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March 05, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-05

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Seventy-First Year
'itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Exchange of Views on HUAC

MARPH 5, 1961


ll- ,7--


Social Science Courses
Need Adult Approach

TIME has come for a major revision in
e University's social science program. Too,
of the elementary courses are "high
,' boring,' or intuitive. What you hear in
>logy is contradicted in anthro, is re-
in poli sci, is disclaimed in economics, is
ed in sociology.
asic courses overlap to a terrible degree,
g confusion and waste.
social sciences are structured differently
the natural science. Elementary physics
ot overlap chenistry or biology, although
higher level Vve find bio-physics and nu-
:hemistry. But economics is the base of
al science is the base of sociology, is the
f anthro is the base...
'H SUC9 overlapping and mutual material
t the lower levels, the social sciences
i face the possibility of either offering a
), social -science course as a prerequisite
her social science courses, or a placement
idetermine the social science background
student. It is said that Americans are
nely poor in such subjects as geography,
and others. This test would place out
who had a sufficient background and
te what should be stressed in the basic

Another alternative is to graduate elementary
courses. In the natural sciences and mathemat-
ics the student is offered a variety of elemen-
tary courses and enters one according to his
background in the subject. But in the social
sciences everyone (excluding Honors who often
attend the same lecture) has to take Poli Sci
11, Soc 1, Psych 31, Econ 51. Now not everyone
has the same background in these subjects and
it 'is stupid and a waste of time and talent on
both the faculty's and student's part to under-
go these lowest common denominator courses.
Entrance to these higher basic courses would
be done on a test administered by the Social
Sciences jointly. Freshmen are given tests in
English, Math and natural sciences, so why ex-
clude social sciences?
N ADDITION, the Social Sciences ought to
work towards a National Social Science
Foundation similar to' the National Science
Foundation. An organization of this sort could
aid in determining weak spots in Social Science
education, stimulate research, and act as a
co-ordinating body. The possibilities are many
and the time to act is now.

Jefferson's Political Ambiguity

(EDITOR'S NOTE: In response to
the statement sent by the Swarth-
more College Student Council, Rep.
Francis Walter (D-Pa), chairman
of the House Committee, sent the
following letter on Jan. 3.)
Dear Council Members:
THE RECENT resolution of your
Student Council, which urges
abolition of this Committee of
Congress, has been called to my
attention by one of my Colleagues
who has received a copy of your
form resolution. On this Commit-
tee and in Congress, we have great
interest in our young people, who
will one day control and possibly
govern the destinies of this na-
tion, and to whom our liberties
will be entrusted, and therefore I
am taking the privilege of writ-
ing to your association, so that
you may have on record our reply
to the action you have taken.
Quite frankly, neither I, nor the
several Members of Congress with
whom I have discussed this mat-
ter, are surprised to note the re-
ceipt of this type of resolution at
this time. We have recently re-
ceived other communications from
student groups, and identified
Communist front groups, almost
identical in their statements as
that which you have forwarded,
and which appear to us, in view
of this concerted activity, to be
the culmination and expression of
an organized program, that has
come to our attention, to bring
pressure upon the Congress to
abolish this Committee, inspired
by identified Communists, Com-
munist front groups, and their fel-
low-travellers, who have drawn
certain unthinking non-Commu-
nists into their web.
THE MOVEMENT to abolish
this Committee has been spear-
headed by Frank Wilkinson, an
identified Communist, who, to-
gether with certain identified
Communists, fellow-travellers and
other dupes, have been recently
on tour of College campuses and
other places for the purpose of in-
stigating action against this Com-
mittee. For example, a group call-
ed the National Committee to
Abolish the Un-American Activi-
ties Committee was announced in
the Communist Press on August
15, 1960, with a mailing address
given as 617 North Larchmont
Boulevard, Los Angeles 4, Califor-
nia, which is the address of the
Citizens Committee to Preserve
American Freedoms, an organiza-
tion previously cited as a Cominu-
nist front, and also the major
adjunct of the Emergency Civil
Liberties Committee, likewise cit-
ed as a Communist front. The re-
lation between Wilkinson's activi-
ty and a Swarthmore group is
evident in the attached copy of
Page 7 of the National Guardian
(of January 2, 1961), a publication
previously cited by this Commit-
tee as "a virtual propaganda arm
of Soviet Russia."
In view of this enlivened ac-
tivity of Communists and Commu-
nist front groups, we feel it is
important to call to your atten-
tion, and to ask you to examine
into, the factual background sur-
rounding the adoption of this res-
olution, so that you may deter-
mine whether or not you have
been made the victim of Commu-
nist propaganda. We do not say
this because we resent disagree-
ment with the work of this Com-
mittee, for there are very few
things in life upon which all peo-
ple might agree. We are concern-
ed, however, in view of the seri-
ous nature and expanded activity
of the Communist effort to sub-
vert our free institutions, that our
people act understandably and ob-
jectively before reaching conclu-
sions or promulgating such reso-
lutions as the instant one,
* * *

