A Cloud No Bigger Than A Couple .Of Hands S1Midigan &Dily Seventy-First Year - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will 'Prevair' STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ISDAY, MARCH 2, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS Misleading Ticket Wording Raises Due Process Question AT THE STATE: 'The Misfits': End of Dusty Road? AFTER SEEING "THE MISFITS," I couldn't help wondering if this wasn't the dusty end of the road for Westerns as a means of seri- ous communication between adult Americans. Not that the movie was bad: on the contrary, it was good. But if this was the first good "West- ern" in years, and if Westerns have to incorporate complex and mod- ern themes, then the "bad" men of traditional Westerns are gone for good. Arthur Miller seemed to assume this when he allowed an "Esquire" writer to quote him concerning "The Misfits." This film is really about the choice between illusion and reality: what has happened in this AN APPEAL of a one-dollar. -Ann Arbor jay- walking fine to Circuit Court may seem to be a petty act, but this action taken recently by Jonathan I. Rose, '64, has raised two issues which should be settled no. matter what the decision is on his specific case. First, Rose hzas noted that the standard ticket handed out by local policemen for jaywalking, overparking, and other minor offenses seems to assume, by its wording, that all men are guilty who are ticketed. The ticket proclaims, "You have violated the traffic code of the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, You must sign the statement below and either (1) mail cash, check, or money order for the amount indicated in this postage free envelope (2) pay in person at the Municipal Court, 110 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor." The "statement below" which "must" be signed reads: "I hereby plead guilty and waive a hearing in court." THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE on the ticket is two different ways to pay a fine. Yet on any police charge a person has a right to plead not guilty and to have his chance to prove his case in court. Even though most traffic viola-, tions are clearly open-and-shut cases of guilt, Prof. B. James George, Jr. of theaschool of law points out, "It is impossible that an ordi- nance could be drawn to be so simple and gen- erally conclusive that it is completely uncon- testable in all cases." Persons are not intentionally being deprived of their rights by the city, since anyone may plead not guilty to any charge. Yet the faulty. wording on the ticket, designed for the conven- ience of citizen and court alike, fails to let the layman know he has this right. It is quite pos- sible that innocent persons have been misled to the belief that being given a ticket is the same as being guilty. EVEN THOUGH this editorial may clear up the point for the citizen, the wording on the ticket should be changed so that it briefly presents the choice the alleged violator has, and what he can do if he feels he is innocent. This would be in line with Michigan Statute 27.4091 which says that in cases where traffic bureaus are used to replace trials on cases, "all notices and papers used in relation thereto shall advise all alleged violators of their right to a trial . Second, the more important point to, the average student, is the point that Ann Arbor's jaywalking laws, under which Rose was ticket- ed, are highly impractical. There are certainly many studants whose careless jaywalking should be curtailed by po- lice action. But the present law makes it illegal to walk against a "DON'T WALK" sign in any circumstance. The average citizen may not know this either, but if he fails to obey this sign, even if there is no traffic in sight, even if it is 4 a.m., he is guiltyof jaywalking. T OULD SEEM that the basic question should not be what a pedestrian is doing in relation to an automobile sign, but whether or not he is obstructing traffic or causing a safety hazard. Through either a re-interpretation of the law by officers, or a re-wording of the city ordi- nance, the "DON'T WALK" sign should be made a convenience to the pedestrian and mo- torist, not a rigid rule. While the pedestrian signals at present have the same significance as a red light, they should have the same mean- ing as a flashing red light-stop on the curb and do not walk unless conditions safely per- mit it. --RICHARD OSTLING .. ; _ x i 3 -.: ' P : 4 . . : y. a f r, r , -s' A ./ 9 t .i+L". e F 1 r ;a yam- - :dati*. z, _.. .,.. - 'i ~- T ~«,°. UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES: U.S. Must Learn From the Past country is that people cling to the illusion of a frontier -- but the only real territory left is rela- tionship to other people. TWhere really never was any other terri- tory, but we are just finding it out. "THIS CHARACTER, Gay, has livedacross the frontier all his life. But because he finally gets related to this woman, now he can cboose something else - the gratification offered by their re- lationship.", Gay, a modern cowboy, is played by Clark Gable; Roslyn by