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March 04, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-04

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

i!1aa ti4

Easterly winds,
occasional showers



















Slice Lead

rof Indiana
Clark, Relay Team
Lead Michigan Rally;
One Point Separates
Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS - Keyed by a
breath-taking victory in the 400-
yd. freestyle relay, Michigan mov-
ed within almost one point of In-
diana last night in the Big Ten
Swimming Championships.
With seven events remaining,
the slightly favored Hoosiers lead
118-116 7/12 with Ohio State next
with 581n4 and Michigan State
fourth with 531/2
Two American, three NCAA,
and four Big Ten records toppled
as the two giants fought it out.
Stager Gambles
Wolverine Coach Gus Stager
stacked his deck in a calculated
gamble to win the relay and gain
15 precious points. Stager pulled
Bill Darnton, who finished third
in the 1,500-meter freestyle last
year, out of thatesvent to swim
the third freestyle leg of the re-
.It. paid off, as Darnton and an-
chorman Frank Legacki combin-
ed to make up 20 feet between
them and nipped favored Michi-
gan State in.a"whirlwind' finish.
Harry Huffaker and Owen Klein-
schmidt swam the first two legs
for Michigan.
see 'M' TEAM, page 6











-Daily--James warneka
NEW CHAMPION-Michigan gymnastics Captain Richard Mont-
petit Is shown taking first place i still rings in the qualifying
sessions of the Big Ten meet, held yesterday in the I-M Building.
Montpetit defeated defending champion Ray Hadley of Illinois
to earn individual all-events honors.
Monipett Detiro'nes Hadley
As Gy'mnasts Seize Lead
Captain Richard Montpetit dethroned Illinois' Ray Hadley, 1960
Big Ten all-events champion, to lead the Michigan gymnastics team
to an early 22-17 lead over defending team champion Illinois in the
Conference Meet yesterday.
The finals of the meet will be held this afternoon at 2 p.m. in the
I-M Building. Other team scores with only the all-events completed
are Michigan State 7, Minnesota
TTea5, and Iowa 5. Wisconsin, Ohio
Tra T eaState and Indiana failed to score.

W S U Group-
Starts .Party
With Rally
Wayne State University stu-
dents held a quiet rally on the
campus mall yesterday to protest
the administration's recent sus-
pension of the three campus poli-
tical clubs's recognition and or-
ganize a new campus political
The announced purpose of the
meeting was to organize the new
party, but the primary issue dis-
cussed by the party so far is the
suspensions, and the meeting was
devoted primarily to speeches
from the new group's founders on
this issue and the groups general
About 250 students gathered.
around the small group of party
founders,' remaining for 50 min-
utes during the lunch hour.
- a

In outlining a new seven-point
program to "spur the development
of Michigan's great economic po-
tential," Gov. John B. Swainson
yesterday called for expansion of
the University's Institute of Sci-
ence and Technology as a center
for giving impetus to "growth"
industries which thrive on scien-
tific research.
In his message to the Iegisla-
ture, Swainson also proposed the
establishment of a Greater Michi-
gan. Authority which would make

loans to local or regional industrial
development groups such as the
commission behind the Ann Arbor
Research Park. He requested an
initial $1.5 million appropriation
to get the measure into operation
The authority would loan up to
30 per cent of the cost of projects
"in critical economic areas" and
would provide up to 20 per cent of'
costs in other areas.
Cites IST Role
The governor told legislators
that "in its brief life, the Institute
of Science and Technology has


