See Page 4
YI e
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
3a i4l
Clearing and colder
Two More ean
Capture Secorn
Track, Gymnastics Squads Win;
Wrestlers, Swimmers Just Miss
Daily sports Editor
Perhaps the greatest day in Michigan's athletic h
was missed by a hair's breadth yesterday as Wolverine
ming and wrestling teams narrowly missed joining vict
gym and track teams as Big Ten champions.
The performance of Michigan athletes over the past
end can only be rated behind those of 1944 and 1964
Wolverine teams brought home three Conference tit,
"Big Ten Weekend."
At Champaign, Coach Don Canham's track squad w
third straight indoor title with a devastating show of stre
The Wolverines rolled up 69'
Fly to Captured Port
Hammarskjold Infor med; Orders
Negotiation, Force if Necessary
LEOPOLDVILLE (M)-Open war flared up in the Congo yesterday
with Congolese troops launching a seaborne operation and fighting
bitter street hattles and mortar duels with United Nations soldiers.
Planeloads of UN reinforcements flew into the Congo's narrow
-Atlantic seabord after Congolese swarmed ashore from boats to cap-
ture the little port of Banana from its UN garrison.
UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold was immediately in-
formed and he promptly cabled orders that the situation be restored-
by negotiation, or force if necessary.
Sudanese Battle
Sixty miles up the Congo River UN Sudanese troops battled grim-
ly against Congolese units in the streets of the country's key supply
Soviet Spies
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (P) -
Albania, at odds with the Soviet
Union because of Albanian support
for Red China's tough line, has
jailed two Albanian officials on
charges of spying for the Soviet,
Union, it was reported here yes-
If true, it would be the firstr
known instance. of a Soviet bloc
Communist country jailing an of-
ficial for an alleged link; with the
Soviet Union. ;
Foreigners 'saw in, the 'report.
another confirmation of ther'con-
flict between the Soviet.Union and
Red China in Albania. The report
also indicated the Albian party
membership ih ad decided on open
defiance of the Soviet Union.
At the same time, Communist
Yugoslavia took a step that might
lead to severance of diplomatic
relations with Albania. Because of
alleged mistreatment of Yugoslav
diplomats in Tirana, Yugoslavia
has decided to reduce its legation
staff to what it called the strict-
est minimum.
In addition, the Yugoslav gov-
ernment called in the Albanian
acting minister and gave him a
note protesting spy activities by
Albiana. Tanjug, the Yugoslav
news agency, said the Albanian of-
ficial refused to accept the note.
The protest was in connection with
the trial of two Albanians sen-
tenced Friday for spying.
Teacher Sues
To Rergain Job
CHICAGO, (R) -- A professor
discharged from the University
of Illinois for publicly condoning
pre-marital sex relations sued for
re-instatement yesterday.
The suit, filed, in Superior Court
of Cook County (Chicago), asked
that Leo F. Koch he put back in
his former job as an assistant pro-
fessor of biology and granted
$5,900-one year's pay under the
contract which was to have ex-
pired Aug. 31, 1961.
Koch's employment was termi-
nated by the university's Trustees,
effective Aug. 31, 1960, "for con-
duct prejudicial to the best in-
terests of the university." Actually,
sport of Matadi. For hours rifle,
machine gun and mortar fire
hammered through the hillside
town. The UN reported the Ca-
nadian station now has appar-
ently been knocked out of action
and all contact with the UN gar-
rison has been lost. At least two
Sudanese have been wounded, one
of them seriously.
After a brief truce arranged by
the local UN commander, firing
broke out again last yesterday.
Forced Out -
Should the UN be forced out of
Matadi the entire operation in the
Congo would be threatened. Near-
ly all of the country's desperately
needed food, medical and gasoline
supplies are landed there.
Anticipating UN attempts to
boost the strength of Matadi's
garrison, the Congolese closed the
river ferry connecting the town
with its airport.
Congo Suspects
The fighting is a result of Con-
golese suspicions that the UN
force is preparing to disarm the
national army. It seems to have
broken out spontaneously on the
initiative of relatively low-level
officers on the spot. Army com-
manders in Leopoldville are join-
ing the UN in trying to arrange
Col. Albert Kiembe, Congolese
chief of staff, flew to the trouble
area west of the capital early yes-
Fighting broke out in Matadi
when Congolese opened up at close'
range on a villa being used by
Canadian signallers as a UN com-
munications center. Sudanese
troops replied with mortars from"
their camp nearby.
Battle Spreads
Within minutes the battle
spread to other parts of the town,
according to UN reports. At one
point the local UN commander
ventured into the street to ar-
range a cease-fire. But it lasted
only briefly.
In Leopoldville, Rapeshwar Day-
al, head of the UN Congo opera-
-tion, and Foreign Minister Justin
Bomboko also conferred on means
of halting the wave of anti-UN
The seaborne threat caused the
24-man troop of.Sudanese to with-
draw from the downriver port
town and find refuge in the im-
portant UN base at Kitona.