Marilyn Monroe. This is one major theme, there is another. The "frontier" offers these men freedom-freedom from wages and the degradation of modern life. There is one catch. Their freedom is tied to a passing world, and in a new world where one thing 'follows another, and nothing is sure, lasting relation- ships are hard to attain. There is one sure way-surren- der to a loving woman. Robert Brustein, in criticizing William Inge, described the action of his usual male lead. "Rather he ca- ' pitulates, giving himself up to the woman's power to comfort and providehis life with affirmative meaning." THIS STATES the end of "The Misfits" to perfection. However, as cozy as this sounds, there is another, not so reassuring side to this solution. Brustein writes later in the essay about an anecdote in "Picnic" wvfchb he thinks descrip- tive. "Last year . . . some (women) teachers made such a fuss about a statue in the library. It was a gladiator and all he had on was a shield on his arm. Those teachers kept hollering about that statue. Finally ... one of the janitors got- busy with a chisel and then they weren't insulted anymore." Masculinity is pretty closely tied to freedom for these men. Arthur Miller recognizes this, but, says, "Whatever happens to them from there (Gay and Roslyn at the end of the movie) would be ' of enormous meaningfulness." Perhaps Gay does not surrender his masculinity. Perhaps if Roslyn had not happened along, he could have clung to the illusion of a frontier, or maybe this change could only be made with a wom- an's help. This the viewer has to decide for himself. -Thomas Brien FORMED COMMENTARY: Salvation Through Institutions? OFFICIAL The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. 4 4 4 )PTIMISM is a recognized American trait. The best traits, however, have their reverse des. And one by-product of the American op- muism is a far too confident belief in salvation trough institutions. Hence the attempts to deal by law or judicial at with problems that lie in the field of indi- dual morality and emotional reaction and 'ejudice. Making prohibition the law of the nd did not make Americans a people of total )stainers. The most famous of recent Supreme ourt rulings has not eliminated strife and tterness from the process of desegregating hool systems in the Southern states. This yearning for an institutional gimmick at will make everything come right is even' ronger in international than in domestic fairs. When the United Nations was in pro- es of formation, a large religious organization ged its members to support the effort with e hopeful slogan: "You can win the peace .th a three-cent stamp." Alas, the price of, ace is much, much higher, as the 'course of ents during the last 15 years has shown. HERE OUGHT to 'be a stronger UN." "All international disputes should be settled by .forceable world law." "Let's keep the cold ar out of the Congo." Such are the recurring emes of letters to newspapers, of statements more or less distinguished figures, in and it of public service. Well intentioned persons on crusades for such causes and win rounds applause from sympathetic audiences. What is overlooked is that the United Nations nnot be any stronger, or any more "united" an the powers which make up its membership sh it to be. A stream cannot rise higher an its source. One of the charter members the UN Is the Soviet Union. The Soviet lion has never concluded a treaty with an- h'er nation providing for the settlement of ferences by impartial abritration. 'HE FAVORITE Soviet treaty form is the "pact of non-aggression and neutrality." ie Soviet government has concluded a num- r of such pacts and periodically comes up th the suggestion of willingness to sign such mties with the. United States, Great Britain d other Western powers. The value of such ggestions may be gauged from two facts. e Soviet Union has abruptly ended many'of ese pacts by attacking its partner and an- xing all or part of its territory. And such cts provide neither an impartial tribunal to tide when aggression has taken place nor actions against a proved aggressor. Eow, then, can one reasonably expect a onger UN so long as the Soviet Union is a mber? Is it reasonable to expect a govern- nt which does not admit the principle of bitration in its treaty relations with foreign: wers to accept the authority of an interna- nal organization which it does not fully. ntrol? Soviet behavior in Hungary furnishes one ernment to destroy the power, even the exist- ence, of the office of Secretary-General fur- nishes another. It is a pretty safe prediction that the UN will never be stronger so- long as the Soviet Union remains a member, barring a very unlikely change in Soviet policy. SHOULD THE AIM, then, be a United Nations without the participation of the Soviet Union, whose chief contribution to that organi- zation has been the casting of about one hun- dred vetoes? There would be strong opposition, to any such proposal and the elimination of the Communist-ruled powers from UN membership would not make the cause of peace any strong- er. Everything that a UN without the