"Open Wide And Say 'Bah'" oI0 &#eMirhIpgan §aitg Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN' hen Opinions Ae Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth WLU Prevau" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers 'or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. [ESDAY, MARCH 1, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN Segregation in the North: No Rationaization, Justification t AN RECITAL: Impression: Bach Without Bach. rIE UNIVERSITY of Michigan School of Music presented Mr. Hans Vollenweider, organist, in concert at Hill Auditorium this past Sun- day evening. Mr. Vollenweider, a native of Switzerland, is fulfilling an appointment to the School of Music this semester. Since then, Mr. Vollenweider has resided near Zurich as church organist, choirmaster, teacher, and composer. His compositions to date include organ works, chamber music, and a mass written for two choirs and orchestra. He.has gone on concert tour yearly since 1948, playing OUTHERN BIGOTS ARE luckier than Northern ones. The former, at least, have e argument of Justification by Tradition to tionalize their acts of prejudice. Those who reside outside of the sunny uthern climes do not have any natural ause rising out: of history, past slave trading the shallow doctrine of States' Rights. They y, when seriously questioned, on untenable thropological arguments reinforced by : an tremely shaky social analysis. Despite the lack of a'ny cultural excuse for ejudice, the Northerner's hatred is at least great as his Southern counterpart's. The itudes' of the Northerner are even more pugnant and ironic when he attempts to ture the Southerner on the "fine principles integration." T A MEETING this weekend sponsored by the United States Commission on Civil ghts held in Williamsburg, Va., one of these, pocritical Northern gentlemen paraded him- f as a motto for Twentieth Century Brother- od. The conference had originally been given. urgent tone by President Kennedy's tele- izm to the educators who gathered to discuss tool segregation. "This is no time for schools close for any reason, and certainly no time schools to be closed in the name of racial crimination. If we are to give the leadership world requires of us, we must be true to the at principles of our Constitution-the very nciples which distinguish us 'from our ad- 'saries in the world." HE SELF-STYLED integrationist is the president of a board of education in subur- : Detroit which is one of the few Northern nmunities that has ever faced forced inte- Aion. An all-Negro school area, the George Wash- toh Carver school district was attached to ,k Park, a prosperous, all-white community s fall. The district was attached by the te after it had suffered a long series of ancial woes caused by a miniscule tax base d fradulent handling of public, funds. )ur Oak Park educator now boasts how his ard "accepted the responsibility of educating children of Carver." The board, however, lected a great amount of community pres- 'e to fight the attachment in court. Some vnspeople pledgedl to carry the battle to the preme Court if "justice" could not be found a lower level., [he people in Oak Park did not want their ldren associating with other people who, ne from less luxurious homes, who developed an alien. society and who had a darker ide of skin. )ak Parkers were not timid about their jUdice. They readily broadcast it at public etings, announced it in local papers or conveyed it to a policically malleable board of education member. The board, considering the embarassment the city had already received and the advice of a board-appointed attorney, decided against a court fight. They faced the realization that they must integrate the two systems-but not too quickly. tVHE FORCED ANNEXATION of the Carver district came early enough so that, if the board had wanted it, the Carver students could have been inside Oak Park's superior class- rooms this semester. This did not happen. The Carver students will not start using all of Oak Park's facilities until September. Instead of getting the students into the classrooms where the most good will be es- tablished, our Oak Park educator gives guides for "necessary, but not controversial action." ['E NORTHERN INTEGRATIONIST tells Southern districts which must stop segre- gation to do it slowly. "Busy yourself with transferring property-bank accounts and teach- er and student records. Engage yourself in the ambigious evaluation of 'problems on a basis of long and short term goals.' Keep the com- munity 'informed.' NOT ALL THE steps the Oak Park board took were like the ones above. The board gave medical aid to the Carver students, set up special education classes for them thorough- ly tested them for academic achievement and aptitude and put their parents in already established advisory groups. The attitudes