for race of hothouse intellectuals
who cannot think unless the tem-
perature is exactly at a certain
level? What a poor contrast with
those famous men of our history,
Washington, Jefferson, Madison,
Hamilton, and a host of others,
who seemed to think quite effec-
tively and with courage even in
the face of the absolutist pres-
sures of our early history. It is
absurd to suggest that, in our free
society, essential activity by a
Committee of Congress-the elect-
ed representatives of a free peo-
ple, in the exercise of parliamen-
tary government, making, lawful
and discreet investigations of mat-
ters involving the national secur-
ity and our very existence as a
nation-would discourage intellec-
tual activity of any sort. We fre-
quently hear this from some of
our uninformed scientific groups,
and yet one needs only- to turn to
Russia to find that scientific
achievements have not beezu dis-
couraged even in that oppressive
It seems that students do not
fully appreciate that the Commu-
nist Party is a secret conspiracy
that operates through "fronts," a
camouflage of apparent lawful ac-
tivity, which peddle their treach-
ery aimed toward weakening and
finally overthrowing our Consti-
tutional form of Government. To
force and violence, the Commu-
nists have added deceitful tactics
of brainwashing, so successfully
adopted by Hitler, and clearly out-
lined in Communist theoretical
writings. In this day and age,
Congress certainly has the right
and duty to inform itself of the
extent, character and objects of
Communist propaganda. It has a
sacred obligation to protect and

preserve democratic processes and
hence our free society.
* * *
to close our mouths, to suppress
all discussion and understanding
of their secret conspiracy, for they
realize fully that if understood
their, propaganda would be reject-
ed by the vast number of Ameri-
cans. In an interview with U.S.
News & World Report, August 11,
1950, J. Edgar Hoover, Director of
the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion said:
"I would never fear Commu-
nism in America if all Communists
were out in the open, peddling
their wares in the market place
of free speech and thought. But
they are not. We cannot meet
them on an even basis. They are
working behind the masquerade
of hypocrisy. For this reason
America must be vigilant to rec-
ognize Communism for what it
actually is-a malicious evil which
would destroy this nation."
I am interested in knowing
whether your Student Council has
acted judiciously or whether it has
been made the victim of organized
propaganda. Has it studied the
facts? Has it heard the pros and
cons? We, on this Committee,
would be pleased to receive the
representatives of your Student
Council, or the entire Council, and
to explain to them the purposes,
methods and operations of this
Committee, to give you the factual
materials, and to assist you in
reaching a fair and unbiased
judgment. Do you not think that
it would be more judicious to hear
both sides of the question before
rendering judgment?
-Francis E. Walter

IN DECEMBER, 1960, the Swarthmore College Student Council
voted to send the following statement to Rep. James Roosevelt
(D-California) and the members of the House of Representatives
front Pennsylvania,
"Whereas we disapprove of the actions of the House Com-
mittee on Un-American Activities on the grounds that:
1) The fear of possible committee investigation endangers the
process of intellectual inquiry and exchange of those ideas which
are made available only through personal association with indi-
viduals of diverse and sometimes unpopular opinions;
d2) It violates the precept of due process of law by denying the
accused the right to face his accuser and allowing for guilt by
3) It violates the separation of powers of government as set
forth in the constitution by usurping judicial and executive
4) It has not lived up to the original purpose for which it was
instituted, that of investigations essential for the initiation of
Whereas modification of the committee to correct for these
abuses seems to us unfeasible in view of its members' refusal to
accept these criticisms, the Student Council of Swarthmore Col-
lege urges the immediate abolition of the House Committee on
Un-American Activities,"

