense. See TIDWELL. Page 6 opinions on the Peace Corps on the record. The conference's aims are poli- tical as well as educational, they said. Many of the officials closely connected with the planning for the corps have indicated that they will give thorough consideration to the statements of the students on all aspects of the corps. Keynote Address The first day of the conference, the Guskins, spokesmen for Amer- icans Committed to World Respon- sibility, said, would include a luncheon keynote address by Rep. Henry S. Reuss (D-Wis), the au- thor of a bill on the corps, and an afternoon panel discussion The panel will include such peo- ple concerned with the subject of the corps as Maurice Albertson, who contributed the recent report to Congress on the corps; Max F. Millikan, dean of the Center for International Studies at the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology, who has worked with President John F. Kennedy on the corps, and Victor Reuther, head of the Washington Office of the United Auto Workers. The group of students, invited from all National Students Asso- ciation member colleges and uni- versities, will then break, down in- to workshops on different subject matter areas concerned with the corps. These might include such topics as selection and training of members and politics and struc- ture of the corps. Continue Meeting These workshops will continue to meet through the second day, with a reception for foreign stu- dents and diplomats planned for the second evening. Addresses planned for the meet- ing also include a dinner speech by Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D- Minn) the first day, a luncheon address by a Republican legisla- tor, possibly Sen. John S. Cooper (Ky), the second day, and a din- ner address by R. Sargent Shriv- er, newly appointed head of the temporary corps; and possibly Kennedy the same evening. The third day, a plenary session of all the delegates will be held. Here the final report of the work- shops, drawn up as one document by the several chairmen, will be presented and voted upon. It will contain majority and minority views when differences among the delegates show up, the Guskins said. This report will be given as wide circulation as possible, par- ticularly to members of Congress, in order to give the students' voice some influence. Gulick Cites New Modes OfU.S. Life By PHILIP SHERMAN Metropolitan life-"a radically new design for living. and working" -is evolving in the United States, but the traditional means cannot solve the city's growing problems, Luther Gulick said yesterday. The action of the free market- Adam Smith's "unseen hand" and local government have been relied on until now, but "urban conditions are deteriorating and deteriorating fast," he said. Gulick, director of the Institute for Public Administration, New York, will analyze the city's prob- lems and present a solution this week in his five-part William W. Cook lectures on American insti- tutions. He will review "American Ideas and Experience with Local Government" at 4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Amphitheatre. Lists Areas Gulick listed areas where' lais- sez-faire, which assumed that in- dividuals working for their self- interest would produce the com- mon good too, fails. It has not re- sulted in "a city which satisfied the public interest," he said. Streets laid out crooked and narrow by contractors may be pic- turesque but are totally unsatis- factory for sustained urban life. A controlling organization is need- ed. This will also lead to control of land usage, which is related to street layout. Private enterprise will no long- er provide mass transportation- except elevators-in an urban area, without substantial govern- ment help and participation. Provide Utilities Water supplies and sewage f a- cilities can no longer be provided by private business, through many other utilities have kept pace with the growing metropolises. Comprehensive public action must set the stage for urban rede velopment before private enter- prise will step in. Also, private builders to make a profit will only build higher-cost private housing, leaving low and middle incomepeople to occupy various kinds of "second hand" and substandard housing, which result in slums. Government must also act here. -AP Wirephoto FAIR'EMPLOYMENT -- President John F. Kennedy set up a committee to eliminate discrimination in jobs involving govern- -went contracts. MEMBERSHIP LISTS: SGC, Administrators Discuss A mendment By IRIS BROWN Administrators met with members of Student Government Coun- cil yesterday to discuss a motion by Roger Seasonwein, '61, to. amend the University regulation requiring every student organization to file a membership list with the Office of Student Afairs. To replace these lists, the motion would give a group the option of submitting either a notarized statement that there are twenty University tudents who are mem-' bers of the group or a membership list. However, a group submitting a notarized statement might be re- quired to submit a membership list if necessary for the enforce- ment of University regulations. As a result of the discussion, Seasonwein plans to make several procedural revisions to the mo- tion, such as striking the word notarized and requiring a state- ment of both the total number of members and the number of non- University members in the group. Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Men Mrs. Ruth Callahan suggestedthat, it would probably be groups with non-student mem- bers who would prefer not to file membership lists. Alternate Proposal IRVING M. COPI An alternative proposal was- .. Surveillance made by Interfraternity Council President Jon Trost, '61. He sug- gested that an organization not S wishing to file a membershipC I S d statement could petition to Stu-War Methods dent Government Council to be excepted from the regulation. Seasonwein pointed out that this By PETER STUART would place a stigma on some Developing techniques which in organizations, because it is un- time of war could be used to lo- likely that any but a few political cate the enemy and see what he clubs would choose this alter- is up to is nearly a full-time.job-- native, and because the ruling and perhaps one unique in the would be subject to variations in University's history-for Prof. Ir- the Council. ving M. Copi of the philosophy Seasonwein defended his origi- department. nal motion on the grounds that Prof. Copi is, researchlogician "each individual is entitled to ab- for the Institute of Science and solute privacy unless his actions Technology. He organizes various affect the public domain." If an fragmentary reports!from the na- organization's actions adversely tion's surveillance devices, such as effect the University, the organiza- radar, which detect the presence, tion should be dealt with, not in- movement and possible identifica- dividual members. This would in- tion of enemy men and equip- volve action against the officers, ment., he said. The post of research logician Stresses Dangers was created by Prof. Copi last He stressed that in many cases month by the Regents. "I had no such membership lists have 'en- predecessor in this job, and I am dangered individuals in recent not even aware that this title years. ever existed before," he noted. John E. Bingley, assistant dean Since the job is practically full- of men, said he thought this mo- time, he now spends most of the tion was being used in a "climate day with his colleagues at the of fear." He also emphasized the Willow Run Laboratories and positive use of such lists for teaches only one class. scholarship and job applicants. For several years before his ap- pointment, he worked on the re- oEmploymen 0Opportunity Orders Action Taken At Once By U.S. Agencies WASHING 0N OP) - Presic John F. Ke nedy took his fi formal action in the civil rig field last night-a} move to prei discrimination in employmen The White House first annou ed that Kennedy would issue executive order on this matter night. Later, in a' speedup, timetable was revised to 'prov for issuance last night. Immediate Action Kennedy also announced that has directed all federal agenc "to take immediate action broaden government employn opportunities for members minority groups." The Presic said he has "dedicated my ministration to the cause of eq opportunity in employment by government of its contractors." He added that Johnson, G berg and the 10 other member the all - government commi share this dedication. "I have no doubt that the vig ous enforcement of this order' mean the end of such discrimi tion," Kennedy said. STUDY CHILDREN'S THOUGHT: Minnesota Group Investigates Creativity By SANDRA JOHNSON The University of Minnesota Bureau of Educational Research is studying children's ability for creative thinking. Through historical, descriptive, and experimental research, E. Paul Torrance, director of the bureau, pointed out, he and his col- leagues are examining the factors that produce the ability for creative thinking in children and are developing criteria for measuring this ability. The bureau is also studying comparative groups of children in Australia, Norway, Canada, Germany, India, and Samoa. From these the researchers can investigate the influences of culture on creative thinking. Ask Tests For the bureau's ask and guess tests, the subject is shown a pic- ture, Torrance explained. Return!. ,f 1: