See rate 4
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
Chance of scattered
afternoon showers.
h ._
VOL. LXXI, No. 105
Group To Study 'Full-Year' Plan
Ma Bring
Race War'
Patrice Lumumba's slaying
marked the turning point in de-
veloped and underdeveloped na-
tion .relationships, Grace Lee,
editor of Correspondence news-
paper said at a Democratic So-
cialist Club meeting in the Michi-
gan Union last night.
The majority of colored people
regard Lumumba's death as a
lynching and the coming conflict
between "have" nations and
"have-not" colored nations can
takethe form of race war. It is
important then to understand
that the basic issues are not of
color, she said.
Thinking Men
Contrary to public image, Afri-
can leaders are "thinking men
with ideas" and Lumumb4's popu-
Wayne Democrats
To Recover Status
Wayne State University's Young Democrats chapter can regain
its recognition in spite of the fact that they do not conform to uni-
versity regulations for political clubs, Acting Dean of Students J.
Don Marsh said yesterday.
YD Chairman George Eder called this "showing favoritism" and
that until the university gave "equal justice," his group did not plan
to apply for recognition. WSU's tb
Tax Answer'
Senate Republicans offered an
answer to Gov. John B. Swainson'
tax proposal yesterday which
would effect property tax reforms
by giving broad taxing powers to
local communities.
The bill, sponsored by 19 of the
22 GOP senators, would authorize
local governments to levy personal'
income taxes or any other combi-
nation of excise taxes with voter,
The proposal, which would pro-
vide for a one per cent personal
income tax on residents and non-
residents who work in the taxing'
community, would also allow com-'
munities to. retain any of the state
"nuisance taxes" on liquor, cigar-
ettes and telephone use, due to ex-
pire June 3Q.
Increased local, sales taxes or
extension of the sales tax to cover
services could also be included.
Guild To Show
Movie Monday
Cinema guild will show the film
"Operation Abolition" Monday
night, Cinema Guild Board chair-
man Fred Neff, '63, said last night.
Student Government Council
moved to present a condensation
of tapes of the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee hearing
in San Francisco last May. This
will be followed by a short talk,
explaining the issues involved in
the film, and by a question and
answer and debate time.
The film and tape program will
be offered alternately. Exact times
will be announced later. The Poli-
tical Issues Club, Voice political
party and the Young Americans
for 'Freedom have tentatively
planned a discussion program for
the night after the films.
-This discussion would concern
the HUAC in general, rather than
the film. Three different positions
would be presented: opposition to
the committee; approval of the
committee; and the position that
the committee, while it serves a
worthwhile function, may be go-
ing beyond its prerogatives.
ree political clubs had their recog-
4 nition suspended last week by the
committee newly-appointed to su-
pervise them.
Sets Conditions
The supervisory committee an-
nounced that the groups could re-
gain their status on request if they
fulfilled the conditions set down
in the 1954 deans' council regu-
lations for political and social ac-
tion organizations on campus.
These regulations had not been
enforced by the political science
department; which had supervised
the clubs until the new committee
was formed in January.
Officials repeatedly announced
that the YD's and Young Repub-
licans could regain their status
easily, but that the third group,
the Independent Socialists, would
find it impossible since they could
not affiliate with any specific one
of the several socialist parties ap-
'pearing on the state ballot.
Such affiliation is required by
the regulations.
Unanimous Reversal
Tuesday night, after a Student-
Faculty Council;meeting where a
resolution calling for a reversal
of the action was passed unani-
mously, Eder, and SFC member,
said that his group was really in
the same position as the Inde-
pendent Socialists, since the YD's
are not affiliated with the Michi-
gan Democratic party, but with
the national YD's and other na-
tional groups.
The YR's do affiliate directly
with their state party.
Marsh, a member of, the super-
visory committee, said yesterday
that the committee "saw this as
no stumbling block" for the YD's
if they asked for recognition. The
committee, he said, is "favorably
disposed towards giving the YD's
every consideration."
Denies Recognition
But he repeated again that the
Independent Socialists, could not.
gain recognition, since they do
not affiliate with a state party.
At the same time, all three clubs
have remained adamant in refus-
ing to reapply for recognition. The
YR's, not being able to use univer-
sity meeting rooms or announce-
ment systems, yesterday held a
meeting, including an outside
speaker, on the mall of WSU's
campus, after announcing the plan
through word-of-mouth commun-
The entire matter will probably
be considered by the deans' coun-
cil at its meeting next Tuesday,
Marsh said.