all this. "I will save you," is what
gives him a two week trial. For
two long weeks Illia discovers the
joys of Aristotle, Mozart, chess
and Picasso-but alas! No love.
Yet men still adore her and
would do anything to save her
from the horrors of reform .Ho-
mer is doomed! The film reaches
its climax when the fleet comes in
after twenty-one weeks at sea.
Patriotism knows no bounds.
TO MAKE A long story short,
everyone returns to the wayward
path, including Homer. It sounds
kind of stupid when you stop to
think about, but in the movie, it's
all very funny.
,The acting is on the highest
level throughout. No one misses
a trick; the actors pull laughs out
of the air. And what does this
prove? Only, that prostitutes are
better than ever. First Susie Wong
and now this.
Illia is high class, no doubt
about it. Her favorite play is
Medea; she's. seen it fifty times.
She thinks it's all very sweet--a
lovely show. The audience is in
tears, and she's howling with<
laughter. As far as she's concern-'
ed, Medea was kidding about kill-,
ing the kids, and the whole family.
went off to the seashore after the
show. "Look at the happy side of
S * * *
IN MANY WAYS she is the
poor man's Camille-lovely and
lively. She likes her work, she
likes making men happy, she likes
swimming nude with the boys, and
the audience likes her. The film
doesn't have a serious moment in
it; it is a wild catalogue of the
virtues of not being virtuous. Let
nature take its course, damn the
torpedoes and all that.
This is a movie to have a good
time with. Its purpose is to create
laughter, and that it does.
-Thomas Kabaker

to the Eior
Which is W''itch ..
To the Eidtor:
IT IS INTERESTING to note that
;the girls at Sarah Lawrence
exhibit the qualities theoretically
held in esteem by this University,
i.e. high intelligence, creativity,
scholarship and interest in stud-
ies. However, they would be pro-
hibited from eating anq living in
the residence halls, called "unde-
sirables" at the Union, and be
continually ostracized by the ad-
ministration. One set of 'goals is
--Richard Barlow
To the Editor:
IF MR. FARRELL'S editorial on
library policy can be dismissed
on grounds of being "a bit emo-
tional," as in the words of one
recent letter, then the Daily staff
might as well resign themselves to
expressing ideas which are utter-
ly sterile, both in content and
If "lucid and rational thinking"
means compromising the ideals of
the institution on any pretense
whatever and answering'the chal-
lenge of the idealist with the doc-
trine of administrative expedien-
cy, then I am glad I am a non-
rational being.
-David Sheldon, "62
Letters to the editor must be '
signed and should be limited to 300
words in length. The Daiy, reserves
the right to edit or withhold any


is said. And he argues until shoe

'Never On Sunday':
Virtue Can't Be Fun
N EVER ON SUNDAY is about a virtuous prostitute named Illia who
loves her work. She is undoubtedly the most popular and happiest
girl in town, loved by all men and respected by her colleagues. No
status seeker she, but status she's got. The queen of them all.
The highlight of this film is undoubtedly the acting of Melina
Mercouri as Illia. She admirably brings across the film's moral-
virtue is no fun and lonesome besides.
BUT ALL DO NOT agree. Honer Thrace wants to save her from

DOMINANT recognition of Jefferson in
e encomium of 1826 was as the Apostle of
ty. "The-life of Jefferson," Nicholas Biddle
n a masterful eulogy before the American
sophical Society, where the president's
Jefferson had once occupied was draped
ack, "was a perpetual devotion, not to his
;urposes, but to the pure and noble cause
blic freedom," "which shed its hues over
.e studies and actions of his life." None of
ulogists, not even Biddle, took the full
ure of his "impassioned devotion to free-
' They tended to focus instead its apex,
)eclaration of Independence. Webster, for
ice, gave one-third of his oration to this.
rtal moment of Jefferson's life.
erty was the quintessence; but liberty in.
sense? If the eulogies are read with an eye'
ieir theoretical purport, they associated
rson 'with two contrasting, some may say
adictory, types of political liberty. One
ed from the English legal heritage: the
-gish liberty of individual rights. The other
)ok strongly of American and French revo-
nary ideology: the democratic liberty of
ar rule.
S JEFFERSON the conservative guardian
if the law or the flaming prophet of de-
acy? The eulogists gave no clear-cut an-
to the question. Nor was one requisite,
it was, after all, the fundamental ques-
the irresoluble ambiguity, in the American