underlying all this action 'are unchanged, however. The Oak Park residents, on the whole, have displayed no redl desire to help the Carver students and are doing it primarily because the law and outside public opinion demand it. Certainly the next school board elections in the city are going to be upsetting, as will the results of the next school election, where voters will be asked for more money to build new classrooms.r WHAT STANDS ABOVE{, the petty politics and behavior of one small and insignifi- cent suburban community is the arrogance of its educational leader who tells others the best ways to achieve harmonious race relations. He is but a doctor telling a sick group how to cope with a disease which is becoming a problem for the public to combat. The doctor himself still carries the ravages of this same malignancy. If this Northern gentleman represents the evolution of a prejudice which has lost its traditional basis for existence, racial discrimi- nation is clearly not going to end after the Southern schools are integrated. The real roots of discrimination lie buried in all soils. --MICHAEL OLINICK in England, Hollend, Germany and in England, Holland, Germany and Austria, and hasarecorded several times on European labels. The Sunday evening perform- Th u d y e eig romance dealt exclusively with the works of J. S. Bach. "Prelude and Fugue in C Major," an early work written by Bach while at Weimar, was followed by a Trio Sonata in D Minor, No. 3. The Prelude and Fugue was : of a more restrained and shapely style, as against Bach's colorful and ever-popular Toccata and Fugue form, while the Trio Sonata in D Minor was lighter and somewhat loose-pos- sibly because the true Sonata form. " * FOLLOWING INTERMISSION, Mr. Vollenweider presented four Chorales: "Kamm Gott, Schop- fer, heiliger Geist," "Kommst du nun, Jesu, von Himmel herunter," "Wir glauben all an einen Gott," and "Von Gott will ich nicht las- sen." Of the four, the latter two were outstanding examples of Bach's ability to add new qualities, of expression and impact to the old chorale form. The concert con- cluded with another early Weimar ;omposition, the Prelude and Fugue in C minor, which, for this writer, was by far the most characteris- tic and demanding piece of 'the evening. Mr. Vollenweider exhibited an amazing degree of control which was both consistent and precise, almost to the point of being me- chanical. His footwork on the ped- al board, especially during the. Trio Sonata, was an excellent dis- play of skill and deftness in the art. Yet there are those who will argue that music demands more of the performer than technical ability; that music is intimately involved with correct interpreta- tion, both in the light of the com- poser and his feeling as well as with the times in which this nmusic is being performed. Few there are who will not admit to the emo- tional and spiritual vitality with which Bach attacked his compos- ing, and it was this part of Bach -- a responsive restlessness, the majestic message, and a deep spiritqal maturity-which some- how seemed missing at Sunday's concert. -Roger Wolthuis Austria, and has recorded several AT THE CAMPUS: 'General' Scores A TR THE STEADY stream of worthy imports and Cinema Guild offerings, it seems almost a waste of time to see current American films, unless you enjoy watching the now meaningless Os- ,car awards on television. {Compared to Roberto, Rossel-. lin's "General Della Rovere," re- cent American thematic counter- parts, "The Apartment" and "The Rat Race"-relatively worthless people drawing upon buried re- serves of courage to make a last minute moral stand--are dimip- ished to rather bad tries. Perhaps it is the dramatic backdrop that makes the differ- ence: Europe during the war as compared to getting ahead in New York. The European back- ground permits the story of a well-rounded phony making a choice between a dishonorable life or an honorable death. The American background permits the story of social climbers facing their own moral vachity. * * THE ALTERNATIVES of the former are desperately either-or. While in the latter, a moral stand is taken that could just as easily have been ,taken in the first fif- teen minutes of the movie. One out of several wprthwhile scenes: during a bombing raid just after he is put into prison to smoke out Italian resistance, the "General" is the first to panic. But when his fear is at the point of an humiliating exposure, he summons up his strength and calms the men-the movie in mini- ature. One thing: if the "General's" choice was merely to die honor- ably, rather than to live or die, the ending would have been bet- ter. y --Thomas Brien .4 SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT: New Direction Needed a HUAC and the Press NEW THREAT has been added to the House Un-American Activities Committee's r-lengthening list. This committee, which ms to be determined to undermine one of basic rights in the First Amendment, now ears free to topple the freedom of the ass. Monday, the Supreme Court handed down a decision, convicting Carl Braden and Frank Reporter HERE APPEARS TO be a certain element of "do-nothingness" in any President. [owever, the press should not be encouraged prompt the President's own child to tell on father. 