Hatcher yesterday appointed an
eight-man faculty committee to
formulate plans, for putting the
University on a full-time academic
basis in 1962 .
The committee (University Com-
mission of Year-Round Integrated
Operations) will be headed by
Prof. William Haber of the
economics department and will at-
tempt to "implement the policy of
a full-year schedule" . . . "and
recommend a calendar and course
structure" which will become ef-
fective in the fall semester.
Trimester Speculation
(With the University's Dear-
born Center now on the trimester
program of 16-week periods, spec-
ulation arose that this might lead
to the institution of that system
here, although University officials
refused to confirm this.)
(Only two weeks ago, the Uni-
versity of California, one of the
largest state university systems,
revised its schedule to provide for
a more even distribution of aca-
demic semesters, although not in-
stituting an actual trimester pro-
"In a sense, the University has
been on a full-year schedule for
a long time, with 24,000 students
enrolled from September to June,
11,000 attending the summer ses-
sion, and programs in law, medi-
cine, nursing and many graduate
areas in progress throughout the
year, President Hatcher explain-
The University is presently oper-
ating at 94 per cent capacity
throughout the school week, he
More Efficiency
President Hatcher said the new
program would make it possible
for students to se the University
plant more effectively and com-
plete their college studies faster.
Prof. Stuart W. Churchill of the
chemical engineering department,
Prof. Robert I. Crane of the his-
tory department, Prof. Robert E.
Doerr of the dental school, Prof.
Warner G. Rice, chairman of the
English department, Prof. Stephen
H. Spurr of the silvaculture de-
partment, Prof. Algo Henderson
of the education school, and Prof.
L. Hart Wright of the Law School
join Prof. Haber on the commis-
Bklame Priests
For Bombing
HAVANA (P) - A meeting call-
ed to protest the terrorist bombing
of a business school was whipped
into a frenzy of anticlericalism
last night.
The demonstration was the
worst of its kind since Prime
Minister Fidel Castro took power,
26 months ago.
Education minister Armando
Hart and student and labor lead-
ers, echoing the Castro line, bit-
terly , assailed 'Roman Catholic
priests Hart said were linked to
acts of terrorism -against the re-
AC R Foundei
See Differences
State Department, Rather than I
To Control Foreign Aid Prograi
An organizer of the campus peace corps movement
phasized the danger of over-enthusiasm "without cri
thought" over the creation of a youth peace corps ord
by President John F. Kennedy yesterday,
Alan Guskin, Grad, specifically expressed disappointi
that the corps was to be set up as a part of the federal mi
security program. Kennedy had announced at a news cor
ence that the corps was being established on a "tempor
pilot basis" and that he had sent a message to Congress
ing that it be made a perma-
-AP Wirephoto
ENDORSES YOUTH CORPS: President John F. Kennedy yester-
day ordered creation of a peace corps on a temporary basis and
asked Congress to make it permanent. Students at the University
and other campuses have pressed strongly for such a program.
Heo Calls Anti-Red Pact
Proof of Independence
LEOPOLDVILLE (JP)-Premier Joseph Ileo yesterday heralded the
Congo's new anti-Communist pact as proof Congolese politicians can
tackle their own problems without foreign help.
"The Congolese people are 200 per cent against Communism," Ileo
told a news conference.
Ileo firmly denied that the military pact he signed Tuesday at
Elisabethville with Katanga President .Moise Tshombe and President
Albert Kalonji of the mining state'
... tells Lumumba's ideas
larity was not due to magic but
the fact that he said what the
people wished to hear. Lumumba
calmed riots, he didn't start them,
she asserted. d
-He stood for four major ideas
for Africa and was not pro or
anti-Communist but an African
Lumumba's program of action
said that every vestige of colonial-
ism must be wiped out actively.
He made anti-colonialism a means
of mobilization, unity and educa-
"He also stood for- pan-African-
ism and although United States
diplomats did not kill him, they
did not back him in the United
Nations and allowed him to be
killed, because of his ideas," she
Positive Neutralism
Positive neutralism and a so-
cialist pattern of society were the
third and fourth point of Lumum-
ba. A Communist or socialist pat-
tern of economy being the only
possible way in the new nations,
she said.