polity. Jefferson could be imagined in either
way. He embodied the ambiguity. Repeatedly
in his posthumous history lie was to be caught
up in the dilemma of a nation committed both
to a system of constituted rights and to the
sovereignty of the people. While one, eulogist
in 1826 defined the fundamental premise of
Jefferson's politics as "the people could do no
wrong," another viewed him as the model Whig,
whose respect for the law and whose aristo-
cratic pride of self enabled him to resist the
fatal tendency of republican rulers to degener-.
ate into "the slaves and victims of that mys-
terious fascination, the love of popularity."
TWO VIEWS often occurred in one and
the same encomium: at one moment Jeffer-
son is ready "to hazard all for liberty," at the
next moment his passion is "curbed by practi-
cal wisdom."' John Tyler named Jefferson "a
mighty reformer." "He was born to overturn
systems and pull down establishments." The
legend of Jefferson's revolutionary overturn in
Virginia was already rooted in the mind. Tyler
not only attributed to Jeffersonthe abolition
of entail and primogeniture, but also said that
it had accomplished the destruction of the Vir-
ginia aristocracy and the virtual equalization,
of landed property.-From "The Jefferson Im-
age in the American Mind," by Merrill D.
Peterson. Copyright, 1960, by Oxford University
Press, Inc., New York.



Rebuttal to Rep. Walter

The Sick Economy

IERE IS as yet no evidence, unless it be
n the behavior of the stock market, that re-
ery from the recession is underway or in
t. Unemployment is continuing to increase,
1 is operating at half capacity, the automo-
business is very poor. All in all there is a
ring disposition to ask whether the ex-
nely moderate measures proposed by the
sident will be sufficient to turn the tide.
he' President's task force, which was headed
Professor Paul Samuelson, the President of
American Economic Association, advised
Kennedy in January that the first mea-
s might not be adequate, and that if the
irn did not come by April, stronger mea-
es would be needed.
1OFESSOR Samuelson does not hold any
public office. But in many ways he is the
n1omist to whom the Administration econo-
ts listen most closely. He has Just written an
cle for a Japanese newspaper the "Nihon
zai Shimbun." The article discusses the
nedy program as it has been formulated
date. Professor Samuelson thinks that "when
come to add up in quantitative terms what
whole package of programs can be ex-
ted to accomplish, yourealize how limited
total package really is." e
rofessor Samuelson does not say this in
icism of the Administration program. As
natter of fact the current Administration
gram is about what his task force recom-
ided last January before the President was
ugurated. But the advice at the time was
ompanied by the warning, which President
inedy himself passed on to the country,

that the first measures might have to be rein-
forced by a second set.
It is a fair inference from Professor Samuel-
son's article in the Japanese newspaper that
he is now rather expecting that a supplement-
ary package will be needed.
HESE ideas stem from the belief that the
present recession, following upon a poor
recovery from the recession of 1958, and com-
ing at the end of several years of sluggish eco-
nomic activity, is much more serious than Con-
gress or the mass of the people who are not
unemployed have yet realized. "It is well,"
says Professor Samuelson, "to have no illu-
sions about the magnitude of the proposed
(Kennedy) measures."
Even, he says, if the economy begins to
turn up by the middle of the year, "there is
little reason to think that the end of the year
will find us with unemployment much better
than at the present time." What is more, a
quickening of economic growth to the Ameri-
can average of 3%/Z to 4 percent, "will have to
wait until the second and third years of Presi-
dent Kennedy's term of office."

make an inquiry of the circum-
stances surrounding the presenta-
tion and adoption of this resolu-
tion. Who offered the resolution?'
Who inspired it? What is the ulti-
mate source of raising the issue?
What facts did your Student
Council investigate before reach-
ing the conclusion that this Com-
mittee should be abolished? Have
you made a study of our hearings,
documents and legislative activi-
ty? Have you made a detailed and
objective analysis of the work of
the Committee? Did your Student
Council merely act the role of the
parrot by repeating that which
you had been given or suggested
to it?
It would serve no useful pur-
pose for me at this time to set
forth and discuss the generalities
of the resolution. There is a com-
plete absence of factual statement,
and the resolution displays a woe-
ful ignorance of the functions of
this Committee and the Legisla-
tive Branch of the Government.
As a matter of fact, your resolu-
tion points up the growing but
dangerous tendency in American
life toward unthinking judgments
by inspired group action without
discriminative individual or even
group analysis. We see evidence of
an attempt, by forces in the shad-
ows of American life, to create a
parrot society, and a system of
thought control among students
. rhinh in+the nrd could1destroy

