New Decoration SIDELINE ON : .. Seventy-First Year __ EDITEDAND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN e Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS uth Will Prevail' STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241, Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. C- 4?' 0 # 6K 'Operation Abolition' Merits Student"Concern BY PAT GOLDEN Daily Staff Writer ALTHOUGH NO ANNOUNCEMENT of a public showing was made, the film "Operation{ Abolition" drew a capacity crowd to Student Government Council meeting Wednesday night. Most came specifically to see the film; most stayed to hear the debate. Before debate began, several constituents expressed the hope that SGC would not come to a final decision until more students had an op- portunity to see the film and express their opinions. They were very concerned that students should know about it, see it and evaluate it. Student Government Council's functions include the expression of SMARCH 3, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN ROBERTS Appeals to Authority Inv-alid on HUAC Issue EALS TO AUTHORITY have been raised gain and again in defending and attack- Operation Abolition." Though the validity ch an argument was destroyed in the Middle Ages when Aristotle's concepts of zs were proved false, it still has great' arity among some Student Government cll members and their constituents. en debating the extent of Communist in- ce in the demonstrations against the e Committee on Un-American 'Activities ngs in San Francisco last May, a certain of people 'are always cited and their ns entered as or factual moral factors. ig the names most often mentioned are Igar Hoover, Fulton Lewis III,' George, tophet (mayor of San Francisco), James velt, William Wheeler (a HUAC investi- ) and Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black. s easy to see why such people are referred debates about HUAC. They have all had hing strong to say about the committee e specific film. They are men with pres- n the public community; the support of argument by a famous and respected' always enhances it. ere are valid reasons, however, for re- g the opinions of many of these people. Hloover, for' example, who clearly sees nunist infiltration of the demonstrations, not on the scene when they occurred. He has' a past record of exaggerating the nunist menace inside the United States. r Christopher's absence from the locale aphically remembered by the students ,ang: istopher was out of town, we turned to Archie Brown. hority can be readily doubted in these instances, because the authority is not letter position to evaluate the proceedings the majority of the population. In fact, at many persons who were at the hearings' a much more truthful idea. of what really ned. NVALUATING THE internal self-contra- tions of the film, and more generally, ctivities of the committee and its philo- and character developed during its 22 life span, most Americans have equal s to the facts involved. The judgments d by studying the public behavior of the ittee do not depend on a thorough know- of the hour by. hour events which took in and around San Francisco's city hall bring. cases like this, appeal to authority does nuch added moral weight to your defense ack, whatever it be. To have a prominent a speak out on an issue which everyone. wally able to judge is to add importance ir argument. s also very difficult to defeat this kind of nent. About the' only logical stand you ake in refutation is to say that no matter says something, is true, that does not it so. Or you may attempt to discredit. uthority by attacking his personal charac- defaming his occupation, or social group. THE YOUNG AMERICANS for Freedom gave a good example of such deplorable be- havior Wednesday night. Passionately devoted to a weak and vague Sharon Statement, the YAFs are also committed to defending. the committee, Senator Barry Goldwater and, sometimes, the late Senator McCarthy. The University of Detroit chairman of YAP listened in on various segments of the SGC debate on "Operation Abolition". When con- stituents' time was announced, he delivered a long defense of the committee, the movie and an attack on the committee's critics. Though most of his points were rationally. untenable, they were at least interesting to hear and often amusing. This was true until our YAFer decided he must retaliate against attacks on the committee made by the highly regarded National Council of Churches and Bishop Pike, The YAFer did not attempt to delineate these attacks or offer a defense to them. He felt he must reduce himself to the level of an underhanded religious propaganda attack. HE QUOTED EXTENSIVELY from the "Our Sunday Visitor's" editorial that is found elsewhere on this page. The bigotry and blatant prejudice exhibited there need little explica- tion. , The YAFer, however, was not 'content with the remarks, of the Catholic priest who wrote them. He saw fit in his attempted "rational" argument to stress the religious background of the author, implying that this was an un- assailable authority. This fledgling conservative spoke with the utmost gravity on this matter and thus, his faith in the outright bigotry was astonishing. There is no intention here to argue that 'the remarks of Fr. Ginder are representative of anybody or anything but Fr. Ginder him- self. I would prayerfully hope that his opinions are shared by only a small minority, ineffectual in our social and political life. YAP, however, is advocating'these views or at least using some of them for propaganda attacks. YAF is a growing organization and ultimately, I am sure, intends to have political