To the question of whether Lu-
mumba was a pro-Communist,
Mrs. Lee answered that unless
minds are freed from the blinders
of pro and anti-Communist cata-
gories, no understanding of Africa
would be possible.
"Lumumba was not a Commu-
nist of the vanguard party type,"
which is the Communism of Rus-
sia, Eastern Europe and China
she said.
That Communism attempts to:
industrialize rapidly at the ex-
pense of the present generation by
means of an isolated cadre of pro-
fessional revolutionaries and and
At the moment these regimes
are in mortal danger because they
did not consult the wishes of the
of South Kasai implied any recog-
nition of their claims to inde-
pendence. Nor does the fact weak-
en President Joseph Kasavubu's
claim to be the head of all the
Congo, he added.
The wiry little premier said he
hopes the leftist rebel leaders of
Stanleyville will attend the round
table conference called for March
5 in Tananarive, Madagascar -
even though these are the Com-
munist influences he is opposing.
"In that neutral atmosphere of
a friendly land we should be able
to iron out our differences with
only a few days of discussions."
Antoine G iz eang a, the Soviet-
supported rebel leader in Stanley-
ville, his military strongman Gen.
Victor Lundula; and Anicet Kash-
amura of Kivu province have been
invited to attend.
It would be another step toward
solving the problem of reconcilia-
tion or chaos on which. United
Nations Secretary-General Dag
Hammarskjold warned the Congo
leaders in his latest blast.
While insisting the Congolese
can work out their own destiny,
the Leopoldville government made
an outward show of compliance
with stiff new UN demands for
cooperation by pledging to halt
the Congolese army attacks on UN
personnel here.
Hit Pa'rtisan
Judges hips
WASHINGTON (P) - Republi-
cans threatened yesterday a move
to side-track a bill to create 69
new federal judgeships as a Demo-
crat conceded politics blocked pas-,
sage of a similar measure last year.
Senate Republican Leader Ever-
ett M. Dirksen of Illinois said af-
ter a GOP policy committee meet-
ing an effort may be made to
send the bill back to a committee
pigeonhole when the Senate takes
it up today. ..
Dirksen complained at a news
conference that Attorney-teneral
Robert F. Kennedy had indicated
in hearings before a House com-
mittee that most of the new
judges to be appointed, if Congress
approves the bill, would be Demo-
The Illinois Senator made it
clear he doesn't think that would
be cricket. He noted that former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
offered to split the cappointment
of proposed new judges between
the parties last year but couldn't
get the Democratic Congress to
act. .,
nent organization under the
State Department as part of
the Mutual Security program.
Exclude Corps
"Most of the students we talked
with strongly believed that the
peace corps should have nothing
to do with the State Department
under the existing foreign policy,"
Guskin, spokesman of the Ameri-
cans Committed to Word Respon-
sibility said. He explained that
they didn't want any relationship
which might "lead anyone to sus-
pect that the peace corps was a
foreign policy tool."
Prof. Samuel P. Hayes of the
economics department and ACWR
advisor said that he was pleased
with the initiative shown in the
formation of the corps. He added,
however, that ACWR 'had been
eager to have the program "not
too closely associated with foreign
policy and the cold war program."
Authorities in Washington felt,
however, that the corps was a
type of foreign aid as it furthered
economic and technical assistance
to other countries, and therefore
coordinated it with programs with
similar aims under the State De-
partment, Prof. Hayes explained.
Opinion Confined
The opinion that the voluntary
youth corps be disassociated with
the federal government was rein-
forced by talks with foreign stu-
dents who said the plan would not,
work under the present foreign
policy program, Guskin said.
Some thought the corps would
have a better chance under the
supervision of the United Nations
or after a change in foreign poli-
cy, he said. Other students also
preferred the operation' of the
corps under an independent agen-
cy, or else under the auspices of
the United Nations or the depart-
ment of Health, Education and
Welfare, Guskin added.
"A problem is created working
from government to government,"
Judy Guskin, Grad, said. "It could
lead relations between the State
Department and dictatorships, as
in Latin America.
"Then there wquld be the con-
flict: would United States foreign
policy favor the -progressive move-
ment or the status quo in their
needs for technical assistance?"