Commun- 'st powers could do is already being done by such regional alliances as NATO, SEATO, OAS, etc. And these alliances, in turn, are no stronger than the will and resolution of their member states. "ENFORCEABLE world law" is an attractive phrase; but it bears no relation to the re- alities or possibilities of today's world, To the Communist mind right is what promotes the victory of the Communist cause. As Lenin put it: "Morality is what serves the destruction of the old exploiters' society and the union of all the workers around the proletariat, which creates a new society of Communists . . . We do not believe in eternal morality and we ex- pose the deceit of all legends about morality." Such a mental attitude is quite inconsistent with law, which presupposes general accept- ance,, by those who live under it, of universally applicable principles of justice and equity. Nor would it be possible to find an acceptable legal common denominator for the French settler in Algeria and the nationalist guerrilla, for Boer and Bantu in South Africa. Our thinking on international affairs will be much clearer and more realistic if we can clear our minds of the common delusion that there is an institutional gimmick for every difficulty. Constitutions and treaties are, after all, scraps of paper which derive their ultimate sanction from the character and good faith of the peoples which live under them and the govern- ments which sign them. THE BRITISH statesman William E. Glad- stone referred to the American Constitution as "the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." Most Americans would be inclined to agree. Yet it is quite probable that the American people, with their inherited instinct for liberty under law, would have maintained orderly self-gov- ernment even under a less impressive instru- ment. On the other hand it is unlikely that a com- mittee composed of the most eminent masters of political science, of men like Locke, Montes- quieu, de Tocqueville, Adams and Madison, could devise a constitution that would func- ..-_ ___. . LT .. . _..... -_12_ _ By HARVEY MOLOTCH Daily Staff Writer AS THE UNDERDEVELOPED countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America one by one explode in our American faces, it might be wise to stop merely applying band-aids and to begin throwing a little water on the fuses. First we can realize that when ex-Governor G. Mennen Williams told Africans that he wanted "Af- rica for Africans" (whites and blacks alike), he made a state--, ment that was about ten years overdue. The fact that Williams has since been sharply criticized for "putting his foot in his mouth" shows that we are still functioning under the same ideas which have led to Communist gains throughout underdeveloped parts of the world. As President Kennedy said yesterday in de- fense of his assistant secretary of state, "I do not know who else Africa should be for." The argument is presented that in making such "undiplomatic" statements, Williams is embar- rassing our colonialistic NATO al- lies, France, Great Britain and Portugal. But these critics seem to forget that our struggle in the backward parts of the world is crucial to the balance of power between East and West, and our failure will spell not only our own doom, but tragedy for America's allies as well. Our Russian adver- saries have no such albatross around their necks; if we can not free ourselves from the past mis- takes and current selfishness of our allies, disaster is imminent. WE MUST COME to realize that African sovereignty is inevitable even in the currently quiet Portu- guese colonies. But when freedom arrives, it can either come to a mass of illiterate savages or it can come to at least a partially educated citizenry with an intelli- gent and capable leadership.' The Belgians made sure that the Con- go arrived in the former state, whereas in Nigeria the British en- sured the latter. The role of the United States must be to pressure the Portuguese into imitating the. British and cause them to aban- don their futile attempt to main- tain their African empire through ignorance. For such a policy can only aggravate anti-Western sen- timent everywhere and provide a silver-platter power vacuum for Communists to fill in years hence. An aggressive zeal to "Ameri- canize" and "democratize" the rest of the world is not an in- herent part of any United States institution. Americans are quick to scorn the Soviet imperialists who will never let the world rest until the globe is covered by Com- munism. Yet, the leaders of the underdeveloped world resent the very strong American drive to mold every new country in to a"little America." BUT THE BELIEF THAT one form of government is applicable to all countries, regardless of their internal differences, was one of Lenin's greatest errors.' As John Stuart Mill said over 100 years ago, anv government must nrovide gian Congo. Walter Lippmann claims that the educated Ameri- can electorate is incapable of making policy decisions. What then would be the result of trust- ing uncivilized Africans with the. same power? Like the