power within the University, within the state and within'tie nation. I DO NOT THINK that any interpretation of the Sharon Statement or other seriously developed conservative doctrine would condone or encourage such vicious statements as were heard Wednesday night. A belief in the freedom of speech necessitates a defense of the YAF's leader's right to say what he did, but the opinions and ugly rumors he did state are totally unwelcome in any thinking community. YAP does not exists on this campus to serve the role of a Ku Klux Klan or a Hitler. Such roles never had nor never will have a legitimate reason to exist. If YAP wishes to reconstruct the American Ideal, it will never. succeed if it continues to employ the des- tructive tools of bigotry, Intolerance, lies and prejudice. -MICHAEL OLINICK '' f .Y O ; '' I' , student opinion on relevant topics. the more or less considered judg- ments of 18 people. This isn't because they choose to ignore the student body's opinion; it isn't because they haven't made enough effort to find out the stu- dent body's opinion. * S * IT'E BECAUSE the student body doesn't have any, opinion about an . astounding number of prob- lems. It's because the student body often does not even know the problems exist. So the question of evaluation is left to the few who do know about problems. "Operation Abolition" w a s shown by the Political Issues Club in December. There was not much publicity for the event, but word spread among people who had pre- viously expressed concern about social issues. The film was shown to a standing-room-only , crowd then. The 100 people who saw it have been expressing their concern since.. These people are at present about the only faction on campus that has gotten excited about "Operation Abolition" until this week. They are generally opposed' to the film and to the House Un- American Activities Committee. But there aregundoubtedly seg- ments of the student body which would react very differently - if they saw the film. * * * - THE STUDENT body has a clear obligation to become informed on issues like the film "Operation Abolition" and the more general, questions surrounding the HUAC. The student body has a further obligation to make its well-consid- ered opinions knowni. An excellent way for these opinions to be expressed is dur- ing, constituents' time at SGC meetings. Because of its opinion function, the Council continually concerns itself with issues that ought to concern every student. Hence the Council room ought to be filled to capacity for every meeting. ONCE 4 Usually this expression consists of POSTER SALE: Prevw PRIEST VIEWS COMMUNISM: Supports .House Committee ANYONE WHO CARES anything for music should know by now about ONCE, the contemporary music festival coming up the end of this month. At last we shall get to hear how local far out composers stand up beside recent Europeans-Boulez, Stockhausen, and especially Luciano Berio. Recently the Forsythe Gallery displayed a rather large' collection of ONCE posters created and do- nated by a group of Ann Arbor artists. Profits went to ONCE. There was, forturnately, no at- tempt at uniformity of style or technique: George Manupelli put together a wonderfully repulsive poster from old portraits of Ab- raham Lincoln. Andy,Argyropou- los' stylized jungle was decorated with writing, most of which would require at least a spiritual gift to interpret. AT .THE END of the gallery, several ONCE composers set up an exhibit of scores and were kept busy most of the evening ex- plaining the unusual notation of a Stockhausen Klavierstuck or Robert Ashley's Sonata. (One of the best groups of posters-those by Milton Cohen-were in fact inspired ,by a Stockhausen score.) No one seemed anxious to explain Bussotti's pieces for prepared piano-it has been claimed that only David Tudor knows how ;o read them-but several people tried to buy them for framing. The posters sold. There were very few left at closing time. I was disappointed that no one picked up John Goodyear's con- struction from a projecting piece of wood and four watch-glasses. --Bernard Vatdrop (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was the focus of controversy among constituents during Wed- nesday'sS GC meeting. A represen- tative of Young Americans for Freedom from Detroit quoted the article in support of his opinion on the House Committee on Un-Amer- ican Activities. It originally ap- peared in Our Sunday visitor, a Catholic weekly, March 13.) By FR. GINDER TF THE BLACK HAND (defined * by Webster as any one of sev- eral secret societies) were to open an orphanage in your town, how many of the local clergy do you suppose could be induced to serve on its board of directors? Don't answer too quickly, be- cause when the Communists open- ed up all kinds of do-good outfits during the 30's and 40's,4 Protes- tant clergymen came flocking into them literally by the thousands. "But there is a big difference between a Communist and a Black Hander." There certainly is! The Black Hander is more civilized. In his own twisted way, he believes in God and religion, whereas your Communist is an avowed atheist out to destroy religion. * * * THIS UNNATURAL phenome- non so worried a group of lay men in the Methodist Church-- the thought that so many appar- ently dedicated servants of Christ should be using the prestige of their sacred office, exploiting the natural reverence of their congre- gations, to advance the causes of Anti-Christ-that they organized a committee known as Circuit Riders, Inc., to tabulate and pub- lish the record of this Judas ,ele- ment in their own midst. Apparently the Circuit Riders operate like an IBM