(EDITOR'S NOTE: A letter to the
editor of the Swarthmore College
newspaper follows, in which David
Gelber, a Swarthmore student, pre-
sents a rebuttal to Rep. Walter's
To the Editor:
MR. WALTER protests the
Swarthmore petition for the
abolition of the HUAC on three,
1) The Swarthmore College stu-
dent council may not have done a
thorough enough job in garnering
information favorable to the com-
mittee and as a result may be the
unwitting dupe of a malignant,
conspiratorial force. Walter notes
the connection between the
Swarthmore student council and
the conspiracy on the basis of an
article in the National Guardian.
2) The Swarthmore movement
to abolish the committee "points
up the growing but dangerous
tendency in American life . . . to
create a parrot society, and a sys-
tem of thought control among stu-
dents which .. . could destroy or
at least weaken (our democracy)
to a degree where it can be the
prey of any ... itinerant and mor-
bid philosophy."
3) We, as students, have failed
to understand that the Commu-
nists act through the "apparently
legal but treacherous means to
weaken and destroy our constitu-
tional form of government."
* * * ,
THESE ARE MR. Walter's ar-
guments; now let us examine them
a little more closely. It may be
true, as Mr. Walter says, that some
who oppose the committee do so
out of ignorance of his side (par-
enthetically, we would guess that
many more support or passively
tolerate the committee without
ever having fully heard the dis-
senting argument); but this is a
rather ui'interesting point since
uninformed opinionated people
are inherent in any debate of sig-
nificance. Surely though, Mr. Wal-
ter is on highly tenuous ground
if he ascribes to all of his detrac-
tors an ignorance of the commit-
tee's aims and methods.
Aside from the fact that such
an indictment would include such
PnefPnr. Anzatns as umthe Wah-

also oppose the committee. Mr.
Walter has supported the civil
rights movement in Congress; the
Communists have also stated their
belief in integration. Has Mr. Wal-
ter been taken in by the Commu-
nists simply because both have
supported a cause which comes
far from undermining the foun-
dations of our state? We think
THERE IS NO LAW in the Unit-
ed States of America which pro-
hibits an admitted Communist
from fully expressing his politi-
cal views provided that the views
do not present a "clear and pres-
ent danger" to the survival of
the state; in fact the right of a
Communist to hold political views
is protected by the First Amend-
ment to the Constitution. The ef-
fect of the stigma placed by the
HUAC on all movements support-
ed by Communists would make it
ridiculously easy for the Reds to
throttle any liberal reform move-
ment by simply joining it.
It is this argumentum ad ho-
minem evasion of the issues which
has effectively stifled the expres-
sion of varying shades of political
belief in this country and has
promoted the growth of a "parrot
society" which Mr. Walter wishes
to avoid. If the Committee on
'Un-American Activities is per-
mitted to follow its unbridled'
course, scornfully violating sacred
rights guaranteed by the Consti-
tution and traditional procedures
of government we deeply fear that
our society is in danger of los-
ing the distinctive characteristics
which we are now willing to de-
-David Gelber, '63
e !
William Styron and Mrs. Al
Hine, respective wives of the au-
thors, made arrangements by tel-
ephone to meet at the Ruinsey
Hall School skating rink in Wash-
ington, Connecticut, with the kids.
Mrs. ine arrived first. and not

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for Which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility., Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,P
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
Martha Cook Building applications,
for residents are due March 10. 1961.
Those who already have application
blanks are requested to bring them in
immediately. Those who desire to make
application may do so by calling NO 2-
3245 for an appointment.
Summer Housing Applications fora
graduate and undergraduate women
will be accepted from women now reg-
istered on campus beginning at moon,
Mon., March 6. Office of the Dean of
Women first floor Student Activities
Building. Applications will be accepted
for residence halls and supplementary

faculty of .the School of, Music and of
the Stanley Quartet. Open to the pub-
lic without charge,
William W. Cook Lecture on Amer-.
can Institutions: Luther Gulick, Presi-
dent, Institute of Public Administra-
tion, New York, will discuss "The
Metropolitan Problem and American,
Governmental Ideas: Signifiicance of
therMetropolitan Problem" on Mon.,
March 6, 4:15 p.m. In. the Rackham
Automatic Programming and Numeri-
cal Analysis seminar: "Stretch Pro-
gramming" will be discussed by Paul E.
Schupp on Mon., March 6 at 4 p.m. in
Computing Center Seminar Room.
Social-Work' Social Science Collo-
quium: Dr Carl L. Marburger, Direc-
tor, Great Cities School Improvement
Project, will speak on "Increasing the
Competence of Culturally Different, Pu-
pils by Improving Teaching and Com-
munity Services." March 6, 4:00 p.m.,
2nd Floor Aud., Frieze Bldg.,Coffee at
3:30 in the fourth floor lounge, Frieze