majority of their African neighbors, the Con- go is riddled by ignorance and conflicting tribal authorities. Such factors should not be ignored but should be accommodated as far as possible in the governmental framework. * C *C WHAT HAS BEEN our greatest error is to assume that the Amer- ican capitalistic or "free enter- prise" system is the most advan- tageous economic form for the entire globe. But the advances of Cuba, Red China, and Yugoslavia under Socialism, clearly indicate that when a country is poverty stricken and underdeveloped, cap- italism does not alleviate the mis- ery. Socialism can either prevent Communism, or it can be used as a tool by the Russians to estab- lish additional police states. The widely-held attitude that social- ism is inconsistent with democ- racy is easily refuted by merely comparing the free welfare states of northern and western Europe with the capitalistic tyrannies of Trujillo and Chiang Kai-shek. THUS WHEN CUBA threw off the Batista yoke, American capi- talists stood as the major block to Cuban prosperity under social- ism. Instead of facilitating the de- parture ofrAmerican business in- terests from C u b a, possibly through some attempt at recipro- cal trade agreements, the Ameri- can government began reciting eulogies to the sacredness of pri- vate property and the threats to the "dignity" of the United States. That is the very idea of facilitat- ing the establishment of Socialism still seems blasphemous to the far majority of Americans indicates that the tragic events of the re-. cent past has taught little to the citizenry of this country. THURSDAY, MARCH 2 General Notices Students who expect to receive Edu- cation and Training Allowance under Public Law 550 or 634 must sign Month- ly Certification, VA form VB7-6553, in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 142 Ad- ministration Building before 5 p.m. Monday, March 6th. Office hours are: 8-12 a.m., 1-5 p.m.' Herb Shriner Tickets on Sale. Ameri- can humorist Herb Shriner will be presented Tues., March 7, 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. Shriner will be assisted by folk-singer George Alexander. Tickets are on sale at the Aud. box office. Stu- dents are offered a special reduced, rate' on all tickets. Burton Holmes Travelogue "The Alps" Tonight. New color motion pictures of the Alpine countries of Switzerland, Austria, Italy and France will be shown tonight, 8:30, in Rill Aud. Andre de la Varre, of the Burton Holmes staff, filmed the pictures and will' do the narration. Tickets are on sale today at the Aud. box office, 10 a.m.-8:36 pr.m. Notehand: An easy to learn, brief writing system will be offered as a 10. week non-credit course beginning Mon., March 6. The course will be taught by Lyle Willhite in Rm. 150, Law School from 7 to 9 p.m. each Monday. Regis- tration ,($10) may be..accomplished, at the Extension Services offices on Wash tenaw Ave. Events Thursday Lecture: Prof. Roderick McGrew of the University of Missouri will speak on "The First Russian Cholera Epidemic: Some Problems and Opportunities." Thurs., March 2, at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. C. The lecture, which is -given under the a spices of the Program in Russian 'Studies and the Department of His- tory, is open to the public., Lecture: Thurs.,. March 2, Eric G; Turner, Prof. of Papyrology, University College, London, England,.and Director of the Londonk Institute of Classical Studies, on "Euripides the Dramatist: New Papyri and 'Old Problems," 4:10 p.m., Aiud. A, Angell Hall. Anatomy Seminar: Dr. walter 8. Wilde and Dr. Richard: Malvin will speak on "Investigating renal tubule function with stop flow analysis" on Thurs., March 2, 1961 in Rm. 2501 of the East Medical Building at 4 p.m. Events Friday Music Education Special Lecture Series: Richard H. Snook, director of band and orchestra, Grosse Poite, Mich- igan and the resident of the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association.; Friday, March 3, 11:10 a.m;, Lane Hal. Psychology Colloquium: Prof. Eck- hard H. 'Hess, University of Chicago, (Continued on Page 8) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Opinions Differ on Campus Love To the Editor: APTER READING THE letter on campus love in the Daily yes- terday which was bravely signed "name withheld," I couldn't help feeling that perhaps the person who wrote it was Norman Vincent Peale. It is so full of milk-sop and platitudes as to make it really amusing. I quote: "Any observer, who is still sensitive to the true, the beautiful and the good, and has stood in front of the girls' dormitories at night when the closing hours draws near will well understand what I mean." Well, I have stood there at the mentioned hour, and while per- haps the osculatory exercises practiced there will offend such sensitive and truth seeking people as Mr. Name Withheld, I really see nothing wrong with them. Of course many of the couples who regularly entwine themselves to- gether there are simply getting; only sexual pleasure ( and to this incidentlly, I, am inclined to say "So what?"), but I am sure that some