machine. For example, when, on Feb. 7, 1949, the Daily Worker published an Appeal to Acheson Urging Truman-Stalin Peace Talks, they simply sifted out and filed the names of all the preachers listed-and so with in- numerable other fronts and causes. Then every once in a while they put out their findings in tabula- tions which are about as lurid and exciting as a telephone directory. They take a preacher's name and under it they have three columns: the name of the fronts, his affilia- tion with them, and the Circuit Rider's source of information. * * * ' SO WHEN the story of that Air Force Manual broke, I got in touch with M. G. Lowman, co-ordinator of the Circuit Riders in Cincin- nati. In a lengthy telephone inter- view, he passed along some hair- raising statistics. Mr. Lowman estimates that his group has processed the names of some 9,000 American Protestant ministers implicated at one time or another in Communist fronts. A total' of 2,224 Methodist min- isters or 8 per cent of the Meth- odist clergy have had Red-front affiliations.. Of the Episcopalians, 1,411 rec- tors have similar records, or an average of 20.5 per cent of all P.E. clergymen. The Presbyterian Church U.S.A. had 614 ministers involved. This includes 101 with three or more pro-Communist affiliations, plus the names of 513 with only one or two such affiliations., The Unitarians are most numer- ous percentagewise. Some 43 per cent of their clergy have records, a percentage that goes up to 59-60 if one counts the retired and oth- erwise inactive.- Figures among the Jewish cler-' gy approximate those of the Epis- copalians: around 20 per cent. * * * WHEN I ASKED Mr. Lowman if there were any Catholics involved, he said that there was a front called the Committee of Catholics for Human Rights organized some years ago in New York by Em- manuel Chapman. This man man- aged to trap about 50 priests and welfare workers before he was ex- posed by the Brooklyn Tablet. Invited to defend their state- ment before Congressman Walters and his House Un-American Ac- W SU Unfait EVIDENCE PILES up. Wayne State versity has acted unjustly to the Inde- it Socialists Club on campus. Feb. 20, officials announced, both to' rs of the other two political clubs at and representatives of the Daily Col- the campus newspaper, that the In- lent Socialists had lost their recognition for non-conformance with WSU regu- requiring affiliation with a state politi- ty. i, the next day, the committee super- political clubs on campus, apparently g that its position looked a .little one- announced that all three clubs were e their recognition suspended pending, lication. NG DEAN OF Students J. Don Marsh, nember of the committee, made it clear, ,r, that the Young Democrats and Young icans could regain their status easily, at the Independent Socialists could not. only justification the committee offered s stand was that they were bound to s the 1954 regulations for political clubs, hat' these required affiliation with a il party on the state ballot. ' did not explain why their stand differed hat of the political science department, had supervised the clubs until January, he new committee was appointed. The ment had not enforced the affiliation ion. STILL, THE committee's second stand, least, seems tenable this far and not rily unjust, although there are strong' ions of the latter. the~re is mor v 9icimm.T~~a+ t npwat.A, Political Clubs Eder announced that his group was also un- able to conform to the regulations on party affiliation. He reported that the campus YD's were not in any way affiliated with their state party, but only with national organizations. To the committee, which had already an- nounced that its only concern was enforcing the regulations as they existed, this should have sufficed-if the ,supervisors were as im- partially bureaucratic as they claimed, they would have denied any chance for recognition to the YD's as they had to the Independent Socialists. BUT THEY DID not. Marsh, asked about this point, said that the technical non-con- formance with regulations was "no stumbling block" to recognition of the YD's. The com- mittee, he said, was "favorably disposed to- wards giving the YD's every consideration." But not the Independent Socialists. Marsh repeated the earlier stand on ,the possibility of their recognition-no affiliation, no recog- nition. And the Independent Socialists cannot agree to affiliate with any specific one of the several state socialist parties. Eder called this stand a denial of "equal Justice," and speaking for all the clubs, said that none had any intention of asking for recognition as long as the committee "showed favoritism." Eder has much more justification on his side than Marsh. The committee's stands certainly do not give "equal justice." They deserve con- demnation and reversal, and the clubs are certainly right in not asking for recognition under such a group. ET'S SEE SOME fair play. If the committee tivities Committee, the Council of Churches haughtily r e f u s e d: "Facts are what we say they are," Besides, at an open hearing, they might be proved wrong, which would be mightily embarrassing. Pushed to the wall, a "joiner" will generally claim that he did not know what he was getting into. That was always Bishop Ox- nam's plea. You will notice, how- ever, that he never denounces the Red front. On the contrary, it is always the reporter who exposed him that gets denounced. s s s WITH 9,000 Protestant clergy- men implicated in Red causes at one time or another in their ca- reers, it is not hard to understand how public opinion could have crystalized so quickly, so firmly against the late Sen. Joseph