Swainson Asks 1ST Growth

L eads Way
To F inals
Speciar to The Daily
CHAMPAIGN, Ill.--To no one's
surprise, Michigan seems well on
its way to winning its third con-
secutive Big Ten, indoor track
championship here today.'
Last night the Wolverines domi-
nated the preliminaries by quali-
fying a 'resounding 12 track men'
for today's semi-finals and finals.
Runner-up so far is Indiana
with eight qualifiers, followed by
Iowa and Purdue with five, Michi-
gan State, Minnesota and North-
western with four, Wisconsin with
two, and a surprisingly poor 1ii-
nois with one.
Deceptive Figures
These figures are somewhat de-
ceptive, however, as there are no
preliminaries in -two of Michigan's
.strongest events-the 60-yard dash
and the mile run.
One final event was held last
night. That was the broad jump,
which was won by Illinois' defend-
ing champion, Paul Foreman, with
a leap of 24'11". It was his best
effort' of the year, and came at an
opportune time, as three other
jumpers -- including Michigan's
Les Bird-also turned in their best
jumps of the year.
Bird, limping slightly because of
a chronic sore leg, gritted his
teeth for the big effort, and soared
24'3/2", good for second place. It
marked a gallant comeback for
the lithe senior, who two years ago
set a Michigan indoor record of
24'101", but had failed to near
that mark again until last night.
Akpata Third.
Sonny Akpata of Michigan State
was third with a leap of 241/"
and Reryck Taylor of Illinois was
fourth with 24'1/4" in a close fin-
Illinois Total Tops
Thus, after the meet's first day,
Illinois leads inetotal number of
points, with seven to Michigan's
four. This is ironic, however, since
the big surprise so far is Illinois"
failure to qualify more than one
man for today's action. The Illini
are the defending outdoor cham-
pions of Big Ten track
Michigan showed its depth in
most strikingly by dominating the
see'M' QUALIFIES, page 6
Six Take Petitions
Vi- CO pia - an+

Montpetit Stars ' .
Let by Montpetit, who qualified
in five events, Michigan sends 17
men into the finals as do the Illini.
The Spartans follow with 14 qual-
The Wolverines hold the upper
hand at this point, however. In
addition to their five-point lead,
they qualified higher than the Il-
lini i nmany events, and if posi-
tions remain as they now stand,
the final score would be Michi-
gan, 1501, Illinois, 116%; and
Michigan State, 88.
Still in Doubt
However, both Michigan Coach
Newt Loken and Illinois Coach
Charlie Pond stress that the meet
is far from decided. The perform-
ers' official score in each event
will be the -average of their scores
in the qualifying and final ses-
sions, and in most cases, there is
a separation of less than 10 points
between the first and tenth place
Montpetit was by far the day's
outstanding all-around performer.
The Wolverine senior overwhelm-
ed Hadley, 551-535.75, in the all-
events while qualifying at least
fourth in the five events in which
he competed. Wolverine Jim Hynds
was third in all-events with 495
The all-events includes free ex-
ercise, side horse, high bar, par-
allel bars, still rings, and long
horse. The latter is an Olympic
event which is used only in de-
termining all-events champion
and does not count in the final
team totals.
see MONTPETTIT, page 6
M' Wrestlers
Trail Spartans
Special to The Daily
State's wrestlers moved out in
front in the Big Ten Champion-
ship meet here last night by scor-
ing 21 points in the preliminary
rounds, as compared .to Michi-
gan's 14.,
The Spartans placed four men
in the finals and five in the con-
solation final to assure themselves
of at least 59 points in today's
final rounds. Barring a major ca-
tastrophe, the Spartans appear to
be well on their way to winning'
their first Big Ten wrestling
Michigan placed five men in
the finals, but only managed two
.+.+4Rnlntinnirnolific to n+ri oirp-it

Stirs Enthusiam
George Hill, temporary chair-
man of the party, said that the
meeting "was intended to stir up
student enthusiasms on the cam-
pus-something that has not been
done at WSU for a long time," and
that he was satisfied with its suc-
Both students and faculty mem-
bers present at the rally signed
up as members of the new or-
ganization, Hill said. He cited the
issue of the political club recog-
nition "only a catalyst for the
formation of the new group."
However, he said, most of the
questions raised by the audience
at the organizational meeting were
on this issue.
Clubs Suspended
The three campus political clubs
had their recognition suspended by
their supervisory committee last
week, and one of them has been
denied the chance to regain its
status because of non-fulfillment
of 1954 deans' council regulations
for such clubs.
Hill said that the major aims of
the new party were to work for
"academic freedom and respon-
sible student government, neither
of which is present as it should
be on the campus."
Seek Recognition
The party group announced that
it would seek university recogni-
tion in the near future, and in-
tended to run candidates for SFC.
On-campus politica action
groups concerned with university
issues do not come under the poli-
tical club supervisory committee,
and the new group would presum-
versy over the suspensions.