Sees Delay
In Revision
Of Schedule
Prof. Richard Boys of the Eng-
lish department said Friday night
that the committee appointed to
implement a year-round Univer-
sity schedule would find it difficult
to complete its work by May.
He added,'I do not for a minute
believe that the proposed chartges
will be in effect by 1962."
Prof. Boys, who two years ago
headed a faculty committee inves-
tigation of calendar revisions, em-
phasized that the present com-
mittee is "a good one." But, he
continued, "they have terrible
Several Years Needed
"I have great faith in the com-
mittee, and they may be able to
come up with something. But it
would take several years to do a
proper study."
The committee was appointed
Wednesday by President Harlan
Hatcher. Headed by Prof. William
Haber of the economics depart-
ment, it held its first meeting Fri
day, Prof. Haber said Thursday
that he hoped to have a final re-
port ready by May.
Prof. Boys said that his. group
concluded in 1959 that there was
no point in moving on proposals
for an all-year calendar at that
Expect Change
"I think most of us are quite
convinced that some change is go-
ing to occur-we start from this
point-but there is much discus-
sion on what form the changes
should take." He added that he
personally preferred a hybrid plan
adopted last week by the Univer-
sity of California. This featured a
twelve - week summer program,
which may be divided into two
six-week sessions at the option of
the local campuses.
Prof. Boys said that it was
"clear" that most of the faculty
would rather keep the present
ACWR Speech
By Albertson
Alan Guskin, ,Grad., spokesman
for Americans Committed to
World Responsibilty, announced
last night in Washington that
Prof. Maurice Albertson of Colo-
rado State University will speak
on the Peace Corps in Ann Arbor
Prof. Albertson is the author of
a recent report to Congress on the
establishment of a corps such as
that which Kennedy has created
on a temporary basis and asked
Congress to put in a permanent
form, and has worked .with R. Sar-
gent Shriver, the newly-appointed
corps head.
Guskin said Albertson would
speak at 8 p.m. Tuesday before a
meeting of ACWR here, although
the final arrangements had not
yet been made.
won two
-AP wirephoto
A BIG MICHIGAN VICTORY-Ergas Leps (left) and Dave Martin (right) place first and second in
the one mile run in the Bit Ten track meet at Champaign, Ill:, as they outrace Jim Tucker of Iowa
(center). Michigan won the meet easily with 69 points.
hinclads Keep Big Ten Crown
points while second place 'In-
diana could manage only 30.
Bennie McRae and
runner Ergas Leps
individual titres a-
Special to The Daily
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - Buoyed by
the double victories of Bennie Mc-
Rae and Ergas Leps, Michigan
stormed to a third consecutive Big
Ten indoor track title yesterday by
amassing a near-record 69 points.
Far back in second place was
Indiana withn30points, followed
by Iowa with 24, Illinois and Pur-
due with 211/2, MSU 20, North-
western 17, Minnesota 16, Wiscon-
sin 6, and Ohio State 5.
A crowd of 2,520 watched Michi-
gan pile up a point total 'that was
only 6% points below the Con-
ference indoor record, set by Wis-
consin in 1944.
New Record, Almost
A victory in the last event of
the day, the mile relay, would have
given the Wolverines the new
mark; but hopes of this happen-
ing were quickly dashed when Don
Chalfant, running the second leg,
and Bryan Gibson, running the
third leg, bumped into each other
attempting a hand-off and drop-
ped the baton.
Chalfant had raced from last
place into the lead when the mis-
hap occurred.
After the meet, the joyous Don
Canham, whose teams have won
five indoor titles in the past seven
years, called this 1961 squad "My
greatest ever."
From top to bottom here yester-
day, it was just that. The Wolver-
ines tallied points in 13 of the 15
events, missing in only the 440-yd.
dash and the mile relay,
Double Winners
Individually, McRae and Leps
were the only double winners dur-
ing the two days of competition,
but comeback performances by
Ray Locke and Dick Cephas also
contributed to the Michigan land-
For McRae, the victories in the
70-yd. low and high hurdles were
particularly satisfying. In the
highs, McRae defeated Minne-
sota's previously unbeaten Dave
Odegard, who had upset him last
year in the same event.
In addition, his time of :08.4
tied the Conference and the Illi-
nois Armory records for the event.
Same Story
It was much the same story in
the lows. McRae had a step on
Odegard at the second hurdle and
went on to a neck-stretching one-
half-yard victory in :07.9. Cephas
finished third in the event.
McRae now has a share of both
Conference indoor hurdle marks.
Last year he had equalled the low
hurdle record of :07.8.
Leps was just as brilliant in his
specialties, the mile and 880-yd.
Dead Last
In the mile, the stretch running
Canadian junior was dead last as
See LEPS, Page 7
piece to lead the Wolverine
Here in Ann Arbor, Coach Newt
Loken's gymnasts ended Illinois'
11-year domination of the Con-
ference with a convincing 1471-2
122 victory.