Notes Reciprocity
Hayes also said that more at-
tention should be given to the
reciprocal quality of the corps
program, with projects undertak-
en under the joint sponsorship of
the United States and the host
country. This was , partially ex-
pressed in Kennedy's message,
which said that members of the
corps "will go only to those coun-
tries where their services' and
skills are genuinely needed and
Guskin noted that little specific
information had been given on the
selection and training procedure.
Kennedy said he hoped to have
500 to 1,000 members of the corps
in the field by the end .of the
year. Each recruit would receive
a training and orientation course
varying from six weeks to six
months, including instruction in
the culture and language of the
-country to which he is being sent.
The present plan is to have the
experimental program operate in
about six countries in Asia, Afri-
ca and Latin America.
Foreign Aid Funds
Initial expenses for the program
will come from foreign aid funds,
V-nnedy sid- nRouh Petimates
Vote Tabled
After lengthy debate befor
large audience of constituei
Student Government Council I
night postponed its expression
opinion on the film "Operat
The film, 'produced and
tributed by the House Commit
on Un - American Activit
(HUAC), implies that the M1i
1960 student riots against cc
mittee hearings in San Franci
were Communist - inspired s
Communist-led. It is composed
clippings from newsrees of
riots and scenes of HUAC memi
talking about Communist inflt
Motion Presented
The motion, presented by Ro
Seasonwein, '61, and amended
Daily Editor Thomas Hayden,
reads in part:
SGC holds that the film "Ope
tion Abolition" is -being used
falsely accuse members of the a
demic community of subvert
activity and to deny students
freedom of political activity.
The students, insofar as t
participated in any undue bre
of order, were not acting in
cord with the precepts of der
cratic non-violence. SGC can
condone the actions of these s
dents, nor can it condone
actions of the committee wb
in its national distribution o
distorted film failed to act acco
ing to the traditions of hor
analysis or due process.
SGC further-requests the tele
sion stations from whom the fi:
were taken to make available ti
complete films of the demonst
Creates Impression
Seasonwein stressed that
film does not prove participat
students were Communist-led;
merely creates a strong'impressi
He also pointed out severald
tortions of fact.
Perry Morton, '61, commenl
"This motion clouds the issue.
purpose of the movie is to cre
the impression that the dem
strations were Communist-le,
to establish the fact."
In rebutting, Hayden said, "
imocracy does not proceed, on i
pression and inference, but on
frankness of its arguments. T
HUAC attempt to call "We SI
Not Be Moved" a Communist s
is a supreme example of us
impression to discredit."
The song, currently a symbol
the Southern sit-in movemt
was originally a hymn.
He further objected to the I
plication that anyone who ti
up with Communists on a limi
issue must be either a Commu
dupe or an actual Communist,
Morton argued that "whtet:
the student action was related
the Communist movement to a
ish the committee is unimport
Wht is important is that s
dents were supporting a Commi
ist cause."
'Grave Travesty'
Phil Powr tn. nteied1 ti
State Needs More Dental School Graduates
Michigan will need about 50 or
60 additional dental graduates
each year for the next 15-20 years,
and the University's dental school
can provide these, given the neces-
sary funds.
The additional dentists will en-
able the state to maintain its
present ratio of one dentist to 1900
people, Dr. Paul H. Jeserich, dean
of the dental school explains.
Additional Facilities
Additional students mean a need
for additional facilities, he adds,
but even if the dental school does
not expand, new facilities are defi-
nitely needed.
The major part of the dental
and senior students who must do
work there. The present facilities
are about half the needed size,
Dr. Jeserich estimates.
Third Need
A third need is for more re-
search facilities. The dental school
staff has a much higher research,
potential than it did 10 or 15 years
ago, Dr. Jeserich nays, but it is still
using 1908 facilities.
Add to these the school's pro-
posed expansion to meet the
state's dental needs, and the re-
sult is a $10.2 million capital out-
lay request, which has been pend-
ing for several years. The dental
school request is high on the Uni-
versity's priority list, Dr. Jeserich
Dr. Jeserich has said that it
would be "economically unsound
for the state to build another den-
tal school to train 50 additional
dentists each year when the exist-
ing state school must have addi-
tional space and modern facilities
for its present enrollment." In his
capital outlay report to the Presi-
dent, he said it would be more
economical for the state to provide
the new facilities at the Univer-
sity, and make them large enough
to handle the additional 50 dental
students that will ie required each
Adding capacity at the Univer-
sity would be less expensive be-
cause it already has the adminis-
trative staff and highly-qualified
....: .,