GOPHead Hits Kennedy
G Dor Losing Public Trust
Special to The Daily
JACKSON--George Van Peursen last night described the lack of
faith of the new administration in our system of government and
our free enterprise economic base, at the convention of the Michigan
Federation of College Young Republican Clubs.
"I am terribly frightened by the philosophies of government I
hear expounded" the newly elected Republican state chairman said.
America's allies lost confidence in our country because of statements
" made during the last presidential
campaign. Since President John F.
'IJU Panphlet Kennedy has taken office he ap-
parently is trying to destroy the
" faith of United States citizens in
MewsBudget our economic system, Van Peur-
sen said. Americans came out of
the 1958 recession because for a
The University yesterday re- time the, citizens adopted Presi-
leased a booklet illustrating, in dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's pro-
simplified charts and statements, gram of "Buy Now."
its financial needs and its con-
tributions to the state and nation. Cites Recession
Financed entirely through alum- Van Pursen said that now Ken-
ni funds, the booklet, "The Re- nedy is telling us that we are in
quirements of a Major University another recession, and is institut-
in an Expanding Society," at- ing a program of increased central
tempts to portray clearly the Uni- control to try to offset it.
versity's present financial situa- The former speaker of the state
ionty'the staenLegislature and House of Representatives stressed.
tion to the state is the importance of pride to every-
This m stefi.yearaub one, adding that "there is not
This is the first year a public much pride in drawing an unem-
relations booklet of this type has ployment check."
been publshed by the University He told the Young Republicans
as the basic information was pre- that it is unimportant whether the
viously Included In the detailed ,Republican party may be control-
mimeographed budget request. led by liberals or by conservatives,
"This budget request document but it is important to have quali-
ran to many pages and was not fied men running the schools and
well-read," Andrew Doty, assistant forming judicial opinions.
director of University relations, Wear Fake Noses
said. The 25 University delegates
The regular budget request and paraded in the corridors of the
other pertinent data will be pre- hotel housing the convention,
sented as usual to members of the wearing large fake noses and eye
appropriations committees of both glasses to give visual support to
the state Senate and House, Doty the vice-chairman candidacy of
explained. Marshall Keltz, '61.

played a significant role in the
vitality of our economy. We must
assure that it is operating to the
limits of its potentiality."
But Richard Miller, Swainson's
press secretary, warned last night
that the governor's message should
not be construed as a proposal that
the University should receive any
additional funds above the. $37
million previously recommended.
by the governor.
The governor was merely "try-
ing to highlight and focus public
attention on the Institute," Miller
Asks Other Measures
Swainson also urged:
-Lifting of "outdated and re-
strictive" limitations on commun-
ity industrial development cor-
--Merger of the state depart-
ment of Economic Development
and the Tourist Council into a,
single department;
--Passage of his economic
growth act which includes creation
of a Council of Economic Advisors
to be made up of experts from
state universities;
-Legislation to encourage ac-
tivities of small business invest-
ment companies, and
-Legislative action putting a
constitutional amendment on the
ballot to implement the proposed
The week's most controversial
flick Is missing.
"Operation Abolition," com-
plete with pictures and sound
track which may or may, not
be related, vanished mysteri-
ously from a window ledge in
"the Student Government Coun-
cil room Wednesday night.
Executive Vice-Presidenit Per
Hanson, '62, left the meeting
early and put the film on the
window ledge behind the Coun-.
cil table,
SGC President John Feld-
Ramp, '61, thinks it was still
there when the 'meeting ended
at 1:30 a.m.
Hanson checked at the SGC
office Friday afternoon, but no
one had returned it. He plans
to report to police the appar-
ent theft of the film, which be-
longs to a group in Detroit and
is worth $100.
Does all this mean that cam-.
pus liberals have finally achiev-
ed the abolition of "Abolition "