In the first of two "heartbreak-
ers," Coach Gus. Stager's swim
team dropped , a narrow 2051-
201 5/6 battle to Indiana at Co-
lumbus. The Hoosiers were re-
garded as shoo-in's by 'everybody
but the Wolverines, who turned
in several spectacular perform-
ances only to fall, just short.
The second heartbreaker occur-
red up at East Lansing where
Coach Cliff Keen's wrestlers fell
short of Michigan State's winning
total of 69 points. '
The basketball team kept in
step with yesterday's "almost"
atmosphere by dropping a last-
second. 73-70 game to Minnesota
despite Captain John Tidwell's
record-breaking 43 points. The
hockey team was successful, how-
ever, pulling out a 4-3 last period
victory over Michigan State to
consolidate its third place finish
in the WCHA.
Indiana, Nip _s
Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS--Indiana, captured
its first Big Ten swimming title
here yesterday,-narrowly outpoint-
ing defending champion Michigan,
205 1/2-201 5/6. .
Unexpected points in the three-
heter diving combined with
shrewd manipulating by Hoosier
Coach Jim Counsilman in the 440-
yd. freestyle offset record-smash-
ing performances by Michigan's
Dick Nelson and Dave Gillanders.
Gillanders upset Mike Troy in
the 100-yd. butterfly, to lead a
tremendous Wolverine team effort,
but Indiana was ndt to be denied.
The afternoon saw two Ameri-
can, four NCAA,,and six Big Ten
records broken. Frank' McKinney
(100-yd. backstroke) and Alan
Somers (440-yd. freestyle) of In-
diana, Lou Vitucci (three;meter
diving) of Ohio State, and Steve
Jackman (100-yd. freestyle) of
Minnesota all became double win-
Tp yesterday's 440 Counsilman
pulled Troy and defending 440
See IU, Page 6
Demand Voice
In Selection
By The Assqciated Press
State University students began
'circulating petitions Friday night
requesting that they have some
vrnina in 4"ha r~nanrinn aS 4-1,a noit
Fro 'm ilini
Displaying tremendous
around depth, Michigan
whelmed perennial defen
champion Illinois, 147%/2-122,
terday to 'gain its first gymn
championship ever,' before
1200 spectators in the I-ME
Other team scorers were: P
igan State, 91; Minnesota
Iowa, 34; Indiana 10; and
State 7. Wisconsin failed to'
By winning, the Wolverines
ed Ilinois' 11-year dominati
Conference gymnastics anc
came only the fourth Big
team ever to win .a Confe
Montpetlt Stars
As in Friday's qualifying se
Michigan Captain Rich Mon
continued to dominate the
The Wolverine senior contri
Parker Voted Chairman
Of Development Council
The University Development. Council yesterday elected George
E. Parker, Jr., of Detroit to succeed Leland J. Kalmback of Spring-
field as chairman.
The Council is primarily a fund-raising agency for the University.
Presentation of the Student Relations Board jazz concert plans,
a change in the University needs committee procedures and approval
tin principle of a "Presidents Club"
Special to The Daily
State won its first Big Ten wres-
tling championship yesterday, de-
throning Michigan by four points,.
69-65, in a meet that was not
decided until the final match.
Purdue finished third with 46,
Iowa 38, Illinois 33, Northwestern
30, Indiana 14, Minnesota 13, Wis-
consin 11, and Ohio State last with
In the end it was actually North-
western which kept Michigan from
retaining- its championship.
Critical Matches
After Norm Young of Michigan
State had captured the 137-1b.
title, it became necessary for Mich-
igan's four remaining finalists to
win. Fritz Kellerman had already
won the 130-lb. title, but Jim
Blaker, Dennis Fitzgerald, Jack
Barden and Karl Fink all had to
win to give the Wolverines a two-
point margin. f
It was too much to ask for.
Blaker and Fitzgerald won their
titles and had the partisan crowd
buzzing when Barden, stepped in
with Northwestern's Al Jaklich for
the 191-lb. championship.
Jacklich Wins
Jaklich scored first in the second
a whopping 58 points to his to
total on a fourth in free exe
a tie for first on parallel bars
firsts in still rings, high bar
all-events, and a third on the
However, in ino event did
score less than 14 points as
different men contributed, p:
to the winning effort.
Illinois was led by Ray Ha
who successfully defended hi,
exercise title, finished third
parallel bars, took second on
rings, tied for third on the
bar, and finished second to M5
petit in defense of his all-e
title. (
Osterlqnd Wins
In addition to Montpetit
Hadley, first places were cha
up by Michigan's junior Ton
terland on the Trampoline,
nois' Bill Lawler on the side I
and Michigan State's Larry
sett, who tied for first on pa
bars with Montpetit.
Hal Holmes, by far the
spectacular performer in the r
followed up Friday night's 9
point performance in tuml
... trampoline champio
YR Meeting, Endorses Con-Con
and a Law School Fund also took
place at the meeting.
At its last meeting, the powers of
the University needs committee
were transferred to the Council
f _