'o illustrate: (From Monday's Washington t) Three-year-old Caroline Kennedy, the sident's daughter, wandered into the White ise communications room. Reporters asked what her Daddy was doing. He's not doing anything," she replied. "He's sitting up there with his shoes and socks doing nothing." Brhaps, however, Caroline should be named replace White House Press Secretary Sal- er. She at least presents all the facts. --MICHAEL HARRAH L~AirI4apt hialg Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor NAN MARKEL JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director rNETH MCELDOWNEY......Associate City Editor ITH DONER........... gPersonnel Director )MAS KCABAKER.. . .........Magazine Editor OLD APPLEBAUM .. Associate Editorial Director )MAS WITECKI......................Sports Editor HAEL GILLMAN.........Associate Sports Editor Wilkinson of contempt of Congress, for chal- lenging the right of a HUAC subcommittee to question him, on the grounds of the First Amendment. These men, the first an integrationist lead- er, and the second a field secretary for the National Committee to Abolish the House Un- American Activities Committee, were appar- ently subpenoed for actively opposing HUAC positions and actions. THEIR CONVICTION IN the words of Justice Hugo L. Black's dissenting opinion puts Any person who takes a position against the committee in direct danger of being jailed for contempt "if he refuses to cooperate with this committee in its probe of his mind and asso- ciations." There is no question that this action has extremely dangerous implictions. It puts any number of individuals who actively oppose the Committee and its methods in direct danger of (again in Justice Black's words) "Being branded by his neighbors, employer, and erst- while friends as a menace to society, regardless of the outcome of that hearing." But it does even more than this. Having violated one of the basic tenents of the First Amendment-which guarantees freedom of speech--the Committee is now free to "abridge" another-freedom of the press. F MONDAY'S DECISION leaves HUAC open to investigate all persons who oppose it, a good many newspapers, and .newspaper editors who have begun to object to the Committee and its methods are directly in line for attack. Justice Black says he sees no reason why editors would be immune from investigation., "The list of editors will be long as evident from the editorial protest against the com- mittee's activities, including' its recent film, "Operation Abolition." That this threat to the freedom of the press could occur in a so-called "free society" shows how far HUAC has been allowed to over step its (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the final article in a three-part series on the sheriff's office.) By RICHARD OSTLING Daily Staff Writer SHERIFF KLAGER began a series of monthly lectures on law and enforcement shortly be- fore his death. Petersen also has "training meetings," but since a *eporter was not allowed to sit in on one last year, the meetings may be of low quality or else may deal with matters other than training. Petersen dislikes the efforts of the Ann Arbor News and the Washtenaw County Board of Su- pervisors to offer ideas on his personnel program. "If there's anything like that (i.e. new personnel proposals) I want to know about it. Why should I let a two-bit reporter tell me what to do, I want to know? No one's going to tell me what to do and I'll let them know it, too," the sheriff said. * * * He APPARENTLY referred to a discussion of wages and hours for deputies by Supervisor Emory Mulholland, and a recent article in the' News which contrasted county training with the six-week comprehensive schooling for Ann Arbor policemen along with peri- odic investigations and regular pistol work and refresher courses. The News article reported "Sher- iff's deputies in the department have dcomplained that new men are sent on road patrol with no formal instruction. Officers who have been with the department several years also said they have yet to receive refrfesher courses or re-training programs." While Petersen told me that the county is "very cooperative in giv- ing me anything I ask them," he questioned the possibility of offer- ing schooling for his men. "Where is the money coming from for this training?" he asked * * * ANOTHER CENTRAL personnel program is that deputies are hired and fired at the will of the sheriff alone. Just as there are no