Group Meet$
Schedules, Courses,
Other Related Item
Promised Fair Stud
City Editor
The University Commission
Year-Around Integrated Opel
tions met officially for the fi
time yesterday, and pledged its
to an "objective and scholarly l
quiry" into the desirability of bi
ic changes in the Universit
"long established academic r
University President Har
Hatcher officially appointed I
commission Wednesday; he in
cated it'would ."implement I
policy of "a full-year schedule a
recommend a calendar and cou
structure which will embody
best wisdom, experience, ho:
and sense of responsibilities.'
The meeting yesterday aft
noon included members of
newly-formed commission, Pre
dent Hatcher and Prof. Wes
Maurer, chairman of the jorn
ism department and also of
Senate Advisory Committee
University Affairs. Following
meeting, the commission's chE
man, Prof. William Haber of
economics department, relea
the following statement:
Outlines/ Activities
"(The Commission) reviewed
responsibilities and outlined
future activities. After a full c
cussion it was agreed that
commission should examine:
"1) The question as to whet.
or not a basic change in this U
versity's long-established acade
ic routine is justified and de
"2) The alternative arran
ments to the present calendar r
tine which promise to "provide
year-round integrated operatior
the University consistent with
high standards of teaching and
search associated with our in
"3) What specific choice of c
endar arrangements should
recommended to the President
the Regents.
'Has Open Mind'
"The commission," Prof. Ha
said, "recognizes its responsib
ties as exceedingly important
the University, its faculty and
state. It has an open mind on
three' propositions outlined.
alms at an objective and schol
ly inquiry. It proposed to prep
a careful analysis and will s
the maximum consultation "w
the faculties of the various schc
and colleges."
The commission will meet f
times in the next two weeks, P
Haber -reported.
Cites Obligation
In designating the nine-me
commission Wednesday, Presid
Hatcher declared "the Un ver
has an obligation to the people
the state of Michigan to do
utmost in helping to meet
challenge posed by the, si
fact that 33,000 more students'
reach college age in Michigan
1965 than will do so this ye
We must prepare now for. I
task. The establishment of I
faculty commission is, an ess
tial step in that direction" °

"We must," he continued, "c(

..,breaks record again
Senate Votes
To Authorize
New Judges
ate yesterday voted to authorize
73 new federal judges-the biggest
single addition ever proposed in
the federal judiciary.
"These are choice political
plums," Sen. Everett M. Dirksen,
(R-Ill), who led a losing Repub-
lican fight to delay action on the
measure, said.
Dirksen told the Senate the in-
itial cost of creating a new dis-
trict judgeship, including expenses
for the first year, is $90,000. The
first year cost of adding a judge
to the Federal Circuit Court of
Appeals, he said, is $72,600.
Creates New Jobs
The- bill which the Senate ap-
proved by voice vote and sent to
the House would set up 63 ad-
ditional district judges in 32 states
and Puerto Rico, and would pro-
vide for 10 additional circuit court
Onthe basis of Dirksen's fig-
ures, that would add up to an
initialcost of $6,396,000. Dirksen'
said the annual cost, would drop
somewhat after the first year,
Federal judges receive a mini-
mum of $22,500 a year and col-
lect full-pay retirement benefits.
Figure Adopted
President John F. Kennedy ask-.
ed for 69 new judges and included
the request in his list of 16 most
urgently needed bills. The Presi-
dent's figure was adopted by the

Phi Chi Prefers North Campus Living

The men of Phi Chi medical fraternity are all by themselvesl
on North Campus-and they like it.
"We feel just like we're living in country club surroundings,"
Dale McGhee, '62M, said. "Everyone here is happy about the whole
It will have been two years ago next fall since the last brick
filled out the walls of the modern, three-building complex which 49
medical students call home. The experiment, McGhee said, has proved
Group Draws Together
"The fraternity is really an extremely close group now. Everyone
knocks themselves out to work on improving the house and grounds."
He cited the project of planting grass to cover the bare spots-
the spots that once were gravel, mud and woods in the untamed, fu-
ture North Campus. He also mentioned the landscaping which had
to be done and the swimming pool that will someday grace the grassy

U ~

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