College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and Schools of Business Ad-
ministration, Education,, Music, Nat-
ural Resources, Nursing, and Public
Health: Students who received marks
of I, X, or 'no report' at the end of
their lastsemester or summer session
of attendance will receive a grade of
"E" in the course or courses unless
this work is made up by March 13,
1961. Students wishing an extension -of
time beyond this date should file a
petition with the appropriate-, official
of their school. In theSchool of Nurs-
ing the above information refers to
non-Nursing courses only.
Philosophy 31 Make-up Final: Wed.,
March 8, 2-5 p.m. in 2208 Angell Hall.
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., March 8 from 4 to 6 p.
German Make-up Examinations will
be held Thurs.,' March 9, '7:30-9:30 p.m.
in. 3020 Frieze Bldg. Please register in
the German Department Office by Wed.
noon, March 8.
Students: There are a number of
registration cashier receipts at the 2nd
'floor desk, Admin. Bldg. If you are
missing your copy, please call for it
before March 18, 1961.
Herb Shriner Tickets on Sale. Herb
Shriner, American humorist, will be
presented Tues., 8:30,p.m. in Hill Aud.
.He will be assisted' by balledeer George
Alexander. Tickets are on sale tomor-
row 10-5 and Tuesday 10-8:30 p.m. in
the Aud. box office. Students are of-
fered a special reduced rate' on all
Events Sunday
Challenge Lecture: "The Role of the
Elites: Intelligentsia, Military and Tra-
ditional" will be discussed. by Profs.
Morris Janowitz, Department of Sociol-
ogy and R. I. Crane, Department of His-
tory Sun., March 5 at 2:30 p.m. in Aud.
Events Monday
' _t . F-w . -is "nc -h V111%o t fa- n1

Aeronautical Engineering, Engineer-
ing Mechanics, and Mechanical Engi-
neering Seminar: Mon., March 6, at 4:00
p.m. in 311 West Engnieering Bldg.
Prof. R. M. Rosenberg, University of
California, Berkeley, will speak on
"Some Remarks on the Nonlinear Eigen-
value Problem." Coffee in the Faculty
Lounge at 3:30 p.m.
Education Faculty Research Seminar:
Dr. E. Paul Torrance, Director, Bureau
of Educational Research, University of
Minnesota, will speak on "Measurement
and Development of the -Creative Think-
ing Abilities," Mon., March 6, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall.


Events Tuesday
Science Research Club: The regular
meeting of the club will be'held at
7'.30 p.m. on Tues., March 7, in the
Rackham Amphitheater. "The Popula-
tion Explosion" will be discussed by
panel members Ronald Freedman, Rich-
ard' Meier, Lawrence Slobodkin, Ken-
neth Boulding, and John Gosling with
Stanley Cain moderating.
Guest Lecturer: Irving Lowens, Ref-
erence Librarian, Music Division, The
Library of Congress, and Music Critic
for the Washington Star will lecture on'
"The Musical Edsons of Shady: Early
American Tunesmiths" on Tues., March
7, 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A.
"Biochemistry and Evolution" will be
discussed by Dr. Ernest Baldwin, Uni-
versity College, University of London,
England, on Tues., 'March 7 at 4 p.m,
In Natural Science Aud.
William W. Cook~Lecture on Ameri-
can Institutions: Luther Gulick, Presi-
dent, Institute of Public Administra-
tion, New York, will discuss "The
Metropolitan Problem and American
Governmental Ideas: American Idea*
and Experience with Local Government"
on Trues., .March 7 at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
Aeronautical and Astronautical En-
gineering Lecture: Dr. Raymond'' L.
Bisplinghoff, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology will speak on "Some New
Pathways of Research in the Aeronauti-
cal Sciences," Tues.. March 7, 4:00 pm.,
1504' East Eng. Bldg.

THESE ARE hard judgments of a cool and
expert mind. They will be unwelcome to
many. They will be unwelcome to those who
take the view that with words of confidence
and optimism a recession like this one can be
talked away, and that the somber truths should
be glossed over and suppressed. The more inno-
cent among them go so far as to say that this
recession and this slowdown are being pro-
longed, indeed made worse, because the Ken-
nedy administration 'is telling the country
that the economy is very sick.

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