Mc- Carthy of Wisconsin. Nevertheless, that he accom- plished much is attested not only by the constant regurgitation of slanders against his memory in the liberal press, but also by let- ters such as Attorney J. F. Schla- fly, Jr,'s in the February Issue of the American Bar Association Journal, which reads in part- "It was McCarthy who first ex- posed the hidden agent William Remington, who yoccupied a key position in the Department of Commerce where he was able to hold up export licenses for the delivery of supplies to the Re- public of China while it was strug- gling to prevent the Communists from seizing mainland China (conviction affirmized 208 F. 2d 567): "It was McCarthy who first ex- posed Edward Rothschild, who was handling the assembly of se- cret military and Atomic Energy Commission documents in the Government Printing Office, after these documents had 'been,print- ed piecemeal in separate areas to prevent any. one person from knowing their total contents. * * "IT WAS McCARTHY who first exposed the espionage ring in the electronic warfare laboratories at Fort Monmouth. Two years later a high-ranking Russian electron- ics warfare officer defected to the West. Testifying under the pseu- donym of Colonel Andriyve to p'o- tect his family, he told the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in June, 1956, that he personally examined in Moscow a great quantity of secret and top secret American radar documents which had been stolen from Fort Mon- mouth. "It was McCarthy who first ex- posed Owen Lattimore. Later, aft- er hearing 15 volumes of sworn testimony, the Senate Internal Se- curity Subcommittee, which was composed of seven lawyers and did not include McCarthy, unanimous- ly concluded that' Lattimore was a 'conscious articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy.' "It was McCarthy who uncov- ered a Communist named Annie Lee Moss working in the code room of the Pentagon. The Anti- Anti-Communist League went in- to action and . . . accused McCar- thy of witch hunting. On Oct. 30, 158. nr sdisnatches announced To the Editor: IN THE MICHIGAN Daily of Tuesday, February 21, Mr. D. Marcus wrote nineteen (19) lines, of editorial content under the. heading, THE FIFTH. In a spirit of inquiry: 1) Was there any connection between the finding of the "several bottles" and the recent East Quad fire, other than the fact that they both occurred in East Quad? 2) How many bottles is several? More than one? 3) What constitutes a seiz- ure? 4) At the time, did the owner's protest that the bottle(s) only contained a carbonated bev- erage? 5) If so, on what basis could it be said that the staff man was . "oblivious" to the owner's protests? (This question is super- fluous due to the answer to num- ber 4.) 6) Can a bottle be opened when it is not closed? * * * MY EXPERIENCE AS a staff. man in the residence halls leads me to question the tone of the article and its heading. Drinking violations, unfortunately, are not as infrequent as they should be. But each is not publicized by an editorial. If the staff man had been irresponsible in his handling of the matter, especially if he had in fact "deprived (one)hof life, liberty, or property, without due process of law," Mr. Marcus' opinion would have more factual. basis. In the house which I am in charge of the staff respects and believes in the Quadrangle (and Residence Halls) policy per- taining to the use of' house stu- TO THE EDITOR: 'Leg alQEagle D-isc usses Quad Fire dent judiciaries. The term 'due process' means affording a fair hearing. The hearing in our house is not held by the staff, but by student representatives appointed by the student house council. My law school education has imbued me with ahigh regard for the ascertainment of facts. * * * MY UNDERGRADUATE major field of Radio and Television has taught me the importance of re- sponsibility which persons in the public communications media have toward themselves, their readers, their sponsor (school), and their newspaper. The basic facts, of ,this editorial were significantly incorrect. A writer of editorial matter must have correct facts. A responsible editorial can (and should?) be written which will evoke disagree- ment as to the opinions in that editorial. I not only disagree with the opinions stated, but maintain that the opinions have no basis in fact on the six points supra. Thus' Mr. Marcus has done a disservice to the judiciary system which we, students and staff alike, have at- tempted to strengthen, to the "residence hall authorities", (his term) (which doesn't include me), and to those of us who believe in a free and responsible press. -Warren E. Eagle Residence Advisor Letters to the editor must be signed and should be limited to 300 words in length. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter., Politics at Wayne State DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' The Daily Official Bulletin is an. official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which Tle Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before Zpn. two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, MARCH 3 General Notices Notehand: An easy to learn, brief Women first floor Student Activities Building. Applications will be accepted for residence balls and supplementary housing. Reminder: Sigma Xi dinner for Ini- tiates will be held Wed., March 8 in Michigan League Ballroom. Those who plan to attend should send checks for reservations to Sigma Xi, Rackhain Bldg. by Sat., March 4. A'F'rtha Cook Building applications for residents are due March 10, 1961. Those who already have application blanks are requested to bring them in { i .