of them DO love each other and demonstrate their affections there for want of another place to do it. To generalize in this case is a gross mistake. And any- way, Mr. Withheld will soon not be bothered by the conditions he mentioned, because Spring iscom- ing and with Spring the ground unfreezes and - « * * * * NAME ALSO DEPLORES these four conditions which he says have contributed to the present "horrible" state: ignorance and laziness on the part of boys, going steady, settling for less by girls, and absence of teaching of time- proven moral principles in school. He sets himself up as some sort of dispenser of The Public Morals, and I really wonder if he thinks th f a is .:, m- - -m...c- h or else it will be no good. Every person is different, and therefore it is the generalizations contained in the letter that are most wrong. Going steady, I will admit, is not a practice to be recommended to' high school students, 'since it limits their "field of endeavour," but once in college the individuals field has most likely broadened until he knows what he wants, although perhaps not too clearly. All the people that I know who are going steady here are reallyt in love, and not just insecure kids who depend on each other. Again, this depends on the in- dividuals involved, and any all inclusive statement made is wrong. MR. WITHHELD'S next state- ment, concerning girls who "settle for less," sounds like the back of a cheap paperback. "Will she settle for less, or will she want TRUE LOVE?" We look for a definition of true love in the letter, and what do we find but a vague statement about "exquisite human emotions," and the like. He evades clearly stating what it is, and he does not seem to realize the es- sential fact that it is only in theory that TRUE LOVE can be separated from "vulgar" physical desire. Assuredly, some girls do settle for less, but really, so what? Is it any of Mister Withheld's business? Who gives him the right to set himself up as the arbiter of what is right and what is wrong? This all leads up to my last point: Mr. Withheld, what is "traditional and time proven morality" which you advocate should be taught here? I challenge you, indeed I challenge anyone, to give a definition of that phrase. Would you call the puritanical codes time proven? As.I said be- fn,.. .- . -m r h .10 %F-i ..ci _ _ , a I say, depends on the individual, and on no one else. -Steven Hendel,.'63 Expensive .. . To the Editor: AN ERRONEOUS piece of re- porting o4l the front page of theFebruary 22 issue of the Daily must be brought to light in order, to rectify the wrongs it may have perpetrated. You stated that a power failure halted the operation of "the IBM 704 computer" Panhel is using, to process sorority rush data. Tab Services in the Administration Building is performing the opera- tion in question, in part on a 407 tabulating machine. They do not have a 704 computer, nor do they have any device which approaches the speed and power, (and pre- posterous expense) of a 704. The only 704 on campus it at the Computing Center, corner North University and Forest. It has operated. reliably' 99.34 per cent of the power-on time since August 1959. Anyone is welcome to witness this marvelous machine in operation from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. -Robert F. Rosin Senior Programmer Computing Center Twice... To the Editor: IT IS, INDEED, refreshing to read a Daily column on music that is as unbounded in its praise as that of the first two ONCE concerts. A willingness to listen not extended to Brahms or Tchai- kovsky has been turned toward the profit of the newest voices in music, a commendable gesture. T "t, one's mind away from the more rarified realm of the music it- self. One felt that the climax to this work was underdone . . could not Miss Berberian have once more put her head into the piano and at the same time the support could have been pulled out * . a smashing; climax,,; one might say, but with perhaps too 'meaty' harmonics for Bussotti. Since Mr. Boulez has expressed the desire to escape from "the primitive limitations of the musi- cal instrument," the pontillistic *,chool should have no qualms about losing a singer for art. -Barton Wimble Foreign Fleet... To the Editor: YESTERDAY I.WAS extremely angered and dismayed. I saw a Volkswagen truck inscribed with the seal of the University of Mich- igan. After taking a closer look, I realized that it is part of the fleet of the plant department of the University being used for main- tenance etc. Icannot help wdn- dering why this state supported- Unmversity has to purchase a for- eign vehicle, since most.. of the University's money has come in- directly from the automobile in- dustry of the state. --Marvin Yagoda Lucid... - To the Editor: WAS GRATIFIED to read Prof. Frederick Wagman's letter on the matter of use of the university libraries by non-university per- sons (24 Feb.). And this is my re-' action not because of the need for restrictions, but because his letter presented a clear and well-thought out explanation which ought to serve the cause of lucid and ra- tional thinking.