statu- tory requirements for hiring men, so they/ can be fired at will-they have no job security. In the preface to his 1958 re- port, Sheriff Lillie admitted that since "Sheriff Departments are the last real stronghold for the 'Spoils System' it remains for intelligent legislators, sincere executives in government and an enlightened public to replace this ineffective and dissolute system with one hav- ing ability and performance as the criteria for admission to and re- tention on public payrolls." This is not to imply that offi- cers are hired under this system by the present sheriff. But the fact remains that there is no check on the spoils system and it is eas- Hy possible for such hiring (and firing) to take place. ANOTHER RECENT controversy has been over the pay for depu- ties, who have a starting pay of $4596 with a possible maximum of $5310, for at least 48 hours' work a week. The News compared this with the $5,192 the average Ann ing conditions if minimum quali- fications were established for hir- ing and if a formal training pro- gram was set up. Or it might offer improved wages and/or hours to men who show individual initiative in ob- taining such training. * * * IT IS SIGNIFICANT that the sheriff here has missed an excel- lent opportunity to represent his men and fight for better condi- tions, and hence a better depart- ment. He feels the present condi- tions are adequate and resents the proposals. This is sharply in contrast with the way Ann Arbor Fire Chief Ernest Heller handled a request for improved conditions from his men. He supported their general plan in a recent City Council meeting, although he stated where he disagreed with the men on some administrative details of the proposal. Another example of lack of Initiative is in the touchy prob- lem of handling juveniles delin- quency. While Ann Arbor police are do- ing a remarkable job in this area and have offered assistance to the sheriff's department through Sgt. Chester Parks, made "youth bu- reau officer" by former sheriff Lil- lie, nothing has been done to con- tinue the program. Petersen said that the depart- ment had "no particular Way" of handling special problems such as juveniles, alcoholics, vagrants, and the like. He summarized his poli- cy as follows: "If we have to use force, we use force." THE DEPARTMENT is not with- out its effectiveness. It probably equals or betters the job done by many similar departments else- where. And last year his department re- ceived the Michigan State Safety Commission award for self- m- provement in traffic law enforce- ment, based on miles of patrol re- lated to arrests and convictions obtained, fatal accidents elimin- ated, and accident costs reduced. After citing this award in his defense, Petersen said,. "I would just like to know what I'm doing wrong. I'd like to have the answer to it.' BUT THE KEY to what is wrong lies beyond any part':ular sheriff or department-the problems are symptomatic of conditions which are possible throughout Michigan. Under the state's outdated con- stitution, all sheriffs must be elected for two-year terms,. are responsible only to the voters, and are removable ony by the Governor. With no "home rule," the county legislatures have little or no pow- er over law enforcement opera- tions, with the sheriff as a separ- ate entity held accountable only every two years. * * * IF THE BOARD of Supervisors had general control over an ap- Agreement AFTER the message on educa- tion, which is concerned with people, we had a message last week on the conservation and de- velopment of our natural resources. It is concerned with the lands and the forests of America, with the minerals and fuels beneath them,, with the air, and with the water, the river valleys, and the oceans. The message itself does not con- tain a legislative program. It is rather a kind of ordered summary and panorama of what in the years needs doing about our nat- ural environment. THERE IS ALMOST no one, I imagine, who would care to argue that the objectives laid down are false ones, and that the actions indicated should not be taken. No serious person, for example, would say that there is no water problem, particularly in the West. Or say that a planned, rather than a hap- hazard and helter-skelter, devel- opment of the great river valleys, is a wrong thing to do. Or saythat the pollution of the streams and of the air is not worth worrying about. Or that the erosion of the soil and the destruction of 'the forests do not concern us. And so, and so on, from research in the de-salting of the sea water to the setting aside of recreation areas. Nor will there be many to deny, I think, that the conservation of our natural resources is a primary interest of the nation as a whole, an acknowledged national interest since the founding of the Repub- lic. The states have a great andr essential role to play. But the lead- ership, the planning, and the co- ordination can come only from the Federal government. The boundaries of the states do not co- incide with the boundaries of na- ture. This is in no sense an innova- tion by President Kennedy on the new frontiers. It has been estab- lished American policy since the states on the Atlantic Ocean be- gan to break through the old fron- tiers. * * * THE REAL PROBLEM posed by the message is not about the na- tional interest, or about the con- stitutional principle of Federal leadership. It is how such large and varied measures are to be fi- nanced. Over the years the conser- port of the programs which are still to come. * * * BY THE TIME these programs come into effect, the Administra- tion expects, so I understand, riot. only to have overcome the present recession. It expects also, say in about two years, to be achieving a higher rate of growth-to achieve it by reducing unemployment from over 6, per cent of the labor force to about 4 per cent-which would be non-inflationary "full employ- ment." At this higher rate of eco- nomic activity, the wealth pro- duced this year would be some $40,000,000,000 greater than It is. The revenues from this increase at present tax rates would be an ad- ditional $10,000,000,000. This would be ample to finance strengthening of the national defense, aid to ed- ucation, the resources program, and the welfare measures. We cannot, of course, be sure that these expectations 'will be fulfilled. If they are not, the es- sential needs, defense, education, and the like, will have to be fi- nanced by higher taxes. But with good luck, particularly in prevent- ing a much greater international crisis than we now have today, it is quite within the capacity of the American economy to support a- rising standard of public and of private consumption. We have the labor, the industrial skill, the man- agement, the know-how, and the research to do it. S * * BUT ALONG WITH all that, there will have to go a certain re- education of American public opinion. More exactly, the re-edu- cation will mean the clearing away of the confusion which clusters pointive sheriff it is more probable hiring, training, pay and hours, and job security among deputies could be improved. In the first place, the office-holder would be a knowledgeable expert who would sympathize with such changes; and in the second, he could be made .to follow the' will of the Supervisors if he didn't. If conditions in Washtenaw County are at all typical, there is a great need for a constitutional convention which will spend a great deal of time and thought on improving county government and law enforcement. LIPPMANN Cr about the highly charged words "spending" and "investment." There is, for example, the no- tion that the public authorities at any government level never invest. They only spend. On the other hand, private corporations and private individuals not only spend but also invest. This leads to the blind prejudice that since govern- ments can only spend, whatever money they use tends to be wasted. On the other hand, whenever pri- vate corporations or individuals invest, that is a good thing and a public benefit.. This prejudicial use of words confuses public opinion. The mon- ey spent privately to make auto- mobiles is prudent investment. But the money spent publicly to build the roads for the automobiles is spending. The money to build a public hospital is spending. But. the money to build plants to make the drugs that are dispensed is investment. If a public park is made, that is spending. If a new movie house is built, that is invest- ment. This semantic muddle inhibits clear thinking about public ques- tions. The truth is that there is private spending and private in- vestment and some of it is good and some is not so good and some of it is bad. There is also public spending and public investment, and some of it is good and some of it not so good and some of it is bad. IT TAKES GOOD judgment to spend and invest wisely, be it pub- licly or privately. But that kind of judgment cannot be made at all if we react, like Pavlov's dogs, to the prejudiced sound of words. (Copyright 1961, The New York Times) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication, of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan'Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 General Notices be obtained 'daily March 1.10 at .3011 SAB. vents Wednesday Sociology Colloquium: Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the Economics Department will speak on "Economic Theory and Sociological Theory" on Wed., March I at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. C., Angell Hall. Botanical Seminar. Dr. Margaret B. Davis, Yaie University, will speak on "Sources of Error in Pollen Analysis" on Wed., March I at 4:15 p.m. Refresh- ments at,4 pm. in 11391N$.